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All-Star-Ellis' Terrain Dump.
Jul 6 2008, 7:33 am
By: AllStarEllis  

Jul 6 2008, 7:33 am AllStarEllis Post #1

I've realised lately I have been making.. maybe a bit too many topics xD .

So from now on I will post here instead of making a new topic (unless its THAT amazing that it deserves a new topic..)

I'll start with this: A Water - Temple blend.. with a waterfall! ^^

Water Temple.JPG
Hits: 88 Size: 111.14kb


Jul 6 2008, 8:11 am AllStarEllis Post #2

Using that basic Idea, I then developed this Piece of terrain :) .

Hits: 70 Size: 40.29kb


Jul 6 2008, 10:55 am ShanghaiJedi Post #3

I love the smoothness in the blends, & doesn't to seem any noticeable conflicts in the blends.
& I love how you used a creative approach of integrating the pillar doodads into your terrain, I think it's stunning.

Only thing I don't really care much for is the waterfall's 'water bolts', they've always seemed awkward to me whenever I've seen people use them, but hey, that's just me!



Jul 6 2008, 11:26 am Axii Post #4

Man, Im such a fan of your blends :), I wish I could do that, I love how Creative you are!


Jul 6 2008, 1:57 pm Clokr_ Post #5

The first one is quite impressive. GJ.


Jul 6 2008, 3:59 pm Falkoner Post #6

I'm loving the temple to water blends, can I see how it looks without the pillar sprites? Is it blocky there, or did you just add them for looks? The waterfall on the first one is a bit blocky as well, try having the pieces on the ends blend into water, instead of just being all white.


Jul 6 2008, 5:34 pm AllStarEllis Post #7

Ah.. yeah without the sprites its MAJORLY blocky..
Hmmn.. No more blends till tomorrow now (Im watching a movie), then ive got school so Im thinking you might get another blend later tomorrow afternoon :-_-:

Oh well ^^

Enjoy the ones ive got at the moment and COMMENT ON MY RUINS DOODAD xD


PS: EH?!? Axii is you avatar a re-coloured version of C.C. from code geass? Let me know xD..


Jul 10 2008, 3:36 pm LasTCursE Post #8

I'm new in map making and i wondered where can i find some tiles blends and that kind of stuff :wtfage:


Jul 10 2008, 6:10 pm AllStarEllis Post #9

Double Slope! =]

Double Slope.PNG
Hits: 46 Size: 260.69kb


Jul 10 2008, 11:46 pm payne Post #10


VERY well done!
I like the way you suppressed the heigh issue with a spirte (I think :P)


Jul 10 2008, 11:53 pm stickynote Post #11

That last one could be deblockified, but it's still really cool. The first one is really awesome! The second one looks really cool, but I don't really like it. But I guess it could be a swimming pool or something.


Jul 11 2008, 2:20 am Falkoner Post #12

Nice job, there was definite terrain height issues, but it was good blending overall.


Jul 11 2008, 6:54 am ATG Post #13

Wow.Nice blends! All of 'em! Keep making them!

P.S Good luck on the terrain hall of fame!


Jul 20 2008, 1:46 pm AllStarEllis Post #14

Im back :crazy: , with this peice! Its a 2 in 1: Earthquake and low ruins walls blends :D


Hits: 31 Size: 39.79kb


Jul 20 2008, 3:20 pm AllStarEllis Post #15

2 MORE! a Hole in the SIDE of a bridge and a ruins tower that looks extra smexy ^^ .

Enjoy :3

Ruins Tower.JPG
Hits: 32 Size: 32.61kb
Bridge Broken.JPG
Hits: 34 Size: 48.7kb


Jul 20 2008, 3:32 pm Falkoner Post #16

Holy crud! I love the ruins walls, I may use it as like a bar or something, the blending of bridges, temple, and that doodad was a great job, the earthquake is just meh, but still a funny idea :P

The ruins tower is pretty sweet, a bit blocky, I think if you just fixed up the top so all the tiles blended together, it would make it look at least a bit better, but nice job.

The Broken Bridge. So. Friggin. Sexy. It seems you used a tile to the left of the broken part that made it more blocky and wasn't needed, I would remove that, but I love how the water parts all blend together, awesome blending of doodads, nice work man.

One thing I noticed though, all of them I think are a bit more blocky than the picture shows, make sure you save them as .PNG, so we can see if it's blocky or not, JPEG blurs, even more than GIF.


Jul 20 2008, 4:20 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #17

The broken bridge is by far my favorite piece by you. It's some real quality work. gj!


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