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MMML = Map Making Memory Loss
May 12 2008, 1:50 pm
By: Sly  

May 12 2008, 1:50 pm Sly Post #1

I'm sure some of you have gone through MMML before lol. Yeah, try not map making or playing SC for a year, and then coming back. I mean it will obviously all come back to me once I start up again, but the really complicated stuff might take longer. I'm wondering though, what do you guys who have gone through MMML do to 'relearn' and 'remember' everything you used to know about map making. Do you just start making a new map with a crazy idea or do you take a few hours to look at some of the maps you have done in the past. Well, I just looked at one of the maps I was working on when I was at my peak and holy crap that shit is confusing lol. It has like 40,000 triggers and is like 5% done, and none of the triggers repeat. I really need to get back to my level in the past!

So yeah, what are your methods of beating MMML!!!

Oh and since i've been out of the MM loop for a while, what are the current best programs or combination of programs to make great maps for SC.

~ Peace ~


May 12 2008, 2:18 pm Impeached Post #2

Should've posted in UMS Theory & Ideas for more help.

And I forgot pretty much everything when I came back after about 2 year's hiatus, but it all came back within a couple weeks.


May 12 2008, 3:51 pm Sly Post #3

Sorry about not posting it in the right section, but this is the first time i use this site :P. Oh and wow it took you a couple of weeks? Hmm, I should get started now then :P


May 12 2008, 4:07 pm Daedalus Post #4

For a good (or the best, in my humble opninion) editor you want SCM Draft 2, which can be found in the database.

I have a habit of editing a couple of weeks/months, stop for a couple of week/months/years and then start map making again. That is one reason why I have never finished a map, but I don't really care about that (yet).
My way to beat 'MMML'? Well, like you I get confused to crap when I look at my old maps even though I always take lots of notes. So usually I just completely start over with the map. I never forget what I wanted to do with the map and which methods I was using so most of the time it does not take as long to come as far as the first time.

I just started over with a map yesterday and because I use a slightly different triggering method I am now almost as far as my previous attempt but with less code and more bug free. I did encounter a whole new probem with the map though, but that's why it is such an addicting challange.

BTW: Always take notes (in notepad or so) while creating a difficult map, that will save you a lot of pain when you take even a short break. Write things done like which Death Counter you use to track what, etc.


May 12 2008, 4:07 pm lolzzzzzzzz Post #5

I usually rotate between my games and I had a wait of around 8 months without playing SC or map making at all... yea, it gets pretty rusty but you pick up real fast IF you had some experience before, like at least you made a map successfully, it stays in your mind how to do things.

Best map editing program for me: SCMDraft 2 v0.8.0 beta

Best protection program for me: ProEdit (Uberation is good too but for some reason DOES NOT work for me)


May 12 2008, 4:27 pm Sly Post #6

Thanks, yeah I used to take a lot of notes too since i love DC's and used to use them prolifically. And yeah I can say i've had experience before since i've finished like 8 really nice maps. But the thing is, i LOVE starting new ones, i'm addicted. So I have like 25 maps in progress lol.


May 12 2008, 4:44 pm Impeached Post #7

Write things done like which Death Counter you use to track what, etc.
A good way to avoid death counter confusion is simply to rename the unused units you use as DCs.


May 12 2008, 5:11 pm Heimdal Post #8

It's nice to see people coming back...I just returned a week or two ago.

Not that I've actually made a map in about 7 years...I just hang around and tell people how to do things :)


May 12 2008, 5:12 pm fritfrat Post #9

I didn't forget anything O.o Concept wise I remember it, and map-specific wise I have notes for everything.


May 12 2008, 8:11 pm pneumatic Post #10

Starting off with a new crazy idea is good. That way, you'll be forced to figure out how to solve problems. You'll learn by necessity, and you'll know which concepts you need to look back at. Then everything else will start coming back with it.


May 12 2008, 9:23 pm Twitch Post #11

Well for a editor to use scm draft 2 ver 0.8.0 b(it has a few fixes ill pm you it)
For remembering how to do things I would just jump right back into mapping and reading tutorials and it should come back to you.


May 12 2008, 9:48 pm Falkoner Post #12

I don't forget, but I've never been off mapping for more than 3-4 months, so I don't know, I find that in big maps, it's super hard to get back into the actual map unless you really commented it up, I like to continue to work on projects constantly, at least just a little, or I'll forget what I was doing.


May 13 2008, 5:50 am pneumatic Post #13

Quote from Falkoner
I find that in big maps, it's super hard to get back into the actual map unless you really commented it up, I like to continue to work on projects constantly, at least just a little, or I'll forget what I was doing.
Very true. Especially when you've been gone from mapping in general. Starting new projects and solving new trigger problems will often make you remember what you were doing with the bigger projects.


May 14 2008, 12:31 am Atlos Post #14

I just came back as well and had a lot of trouble remembering where I was in my map as well. I'm all caught up now. :)

I really only forget those minor triggering tips/tricks that I would make a bunch of test maps for.


May 16 2008, 5:41 am Pi1fer Post #15

Can somebody point in the right direction as to how to install Star Draft 2 propperly since i have an error with CWAD files?


May 16 2008, 9:46 am NudeRaider Post #16

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

When you start scmdraft a splash screen appears. Don't continue, but edit the default profile and enter sc path. You have to do that once and then it's remembered.

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