Staredit Network > Forums > Clan Oo > Topic: Oo Mansion!
Oo Mansion!
May 6 2008, 4:42 am

May 6 2008, 4:42 am SOLAR Post #1

We're going to start a new project! It will be titled Oo Mansion! There will be 50 rooms, give or take. The way to play, is every member will make one room (or more) and be limited to a set number of locations and units. Each room will contain a puzzle, or challenge of some sort, and there will be a way to pass it. There will be x amount of stories (possibly 5 stories?) and there will be a hallway full of 10 rooms (or so) per story. People will be able to go from room to room, and try to pass the rooms. When all of a story is completed, the staircase will become available to the next floor. The levels should be easier on the lower floors, and increasingly more difficult as you approach the upper floors.

Limits and Rules -
No more than 25 people may work on the map.
10 locations max per mapmaker. (Recycling is encouraged)
10 lists of death counts available per mapmaker. DCS must be used at the very top of the list, and move down alphabetically.
10 switches available per mapmaker.
1 room minimum, 4 rooms maximum.
SCMDRAFT 2 will be used to avoid errors.
No editing other people's triggers.
All triggers will be created with the comment being formatted as such:
Maker Name : descriptivetext
No sounds may be uploaded, however a beep or two will be available to use.
All players MUST under Player 9 add a trigger with the condition never, the action Comment, formatted like below when using death counters.
Maker Name : Death Of Unit - Descriptivetext
Players may give permission to other players to use unused locations, switches, and death counters.

Two day editing limit. Be as quick as possible. When the map is completed, give it to Solar, for inspection and to pass on to the next person.

People working on the map so far.

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on May 17 2008, 4:32 pm by SOLAR.


May 6 2008, 5:25 am DevliN Post #2


Sounds like fun. Too bad I don't use SCMDraft. ;)

Are you letting members fashion their own rooms, or are you going to make a basic layout first and then have people pick which space they want to inhabit for their obstacles? It may seem really unbalanced if people can shape their own rooms...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 6 2008, 9:29 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 6 2008, 11:42 am JamaL Post #3

Great idea, I've learned from my past Clan maps that they're very hard to finish, though.

If you make all the terrain & have the base triggers in place, then it should be fine.

..of course, I'll take place in it. I need to start mapping a little more again. ;]


May 6 2008, 3:11 pm HavoK Post #4

I would like to get involved in this! Sounds like loads of fun! :D


May 7 2008, 1:03 am SOLAR Post #5

Quote from DevliN
Sounds like fun. Too bad I don't use SCMDraft. ;)

Are you letting members fashion their own rooms, or are you going to make a basic layout first and then have people pick which space they want to inhabit for their obstacles? It may seem really unbalanced if people can shape their own rooms...

Yes, definately. There will be the basic triggers and terrain set up. People can change the terrain within their room, of course!


May 7 2008, 1:38 am T-MaStAA Post #6

We should scrap this project and make an Oo sexy pics series.


May 7 2008, 3:34 am Snipe Post #7

consider it done.


May 7 2008, 3:49 am InDiGo. Post #8

Oh well i prolly wont be playing much SC anymore, Playing Age of Conan and working full time so anyways, here is my room for the map if you want to add as a bonus room

Puzzle Game.scx
Hits: 5 Size: 20.49kb


May 7 2008, 4:29 am DevliN Post #9


Quote from T-MaStAA
We should scrap this project and make an Oo sexy pics series.
I'm all for it!

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 8 2008, 10:28 am CooL Post #10

Wow, this is great!
I want to be in. Can I?


May 8 2008, 11:00 am JamaL Post #11

Quote from CooL
Wow, this is great!
I want to be in. Can I?

You're in Clan Oo, and it's a clan project.. of course you can be in, CooL.

By my predictions, though, it's going to take a few weeks for SOLAR to actually start passing it around.


May 8 2008, 10:38 pm DevliN Post #12


Yeah, just like the last two Clan Oo maps I think we attempted.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 9 2008, 12:00 am T-MaStAA Post #13

Here guys, I made a quick little movie edit to help anyone who needs ideas for a room
Hope it helps.


May 9 2008, 12:49 am Alkali Post #14

Quote from T-MaStAA
Here guys, I made a quick little movie edit to help anyone who needs ideas for a room
Hope it helps.

thanks for the advice mastaa, where would I be without you!


May 9 2008, 2:20 am Twitch Post #15

Quote from T-MaStAA
Here guys, I made a quick little movie edit to help anyone who needs ideas for a room
Hope it helps.
Thanks I wanted to hear that song today =].


May 9 2008, 10:58 am CooL Post #16

Quote from JamaL
Quote from CooL
Wow, this is great!
I want to be in. Can I?

You're in Clan Oo, and it's a clan project.. of course you can be in, CooL.

By my predictions, though, it's going to take a few weeks for SOLAR to actually start passing it around.

Where can I get this map


May 9 2008, 11:42 am JamaL Post #17

Quote from CooL
Where can I get this map

He hasn't completed it enough that distribution can be started.

..or, he's not ready to pass it on yet.


May 9 2008, 8:33 pm DevliN Post #18


Yeah, he most likely hasn't started it yet. SOLAR is funny when is comes to the forums, he only posts like once a week. :)

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 12 2008, 2:08 am SOLAR Post #19

Alright, I've created the map, made the basic layout, and T-MaStAA is working on the minimap terrain. He will return it to me when it's done, and I'll set up the basic locations and triggers. At that point, I'll create my 1-4 rooms, and pass the map on to whoever is on when I'm on, and who is ready to work on the map that day.


May 13 2008, 3:38 am Sly Post #20

SICK, nooo SOlar let me do terrain, you know how sexy my terrain is


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