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Uncharted Waters Online
Jul 19 2011, 1:29 pm
By: poison_us  

Jul 19 2011, 1:29 pm poison_us Post #1

Back* from the grave

[TS info: port:9987, ask for the password]


Another free to play game here, Uncharted Waters Online (UWO) is made in Asia by NetMarble. You start out as a nobody, and through hard work you become a somebody. You can fight on sea or on land, trade, and explore to make your mark on the 14th to 16th century era. Despite a huge number of historical marks, there are too many conflicting pieces to put down a certain date, which is a nice touch to me. You gain the ability to have aides (which leads to jokes often in schoolchat), but you can never sail more than one ship. Your levels determine a large majority of the gameplay, such as your number of skills and your available ships.


Ok, the obvious first (and easiest) job type to explain is the Merchant. Merchant ships tend to be moderately weak in combat, somewhat faster than Battle ships, and have a huge cargo. Whether it's trading bought goods (faster), or actually producing your own goods (much more lucrative), the Merchant job type is by far the easiest. Able to buy more, sell at a higher profit, and produce, Merchants tend to be the first choice of new players and the fallback role for anyone short on money.

Adventure job classes focus around discoveries. Discoveries can literally be anything~even stepping into a new town counts as one, though undoubtedly hundreds of people "discovered" it before you. Adventure specializes in essentially non-combative roles; discovering plants, animals, ancient things, and recovering shipwrecks. Adventure ships tend to be moderately durable but don't have quite the firepower of even trade ships, a good sized cargo, and fast speed. Adventurers aren't really a first choice for many players, at least from what I see.

Obviously, the Battle job type (called Maritime, but that sounds too general to me, maritime = having to do with sea, so...:disgust:) is the hardest. Combining battle skills with the inherent money hole that is fighting and repairing, its hard to do much. In my opinion. Battle ships are slower, the cargo varies but is usually lower than Adventure's, but they excel in combat with more men, more cannons, and better turn speed. Battle jobs are all based on combat, whether that's cannon-, melee-, or land-based. Battle characters can also learn Shipbuilding, which is the most lucrative skill once it's a high rank. Battle characters tend to be either new players that want to be pirates, or experienced players that basically want more fighting.


Already mentioned, there's not much to add. Gameplay revolves around your class's specialties, which can be changed at any time. Here's some important info though: starting waters are entirely PvE. Only certain areas are PvP, and those are decently close to starting areas, but nowhere you can get without actually trying. Plus, there's a warning that pops up when you enter, and a constant marker on your map. School chat, which is a nice feature (albeit there are only 200 total players allowed in :disgust:), is very useful for helping others or getting help from others. Companies, which are essentially guilds, allow for many more things once you get in one (though I don't have one, I may start a SEN company if we get a few people on) [Old info; SEN company is now up and running, simply head to any Company Administration Office, apply to SEN, and I'll let you in ;D] Quests come in two categories, of which you can have at most one: Event and GM/School. Event quests require Fame to unlock, as well as time (I'm currently on Chapter 18, IIRC, and have been for the past 3 days), while GM/School quests are different...GM quests look at your overall progress in whichever class you're examining the quests for and give a few quests based on this. School quests are entirely in order, no fame, time, or any other requirement except having completed the previous quest. GM quests give a variety of rewards, while School quests give gold, fame, and the infrequent additional item. School quests are intended to teach you how to play, while giving you more rewards than GM quests, so generally it's wise to complete them ;)


As alluded to before, this could be split up into three subsections: cannon-, melee-, and land-based. Cannons tend to be the best choice for newer players; they have range, and can deal massive damage. On-hit effects ranging from smoke balls to make your enemy less accurate, incendiary to...well, set 'em on fire, grapeshot to tear through the enemy sailors, and chainshot to destroy their sails also are available. Cannons, however, need cannonballs to fire, and the more men you have the more damage they do, so there is a space conflict...which leads to melee combat.

Melee is for players looking to get more loot. Specialized ships like Galleys tend to be the best; high troop count combined with rowing power to speed more effectively than sails make for a melee ship that's hard to beat. One skill, called Plunder, makes it much more lucrative than cannon-based combat. Plunder allows you to...well, plunder more stuff when you win. Of course, there's also ramming, but I have yet to see a player do that often.

Finally, there's land-based combat. This battle system is more or less turn-based. Fighting against usually bandits, thieves, and ex-military, there tends to be more skill involved with countering the enemy. You get a meter that fills up when you attack, allowing you to use items that deplete the meter a certain amount.

And that's really it. Any more, you can learn by the in-game school system, school chat, or asking me directly. Now, for my unbiased, not-trying-to-sell-you-the-game opinion: UWO, for a free MMORPG, is MASSIVE. It's so open that there's literally no limit to what you can do...well, ok, you can't marry the barwench, but you understand what I'm saying. It's not a very action-packed game, even for my Battle class, so if you're looking for constant excitement you probably need to go ahead and leave. Even so, it's the only game I have that relaxes me 100% of the time.

Screenshots and Videos



Player List

SEN Name -- UWO main | UWO second

Oh, and I don't have (or don't remember getting) a referral link, so no more of that BS :P
Oh, and capitalization IS IMPORTANT.
Oh, and one more thing: Contact me when you hit the levels required for a Flute, and you'll get one free ;)



Post has been edited 12 time(s), last time on Jul 19 2011, 10:32 pm by poison_us.

Jul 19 2011, 1:31 pm Moogle Post #2

Predator of Bed Chambers

It a pretty fun game may start out slow but it enjoyable.. I'm a fat man sailor arrrgh! no really my character is a fat man.

Anyway I'm on sometimes not always so add me if ya want if ya want to play.

The job I picked was " Maritime " because well I'm lazy and just want to ram ships =/

If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Jul 19 2011, 2:05 pm poison_us Post #3

Back* from the grave

Well, the videos aren't terribly laggy, but I have to turn off antialiasing...:disgust:

Oh, and if FRAPS is recording when changing between areas it crashes UWO.

Jul 19 2011, 2:24 pm NicholasBeige Post #4

Iz downloading. Iz nais yes?

Cardinal is Cardinal. Go go.


Jul 19 2011, 2:41 pm poison_us Post #5

Back* from the grave

Your in-game name is what I need, which you shouldn't have before you download. Also, forgot to mention, but there are two downloads: the NetMarble client, then UWO itself. And then patches.

Jul 19 2011, 2:50 pm NicholasBeige Post #6

95% on the UWO download. Will edit this post with my in game name.


Jul 19 2011, 3:06 pm poison_us Post #7

Back* from the grave

Edited OP: Now has the opening video, two popular links to English sites with info, as well as a bonus offer: contact me when you get the levels for a flute, which are 11/6/3, 6/10/3, or 3/6/11 depending on your job, and I'll make one for free. The sites, though they are nowhere near as complete as the Asian's, still provide useful information for trivial things.

EDIT: Now have a company. I've only got 35k now, so I'm gonna fish my ass off :D
EDIT2: Oh, yeah, btw, you need to apply for me to let you in. Go to any company administration office, look up SEN, and apply.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 19 2011, 10:29 pm by poison_us.

Jul 20 2011, 5:04 pm NicholasBeige Post #8

Is it possible to run two clients at once?


Jul 20 2011, 5:20 pm poison_us Post #9

Back* from the grave

There are probably workarounds, but as far as I know the only way to play with two different accounts at the same time is with multiple computers.

How'd I know it wouldn't be long before someone asked this? Seriously...

Jul 21 2011, 2:48 am MadZombie Post #10

Maybe it's because I'm just not a high enough level but I don't like how I 'm trading with NPC's and not actual people. It's not fun unless I can convince someone to buy something they don't need. That's the best part, the trading with other people I mean. Also you can get infinite cash by doing the egg chicken/duck to feathers trick.

That's not cool man :C


Jul 21 2011, 6:32 pm NudeRaider Post #11

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Is there a way around installing that lame Marble game portal software?

Jul 21 2011, 8:41 pm MadZombie Post #12

Doubt it. It's their way of preventing hacks and updating their game like most of these uh... chain MMO companies that have multiple MMOs

They mostly all do it.


Jul 21 2011, 9:31 pm Raitaki Post #13

poison, is there a chart of where I can catch what kinds of fish? I'm doing a quest, and they told me to get 5 barrels of saury...;_;


Jul 22 2011, 1:01 am MadZombie Post #14

you big lazy


Jul 23 2011, 1:47 am Raitaki Post #15

Just opened 2 parallel UWO instances by mistake :P It's perfectly ok, as long as the chars you're playing aren't on the same acc :3 Signing out of Netmarble while playing UWO is perfectly fine too :3


Jul 23 2011, 1:51 am poison_us Post #16

Back* from the grave

Quote from Raitaki
Signing out of Netmarble while playing UWO is perfectly fine too :3
Quote from Raitaki
Just opened 2 parallel UWO instances by mistake :P It's perfectly ok, as long as the chars you're playing aren't on the same acc :3
It's always come up with error -17 for me, which is a connection error.


367.8% profit, without haggling, and I can make more from local goods. Drinks are on me.

Though the rest of the items reduce it to only 42% profit...maybe I should just stick to Akvavit :awesome:

EDIT2: Except the fish, ofc >.>
Also, 684 trade xp, 7 trade fame. NOW I GET TO USE MY BIG FUCKING TRADING CARAVEL. HELL YES. <pix coming>

EDIT3: Stupid image hosting sites timing out, won't let me upload even one of my two 2MB screenies. Now I have to use...JPG :disgust:


Need to repurchase a sail paint 4, but other than that :drool:

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 25 2011, 1:35 am by poison_us.

Jul 27 2011, 3:12 pm poison_us Post #17

Back* from the grave

[Update] Menace of Ottoman
By UWO, Jul 24, 2011

1. New Power, Ottoman Empire
New Story of Ottoman Empire unfolds in Uncharted Waters Online!

Besides previous 6 nations; Spain, Portugal, England, France, The Netherlands,
Venice, one new additional nation is introduced; The Ottoman. This newly
emerged nation has the best military resources and being the biggest threat to
the West European Nations.

Voyagers at West European Areas now have the choice whether to stay with their original nation to fight against the Ottoman military or to make the defection to the new wave, the Ottoman. In order to make the defection, many qualifications are required to meet. When they succeed in defection, they will put into the situation that is totally opposite to now; being an opponent of Western Europe.

Now, it is your decision to make. Choose to stay with your initially chosen nation, or to follow the new wave.

[New Quest]
A new imperial quest that opens the new route to connect Mediterranean and Red Sea is now available! Beforehand, to reach the India, voyagers departing West European area had to go far around the Southern part of Africa. This new route will significantly shorten the distance and time.

[New Ship]
Powerful Ottoman Navy possesses the Galleys equipped with peddles and sails, and new Galley, ‘Turkish Galley” will be introduced. ‘Turkish Galley’ has the long body as existing ‘Heavy Galleys,’ but its body is a lot sharp and narrow, so it has the better control in turning and rotating and better mobility.

[New Cultures]
The vast territory ruled by the Ottoman Turks will introduce new customs, climate, and Turkish clothing you’ve never seen in Western Europe. Newly introduced clothes include men’s and women’s, and all of them are made with dazzling ornaments of fancy embroidery.

2. Change your Nation
With the emergence of Ottoman, voyagers can change their chosen nation!

Who can apply for Defection?
When below qualification have met, you can talk to ‘Ibrahim’ at Istanbul
  • Relation with the Ottoman Turks is above “Affection”
  • Possess dock permit to Central America & Panama, Suez Canal Passage
  • Total level of Adventure, Trade and Battle & Fame is above certain level
  • Nobility reaches certain amount
  • Possess sizable amount of Ducat to pay for its application process fee

*Defection to another nation is available by purchasing “Secret Defection Application”

  • Regardless of their disguise level, they can enter the Islamic cities
  • The Ottoman’s army reinforcement item (Red Covenant) is activated;
    you can receive a support from Barbarian Pirate, Hyreddin.
  • Hyreddin will provide useful advices, and these advices will result in
    • Gain access to Ottoman exclusive route to Istanbul using tow system.
    • Higher beneficial rate to use Suez Canal comparing to other 6 nations.
  • Army reinforcement item (Red Covenant) is unable to be used in PvP,
    Epic Sea Feud, or Battle Campaign.

  • Voyagers who apply for the defection must pay sizable money
  • Their Adventure, Trade and Battle level & Fame will be decreased
  • Relationship with the previous nation will become “hostile”

3. Own a Private Farm
Own a deserted island as your private production base!

There are many islands that can be obtained as your private production hub. With your private farm, you can yield various production lines on your own. In order to have one, you need to explore the ocean to discover the suitable island, and simply declare the “possession.” Same as the apartmento system, all characters are eligible to own private farm.

Enjoy the new features voyagers!

UWO Team

Interested in the Farms, I am. Also, not sure if this update is live, I'd assume it is, but I went elsewhere and didn't look for patching after I started UWO. Too bad they don't give more info on the farms.

Rai, that guy paid 1.2M when I was asking for 865k (which was the cost to make plus about 120 gold to round it up). I'll split the difference as commission for referring him to me. You've got 167,500 gold waiting for you whenever you get on.

Jul 27 2011, 3:34 pm Azrael Post #18

Can I be a pirate, looting and scuttling the ships of other players?

And are the farms instanced, or can you find someone else's farm and wreak havoc on them?

Jul 27 2011, 3:44 pm NicholasBeige Post #19

So if I sail around in the ocean long enough I may or may not eventually find a farm island?


Jul 27 2011, 7:58 pm poison_us Post #20

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
Can I be a pirate, looting and scuttling the ships of other players?

And are the farms instanced, or can you find someone else's farm and wreak havoc on them?
Yes, in certain areas.

No, probably not.

Quote from name:Cardinal
So if I sail around in the ocean long enough I may or may not eventually find a farm island?
That's my guess.

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[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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