Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: How to deselect a unit
How to deselect a unit
Jan 3 2011, 3:26 am
By: iCCup.xboi209  

Jan 3 2011, 3:26 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #1

Hey I'm looking for triggers to deselect a unit. The only way I've been thinking of is through something like night/day triggers. An example is Mars Survive 3 map where if your unit goes in the dark, you can still own it but the game will deselect the unit. :bye1:
It seems that the Mars Survive map is locked and I cannot unlock it with os map =0
So does anyone mind giving me the triggers?


Jan 3 2011, 3:32 am FatalException Post #2

I would assume that this would just be turning off vision with all players and turning it back on. You'll need an editor better than the original StarEdit to do it. I used SCMDraft 2 on SC1, and in there, I think turning on and off vision was under the Run AI Script action.


Jan 3 2011, 3:36 am Kaias Post #3

You can force a deselect by giving their unit(s) to a different player and then give it back. Or you could do the night/day method via the Run AI script action, where you turn off the player's shared vision with themselves with the "Turn OFF shared vision of [player that you want to have lose selection] with current player", making sure that the player who owns the trigger is that same player that you want the deselection to occur for.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 3 2011, 3:38 am by Kaias. Reason: increased specificity


Jan 3 2011, 3:36 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #4

I am using ScmDraft2(it still says 0.8.0 but it's actually 0.8.1) already but I've been thinking about that trigger but it doesn't make sense to me. btw there's gonna be units from other players in the same area too


Jan 3 2011, 3:37 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #5

Kaias ty for clearing this up, turning off vision for the current player. I don't want to give the unit to a computer because I need the player to create a scarab and the scarab could be loss by giving the reaver to a computer then back


Jan 3 2011, 3:39 am StarBlue Post #6

You could just use a trigger that gives the unit to another player, and quickly give it back to the actual player. Wait do you want to make it immoble, or just deselect it for a moment? woah... you just ninja'd me.


Jan 3 2011, 3:41 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #7

???ninjad you???


Jan 3 2011, 3:42 am Kaias Post #8

I'd also point out that if you don't want a map wide vision loss and only want deselection to occur on (a) specific unit(s), you can turn off the players shared vision with himself and provide vision for him in specific areas using another player to give him vision (turn on shared vision of [that player] with current player) and then move those/that unit(s) into an area of the map that you aren't having that player provide vision for, and then move the unit(s) back to where they were before.

Probably more trouble than you're looking for though.


Jan 3 2011, 3:47 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #9

Kaias im fine with your first post


Jan 3 2011, 4:02 am DavidJCobb Post #10

Holy shit, I thought Kaias left.

@Kaias: Does he have to time the vision loss with respect to vision updates, such that Player gets at least one frame without vision of anything? Or can he simply enable/disable vision at any time, regardless of when vision updates?


Jan 3 2011, 5:30 am Kaias Post #11

Quote from DavidJCobb
Holy shit, I thought Kaias left.

@Kaias: Does he have to time the vision loss with respect to vision updates, such that Player gets at least one frame without vision of anything? Or can he simply enable/disable vision at any time, regardless of when vision updates?
"You can check out any time you'd like but you can never leave"

Time it or disable it for the length of one cycle. I can't remember how long that is off the top of my head.


Jan 3 2011, 6:29 pm rockz Post #12

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

100 frames for vision. 30 frames for cloaked stuff, 1 unit is detected per frame (detection lasts around 40 frames).

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