Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Melee Map Projects > Topic: Melee Map Contest Melee Map Contest
May 20 2010, 5:06 am
By: Picturesque  

May 20 2010, 5:06 am Picturesque Post #1

Hi Everyone,

I wasn't too sure on where to post this thread, but it's about melee mapping.

There's a contest at that is currently in the voting period and we have a small community so we want more votes!

There are only three entries.

Participants are to remain anonymous until voting is over. The three participants are Derqua, newbiemapmaker (me), and Quelex.

(8)Twilight Mountains

(6)Invasion Lake

(2)War's Final Calling

Feel free to take a look at the maps and vote!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 21 2010, 2:08 am by Picturesque.


May 20 2010, 5:10 am UnholyUrine Post #2

Please, if you can, refrain from posting in this thread.
Can an admin lock this? I don't want any posts.

Then don't post here O.o


May 20 2010, 12:22 pm Picturesque Post #3

The reason why I don't want any posts is because right now, since the voting is going on, many noobs just read the posts and then just base their decisions on others people's judgments.


May 20 2010, 12:38 pm Excalibur Post #4

The sword and the faith

Well Picturesque, I'm Excalibur, you may have heard of me. :sly:

The melee section is my baby, and I don't appreciate you making this topic AFTER the contest is already in voting so that none of our people can't submit anything. What? We can't contribute to the contest but you'll happily take our votes as people who have nothing to do with your community? What are you just looking to make the vote numbers higher?

I don't mind you coming to SEN to try and encourage some inter-site relations. But bringing a contest to us for voting and not saying anything while we could still map for it is a real shot to the face. I'd appreciate a little courtesy next time.

Thread stays open, people can comment as they wish.

Edit: Oh and I see you linked to my video tutorials. I thank you, but from looking at the maps, no one really took any of the advice I gave. All the maps are terribad. :(

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on May 20 2010, 1:30 pm by Excalibur.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

May 20 2010, 4:45 pm Forsaken Archer Post #5

Ex, being harsh as always.

I voted.


May 20 2010, 4:47 pm UnholyUrine Post #6

For once, I agree with Ex :drunk: (lol shocking I know)

I was going to rant, but since Ex explained it pretty well, I won't...

So I'm going to talk about ur maps.
Your first map - twilight mountain..
  • Bases are tankable.
  • Not enough space for turret line
  • Horrible mineral/gas placement
  • Uninspired terraining (i.e. generally ugly)
  • Too tight, so T > all (?)
  • Bases are too small

Second map - invasion lake
  • Red and Blue missing space for turret line
  • Middle expos are waaay too clustered
  • Horribly uninspired terraining (i.e. REaLLY ugly this time :P)

Third map - War's Final calling
This one is muuuch better. Terrain looks generally nice... and some concepts are placed in there
tho there're still some problems, like that Gas expo hidden away with mineral walls is unecessary.

if anything, the third map is the best... but the first two are really bad :C
If the third one is latest one you've made, then you're heading the right direction ^^


May 20 2010, 7:09 pm Dem0n Post #7

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I wish I was informed of this contest before hand. I could've won with a 20-minute map, no offense. :<_<:

May 20 2010, 9:08 pm Picturesque Post #8

I'm not the host of the contest, Derqua is. My second map is up there but I'm not gonna say which one because the contest rules state that creators of maps are to remain anonymous until after the voting period.

I'll tell who created what map afterwards, when the voting period is over.

We're all beginners. My second melee map is up there. Derqua is a beginner as well, we started at about the same time. Quelex... I don't know how long but he's definitely a beginner at melee mapping still.

Our site is really small. There's only about a dozen or so active members. Recently, it's been even more inactive. But I still hang around there, not for many actual Starcraft reasons but just to chill out. It's like a cozy shack instead of a giant neighborhood.


May 20 2010, 10:05 pm DevliN Post #9


Why do you have 2 accounts here? :P

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 20 2010, 10:57 pm StarBlue Post #10

Excalibur is such an Excaliboaster... I like it XD lol
Anyways, I don't think that posting this thread was a good idea, I mean, a completely different site and you post something after voting has already started? Thw maps are good, but not THAT good. I'm probably not any better, but then again, I'm not posting maps for votes.
EDIT: I don't exactly know why people think agreeing with Excalibur is unlikely, I agree with almost every post of his I see. Well, anyways, like he said, it's a real shot in the face...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 20 2010, 11:01 pm by StarBlue. Reason: Added something


May 20 2010, 10:59 pm Excalibur Post #11

The sword and the faith

Quote from StarBlue
Thw maps are good, but not THAT good. I'm probably not any better, but then again, I'm not posting maps for votes.
No, they're not good, not good at all. Please note:
1. Do I know what I am talking about?
-If you have no idea how to make a balanced melee yourself, you really don't have much business trying to tell someone else how to do it. Rather than give bad advice that will only hurt, it's better to be silent and let someone else do the job.

Please do not call maps this imbalanced and lacking in quality anything but what they are: Bad.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

May 20 2010, 11:03 pm StarBlue Post #12

ok, NOW I think I know why people disagree with him so much >_>


May 20 2010, 11:29 pm Aristocrat Post #13



Nothing positive to say. At least better than Crystallis.


May 21 2010, 12:53 am StarBlue Post #14

I just got done reading Excalibur's Melee Map Making Guide and he has a very good point. This IS very uneven. "Balance > Symetry" he says, so true.


May 21 2010, 3:06 am Picturesque Post #15

I know these maps aren't good. We're all only beginners. I know alot of people could've dominated this without even trying.

Don't talk like this is all one map, please, that's starting to bug me.

If you're going to post something negative can you at least make it constructive criticism so we can actually benefit a little and learn something?


May 22 2010, 2:09 am Aristocrat Post #16

Map 1: Ugly as shit, base has air distance problems, too small, awkward shapes, wasted space.
Map 2: UGLY AS FUCKING SHIT. Tank holes galore. The mains are also the size of fucking mars.
Map 3: This may pass as better than some blizzard maps, but the distances and expo layout need a lot of work. Your expos are bigger than the main.


May 22 2010, 3:22 am StarBlue Post #17

I know these maps aren't good. We're all only beginners. I know alot of people could've dominated this without even trying.

Don't talk like this is all one map, please, that's starting to bug me.

If you're going to post something negative can you at least make it constructive criticism so we can actually benefit a little and learn something?
Picturesque, we are being constructive, saying it is fucking ugly is a sign that you need to pick up his act.
Tank holes galore.
Aristocrat is totally right, these maps favor terran WAY too much. It's ok to put defencive pockets and a base to put tanks, but having them everywhere they could be used to push the enemy back, that's a sign that you need to fix it or dump it.


May 22 2010, 6:28 am Picturesque Post #18

I'm pretty happy with most of the comments so far about my map. :)

I don't care much about the other two.


May 24 2010, 10:32 pm ForTheSwarm Post #19

First and second are total crap.
Third one would be decent if it weren't way too big for 2 players.


May 25 2010, 1:14 am Aristocrat Post #20

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Third one would be decent if it weren't way too big for 2 players.

Natural. Bigger. Than. The. Fucking. Main.

Minerals blocking an entrance the size of the main passage.

Neutral buildings used completely wrong.

Third one sucks terribly imho. Only looks good because the first two fail massively.


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