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Temple Siege M8e
Oct 27 2009, 4:30 am
By: Moose
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May 19 2010, 5:04 am ClansAreForGays Post #581

If anyones reading this, I could use a tester in op sen right now.

Add: where'd u go vortex?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 19 2010, 5:11 am by ClansAreForGays.

May 19 2010, 12:07 pm OlimarandLouie Post #582

24million some of us opt to see more than 20 posts per page.

CAFG sure I'd love to if I could stay up that late on a school night.


May 19 2010, 8:59 pm DoLLe Post #583

Lets be serious here, mirror matches will completely be stupid, especially multi-select, seriously does anyone want Rine v Rine or Summoner v Summoner, Bat v Bat? This is not what the game needed. Mirror matches are irrelevant and stupid. What the game needs right now is better balance (Also port in Phantom please, good utility hero.). M9 wasn't needed and changing Rine back to old was is complete trash. Giving mech a wraith was unecessary.

I never really liked mooses changes up until M8T (Anyone remember M5's invincible rine? Or completely garbage bat?). Lets make no mistake, M8T was a huge STEP in the right direction for sure, albeit with some MINOR balancing issues. For this Moose deserves a medal of honor, there are just some things that need to be changed. However overall, he did an excellent job on M8T and the foundation for further TS's need to be based off this.

/b Complaints and Suggestions [/b]

-I understand the nerf to mech, I'm 50/50 on it but 60 for speed was a bit over the top and paying for Charon Booster Range Upgrade was not necessary, Make it 45-50. Thats My only complaint towards mech.

-Some minor terrain issues, however 95% of it was fine.

-Make SpecOps mines invinc again OR give him 2 vessels max (Vessel as level two by the way was a great idea and move). Sniper rifle, I at first was hesistant to accept, however its a great move and makes rine viable again, as because old rine was pretty much Hard countered by nearly everyone. Especially with shitty non-invincible mines. Don't even argue, old SpecOps was complete garbage. I really urge you to make the mines fully invincible again to solidify his endgame, however, because with summoner at Godtier status, we should make sure his hardest counter can counter him properly.

-The indirect buff to Sin was a great idea, he can actually be a gamebreaking pick now. If you don't know what i am talking about figure it out.

-Maybe give bat mana drain again? The no nuke thing is fine, berserker bomb makes him rape his favorable matches even harder. However as a pro player I see the need to remove mana drain for berserker bomb trade off as Bat never meant as a PK character in the first place. I also like his starting HP boost.

-Medic. My biggest complaint here, the FH nerf was completely unwarranted and she got Noob treatment old SpecOps did (ex: RandomNoob: WAHHH INVINC MINES WAHHH!) and is now severely underpowered. However if you insist on making the nerf, junk her L3 and incorporate it into her L4,and i suggest give her a spell such as repelling enemy heroes away for her l3, because as it stands right now, her L4 is almost garbage. Just whatever you do incorporate her Old L3 into her New L4 and give her a new spell for her L3, I really like the idea of being able to repel enemy heroes away from her for X amount of time. Has good utility.

-Carpet Bomber glitching is still in GOD, I hate it when it spawns with no bombs or two bombs or somewhere across the map, can be gamebreaking.

-Make Hydras companion ups 45/45 or 40/40 across the board for the feed they give, the upgrades shouldnt cost a whole lot.

Flame. Comment. Discuss.


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 19 2010, 9:08 pm by DoLLe.


May 19 2010, 10:23 pm ClansAreForGays Post #584

Chuggin along. I'm predicting 8pm est

May 19 2010, 11:12 pm Wing Zero Post #585

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Oh nice, I cant wait to try it :D

May 19 2010, 11:46 pm ClansAreForGays Post #586

beta pms sent. Expect shit loads of bugs, and non-functioning displayed features like the base ovie buy, and the enemy spawn lv-up, and spawn hp lv up.

archer - nothing
mutant - remove lv3 channel (DONE)
assasin - remove lv1 channel and add recall effect(DONE)
summoner -
speed with lv2, attack with lv3(DONE), only 1 ultra dies via spells, max 4(DONE)
assault - lv1 slow drain(DONE)
volt - nothing
DM - instant feedback(DONE)
LM - reduce lv3 channel(DONE)
Warrior - Lv3 doesn't kill ultra(DONE)
Spec Ops - Mine caping back (DONE), Lv3 change to scv(DONE)
Mech - Lv2 palcement(DONE)
Medic - Each player gets 1 medic for 5 secs(DONE), att nerf(DONE), +3 lv4 (DONE)

Temple heals every 7 seconds. (DONE)
Purchasable base ovie.
1 of each hero per team. (DONE)
Spawn HP increase
Enemy spawn +1(3)
temple heal terrain (DONE)
Longer for gate to respawn (100s) (DONE)
Warp gate capture set HP%
warp back building
Start at night with 1:00
Gotta finish packing n stuff. I'll prob be back around 12

May 20 2010, 12:24 am Jack Post #587

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Temple heals every 7 seconds -- wut?

And what's the base ovie?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

May 20 2010, 12:57 am NinjaOtis Post #588


-Blue Mech Had 147 Hp on Vult, he went to heal as gol, then teled mid and transformed and died.
-Purple chose mech and lost a life, and somehow got 2 units(both gol form)

Light Mage:
-Orange Lm, L1 didn't spawn, but he still was invince

-Casted L1 and no scourges spawned
Green Player gets eliminated after choosing, he gets no civs, gateway.

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on May 20 2010, 2:24 am by Vortex-.


May 20 2010, 1:40 am 24million Post #589

Uhh...I was playing as summy earlier and i had speed and atk without any spells.
Lol. One friend said he hates m9 even though hes never played it...I dunno why. Another friend is still waiting for the real version because we only played 1v1. Also, I dont really like this healing thing at the temple...just doesnt seem right

and vortex, the medics are supposed to only last for a few seconds and spawn next to all allies across the map. Meh, I dont really like this spell. I haven't tried it because I haven't had enough people to play anything more than a 1v1, but only 5 seconds? That doesn't seem like very much healing for 25 mana. Also, I'm not sure, but I dont see how it wouldnt be useful unless everyone was standing still.


May 20 2010, 2:44 am ClansAreForGays Post #590

Back. I don't expect volt or mech to really be playable yet, but LM&summy should be working...

chug chug

also, remember if ur just gonna do 1v1, pick slots 3 & 5, it's the debug mode and u will both get unlimited civs.

May 20 2010, 2:50 am NinjaOtis Post #591

Slot 1 and 6 work for debug mode however player 6 gets elimed, but his unit still spawns


May 20 2010, 3:01 am ClansAreForGays Post #592

lm bug fixed. I have a new beta done tonight.

May 20 2010, 3:21 am DoLLe Post #593

Quote from ClansAreForGays
beta pms sent. Expect shit loads of bugs, and non-functioning displayed features like the base ovie buy, and the enemy spawn lv-up, and spawn hp lv up.

archer - nothing
mutant - remove lv3 channel (DONE)
assasin - remove lv1 channel and add recall effect(DONE)
summoner -
speed with lv2, attack with lv3(DONE), only 1 ultra dies via spells, max 4(DONE)
assault - lv1 slow drain(DONE)
volt - nothing
DM - instant feedback(DONE)
LM - reduce lv3 channel(DONE)
Warrior - Lv3 doesn't kill ultra(DONE)
Spec Ops - Mine caping back (DONE), Lv3 change to scv(DONE)
Mech - Lv2 palcement(DONE)
Medic - Each player gets 1 medic for 5 secs(DONE), att nerf(DONE), +3 lv4 (DONE)

Temple heals every 7 seconds. (DONE)
Purchasable base ovie.
1 of each hero per team. (DONE)
Spawn HP increase
Enemy spawn +1(3)
temple heal terrain (DONE)
Longer for gate to respawn (100s) (DONE)
Warp gate capture set HP%
warp back building
Start at night with 1:00
Gotta finish packing n stuff. I'll prob be back around 12

Hooray for imbalances! Here are the few glaring ones.

-Temple heals every second seconds? Prepare for DT to be base camping you a lot with L4, hooray, back to original days!

-Medic L1 rework is absolute trash, it sucks, and can heal everyone for 5seconds, and it cannot heal mech and volt, and can end up being potential feed for opponents and her capping power goes down without perma meds. Why touch a perfectly fine L1? Why the attack nerf, now shes more useless than ever.

-Why shouldnt Wars L3 rape Summoners Ultras? does summoner really need this buff? And the rework to his spells are not good. Forced synergy and it stinks. Why even do this? What was the point? Leave it as is. The way he get his buffs now also make leveling a headache. Since you are forced to level them it makes him so much slower, almost to the point gimped.

-Why take out sniper rifle for spec ops? It was a dodge, good midgame finisher, and doesnt get insta gib by stunners, why did you make him suck again? Scv as L3? Terrible idea. Mine capping is fine.

-LM level3 channel should have reduced lagtime, however give him a viable ulti, like the one in 1.6. Seriously his Ultimate sucks give him a better one.

-Purchasble base overlord? Why even do that? Nuke isnt in the game anymore, And it makes rine suck even worse, since anyone can buy detection. And with Ovie purchasable, rine only has one job, countering summoner, and thats it. In fact, why even put this in, the balance was there already. Is sin REALLY that much of a threat?

-If the mech aint broke don't fix it.

-Why spawn HP increase?

-Bat mana drain, did he really need this? A PK Finisher and a drain move? Balance?

-Again WHY do we need mirror match-ups and multi-selects. Just bad, bad, bad, and stalemates galore. Not to mention everyone rushing Rine,Ling,Warrior in 90% with abandon now.

Most of these changes are arbitrary or uneeded. Why even Deviate from M8T, tweak it and perfect it.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on May 20 2010, 3:48 am by DoLLe.


May 20 2010, 3:52 am ClansAreForGays Post #594

Uhh...I was playing as summy earlier and i had speed and atk without any spells.
I can't replicate this. I'll need more info on the situation next time it happens.

I gave m8t a good fucking over, I'll probably only keep half the hero changes I made. But rine is not getting the sniper back. It essentially negates w/e spell was just cast on you, and deals tons of damage.

May 20 2010, 4:09 am DoLLe Post #595

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Uhh...I was playing as summy earlier and i had speed and atk without any spells.
I can't replicate this. I'll need more info on the situation next time it happens.

I gave m8t a good fucking over, I'll probably only keep half the hero changes I made. But rine is not getting the sniper back. It essentially negates w/e spell was just cast on you, and deals tons of damage.

And The LM's L1 does the near exact same thing, whats your point?


May 20 2010, 4:31 am Jack Post #596

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from DoLLe
Quote from ClansAreForGays
Uhh...I was playing as summy earlier and i had speed and atk without any spells.
I can't replicate this. I'll need more info on the situation next time it happens.

I gave m8t a good fucking over, I'll probably only keep half the hero changes I made. But rine is not getting the sniper back. It essentially negates w/e spell was just cast on you, and deals tons of damage.

And The LM's L1 does the near exact same thing, whats your point?
LM's a glass cannon, it wouldn't be useable without l1, whereas rine is far from glass, and doesn't need his l3 to survive. It was the perfect escape mechanism. Too perfect. However, I think rine SCV fails hard, rine needs a damage spell that doesn't make him unkillable. Something to do with BCs maybe, to split the upgrades.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

May 20 2010, 4:32 am NinjaOtis Post #597

Maybe make Medic l1 stay permanent but also heals allies for 3 seconds or something IF you really do feel the need to add something(Her attack was also fine at +5ups, it actually made her a threat to smaller units).

If you were going for units having visible hp at temple then make heal instant and constant instead of giving it lagtime (or just put it back to the way it was in m8t).

Sniper Rifle does have its ups and downs, but it is just too powerful, Rine definitely needs some sort of evade spell so that its not so useless against stunners. Maybe you could scrap scv and give it an evade spell; Allow 2 scivessels if you do remove scv (to make up for turrets).

Summoner's l2 is actually decent now, but it may prove to be too imbalanced (Snaring an opponent will make it so easy to kill), also I think the cost to up ling speed, and attack speed should be 60 each OR you can get both by upgrading spell to l2, either way you'll have spent 3 civs, upping spell can give you discount since youll save the 15 mins you would need if you used all 3 civs for mins.

And DoLLe, who the fuck cares if people always rush rine war ling, just counter them and own them until they learn that that combo won't work for shit. There are plenty of combos that own rine war ling. I also guarantee that both teams (If they aren't noob pubs) won't choose same units every single game so it won't be mirror matchups. Multi-Select is a great, innovative idea.

Jack, rine isn't a unit you split upgrades for.

CAFG has done a hell of a fine job and we should support him with positive feedback.


May 20 2010, 4:41 am Jack Post #598

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Maybe not split upgrades, but some sort of damage spell. Maybe around 4 ghosts spawning, or something like exchanging a sci vessel with ghosts, but keeping the one-sci limit.

An evade would just make rine l3 OP again.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

May 20 2010, 4:45 am NinjaOtis Post #599

That sounds more reasonable, but I still think rine should have two vessels, one for each of your partners, and when I say evade, I'm being extremely extremely vague, something that would allow the rine to dodge if timed right.


May 20 2010, 4:50 am Jack Post #600

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Tele to nearest sci ves + create a few ghosts there?m

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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