Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Terrain > Topic: The Ship Blend (Some Templish, Bridge Thing)
The Ship Blend (Some Templish, Bridge Thing)
Mar 17 2010, 9:46 am
By: Tempz  
Which is your 2 favourite terrain pieces?
Which is your 2 favourite terrain pieces?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Bridge 8
Temple Left <-- 3
Temple Right --> 1
High Dirt Left <-- 1
High Dirt Right --> 3
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Poll has 16 votes. You can vote for at most 2 option(s).

Mar 17 2010, 9:46 am Tempz Post #1

I have tried to use the ship in many blends with mostly bad results but after a while i made some new blends for you to judge :D

There's are just some examples i could make in the short time i had... i have a few more but I want to release then when they are less blocky,
with a special request will release them anyways =/
Btw getting creative with the descriptions :D

This is basically the top right - bot left attempt at a dirt bridge which is like the temple one, turned out surprisingly well

Some Temple Blending I Did, a lot of the first ship blends i tried with dried civilization and dead stoney echo turned out bad (check terrain hall of fame) this is by product prodigy child if terrains had kids 0_o

Finally some cliff blending not much to say except i that they looked very similar color wise...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2010, 2:55 am by Tempz.


Mar 17 2010, 11:03 am Devourer Post #2


Definitely the bridge, it got an excellent blend on the top and bottom.

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Mar 17 2010, 1:39 pm Howler Post #3

I guess this is the appropriate thread to post this picture that I made ( in badlands ;) )

It's supposed to look like there are some kind of worms near it, as if the ship crashed then got infected by some strange virus/organisms. :P

You're blends look nice, but there are some very noticable blocks in the second one. Keep looking for the perfect tiles haha XD. It's deffinitely hard to do with that damned ship doodad that's for sure.


Mar 17 2010, 9:13 pm Tempz Post #4

0_o i also made 7 sizes of ships...
And its near impossible to have a perfect ship blend =/


Mar 17 2010, 10:30 pm Tempz Post #5

Sorry for double pot but howler funny you made that since it looked like one of my earlier terrain pieces 0_o


Mar 18 2010, 1:15 am Howler Post #6

Quote from Tempz
Sorry for double pot but howler funny you made that since it looked like one of my earlier terrain pieces 0_o

Yeah I saw your other piece and thought "how could I make this less blocky", then ended up making something different :P


Mar 18 2010, 2:51 am Tempz Post #7

The ship blend actually inspired me to make a temple engulfed by water, you'll see it when it i feel like posting it


Mar 18 2010, 4:42 pm Rantent Post #8

Some of these remind me of a blend I made a while back with the ship and a cave.
Bridge one looked pretty good, but I'd have to see it in game.


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