Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: Upgraded New Version Custom Hero Wars*
Upgraded New Version Custom Hero Wars*
Jan 21 2010, 10:19 pm
By: Newb  

Jan 21 2010, 10:19 pm Newb Post #1

*My first map*
I will admit that this is not amazingly organized, and doesn't look as good as some other guides. But the main purpose is to get feedback to help the game, or hopefully solve any problems I currently have. Although a comment saying," nice idea," would be cool. ;)


After playing Custom Hero Wars, I thought of that game to be really fun, but it lacked many things, and had many problems. This is why I am making this map, to hopefully improve on what he failed to do. This will have some of the same idea has custom hero wars.There is no story line to it, since that would be pointless.
You will have a hero and you can choose your spells, or a few bonuses instead (similar to Custom Hero Wars); however, the spells in this game will add a whole new style of fighting and strategy. Each hero will have their own special ability. Your hero will not be amazingly strong compared to the enemy units. So you will find yourself fighting along side your troops a lot. There will be five pathways. Only the heros will be able to cross to another pathway.

After coming out with the basic version, I will make a add-on for this map, which will be capture the flag. Once you begin the game you can choose which mode to play in.

My Map

Other new things:

- Spells that may be dodged
- The game will have 10 different heroes and 36+ different spell options ( including passive stuff )
- You can hirer a group of units
- The bunkers you see on the map, are capture able. There is only a few benefits.
1. A goliath spawns once captured
2. You may teleport there
3. Extra sight
4. You may buy goliaths for that bunker to protect a place
- An underground cave that will allow you to go to the opposite side of the course, it is a real cave, so you must spend your time walking through it
- You must be at your base to upgrade, so no spending your money right before you die
- The map is hyper triggered!
- About 40/255 attack upgrades

Some Spell Spoilers
I honestly don't know how many repeats of spells there are considering there are so many other versions. However, if that's the case then how is anyone else spells any different?

Some spells will have—what I call—an 'auto go' feature. Any spell, that you must send an air unit to the person to successfully use the spell, will automatically go toward the person if he his close enough. It will only be ordered once, so if your opponent moves, you must move the air unit yourself. It is for convenience of not miss-clicking on the air unit and your hero.

The Arenas
In this game there will be arena fights, similar to the original; however, there will be 3 different types of arenas that you will fight in. In order to win you must win 2/3 arena fights, then your team gets their reward.

First Arena - A small and close quarters(?) with walls to dodge and run around
Second Arena - A shifting arena with random things happening that you must consider in your fighting style. This is also the most strategic thinking one.
Third Arena - An open arena brawl

The Heroes
- Scavenger: Special ability - Fast and burrow
- Black Rider: Special ability - Spider Mines
- Gunman: Special ability - Stim Pack, strong
- Lighting God: Special ability - +4 constant mineral increase
- Lich King: Special ability - Summon Undead Minion for free
- Ice Mage: Special ability - High magic level
- Warrior: Special ability - Fast, higher upgrade rate( bonus each upgrade )
-Tank: Special ability - High defense, area effect ( when in siege mode )
-Blazer: Special ability - Stimpack, area effect
-Mech:Special ability - High attack. The second special I'm thinking about, is once killed, you spawn a civilian ( who was controlling the goliath ) and you can run back to the base ( and hopefully not get killed, which is unlikely, but could happen ) and then you will spawn another goliath without losing anything. Also will come with option to auto-kill civilian.

Any spell ideas are appreciated.

Finally, post any thoughts you have about the game from what you've heard so far, if you want. Any help or hints is would be very nice. Since I will be asking many questions :).

Post has been edited 12 time(s), last time on Feb 3 2010, 12:36 am by Newb.


Jan 22 2010, 2:16 am fat_flying_pigs Post #2

Not very much originality. Only think that's holding you back. We already have 2 custom AoS maps in the making, and they both provide something unique. and

You are combo-ing TS and CHW into a new map.
Little originality: the zergling's special is being fast and burrowing; you are copying more than 1/4 of the spells.
CHW has at least 40 spells. I 5.0c has 50+, and i think neo has 48.
balancing 5 paths will be a challenge as it makes the terrain favor faster units.

Potentially good map if you add something unique about it... (imo)


Jan 22 2010, 3:11 am Newb Post #3

Custom Hero Wars 5.0c has a lot of spells, but they are all almost summoning stuff. I have never heard of nero though... Most of my spells I made aren't just summon and I haven't seen dodge able spells in any other game, but I have no clue how great it will be.
Thanks for the feedback though, since I will probably consider those factors.


Jan 22 2010, 3:28 am fat_flying_pigs Post #4

Quote from Newb
Custom Hero Wars 5.0c has a lot of spells, but they are all almost summoning stuff. I have never heard of nero though... Most of my spells I made aren't just summon and I haven't seen dodge able spells in any other game, but I have no clue how great it will be.
Thanks for the feedback though, since I will probably consider those factors.

neo is hosted on sen.
Its not just the spells. There has to be something unique about your aos.
TS- for good AoS for sc. first of its kind.
HS- uses items and 8-9 spells per hero. unique heroes.
my map- customize everything: spawn, spells (12 per hero), base type, hero.
spell generator- customize the spell (very in depth)
MetalGear's map- infinite upgrade system, and passive bonuses that scale (exponentially?)
your map- ? dodge?


Jan 22 2010, 3:47 am Neki Post #5

What is the fetish that people have with not liking summoning units? There is nothing wrong with summoning units, it's the effect and the way you do it is what makes it different from just a regular summon spell. There's no way getting around it, you shouldn't fight it, you should embrace it.


Jan 22 2010, 4:06 am xnikozx Post #6

Maybe if they be summons with HP based on the hero's stat points and not only in the spell level, that could be good :), or summons that have a chance to be duplicated if they are killed. I don't know if this exist but sounds great :).
Also can have a passive skill that grants chances to activate his effect based on the units spawned, I mean if you have 6 units spawned and they are the same type or something it grants 30% chances to deal double damage cause is 5% for each unit :O.

Anyway I was here because I posted a lot of spell ideas in another thread and I thought it could be useful to you.
I wish it can help you ;).


Jan 22 2010, 4:12 am Newb Post #7

Thanks xNikozx :)
Although.. How is your post longer ago than mine, but it's before mine? lol it could just be my computer...

Ok, so my map is supposed to play out like Custom Hero Wars. I don't know what you consider 'originality', but I'm trying to make new, improved, more fun, more useful spells in this game, and more strategic. It's supposed to add more action with more advanced fighting. Summoning and fighting with your summoned unit is really really old and is boring.

Now. My problem with this being my first map is, I didn't know about mobile grids. So I'm doing what I can. But like the title says, upgrade of CHW. Another thing is, most every spell/idea is taken, so there's a question of 'how original' someone can make a map like this, without it being a copy. If you notice, most people have the same spells that have already been used, it just has a tad bit more to it and a different name, you just have to weed them out. I don't care though if they use the same spell, if the gameplay is better and more exciting, then it's a definite win to me. I'm trying my best though, but I have almost every spell made, I just don't want to post them.

Here's a spell that I thought would be original, but I don't know if it's been used already.

Meteor - Ultimate Spell
Same name, but not same effects

What it does is it will summon a protoss observer that will move diagonal right for about 3 seconds. Then it will stop, summon about 15 other observers and a location will cycle around them, while summoning scourges that will fly back to the caster's location. It will be random when each one explodes ( hits ground ) but once it does, it will move a scarab to the location cause area damage if close enough.

It better be original -.-, but that's what spells I'm trying to make. I had thought my black hole was original, but nero already used it I just found out >_>
And of course every spell may be upgraded 3 times. It sounded like you guys didn't think so.

I am not saying anyone is wrong or I am right, but just because you have more spells, doesn't mean they're good. Another thing, once people have figured out what spell types are the best to have, the others become useless and a waste of effort; therefore, spending a lot of time on a map like this and making it more original, would be a waste of time.

But on another note, a question, I heard from someone that you can save your map as a certain something, final draft?... and it will git rid of all comments, and location names, making the map a smaller download and less strings.

Post has been edited 10 time(s), last time on Jan 22 2010, 8:35 pm by Newb.


Jan 23 2010, 2:21 am fat_flying_pigs Post #8

ok, so u have some original spells. (upgrades don't count as new spells unless they have a major impact on the spell).
its "Neo" custom hero wars, not "nero"

i think this map will either be a huge success, or a huge failure because of the public players. Public players tend to like the stupidest, most rigged map. In all the CHW's, 5.0c is the most imbalanced. And although neo is better (it is now, previously it wasn't) the majority of pubs still prefer 5.0c over neo (and final 3b) simply because they can abuse the imbalances. You map may either far beat 5.0c and become the more popular chw, or it will be over shadowed by a crappy map.

To remove comments, reduce file size, and protect the map, just use a "compressor" or a "map protector"

And i just realized that you have 3 paths instead of 5, and the side paths have an alternate rout. 5 paths = 5 entrances to base. Because there are only 3 base entrances, but 5 paths, this gives an enormous advantage to fast units. Just in case you didn't know.

Will this map have any outpost/outpost teleports? like TS/HS?

@taylor: we hate summon spells because it is simple to implement, and over used. If used correctly (Necromance form HS, or summoner from TS), it is considered good. Other temporary unit summons are boring, as they just spawn beneath the hero and last for X seconds. Use of mobile grids (make an 'X' shape with ghosts) or effects (like guardians making a chain gun) to change the basic unit summon.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 23 2010, 2:26 am by fat_flying_pigs.


Jan 23 2010, 4:00 pm Newb Post #9

Custom Hero Wars 5.0c is completely unbalanced and doesn't have that much thought into it, but people join the game the second it is made on Bnet.

- The bunkers you see on the map, are capture able. There is only a few benefits.
1. A goliath spawns once captured
2. You may teleport there
3. Extra sight
4. You may buy goliaths for that bunker to protect a place
Quote from myself*

The fast and slow units will just have to balanced out after taking the bunker teleports into consideration. ( 14 bunkers in all )
Oh, and where do I find a map compressor or protector?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 23 2010, 4:28 pm by Newb.


Jan 24 2010, 1:15 am atto Post #10

Well, first of all, I would like to say how awesome this looks. It has a completely creative look to it, as differing from the previous CHW's that are out there (the constant U shape that they use -.- ). Secondly, I would have to say that it's very organized and I disagree with your comment on your organizational skills. Everything on the map is laid out precisely and has it's own distinctive location. Since many have already played CHW before, we know what most of the terrain is going to have because we've all seen it before; Of course, you did mention the changes like bunker systems and such, which makes the game even that much more fun :D

Great work, keep it up and I hope to play it soon!


Jan 26 2010, 4:54 am Positively Post #11

As a HUGE fan of CHW... I have to say I like the idea of this map, but I hope you don't completely BUTCHER it.
NeoCHW, to me, screwed with the map in so many ways I can't list them, such as, let's see... GROUND SLAM?! INDIVIDUAL DEMON SPAWNS FOR DIFFERENT UNITS?! LIGHTNING ARC?! 40 CAPPED ARMOR?! Goodness, I hate that map. Sorry about the trolling ;|.


Jan 26 2010, 4:07 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #12

Quote from Positively
As a HUGE fan of CHW... I have to say I like the idea of this map, but I hope you don't completely BUTCHER it.
NeoCHW, to me, screwed with the map in so many ways I can't list them, such as, let's see... GROUND SLAM?! INDIVIDUAL DEMON SPAWNS FOR DIFFERENT UNITS?! LIGHTNING ARC?! 40 CAPPED ARMOR?! Goodness, I hate that map. Sorry about the trolling ;|.

Individual demon spawn = improvement
capped armor = balance

only thing bad about it was the removal of attack upps affecting most of the spells


Jan 27 2010, 1:04 am Newb Post #13

Well the cap in this one will probably be 75-100. Upgrades will also cost a little more, but I think it will have less of an increase after each upgrade. ( for balance )

EDIT: I FINALLY found why the units weren't attacking.
#1. Constant setting as enemy
#2. Constant patrol trigger, so instead of attacking, they went the way they were heading... *sigh*

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 27 2010, 1:42 am by Newb.


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