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Teaching Creationism in School
Sep 11 2007, 6:54 pm
By: Sael
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Nov 2 2007, 1:51 am Neptune Post #161

Youre so fucking stupid its unbelievable.
America Teaches NO religion first off. youre not allowed to discuss GOD in school
in America you can believe in any religion you want too.
So dont give everyone that bullshit

And anyways the bible has so many bullshit stories its not even funny.
So many words stolen from ancient egyption time

Do your research kid and stop reading a book that was written by many different people in different times.
especially living your life around it

go become a priest where you can preach about some fucking words youve read in a book that took stories from ancient egypt lol Word believer!!!!"

America teaches no religion? Then why do they teach evolution?
Bullshit storys? Like what?
Storys that were taken? Have you ever stop to think it was simply recorded? -Nevermind, athiest don't think.



Nov 2 2007, 2:23 am Akar Post #162

Youre so fucking stupid its unbelievable.
America Teaches NO religion first off. youre not allowed to discuss GOD in school
Freedom of speech prevents that. You're not allowed to teach that creationism is absolutely correct in school, but you can teach it as it is. Same goes for evolution.

And anyways the bible has so many bullshit stories its not even funny.
So many words stolen from ancient egyption time
Thats because the events took place in ancient Egyptian time and in the Roman Empire.

Do your research kid and stop reading a book that was written by many different people in different times. especially living your life around it
... And science is written all by one person at the same time?
go become a priest where you can preach about some fucking words youve read in a book that took stories from ancient egypt lol Word believer!!!!"
That is illogical in so many places I won't even begin to critique it.
America teaches no religion? Then why do they teach evolution?
Evolution isn't a religion, it is a scientific theory.

Bullshit storys? Like what?
You're asking for it, there are several contradictions in the bible he can nail you on. However, how one perceives the bible's contradictions is an entirely different discussion.
Storys that were taken? Have you ever stop to think it was simply recorded? -Nevermind, athiest don't think.
Neither do you.

Here's a good quote by Albert Einstein relevant to the silly religion vs. science discussion:
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2007, 2:29 am by Akar.


Nov 2 2007, 2:29 am Neptune Post #163

There is not one contradiction in the Gospel.

Evolution is a scientific theory? How is this so, when there is not one ounce of science used for it.


Nov 2 2007, 3:21 am Syphon Post #164

Quote from Neptune
Youre so fucking stupid its unbelievable.
America Teaches NO religion first off. youre not allowed to discuss GOD in school
in America you can believe in any religion you want too.
So dont give everyone that bullshit

And anyways the bible has so many bullshit stories its not even funny.
So many words stolen from ancient egyption time

Do your research kid and stop reading a book that was written by many different people in different times.
especially living your life around it

go become a priest where you can preach about some fucking words youve read in a book that took stories from ancient egypt lol Word believer!!!!"

America teaches no religion? Then why do they teach evolution?
Bullshit storys? Like what?
Storys that were taken? Have you ever stop to think it was simply recorded? -Nevermind, athiest don't think.


All religions that evolved in the mid-east and Europe have elements that are common.

Evolution is not a religion. A global flood? The Earth and Universe being created in 7 days? That last part is too asinine to reply to.

Quote from Neptune
There is not one contradiction in the Gospel.

Evolution is a scientific theory? How is this so, when there is not one ounce of science used for it.

Yes there are. There are hundreds, if not thousands of contradictions. As you made the original claim, the onus is on you to prove linearity through the entire gospel.


Nov 2 2007, 3:25 am Neptune Post #165

We already established that it was possible to have a global flood.

If all the ice in the world were to melt, what would happen?


Nov 2 2007, 3:40 am AntiSleep Post #166

Quote from Neptune

You can't test somethign that happeneds "billions of years ago". Unless you have a time machine.

Sure, our dna matches a chimps by like 94%. You can test that out and prove it.
But you can also test out the fact our dna matches a lot, and I mean a lot of other things. Such as a plants.
We can use this as comon creator.

And Chromosomes, if you knew anything about inteligent design you'd have this already explained to you.

Here is another good point, We didn't start finding the "Homo erectus" fossils UNTIL darwin made his theory. Interesting, no?
The theory of evolution made testable predictions, predictions about how fossils are distributed, about adaptation of bacteria, about a lot of other stuff, and like it or not the theory states that you and I share a common ancestor with the plant in my living room. However, you do not sound like you are interested in the theory of evolution, so instead I will drop some wisdom about the intelligent design movement. I suggest you start with the court case Kitzmiller vs Dover school district, I will quote from the Republican Judge Jones's memorandum opinion:
The Discovery Institute, the think tank promoting ID whose CRSC developed the Wedge Document, acknowledges as “Governing Goals” to “defeat scientific materialism and its destructive moral, cultural and political legacies” and “replace materialistic explanations with the theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God.” (P-140 at 4). In addition, and as previously noted, the Wedge Document states in its “Five Year Strategic Plan Summary” that the IDM’s goal is to replace science as currently practiced with “theistic and Christian science.” Id. at 6. The IDM accordingly seeks nothing less than a complete scientific revolution in which ID will supplant evolutionary theory.14 Notably, every major scientific association that has taken a position on the issue of whether ID is science has concluded that ID is not, and cannot be considered as such. (1:98-99 (Miller); 14:75-78 (Alters); 37:25 (Minnich)). Initially, we note that NAS, the “most prestigious” scientific association in this country, views ID as follows:
Creationism, intelligent design, and other claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life or of species are not science because they are not testable by the methods of science. These claims subordinate observed data to statements based on authority, revelation, or religious belief. Documentation offered in support of these claims is typically limited to the special publications of their advocates. These publications do not offer hypotheses subject to change in light of new data, new interpretations, or demonstration of error. This contrasts with science, where any hypothesis or theory always remains subject to the possibility of rejection or modification in the light of new knowledge.
I could go on all day, but the bottom line is that ID is not science, nor will it be science until it generates some testable predictions.


Nov 2 2007, 4:00 am Neptune Post #167

"Animals and plants split billions of years ago"

Congrats man, you just steped out of science and into a disney story.


Nov 2 2007, 4:02 am Akar Post #168

The Earth and Universe being created in 7 days?
Well the definition of create is to bring out of existence what formally wasn't in existence. And actually that statement is wrong. There is a gap between the first and second verses of the bible. If he created the Earth, it would be just that everything suddenly jumped in existence (That is on par with all the energy from the big bang theory jumping out of no where into existence, I have my own theories, if you care to hear them just PM me. I'd be more than happy to discuss them with you.) That means the life just sprung into existence (and the chicken came first ZOMGHAX!). May seem a bit far fetched, but hey it is God, it says he is limitless. Now that world before could of been for angels and dinosaurs (maybe not angels but definably dinosaurs). And that Earth which is the same stuff as the Earth we have now could of lasted for an unknown number of years, thus explaining carbon dating of the Earth and such.
However, the bible says lucifer got mad and stormed out of heaven ruining all he could touch, which included Earth. Which he messed up beyond recognition (dinosaurs dying becuase of it, another paradox solved). Well, now the Earth is without Form and void (yay messed up Earth). And then God fixed it all in 7 days and created man. Which then the rest is up for an entirely different discussion.
If you want me to link to verses that say these things simply ask. Or you could just believe me, whatever floats your boat.


Nov 2 2007, 4:18 am AntiSleep Post #169

Quote from Neptune
"Animals and plants split billions of years ago"

Congrats man, you just steped out of science and into a disney story.
Does this mean you think a magic sky daddy creating us from dirt and magic, is a more accurate and useful model?


Nov 2 2007, 4:22 am Akar Post #170

Well actually in my beliefs he created it all from himself. It says he is infinite. So in my theological theory I state that he exists in a dimension higher than our own and has infinite amounts of himself there. So when he creates he would take his own self and turn it into what he wants at any place at any time because he is everywhere. Now if you take something away from infinity what do you have left? Exactly.


Nov 2 2007, 5:21 am AntiSleep Post #171

Akar, that 'theory' can not explain or predict anything, which makes it useless.


Nov 2 2007, 5:41 am Neptune Post #172

Quote from AntiSleep
Quote from Neptune
"Animals and plants split billions of years ago"

Congrats man, you just steped out of science and into a disney story.
Does this mean you think a magic sky daddy creating us from dirt and magic, is a more accurate and useful model?

No matter how stupid the theory sounds to you, you'd believe it just becuase it involves no creator.
Athiest existed long before evolution came into view. It's what I call ignorance.

I will believe magic sky daddy before I believe that nothing created everything.

As for it being more useful, well.. you wouldn't have people shooting others, believing they are their own God.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2007, 5:48 am by Neptune.


Nov 2 2007, 6:05 am dinked Post #173

Quote from Neptune
There is not one contradiction in the Gospel.

Evolution is a scientific theory? How is this so, when there is not one ounce of science used for it.

you really.. need to get out of this thread
you have no clue what your talking about.
do you even know what a theory is?

Athiest existed long before evolution came into view. It's what I call ignorance.
Really. is that a fact? Please show me your sources.
you dont know what people were thinking 2000 years ago do you? no you dont.
Again. Stop typing.


Nov 2 2007, 9:23 am Neptune Post #174

Quote from dinked
Quote from Neptune
There is not one contradiction in the Gospel.

Evolution is a scientific theory? How is this so, when there is not one ounce of science used for it.

you really.. need to get out of this thread
you have no clue what your talking about.
do you even know what a theory is?

Athiest existed long before evolution came into view. It's what I call ignorance.
Really. is that a fact? Please show me your sources.
you dont know what people were thinking 2000 years ago do you? no you dont.
Again. Stop typing.

"Really. is that a fact? Please show me your sources." You need me to supply you with sources? Why you don't have any of your own to?

And you tell me to get off the thread. LoLz.

"do you even know what a theory is?" Do you?

"you have no clue what your talking about." Since you've asked me that last question i'm assuming that you don't.

Seriously, pull your head out from imbetween your legs and go back to playing StarCraft.


Nov 2 2007, 10:54 am AntiSleep Post #175

Quote from Neptune
Quote from dinked
Quote from Neptune
There is not one contradiction in the Gospel.

Evolution is a scientific theory? How is this so, when there is not one ounce of science used for it.

you really.. need to get out of this thread
you have no clue what your talking about.
do you even know what a theory is?

Athiest existed long before evolution came into view. It's what I call ignorance.
Really. is that a fact? Please show me your sources.
you dont know what people were thinking 2000 years ago do you? no you dont.
Again. Stop typing.

"Really. is that a fact? Please show me your sources." You need me to supply you with sources? Why you don't have any of your own to?

And you tell me to get off the thread. LoLz.

"do you even know what a theory is?" Do you?
He may or may not, but I do. From your comments, I presume you are a Christian biblical literalist, and young earth creationist. That pretty much shitcans any claims you make about the intelligent design movement, which readily accepts geologic time. If you do think the bible is literally historical, and infallible(every word), specify which version(kjv? rsv?).


Nov 2 2007, 4:39 pm BeDazed Post #176

Neptune. What you're doing is trolling, flaming, and doing everything you're not supposed to do in this forum. What you can learn first as a 'christian', you can start with reducing flame, and have a little more manner compared to most christians. If you really take every word literally on bible, there is a verse.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned."
Luke 6:37
You judged. You condemned. You have judged and condemned yourself.
Is this what you wanted?

And any Christian, without even taking a look at the bible would have heard 'Love even thy enemy'. Your actions contradict every teaching a bible gives, maybe except for having an outstanding faith in God, but does everything God who lives tells you not to do. You sin against us and him. You won't forgive us and we won't forgive you. It's like an eye for an eye.

Also, I tell you. Stop succumbing to false testimony of pastors and start thinking for yourself. Stop making false testimonies.

"Really. is that a fact? Please show me your sources." You need me to supply you with sources? Why you don't have any of your own to?

And you tell me to get off the thread. LoLz.

"do you even know what a theory is?" Do you?

"you have no clue what your talking about." Since you've asked me that last question i'm assuming that you don't.

Seriously, pull your head out from imbetween your legs and go back to playing StarCraft.

Teaching creationism as an existance is fine, as an opposer of 'theory of evolution' in most christian views. However, the bible was written illiterate and in parables for a reason. You can fit science into the bible with logic and thinking in paradox. It's like a big puzzle you'll never solve.

Also, for Neptune- just by calling another names is punishable by sentence to hell in quote of the bible. Jesus also have stated that ask for forgiveness, and receive it before you start repenting. Since I have not done anything that would insult you directly, I don't have to ask for forgiveness. But I won't forgive you, for all the while disrupting the environment in our forums, and for massive flaming and 'wows', exclamation marks, and useless comments.


Nov 2 2007, 5:30 pm ClansAreForGays Post #177

jesus, you guys know nothing about trolling, but you still use the word like you do. If he is a troll (which he is) then he isn't a christian, and he doesn't believe any part of ID. I believe we are being targeted by 1 amatuer/intermidiate troll. Neptune is the center piece, and dinked is his sock-puppet. I was about to deconstruct it, but I gotta run to work!

Nov 2 2007, 7:19 pm Neptune Post #178

I believe in inteligent design, But I am no Christian.

As for me being a troll, We are all trolls.

AES)ClansAreForGays, your lack of knowlage is showing. Perhaps you haven't evolved yet?


Nov 2 2007, 7:26 pm AntiSleep Post #179

Quote from Neptune
I believe in inteligent design, But I am no Christian.
Who do you think intelligently(incompetently?) designed you then?

AES)ClansAreForGays, your lack of knowlage is showing. Perhaps you haven't evolved yet?
Generally it is a good idea to proofread, anytime you are trying to insult someone for ignorance/stupidity.


Nov 2 2007, 9:48 pm Akar Post #180


Teaching creationism as an existance is fine, as an opposer of 'theory of evolution' in most christian views. However, the bible was written illiterate and in parables for a reason. You can fit science into the bible with logic and thinking in paradox. It's like a big puzzle you'll never solve.

Science and religion can coincide if the bible is taken not literally, but figuratively. And many translations have led to a loss because if you read something like the KJV of the bible, the translation didn't convert to modern speech. So figures of speech back in the biblical days were of course very different than the figures of speech we have today, and so people get the wrong ideas. Several studies have conducted on the language and stated that many misinterpretations are due to this fact.
Albert Einstein saw this: "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
I've tried to interpret this quote before. What I think it is saying is that religion is belief in something higher than you can perceive. And science is the knowledge we know. Now, science can see the phenomenons (such as light :P) but can't reach it, because it is lame and cannot walk. However, religion can stumble around and reach such things as light, but cannot see them, so cannot explain them. In order to understand our Universe he believed one needed both. And I agree.

Also, for Neptune- just by calling another names is punishable by sentence to hell in quote of the bible. Jesus also have stated that ask for forgiveness, and receive it before you start repenting. Since I have not done anything that would insult you directly, I don't have to ask for forgiveness. But I won't forgive you, for all the while disrupting the environment in our forums, and for massive flaming and 'wows', exclamation marks, and useless comments.

No such thing as hell, it is false interpretation of the bible. It says that God is all light and in him is no darkness at all. So if he is all light, how could be so dark as to send someone to hell? Same for heaven, there is no such thing as heaven. When a person dies, they're dead, and their "soul life returns to God" as stated in the bible. I would care not to delve into the misinterpretations of the bible at this point in time.

Akar, that 'theory' can not explain or predict anything, which makes it useless.
Explains creation through mathematics. It might a good foundation of mathematics, but the infrastructure is somewhat lacking in use.


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