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Hero Sanctuary v1.10
Sep 26 2009, 8:33 pm
By: Norm
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Nov 24 2009, 6:04 am Xero Post #421

Did you get notified about the CoM dt bug?


Nov 24 2009, 3:39 pm payne Post #422


The only hosted game of this I could join without lat, I got banned :(


Nov 24 2009, 8:15 pm Xero Post #423

Another bug, dunno if this is fixed yet, but when CoM(H) burrows, occasionally the broods will spawn on other players, who could be halfway across the map.


Nov 24 2009, 8:51 pm Norm Post #424

Quote from Xero
Did you get notified about the CoM dt bug?

It shouldn't exist in the patch I uploaded last.

Quote from payne
The only hosted game of this I could join without lat, I got banned :(

I'm sorry. You can test with us later?

Quote from Xero
Another bug, dunno if this is fixed yet, but when CoM(H) burrows, occasionally the broods will spawn on other players, who could be halfway across the map.

Well, it's suppose to spawn on other players, but by 'half way across the map' how far is that exactly? This effect is suppose to have the range of ~screen.


Nov 25 2009, 1:33 am Xero Post #425

Stop making your game so addicting :hurr:

On another note, can you try to stop those error messages when you cast certain spells? Like for Samurai's offensive l2 and RM's l2. It gets annoying and really should be fixed.


Nov 25 2009, 1:36 am Norm Post #426

Quote from Xero
Stop making your game so addicting :hurr:

On another note, can you try to stop those error messages when you cast certain spells? Like for Samurai's offensive l2 and RM's l2. It gets annoying and really should be fixed.

I have been in the progress of doing this. The first official version will see these completely removed.

Also, Samurai's l2 offensive should already be fixed... Please verify.


Nov 26 2009, 12:45 am Xero Post #427

Played a bunch of HS games today.
In one game, a player was Necro and died. Somehow when he died, he got full hp. He didn't know how that happened and neither did I. Eventually he was a good sport and healed at temple to reset his hp once I killed all his team mates. (Now that I think about it, I should've saved the replay >.>)

Note: Had an epic 2v3. Me and Flame vs 3 other experienced players. It was pretty much gg when I was Samurai. Went on a massive killing spree, had a lucky archon shot that killed Psycho, used Tiamet to stun and freeze some base sitters. Eventually I had 700 exp when everyone else had 150ish. :lol:


Nov 26 2009, 7:20 am fat_flying_pigs Post #428

xero: wait... are u counting the game where i glitched the MM's vulture spawns so they spawned 16 every time?
norm: i glitched the vulture spawns :D. change your trigger to say: give 1 supply depot form MM to computer (instead of all supplies). I built some 1/2 build supplies, and a supply, and all supplies went to the computer (white in this case). In the end, I had 4 built supplies, and 5-7 unbuilt supplies, and it spawned about 16 vultures. From there, the vultures traveled to the center, where they move toward the high grounds. I use the scv mine jump to make the spawn jump. Eventually the spawn move to the ramp, where they got stuck, and started stacking. This stacked over 50 vultures. (Easy storm feed technique).
In addition, this showed that vultures do absolutely nothing to benefit the team, and only feed the opposing team.

Yesterday, we were discussing the defiler attack, and how if you randomed, it balances. That is incorrect. 40 minerals only provides the defiler with 3 ups. This makes it very difficult for the serpent to counter spawn while capturing bases. its currently [20+2*3]2 for 2 times per spell. that's 52 damage. Broods have 56 life. could you give defiler [4??] extra minerals for that last upgrade, or just have 22 base instead.


Nov 26 2009, 7:31 am Xero Post #429

No I wasn't talking about that match, but I raped in that too. :P
Vults are okay early game, but in the end, they're just feed. Defiler usually depends on his own spawns weakening other spawns, so his l1 can make a quick kill. And by the way, most chars with 3 ups usually don't one hit spawns. However, I do think that the base damage does need a slight raise since other characters already have an attack that they could use passively. Serpent requires mana just to inflict some damage. Even though I agree to this, from the past games I've seen (I've seen a lot), defiler fared well the way he is now.


Nov 27 2009, 11:25 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #430

Glitch with the fire bat and medics and moonstone. It kills all the medics around the firebat.


Nov 28 2009, 3:52 am Norm Post #431

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Glitch with the fire bat and medics and moonstone. It kills all the medics around the firebat.

It's fixed in BETA.

Quote from name:fat_flying_pigs and Xero
Stuff about Serpent

Serpent is probably fine how it is for now. As Xero said, (and I agree) serpent seems to fare pretty well in just about every game he's in.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
I glitched Vulture spawns.

Always making more work for me. Okay, It's a (hopefully) fix that will be corrected in BETA.

(Red = Incomplete)

Quote from name:(AL6) to (BT1)
The Illusionist is now a playable character.

• "Defense Mechanism" and "Power Supply" HP decreased from 1700 --> 1600.
• Power Supply defense stat decreased from 16 --> 14.
• Air damage on "Defense Mechanism" lowered from 80 --> 68.
• Ground damage on "Defense Mechanism" lowered from 60 --> 58.
• Hall of Fangs now costs $40.
• Hall of the Oath now costs $70.
• Hall of Flames now costs $90.
• Hall of Destruction now costs $160 + 5MP.
• Halls of Pestilence now costs $200 + 10MP.
• Hall of Doom now costs 10 more MP to build.
• MP Channel now costs $25 + 20MP.
• Vehicle Bay no longer costs MP to build.

• Fixed a bug that killed Alchemist's nature spirits both after Moonstone activated, and after one nature spirit died.
• Fixed a bug that allowed MM to produce unlimited Vehicle Bay spawns.
• Fixed a bug that prevented AI's Self Destruct from working properly when used on his final life.
• Fixed a bug that double-casted Self Destruct- resulting in misplaced wraiths and screen spam.
• Fixed a bug where teams commanding 13 or more "Strength Shrines" were given obscene amounts of $$.
• Fixed a bug that rendered MM useless if players tried to use SCV during character selection.

• Rewrote a few strings for AI that had the phrase "MP" in them. They say "Fuel" now like they should.

• AI now refuels at base at a fast rate as opposed to instant refueling.
• AI now extracts more fuel (+10/+5) from Steel Factory.
• Crimson Wolf now only gains +3MP from his 'Focus' night ability.
• The range for which Bomb Airship and Terrors are invincible (surrounding Psychopath) has been decreased by 3/2 units.
• Inferno now has a ~15% chance to be a dud, ~70% chance to work normally, and a ~15% chance to do extra damage.
• Duration of normal Inferno decreased by 2 seconds, and now spawns 5 less flames.
• Inferno +1 has a duration 2 seconds longer than Inferno, and spawns 6 more flames.

• Moonstone's healing effect is SLIGHTLY (as in, you probably won't even notice) more potent.

• MP cost for serpent's L7 (Dragon Crest) increased from 25 --> 46.
• MP cost for serpent's L8 (Spirit Crusher) increased from 32 --> 54.
• Crimson Wolf's night L1 (Red Feast) is now slightly more potent.
• Rune Mage's L2 (Feral Strike) is no longer prone to unit unplaced errors.
• Range for serpent's L6,7,8 (Venom, Dragon Crest, Spirit Crusher) decreased by 3/4 units.
• Shurikens now only drain 7MP each.

• Crimson Wolf's maximum HP lowered to 2680.
• Psychopath's maximum HP lowered to 3420.
• Maximum HP for skeletons increased from 89 --> 94.
• "Spy Sentry" armor stat lowered to 0, shields lowered to 60.
• Vehicle Bay spawn (Vultures) armor stat lowered to 0.
• Vehicle Bay spawn (Vultures) HP increased to 190.
• "EXPLOSIVES" armor stat lowered to 18.
• "EXPLOSIVES" damage lowered to 58.
• "TERROR" damage lowered to 64.
• "Dragon Breath" base damage has been increased to 45(g) and 12(a).
• "Dragon Breath" air attack bonus increased from +2 to +3.
• "Conjured" armor stat increased to 8, shields increased to 90.
• "Magic Orb" armor stat increased to 8, HP increased to 248.

Force 4's name is changed to indicate the proper version and date of release.
Map is compressed and BETA test ready.

OKAY: And there's one final thing that I'd like to do in this post. I have a short little HS Survey that I want anyone who has played the game at least a few times, and has some spare time to answer for me. It's in the collapse box below.

Short Survey

Thanks to everyone who is supporting the completion of this map. I look forward to BETA testing with all of you in the near future.

Post has been edited 16 time(s), last time on Dec 2 2009, 2:00 am by Norm.


Nov 28 2009, 5:20 am Xero Post #432

1. Do all of my Characters (or at least the 11 that you may have played so far) feel unique to play as?

Yes, they're all unique. It's another reason why this game is so fun!

2. What is your favorite Character to play as and why?

Samurai, hands down. I just love how I just completely own as him. Ah, can't describe how fun he is to play, but I'll do my best. The ability to make armor is a very nice feature since it'll help absorb some of the damage. His arsenal of spells are unique and each have its uses. Tiamet Wing is my favorite spell out of Samurai. It's great for tricking enemies and plays as a major psychological scare. Also, it's perfect for players who mass spawn, since the spawns will turn on them. Switching stances is my favorite part of Samurai. Perfect timing on switching stances makes this guy my favorite. Oh yeah, being able to tank many character's final spell is a big plus for me. I could go on, but I gotta make this short.

I actually have lots of favorites, but I'm just stating the charater I'm best at.

3. Do you find any of the spells I have included to be useless? If so, which ones - and why do you not use it?

Nope, they all have a purpose in this wonderful(addicting) game.

4. Is the game fun?

Of course, that's why I've played it more than Norm :P

5. Would you be interested in a HS tournament for the BETA version [BT1]? (There has been talk of one happening, but it isn't for sure yet.)

Heck yes, but my team would be me, flame]haze[, and some other guy (reload says he has better synergy with flashbeer :( ).

Let's hope the environmental effects are implemented by then.


Nov 28 2009, 6:21 am fat_flying_pigs Post #433

Air damage on "Defense Mechanism" lowered from 80 --> 60.
That makes it take 4 hits on psycho drop ship... u just increased psycho's op-ness.

1. Do all of my Characters (or at least the 11 that you may have played so far) feel unique to play as?
2. What is your favorite Character to play as and why?
Psycho, because I have very good dropship micro. Micro + mines + bombs = win.
2nd = serpent, because it rapes later game. It's still easily denied exp tho... a more difficult hero to use.
3. Do you find any of the spells I have included to be useless? If so, which ones - and why do you not use it?
4. Is the game fun?
No! I absolutely hate this game! (jk :D)
5. Would you be interested in a HS tournament for the BETA version [BT1]? (There has been talk of one happening, but it isn't for sure yet.)
Yeah. I'd like to team with flash n xero, but I'm guessing xero would want to be with flame. That, and xero and I on the same team would be.... well, gg.


Nov 28 2009, 8:39 pm Norm Post #434

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Air damage on "Defense Mechanism" lowered from 80 --> 60.
That makes it take 4 hits on psycho drop ship... u just increased psycho's op-ness.

Nice Catch, man. I've changed it around to avoid this issue. BETA Change log has been modified.

EDIT: Let it be known that I have just completed a spell for Illusionist.

EDIT2: Just found a cool exploit for give triggers, that I'm going to use to make Illusionist even more illusionny than first thought possible.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 28 2009, 11:53 pm by Norm.


Nov 29 2009, 2:31 am MEMEME670 Post #435

Psycho is imba.

And heres why.

1. His Dship.

The Dship is, ofc, the whole reason that he is imba.

It can stun you since the beginning of the game...well yeah thats not that great, unless your getting doubleteamed, but thats doubleteamed.

However, i have seen, in multiple games, BY FIRST NIGHT, psycho had, mines to doublespawn, therefore giving him a mass exp head on any one player, Fbats to kill and trap anyone (because he is allowed to just trap and kill anyone without even needing to be in the vicinity, due to most heroes not being able to hit air at all, and most that can need a spell.)

Along with all of this, it seems to cost him no mana/not very much, becuase he can have it relatively quick and still be able to use it often enough for constant mines in one area to feed off a lane.

I dont think theres anything more...


Nov 29 2009, 7:11 am fat_flying_pigs Post #436

I think a major nerf to psycho imba is reducing the range the dship can be invinc. make it very small, like 6x6.


Nov 29 2009, 6:18 pm Norm Post #437

Quote from MEMEME670
Psycho is imba.

And heres why.

1. His Dship.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
I think a major nerf to psycho imba is reducing the range the dship can be invinc. make it very small, like 6x6.

Refer to changelog. We'll see how this plays out.

@MEMEME: Wolf > Psycho at night, Psycho > Wolf at day. That's how it's going to be.


Nov 29 2009, 10:01 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #438

Hero Sanctuary GUIDE

Anything in {brackets} is an estimate.
Evade = become invincible for a short period of time
Blind = all players unvision you (including your self)
[MP Cost]Spell Name: Description
[Mineral #, Gas #]
Stun spells only affect heroes.



Mind Machine

Artificial Intelligence


Illusionist - INCOMPLETE

Rune Mage



Creature of Mist

The Alchemist

Crimson Wolf

Please post if anything is wrong.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 29 2009, 10:12 pm by fat_flying_pigs.


Nov 29 2009, 10:21 pm Norm Post #439

It's beautiful (yet quite inaccurate in a lot of places).

I'll point out the major stuff after we test some more. Also, please account for things mentioned in the BETA change log. (For example, 1 medic dying no longer kills all medics.)


Nov 29 2009, 10:34 pm Xero Post #440

Samurai's Tiamet Wing also stuns. Serpent's unburrowed l3 is called ethereal flames 2. Dragon Breath is l4. MM's flash mine stuns and blinds. Alchemist's Wrath turns all meds into bats, and makes all bats attack towards the Alchemist. Serpent's constrict can also kill enemy spawn. Serpent's Spirit Crusher is a massive MP drain. Enough to bring you down to 0, but doesn't immediately bring you down to 0. Venom is a limited MP drain, around 30 MP loss and slow. Alchemist stone l2 is not called Stone Armor, but Quicksand. I believe AI's [G] Dual Laser spawns 4 bcs, and 4 wraiths. Getting power up increases the number of bcs. SCV l1 is called Handgun. Alchemist Carnivore spawns fbats, not mines. Crimson Wolf's Fangs spawns 2 lings for every nearby hero, including yourself. Dracula Cape's mutas attack twice. After the first hit, your invince is gone. Ninja's Shurikens stun anyone that's hit and drains MP. The Shurikens fly towards the middle if you are on the edges of the map, and if you're towards the center, they fly towards the edges.

Great guide. I'll try to find other things that needed to be pointed out.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 29 2009, 10:44 pm by Xero.


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