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Theory on 'good' maps
Oct 27 2009, 9:12 pm
By: The Starport  

Oct 28 2009, 1:02 am Decency Post #21

Quote from Falkoner
I agree. If you look at any map that has become huge and lasted for years, it's about challenge. Not necessarily PvP, but always tension and the ability for experience to be incorporated into skillful play but not fully dictate what you have to do:

1. Temple Siege
2. Snipers
3. SCV Football (Basketball, Baseball, Dodgeball, etc.)
4. Cat and Mouse
5. Turret Defense (Sunken, MC, mixed, etc.)

Did you just put Temple Siege at the top of a list of maps that "[have] become huge and lasted for years"?

2 is still plural. =) And if you want to be picky, replace it with DotA, considering it's a shoddy version inspired by it.


Oct 28 2009, 1:14 am payne Post #22


Quote from name:Tuxedo-Templar
Because I like the dark background better.
Same here ^^ <3
Anyways, nice tutorial once again, Tux :)


Oct 28 2009, 2:21 am Jack Post #23

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from FlashBeer
To make the most popular map of all time, I should crap together a game of DBZ vs Naruto, or maybe a better name like:
Dragon Naruto's Balls of Fury Z!
Then have characters with 9999 hp and 255 armor running around dealing 6525535 + 1566350 dmg
reference or characters from other shows (maybe peter griffin or masterchief)
a bunch of explosions when you do anything, like walking.
The map will be 256 x 256 while most of the map isn't used (just because bigger is better)
Having one part of the map with a mining area with 200+ SCVs per person.
Then add a crapload of rigged secrets, like bring 25 zerglings, 2 hydralisks, a lurker, no more than 7 drones, to the corner of the map while you have 100 minerals, and you get an invincible scout.
A bunch of civilians running around with 1hp for you to kill, they don't give you exp, they just make you feel powerful (+ego boost!) of course they spawn in bulk leaving nice unplaced messages.
Unit names include: GOKU, SSJ8GOKU, 1337SSJGOKUHAX!!, NaRuT0g0D1, YoMAAma!, FlashBeer (obviously the creator has to have a unit)
A shop where you can buy armors, potions, minions, naruto's balls, enemy players, and victory.
Have the minimap terrain look like porn.
Play some sound files of internet memes, like the scout from TF saying BOINK when a guy dies, or Luigi saying SPAGHETTI!! when you respawn
or sounds of attacks from the actual show! SO COOL!
Clicking on the flag crashes you
Thread was re-won. GG.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 28 2009, 2:33 am ForTheSwarm Post #24

Quote from name:FaZ-
2 is still plural. =) And if you want to be picky, replace it with DotA, considering it's a shoddy version inspired by it.

Dota was not inspired by Temple Siege. BOTH were inspired by Aeon of Strife though.


Oct 28 2009, 4:01 am CecilSunkure Post #25

Bnet pubs are morons, idiots, immature, and above all DICKHEADS. They like games in which they can pwn each other with little to no skill. They don't like to think, but they like to think that they are thinking thoughts that are deep. Bnet nubs don't deserve to live, but like to think that they deserve to live more than anyone else on bnet. Bnet nubs have no actual taste in maps, and demand respect without showing it, and don't give respect to those who deserve it. Bnet nubs suck, and forever will be the scum of the internet. I don't make maps geared towards Bnet nubs, I make maps that I myself enjoy. I, hate bnet nubs; they only have two criticisms for any map, no matter the context: "This is fucking gay" and "DUDE THIS MAP IS THE BEST EVAR!". They don't give constructive criticism, and can never tell you how to improve on anything that they dislike about a map: This is due to what I said earlier - Bnet nubs only like maps that they think they rock at, which in all reality take absolutely no skill to play whatsoever. If a Bnet nub can't provide the IQ or the intuition, or the general SC know how to play your map, that means your map inherently sucks and that is that, there is no communicating with Bnet nubs.

I never test in public.

I never join games, because pub hosts are worse than pubs.

I never host with pubs unless I am prepared to have some fag join and BS the rest of our team.


Oct 28 2009, 4:31 am The Starport Post #26

Quote from Vrael
Quote from name:Tuxedo-Templar
Quote from Vrael
It doesn't make you a quitter or a coward. If you quit, you're a quitter. If you are cowardly, you're a coward.

No one appreciates my humor :(
Well I didn't mean to sound harsh. I just meant that line of thinking isn't healthy to dwell upon. Even if it turns out to be true.
Generally, when the philosophical pineapples aspects like this become mixed with the typical aspects of a blueberries game like starcraft and are taken too seriously, that's when you need to orange step back and bananas realize that it's just a game. On the other hand, it really isn't kiwi unhealthy to think about a thing, just when mango some people take things too far it makes it seem unhealthy.


Oct 28 2009, 4:45 am Norm Post #27

Sure is fruity in here...

I think noobs can be won over by eZ game play and cool special effects.


Oct 28 2009, 3:34 pm MEMEME670 Post #28

Quote from CecilSunkure
Bnet pubs are morons, idiots, immature, and above all DICKHEADS. They like games in which they can pwn each other with little to no skill. They don't like to think, but they like to think that they are thinking thoughts that are deep. Bnet nubs don't deserve to live, but like to think that they deserve to live more than anyone else on bnet. Bnet nubs have no actual taste in maps, and demand respect without showing it, and don't give respect to those who deserve it. Bnet nubs suck, and forever will be the scum of the internet. I don't make maps geared towards Bnet nubs, I make maps that I myself enjoy. I, hate bnet nubs; they only have two criticisms for any map, no matter the context: "This is fucking gay" and "DUDE THIS MAP IS THE BEST EVAR!". They don't give constructive criticism, and can never tell you how to improve on anything that they dislike about a map: This is due to what I said earlier - Bnet nubs only like maps that they think they rock at, which in all reality take absolutely no skill to play whatsoever. If a Bnet nub can't provide the IQ or the intuition, or the general SC know how to play your map, that means your map inherently sucks and that is that, there is no communicating with Bnet nubs.

I never test in public.

I never join games, because pub hosts are worse than pubs.

I never host with pubs unless I am prepared to have some fag join and BS the rest of our team.

Your anger is undeserved.

Well, not completly, but mostly.

There are kids out there that are exactly as you say. And yeah, those people ruin games for everyone.

Theirs also people who are on Bnet for fun, and...DAMN bell rung!! Editing more in at lunch.


Oct 28 2009, 5:03 pm Decency Post #29

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Quote from name:FaZ-
2 is still plural. =) And if you want to be picky, replace it with DotA, considering it's a shoddy version inspired by it.

Dota was not inspired by Temple Siege. BOTH were inspired by Aeon of Strife though.
I should have been more specific, though technically my grammar was clear: the antecedent is "Temple Siege," which was inspired by DotA.

Sorry, end hijack.


Oct 28 2009, 5:49 pm Jack Post #30

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from name:FaZ-
Quote from ForTheSwarm
Quote from name:FaZ-
2 is still plural. =) And if you want to be picky, replace it with DotA, considering it's a shoddy version inspired by it.

Dota was not inspired by Temple Siege. BOTH were inspired by Aeon of Strife though.
I should have been more specific, though technically my grammar was clear: the antecedent is "Temple Siege," which was inspired by DotA.

Sorry, end hijack.
No it wasn't. I recall UU saying that he doesn't play DOTA. It was inspired either by AoS or custom hero wars, or came from the recesses of his mind.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 28 2009, 6:39 pm ClansAreForGays Post #31

UU supposedly never played DOTA until after making temple siege. The reason people say it's dota inspired more than STF, AoS or some other starcraft map is the spawn system. Anyone who's played enough SC AoS-type maps probably had the same feeling I did when playing DOTA the first time, "wow, there's like barely any comp spawning units..." TS has this same DOTA-ish characteristic of relatively few spawned units.

Oct 28 2009, 6:56 pm MEMEME670 Post #32

Quote from MEMEME670
Quote from CecilSunkure
Bnet pubs are morons, idiots, immature, and above all DICKHEADS. They like games in which they can pwn each other with little to no skill. They don't like to think, but they like to think that they are thinking thoughts that are deep. Bnet nubs don't deserve to live, but like to think that they deserve to live more than anyone else on bnet. Bnet nubs have no actual taste in maps, and demand respect without showing it, and don't give respect to those who deserve it. Bnet nubs suck, and forever will be the scum of the internet. I don't make maps geared towards Bnet nubs, I make maps that I myself enjoy. I, hate bnet nubs; they only have two criticisms for any map, no matter the context: "This is fucking gay" and "DUDE THIS MAP IS THE BEST EVAR!". They don't give constructive criticism, and can never tell you how to improve on anything that they dislike about a map: This is due to what I said earlier - Bnet nubs only like maps that they think they rock at, which in all reality take absolutely no skill to play whatsoever. If a Bnet nub can't provide the IQ or the intuition, or the general SC know how to play your map, that means your map inherently sucks and that is that, there is no communicating with Bnet nubs.

I never test in public.

I never join games, because pub hosts are worse than pubs.

I never host with pubs unless I am prepared to have some fag join and BS the rest of our team.

Your anger is undeserved.

Well, not completly, but mostly.

There are kids out there that are exactly as you say. And yeah, those people ruin games for everyone.

There's also people who are on Bnet for fun, and

and people who originally come on to test their melee skill with others, and happen to play UMS for the sheer interest of it.

Bnet pubs are pubs for one of two reasons.

1. they dont know about the expansive world of channels and passworded games and such, or simply prefer to play in pubs (although most people are the former)

2. They're muted due to CD key instability. This is caused by 1. hackers, which are horrible, blablabla. 2. Bots, which are part of your non-pub (and therefore above bnet pubs by your post) community.

Bnet pubs have as much patience as they would in real life. If a game seems to 1. lose all purpose, 2. feel too repetitive, or 3. they dont really know what theyre doing, then theyll stop playing.

Bnet pubs, for the most part, demand only as much respect as they give. And maybe you wont get it if you go aroudn with this mindset, but from the way this mindset is looking to me you arent giving much respect either.

Just noticed something, you used Bnet pubs in the first sentence and then Bnet nubs on the rest. Bnet pubs =/= Bnet nubs. But until you realize that....

Also, making games based on what you like and what you like only is fine, but you dont need to complain about people who are just trying to have fun. Just dont deal with them.


Oct 29 2009, 3:52 am CecilSunkure Post #33

Quote from MEMEME670
Bnet pubs, for the most part, demand only as much respect as they give. And maybe you wont get it if you go aroudn with this mindset, but from the way this mindset is looking to me you arent giving much respect either.

Just noticed something, you used Bnet pubs in the first sentence and then Bnet nubs on the rest. Bnet pubs =/= Bnet nubs. But until you realize that....

Also, making games based on what you like and what you like only is fine, but you dont need to complain about people who are just trying to have fun. Just dont deal with them.
I knew I'd come back and have to defend myself on some certain things. This isn't SD, so I'll keep it to a minimum.

Bnet pubs, for the most part, don't give respect. Bnet pubs that don't give respect, for the most part, demand absolute respect. My mindset isn't the cause of any of the negative actions of Bnet pubs I play with. Sure, I hate bnet pubs, but that doesn't mean I go around asking for it. I act in ways that I feel will be the most fun, for me or for everyone, depending on my mood, during gameplay.

Bnet pubs = Bnet nubs in the context to which I am angry at. Those Bnet pubs that do not anger me and those Bnet nubs that don't anger me, well, they don't anger me. I enjoy teaching nooby Bnetters things. The noobyness or pubness does not inherently inspire anger in my soul.

As for your third paragraph, I wasn't talking about people who play just to have fun. You sort of set up a mini straw man there. The people that try to have fun aren't inherently those that anger me.

As for the pub/nub thing, for the most part, are synonymous. There is no "until I realize" anything.

I know some of my earlier ranting could be solved by an attitude change on my part, if my attitude were actually the root of some of the problems. I thought someone would post in response to this:
Quote from CecilSunkure
Bnet nubs have no actual taste in maps, and demand respect without showing it, and don't give respect to those who deserve it.
Rest assured, nothing I do causes those to anger me to act the way they do, and nothing I could change would change their ways. I wasn't referring directly to myself as the one demanding respect. I don't let anger/annoyance/disgust even show in game (unless I want it to) -I just play so that I and the people I want to have fun, have as much fun as possible.

Once again, Bnet pubs SUCK!


Oct 29 2009, 5:18 am MEMEME670 Post #34

Quote from CecilSunkure
Quote from MEMEME670
Bnet pubs, for the most part, demand only as much respect as they give. And maybe you wont get it if you go aroudn with this mindset, but from the way this mindset is looking to me you arent giving much respect either.

Just noticed something, you used Bnet pubs in the first sentence and then Bnet nubs on the rest. Bnet pubs =/= Bnet nubs. But until you realize that....

Also, making games based on what you like and what you like only is fine, but you dont need to complain about people who are just trying to have fun. Just dont deal with them.
I knew I'd come back and have to defend myself on some certain things. This isn't SD, so I'll keep it to a minimum.

Bnet pubs, for the most part, don't give respect. Bnet pubs that don't give respect, for the most part, demand absolute respect. My mindset isn't the cause of any of the negative actions of Bnet pubs I play with. Sure, I hate bnet pubs, but that doesn't mean I go around asking for it. I act in ways that I feel will be the most fun, for me or for everyone, depending on my mood, during gameplay.

Bnet pubs = Bnet nubs in the context to which I am angry at. Those Bnet pubs that do not anger me and those Bnet nubs that don't anger me, well, they don't anger me. I enjoy teaching nooby Bnetters things. The noobyness or pubness does not inherently inspire anger in my soul.

As for your third paragraph, I wasn't talking about people who play just to have fun. You sort of set up a mini straw man there. The people that try to have fun aren't inherently those that anger me.

As for the pub/nub thing, for the most part, are synonymous. There is no "until I realize" anything.

I know some of my earlier ranting could be solved by an attitude change on my part, if my attitude were actually the root of some of the problems. I thought someone would post in response to this:
Quote from CecilSunkure
Bnet nubs have no actual taste in maps, and demand respect without showing it, and don't give respect to those who deserve it.
Rest assured, nothing I do causes those to anger me to act the way they do, and nothing I could change would change their ways. I wasn't referring directly to myself as the one demanding respect. I don't let anger/annoyance/disgust even show in game (unless I want it to) -I just play so that I and the people I want to have fun, have as much fun as possible.

Once again, Bnet pubs SUCK!

If you say something that offends someone, youll likely have to defend yourself from someone eventually.

I dont have much time, so i'll just quickly say what i can and then get back to this tomorrow.

Bnet pubs, for the most part, DO give respect. Sure they do underhanded things like ban you in BPM when your winning because they can, but thats a legit strat, and if you take it in stride, it doesnt ruin your experience.

Maybe if they dont give respect, they demand it back. But such happens in the real world too, nothing new.

As for the pub/nub thing, for the most part, are synonymous. There is no "until I realize" anything.

Define pub.

I would assume that the people you enjoy teaching things are a very small portion of the 'pubs' you play with, correct?

Basically, i play pubs all the time and only run into the occasional person who will ruin a game, and then laugh at him/her for being a scrub.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 29 2009, 3:27 pm by MEMEME670.


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