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SEN Mafia XV: Gotham City
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Oct 3 2009, 8:43 pm
By: DT_Battlekruser
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Oct 24 2009, 8:58 am Corbo Post #721


What about directors?
I'm not forgetting them I just know that at least two of them will do and agree with me, let's just leave it there.
And zany, I honestly DOUBT shocko is mafia. He's just dumb (no intention to flame), and what have we learned about obvious clues? THEY GET TOWNIES DEAD.

And anyway, the most that directors can do is probably keep changing mafia targets between each other or target us instead. There's no possible lead to who is the BDS and I'm afraid that the directors will have to be damn lucky to target the BDS and even that way, there's no point for them to target the BDS on a townie, directores are town aligned.

Let's put it this way.

We kill dev, mafia kills 4 and joker kills 2, that's 6. Or 5 if you wish to count shocko as mafia and pretend that the doctor didn't target him when he's the most obvious BDS target.
We kill FE, mafia kills still 4 (the BDS targets devourer of course) and joker kills 1 and joker *probably* gives us a mafia in exchange. That's 5 vs 5...? right? and the last one 5 is with a chance of finding out another mafia? hmm what to choose?

I will no longer explain myself, you can either follow me or do that other thing. And I suspect zany to mafia as well seeing how much he is opposing to a real logic with a not so much powerful argument.

fuck you all

Oct 24 2009, 9:18 am Jack Post #722

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Thing is, there's been TWO obvious clues about Shocko. I could still be wrong but eh. Best we have ATM.

Also, you got it a bit wrong, joker kills nobody if his demands are met. Also, the mafia doctor will probably protect dev in scenario 2, so that's another hit, so 5 dead vs 3. BUT. With dev dead, in scenario one, that's 5 mafia hits, but probably only four due to mafia protecting shocko, assuming he's mafia. So 4 definite dead townies/joker in scene 1, plus 2 random hits, which could hit anybody. So 4vs3, plus two random dead.
BUT. Next night. If we have killed dev, that's down to 5 mafia, DEFINITELY. Whereas scene2, there's only dead people which are GUESSED to be mafia. So killing dev is more risk free.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 24 2009, 9:30 am InsolubleFluff Post #723

The clues against me are dumb. They are quite obviously clues, but not against me.

Zany, you'd like it if I solved them for you... wouldn't you.

Let's think about this. Mafia are doubling up hits to find batman. They killed 2 people which amounts to 4. That's 1 more. With the boondock saint hitting on night 1 and a good chance of joker hitting, perhaps the mafia doctor is alive and protected an ally. Perhaps a townie dodged? Perhaps the doctor saved? Or perhaps they hit me? Or perhaps the mafia was in jail.

I admitted to being jailed last night, so understandably it could be seen as my hit (it wasn't) that went missing.

Either way, the odds are that the mafia doctor is still alive and what corbo is saying makes sense.

Kill FE and stop the joker, BDS target Devourer, he lives, we know doctor is alive, he dies and either he is doctor, doctor didn't care or doctor is dead.

It saves lives.


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 24 2009, 8:49 pm by DT_Battlekruser.


Oct 24 2009, 9:37 am Neki Post #724

How do you know it was the doctor saving him and not mis-direction from directors? That's all I'm trying to say here. Also, the Joker can't kill any body, and he could just be leading us astray. I'm not sure why you're so quick to trust a shady fellow out to kill us all. Why not trust the town, instead of the Joker?


Oct 24 2009, 9:38 am Jack Post #725

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Yes, I'd love for you to solve them for me. I will if I have to, but townies should work together.

Also, if they ARE clues, but NOT against you, then who?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 24 2009, 9:41 am InsolubleFluff Post #726

I'm not sure? FE? He's elated and I'd be shocked if a ninja with light coming out his face appeared.

I'll consider giving you them in 10 hours when I have finished work and at home with time to solve.


Oct 24 2009, 9:44 am Jack Post #727

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from name:Shocko
I'm not sure? FE? He's elated and I'd be shocked if a ninja with light coming out his face appeared.

I'll consider giving you them in 10 hours when I have finished work and at home with time to solve.
Ah, I thought you had already solved em from what you said before.

You must admit, the clues point to you more than they point to a ninja with light coming from his face. Not that I'm ruling out the possibility of FE being mafia.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 24 2009, 9:55 am InsolubleFluff Post #728

But I know for a fact they don't point to me. So by all means look for other candidates now, because when you lynch me and say whoops it'll be a bit late.

Besides, I was in jail, none of the shock clues last night would be me.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 24 2009, 10:10 am by Shocko.


Oct 24 2009, 12:08 pm Devourer Post #729


What the fuck is wrong with you all?
Why voting me? There isn't even one clue against me! :-(
I abstain and while doing so I'm pissing on NudeRaider's tomb.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Oct 24 2009, 12:31 pm Vi3t-X Post #730

I'm going to busy for the next two days or so. I'll just abstain for now until I have time to read over clues. :P


Oct 24 2009, 1:22 pm rayNimagi Post #731

Guys, just vote for FE! You don't KNOW if Shocko is mafia (DTBK said there would be red herrings), and 1 person dead WITH THE CHANCE OF REVEALING A MAFIA is better than two townies dead.

I Vote FatalExeption

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Oct 24 2009, 3:54 pm Bar Refaeli Post #732

i vote for fatalexception. corbo has a point.

also seeing as the money clue didnt point to inferno, it could also point to corbo (although i dont know why someone would be excited to see a turtle) i cant find any clues for dust or bricks in peoples' profiles, but i cant say im in the mood to look for clues. apoco's avatar looks like its yelling, that could mean the "yelling" part.


Oct 24 2009, 5:41 pm Norm Post #733

Fatalexception. Never liked that guy anyway.


Oct 24 2009, 8:16 pm FatalException Post #734

Quote from Corbo
What about directors?
I'm not forgetting them I just know that at least two of them will do and agree with me, let's just leave it there.
And zany, I honestly DOUBT shocko is mafia. He's just dumb (no intention to flame), and what have we learned about obvious clues? THEY GET TOWNIES DEAD.

And anyway, the most that directors can do is probably keep changing mafia targets between each other or target us instead. There's no possible lead to who is the BDS and I'm afraid that the directors will have to be damn lucky to target the BDS and even that way, there's no point for them to target the BDS on a townie, directores are town aligned.

Let's put it this way.

We kill dev, mafia kills 4 and joker kills 2, that's 6. Or 5 if you wish to count shocko as mafia and pretend that the doctor didn't target him when he's the most obvious BDS target.
We kill FE, mafia kills still 4 (the BDS targets devourer of course) and joker kills 1 and joker *probably* gives us a mafia in exchange. That's 5 vs 5...? right? and the last one 5 is with a chance of finding out another mafia? hmm what to choose?

I will no longer explain myself, you can either follow me or do that other thing. And I suspect zany to mafia as well seeing how much he is opposing to a real logic with a not so much powerful argument.
Quote from name:Shocko
But I know for a fact they don't point to me. So by all means look for other candidates now, because when you lynch me and say whoops it'll be a bit late..
You say that like it's fact that the town can believe you.
Quote from rayNimagi
Guys, just vote for FE! You don't KNOW if Shocko is mafia (DTBK said there would be red herrings), and 1 person dead WITH THE CHANCE OF REVEALING A MAFIA is better than two townies dead.

I Vote FatalExeption
Why are you so sure that the Joker will reveal the mafia? HE has just as much information as YOU do, and HIS objective isn't to kill off the mafia, it's to kill off EVERYONE. Your gullibility (and that of everyone else) is exactly the reason that I don't give a damn if you lynch me, I'm just here to point out the fallacies in everyone's arguments now.


Oct 24 2009, 9:08 pm Corbo Post #735


Quote from name:zany_001
Thing is, there's been TWO obvious clues about Shocko. I could still be wrong but eh. Best we have ATM.

Also, you got it a bit wrong, joker kills nobody if his demands are met. Also, the mafia doctor will probably protect dev in scenario 2, so that's another hit, so 5 dead vs 3. BUT. With dev dead, in scenario one, that's 5 mafia hits, but probably only four due to mafia protecting shocko, assuming he's mafia. So 4 definite dead townies/joker in scene 1, plus 2 random hits, which could hit anybody. So 4vs3, plus two random dead.
BUT. Next night. If we have killed dev, that's down to 5 mafia, DEFINITELY. Whereas scene2, there's only dead people which are GUESSED to be mafia. So killing dev is more risk free.
You need to go read the first post. If kill dev we would be down to 4 mafia, not 4. And I know the joker only kills with his demands aren't met. And you're actually making a puzzle out of yourself. In scenario 1 (with dev dead) it's not 5 mafia hits, it's 4 plus 2 joker random hits, that's 6. Assume shocko is mafia and the doctor defended him, that's 3 mafia hits and 2 joker, with a total of 5 dead guys after next night. (count = 5)
In scenario two FE dies(count =1), mafia keeps their hitpower of 5 BUT the doctor protects devourer (so hitpower = 4 and count = 5) OR mafia does all 5 hits but BDS kills devourer (so mafia hits = 4 and count = 5).

In your post you assumed that mafia hit power = 6 kindof... (saying that without devourer mafia would hit 5 times).

Listen, I realise that I am asking for NOT lynching a mafia and that pretty much points to me as a mafia as well (defending him or whatever) but you also have to realise that what I am asking is not something illogical at all and I'm not defending him either, you can lynch him if you wish but I'm seeing the possibility (even the slightest one) to FIND OUT another mafia from the joker (yes, we shouldn't trust the joker, but what if he does know a mafia and does tell us?) and you also have to realise that I, from the very beggining, voted devourer while other people was lynching darkling (who I knew it was a townie) out of an "obvious" clue. I'm not saying shocko isn't mafia, nor that FE is, I'm saying that we already know he IS a mafia, and that we can use this situation in our advantage. I find myself in a very difficult position as two of the players I trusted got killed tonight (darksnow and vrael) and I have no other back up than my voice and I want townies to win. Which is why we have to think out of the box, we have a mafia and a joker thinking the same way to get rid of us, why shouldn't we do the same?

How do you know it was the doctor saving him and not mis-direction from directors? That's all I'm trying to say here. Also, the Joker can't kill any body, and he could just be leading us astray. I'm not sure why you're so quick to trust a shady fellow out to kill us all. Why not trust the town, instead of the Joker?
Mis-direction from directors IS a problem, and it's the only one I see, but so far the directors haven't failed at us really. But I am formally asking directors to NOT use their powers this night so my plan doesn't have any slightest chance of failing due to their misdirection. And yes, the joker cannot really kill directly someone, but if his conditions aren't met, 2 random people die. And yes, he could be leading us to a trap, but look at my post, and tell me if what we lose from listening to the joker is more or less than what we lose from not listening?
Why not trust town? I'm not saying not trust town, neither trust the joker, I'm saying that we should stop and think about it instead of lynching someone out of something obvious like a "shock" clue or a "robot" clue.


Why are you so sure that the Joker will reveal the mafia? HE has just as much information as YOU do, and HIS objective isn't to kill off the mafia, it's to kill off EVERYONE. Your gullibility (and that of everyone else) is exactly the reason that I don't give a damn if you lynch me, I'm just here to point out the fallacies in everyone's arguments now.
Lol, FE kinda backed up my point.
The joker has as much information as we do. Why can't he know the mafia? Him knowing the mafia is a high posibility just like ourselves finding out a mafia.

I didn't want to do this but I guess I have to in order for you guys to follow me on my plan. If you want me to, I can arrange a director to target devourer so his night hit gets redirected at shocko, if you feel safer that way. And trust me, I can make this happen, even if I am going to get killed by the mob the night after.
@shocko, shut up, you're not doing yourself a favor by "defending" yourself with lies.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 24 2009, 9:26 pm by Corbo.

fuck you all

Oct 24 2009, 9:09 pm InsolubleFluff Post #736

I said it because I am townie and I'd like the town not to get fucked because of you.


Oct 24 2009, 9:32 pm Corbo Post #737


Voter		::	Candidate
l)ark_ssj9kevin :: Devourer
zany_001[RCDF :: Shocko
Ultimo :: Devourer(2)
Shocko :: Devourer(3)
FatalException :: Shocko(2)
zany_001[RCDF :: Shocko->Devourer(4)
Excalibur :: Devourer(5)
Krazy :: Devourer(6)
Corbo :: FatalException
Shocko :: Devourer(5)->FatalException(2)
rayNimagi :: FatalException(3)
Raccoon :: FatalException(4)
Norm :: FatalException(5)

Current lynch candidate: Tie (Devourer(5), FatalException(5)
Currently Abstaining: Viet-X, Devourer.
Current Vote count: 11 votes + 2 abstain. 13/26 (50%) players (20 townies, 5 mafia and a joker)

fuck you all

Oct 24 2009, 9:54 pm InsolubleFluff Post #738

I worked with Vrael and Darksnow just like you Corbo. They trusted me, and so should you.

I vote devourer.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 24 2009, 10:05 pm by Shocko.


Oct 24 2009, 10:12 pm Excalibur Post #739

The sword and the faith

I change to Fatal. Let the Boondock handle Dev.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Oct 24 2009, 11:21 pm Jack Post #740

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Mafia doctor will protect dev. Also, dev gets another hit before BDS hits him.

Remember the standard mafia habit of long counter posts?

*looks at corbo's post*

But TBH I don't think corbo is mafia as much as I suspect others.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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