Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: ((((ROVER RAMPAGE)))) beta
((((ROVER RAMPAGE)))) beta
Jan 18 2009, 11:00 pm
By: alexpnd  

Jan 18 2009, 11:00 pm alexpnd Post #1

It's called ((((ROVER RAMPAGE)))) Its a fast paced "action" game. If you have any ideas let me know.

-There are 4 players each commanding upto 2 Rovers (vultures)
-Optional 1 player referee for total of 5 players
-The point of the game is to make $10,000, before you enemies do, by killing the civilians (Medics) and militia (Marines) as well as each other
-The number of rounds are selected at the beginning of the game.
-After 15 kills you get a punisher to set back an enemy $500
-After 50 kills you get a user-selected PowerUp

I have a sweet soundtrack that speeds up as players get higher and higher in the game. Once the mineral count is almost to $10,000 its just going crazy, it definitely ups the gameplay. It helps to know what to do with your punishers and what kind of actions to take (eg offensive).

There are 2 geysers to hallucinate your rovers.
4 platforms in which by simply moving your loaded overlord you recruit a tank (The Shocker) for a short while
Referee (arbiter)can assist a selected player in kills, heal their units, as well as freeze units . He is there to help the newbs.
Purchasing of upto 5 Rovers (vultures)
Upgrading Tech
Backup Units (every 30 kills, can only command one of each)
------Firebat = "Rover Exterminator", super strong attack, pansy hit points), he is meant to destroy enemies
------Goliath = "The Hammer", weak attack, though strong enough to kill civilians in one blow, super tough hitpoints, he is meant to last and gather cash

They last for upto 20-30 kills or 30-35 seconds, whichever comes first, and depending on the powerup. The airborne ones kill a lot faster so they have less time.

- Hell Blimp.
I borrowed the scarab spell and use a Carrier in its place.

- Ex-Con Drop ship
- Drops cpu controlled Ex-Cons (infested) automatically
- When its over the remaining excons are handed to the player

- Air Strike
- 25 cpu controlled wraiths kill everyone for you in an upward sweep of the map

- Sand Trap
- 2 sand trap installers (scv)
- Supply Depots turns into 2 lurkers (not unburrowable)

- The Plague
- 1 plague carrier (infested kerrigan)
- ensare, consume, and cloak enabled (automatically cloaked)
- Any enemy men in the area become cpu controlled infested martians (zerglings) who attack randomly
- When its over the zerglings still alive are handed over to the player

- Solar Force (my personal favorite)
- 4 balls of rotating energy around your Corsair destroy everything in its path

Things I dont have but want:
-Inverted ramps on the bottom bases. I wasnt able to conjure up something that was palatable.
-Some other kind of challenge to slow the quick kill rate. (perhaps mario kart style powerups instead of units, things like, all kills go to the powered up player, half kill points, freeze, things like that.)

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Feb 4 2009, 5:54 am by alexpnd.


Jan 18 2009, 11:02 pm BlackWolf99 Post #2

wait wats the point of this game? is it like a madness game, a defense game, etc.
wat do u even do in this map? What makes this interesting?
erm sounds fun if u put effort in this but
the terrain is simple and looks like u took 2 minutes to make
not to be rude
u new to mapmaking?
put me a beta tester this sounds fun. put some effort in terrain tho and maybe some skills

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 18 2009, 11:18 pm by BlackWolf99.


Jan 18 2009, 11:18 pm alexpnd Post #3

lol thats all the terrain needs. Yeah its a bit simple but i just dont know what else to do. Its more about putting down your opponents then terrain anyways. I guess its a madness/strategy I'm not quite sure how to put it.


Jan 18 2009, 11:24 pm Biophysicist Post #4

Madness means you have three unit types in a rock-paper-scissors arrangement that automatically attack once spawned. I don't see anything like that here...

One thing I'd like to know is, can you build more Rovers?


Jan 18 2009, 11:28 pm alexpnd Post #5

No you cant but 2 is more than enough on a fastest setting to get a lot of points. The trick is to knock down the leader for your advantage using Punishers, assuming 4 players present, theres a lot of shuffling around. Also to get the powerup which helps you gain a lot of kills quickly. Since you always gain more cash worth than punisher worth, someoen will eventually reach the top... how quickly depends on the game speed.


Jan 18 2009, 11:30 pm BlackWolf99 Post #6

also are the rovers invincible? Are they one of the ppl that can kill things?


Jan 18 2009, 11:35 pm alexpnd Post #7

Yeah thats your primary kill tool are the two rovers. Keep in mind the map floods with civilians quickly. Theres also the challenge of constant damage from the gaurds, plus your competitors. They arent invincible but theyre very strong so it takes a lot to kill them. Plus healing them is dirt cheap.


Jan 18 2009, 11:39 pm BlackWolf99 Post #8

then this will take a lot of skill and patience
this will sound fun
put me beta testa!


Jan 18 2009, 11:42 pm alexpnd Post #9

uhhh how do i do that..
edit: and thanks. ive tried it a few times with my bro its fun. it takes a bit to get used to everything going on at once though. Ive worked hard to make it fair for every player even if they are down or up. So pretty much anyones game as long as you keep pushing.


Jan 18 2009, 11:43 pm BlackWolf99 Post #10

idk, take a paper and pen and write my name down
plus u can ask later
awsome game


Jan 18 2009, 11:48 pm alexpnd Post #11

cool ill add you as friend on bnet, im on east. sentinel2000. if i get up on bnet anytime this week i'll post it here. I would test it now but im going to my buds right now. thanks again. :)


Jan 20 2009, 7:15 am alexpnd Post #12

K I tested it and there were several problems. The map feels too big. Maybe I should enclose it more in a circular pattern? Some of the powerups were faulty as well as the grenade idea (I have on grenade move to existing spidermine, remove spidermine, kill civs in the area) however maybe i need more than one location so it runs safely with upto 8 rovers.

Another idea is to have the ability to get more rovers, more then the present two. I think this is good, tassadar asked this and now im thinking he's right. I'm going to look into EUD's because it would be nice if you could use the armory to "upgrade" to more and more rovers, beginning with just one.


Jan 20 2009, 6:56 pm Biophysicist Post #13

Why would you need EUDs for that? You could use mineral (or gas) loss detection... There's another method you can use if you don't have a spare resource, but it's somewhat complicated and I don't think I have time to explain it before I have to leave.

(If you don't know, mineral loss detection means that you detect when the player's minerals go down by a certain amount, which means that they did something. For example, if you set the player's minerals to 1 and the cost of [for example] Terran Vehicle Weapons to 1 as well, then if the player has exactly 0 minerals, that means that they researched Terran Vehicle Weapons.)


Feb 4 2009, 5:56 am alexpnd Post #14

can someone move this to showcase plz.


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[2024-5-28. : 8:43 am]
TheHappy115 -- Yea, thats the issue. Thanks. It would also explain why my deleted map couldn't get updated. Updated version reduced collision on units (only thing added) since was dodging game (players collide with each other)
[2024-5-28. : 5:26 am]
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