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Obama or McCain?
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Jul 4 2008, 6:22 am
By: MillenniumArmy
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Who would you pick?
Who would you pick?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Obama 100
McCain 26
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Poll has 126 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Nov 13 2008, 12:39 am Centreri Post #681

Relatively ancient and inactive

Technically, there was some Al-Qaeda in Iraq. They haven't been fighting against roosters. The problem is, they completely lost Afghanistan in the process and are pissing off Pakistan.


Nov 15 2008, 11:52 am Kellimus Post #682

Quote from dumbducky
Did you know that during the Clinton Administration, our country almost had the country debt payed off? We had such a surplus going on, we wouldn't be in this economical depression if it wasn't for the fake war in Iraq.
Oh, now it makes sense. Invoke class warfare and force rich people to pay for big government. I get it.

If my vote would have REALLY counted, I would have voted for Nader.
Oh, did you find your ballot in a garbage can?

What does that mean? I meant that if my vote towards Nader would actually count in getting him into the office, I would have voted for him.. Stay on topic mang.

And where did you get 'invoke class warfare' from, anyways? Our country had a surplus because Clinton and his administration knew how to concentrate on ourselves and fix the mess our country was in.

And I honestly believe that people who make millions upon millions of dollars a year deserve higher taxes because the majority of them are owners of corporations that have their CEOs doing their job for them while they make bank. Being lazy shouldn't be rewarded by lesser taxes for doing nothing. Cry and moap about how it took long work and dedication to get all this money if you don't share it in some form or way, you shouldn't deserve it. Its not even yours, anyways. Its the governments.

Take a look at the top of ANY dollar bill in the country, and you'll see "Federal Reserve Note" at the top.

If you know anything about Economics, you will also know that a Note is a form of debt. Such as a Promisary Note to a bank for example.

Therefore, the money you receive from your job is actually the governments that they lend to you in the form of Promisary Federal Reserve Notes. And it doesn't even have any value because of how our country is Trillions of dollars in debt.

If you deny it, you deny the very TRUE reality of the situation of the United States of America and its Government and Economy. If we didn't rely so much on Corporate Entities (Corporations) the Stock Market, and Oil (i'll explain in a second) we wouldn't be slumping into this depression.

Now the reason I said Oil is simple: The government wants to bail out GM with like $10 Billion. Why should we bail out an Automotive Corporation that has taken no means of trying to inovate any new technology that does not depend on Oil?

Some claim to save the 3 million jobs so they don't all apply for unemployment at once and screw the economy over. Some say the feds should do it and make sure they take means to developing new technology.

...........I say let the corporations fall, take away the Federal Reserve Note system, and give the money back to the people like it was before the Federal Reserve Bank was established.


Nov 15 2008, 7:01 pm dumbducky Post #683

What does that mean? I meant that if my vote towards Nader would actually count in getting him into the office, I would have voted for him.. Stay on topic mang.
Your vote does count, just not for much. If it doesn't count at all, why would you bother to vote?

If it's the governments money, why shouldn't you have to pay higher taxes? Why only the rich? And since when did $250k become rich? How does wanting to keep your own money make you greedy? This is the class warfare. Obama says anyone who objects to higher taxes is greedy. I say Obama is greedy. He wants the rich's money so he can start grandiose projects and achieve prestige.
...........I say let the corporations fall, take away the Federal Reserve Note system, and give the money back to the people like it was before the Federal Reserve Bank was established.


Nov 15 2008, 7:21 pm KrayZee Post #684

Quote from dumbducky
Your vote does count, just not for much. If it doesn't count at all, why would you bother to vote?

If it's the governments money, why shouldn't you have to pay higher taxes? Why only the rich? And since when did $250k become rich? How does wanting to keep your own money make you greedy? This is the class warfare. Obama says anyone who objects to higher taxes is greedy. I say Obama is greedy. He wants the rich's money so he can start grandiose projects and achieve prestige.
That's bullshit, dumbducky. You want middle class families lose everything they have?

Obama isn't even greedy.


Nov 15 2008, 9:22 pm dumbducky Post #685

How does taxing the rich keep the middle class from losing everything they have?

Obama gives so very little to charity.


Nov 15 2008, 9:25 pm KrayZee Post #686

Quote from dumbducky
How does taxing the rich keep the middle class from losing everything they have?

Obama gives so very little to charity.
Taxing the middle class basically removes their benefits in their later life. That's obvious, think the OBVIOUS. There are things wrong about the rich: monopoly, greed, lobbyist, and much more.

Obama promises a tax cut for 95% of working American familes who makes under $200,000 - $250,000 a year, is that very little?


Nov 17 2008, 10:37 pm Kellimus Post #687

Quote from dumbducky
What does that mean? I meant that if my vote towards Nader would actually count in getting him into the office, I would have voted for him.. Stay on topic mang.
Your vote does count, just not for much. If it doesn't count at all, why would you bother to vote?

If it's the governments money, why shouldn't you have to pay higher taxes? Why only the rich? And since when did $250k become rich? How does wanting to keep your own money make you greedy? This is the class warfare. Obama says anyone who objects to higher taxes is greedy. I say Obama is greedy. He wants the rich's money so he can start grandiose projects and achieve prestige.
...........I say let the corporations fall, take away the Federal Reserve Note system, and give the money back to the people like it was before the Federal Reserve Bank was established.

Why should we rewards a Corporation owner for just sitting on his ass and getting millions and millions of dollars of the governments money that they don't return in any way?

Higher taxes for the rich who don't give it back in some way anyways!


Nov 19 2008, 9:12 pm dumbducky Post #688

Because these lazy rich guys invest/spend their money in amounts the poor/middle class can never match. And these "lazy rich guys" work more. A study showed that the rich actually work more hours than the average person.


Nov 19 2008, 10:46 pm Kellimus Post #689

Quote from dumbducky
Because these lazy rich guys invest/spend their money in amounts the poor/middle class can never match. And these "lazy rich guys" work more. A study showed that the rich actually work more hours than the average person.

Show me the statistic to show me how hard an owner of a corporation, works.

The owner has his CEO and board to do his work for him.


Nov 19 2008, 10:50 pm KrayZee Post #690

I heavily doubt the rich works more hours than the average middle class American. Secondly, I heard one of the rich said "I won't get out of bed unless it's a million dollars", which definitely surprised the middle class Americans. Dumbducky, doesn't that sound lazy? The middle class American would definitely take that opportunity if its "just thousands".


Nov 19 2008, 11:08 pm Doodan Post #691

One way to get around these problems is to quit generalizing. One side complains about lazy poor people, and the other complains about lazy rich people. All income brackets have their lazy slobs. They do not define the entire demographic.


Nov 20 2008, 3:22 am Echo Post #692

I read an interesting article today on the New York Times. It mentioned something about this generation being Generation "O". Basically the only reason why Obama won is because he won the tech war. Many yuppies and youngins' voted for Obama and interacted with Obama on websites such as Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, and many others. Little did they know, Obama wasn't really interacting with them (most likely his staff members), and after the election, Obama would most likely not be on these websites as much. Basically this was kind of like a fad, and most of these young voters who voted for him based on this "interaction" would be disappointed. They felt like they bonded with him because they've recieved text messages from "Barack" and such.

In my own opinion, I don't think Obama is actually fit as being a president, maybe if he had more experience. He took things too far with his website, where people can post their stories.

If you actually see both presidents, they are actually the same with minor difference. But they still are doing things that favors large corporations, no matter what. Anyone who denies this is in strong denial with their "Change" attitude, because as you can see, both Obama and McCain recieved huge amounts of funding from large corporations.


Nov 21 2008, 12:44 am dumbducky Post #693
I heavily doubt the rich works more hours than the average middle class American. Secondly, I heard one of the rich said "I won't get out of bed unless it's a million dollars", which definitely surprised the middle class Americans. Dumbducky, doesn't that sound lazy? The middle class American would definitely take that opportunity if its "just thousands".
I'm calling bullshit on that story. It's so very vague. It's start off with the claim that you personaly heard "one of the rich", a vague and akward phrase. Then you say it surprised middle class Americans, as if this was some front page headline.


Nov 21 2008, 2:04 am KrayZee Post #694

It's not news, I know middle class Americans that were surprised when an upper class American said that. And it's not fucking vague at all.

Quote from Echo
I read an interesting article today on the New York Times. It mentioned something about this generation being Generation "O". Basically the only reason why Obama won is because he won the tech war. Many yuppies and youngins' voted for Obama and interacted with Obama on websites such as Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, and many others. Little did they know, Obama wasn't really interacting with them (most likely his staff members), and after the election, Obama would most likely not be on these websites as much. Basically this was kind of like a fad, and most of these young voters who voted for him based on this "interaction" would be disappointed. They felt like they bonded with him because they've recieved text messages from "Barack" and such.

In my own opinion, I don't think Obama is actually fit as being a president, maybe if he had more experience. He took things too far with his website, where people can post their stories.

If you actually see both presidents, they are actually the same with minor difference. But they still are doing things that favors large corporations, no matter what. Anyone who denies this is in strong denial with their "Change" attitude, because as you can see, both Obama and McCain recieved huge amounts of funding from large corporations.
I'm pretty sure the adolescents are not dumbasses, Echo. The only responses these people would give to Obama through email, blogs and comments are just supports. Obama did after all interact to people who had subscribed to his website for email updates, otherwise it's a different person and/or his campaign manager.
And the main reason why Obama won the election is because people preferred his economic policies over McCain's.


Nov 22 2008, 5:15 pm dumbducky Post #695

It's vague as hell. You provide no names, no definition for "upper class" and "middle class". Your "upper class" guy is clearly joking, because then he'd never get out of bed. Besides, your point is moot. For some reason, you think that if one rich person is lazy, then all rich people are and then they owe you their money.


Nov 22 2008, 5:30 pm Kaias Post #696

Quote from KrayZee
Secondly, I heard one of the rich said "I won't get out of bed unless it's a million dollars", which definitely surprised the middle class Americans.
Omg! No way! I'm deeply offended and surprised wowow. I deserve their money.

I can't believe you even mentioned something like this. This isn't even a point.


Nov 25 2008, 11:45 pm Kellimus Post #697

Quote from dumbducky
It's vague as hell. You provide no names, no definition for "upper class" and "middle class". Your "upper class" guy is clearly joking, because then he'd never get out of bed. Besides, your point is moot. For some reason, you think that if one rich person is lazy, then all rich people are and then they owe you their money.

Most rich people ARE lazy. I worked for a millionaire at a club called Club Discretions.

Do you know what he would do everytime he came in? Bitch and bitch and bitch about how he's not making money, and bitch at everyone because it's their fault.

Now get this. He would never put ANY money towards fixing the place up so he could MAKE his money.

Therefore; Lazy

Dutch is his name. Don't remember his last name, but his first is good enough.
Then guess what? The Manager would bitch at us, too. And he is Lower Upper Class.

Guess what he did most the time? Come in, get drunk, play pool. Wouldn't even really help unless we really needed it.

And you tell me rich people aren't lazy?

Quit being so damn nieve.


Nov 26 2008, 12:49 am dumbducky Post #698

Quit being so damn willfully ignorant.

I already showed to you that the average rich person works more than your average middle-class (link). It is simply to false to say all rich are lazy, as well as all people of one class are lazy.

You have also failed to provide a reason as to why the rich being lazy (they aren't) gives you a right to their money.


Nov 26 2008, 2:33 am ClansAreForGays Post #699

Dumbducky, were you even paying attention when Hercanic tried explaining to people like you how tax brackets work? The tax increase goes into effect on every dollar you earn AFTER the 250k mark.

Get your facts straight.

Nov 26 2008, 7:32 am Kellimus Post #700

Quote from dumbducky
Quit being so damn willfully ignorant.

I already showed to you that the average rich person works more than your average middle-class (link). It is simply to false to say all rich are lazy, as well as all people of one class are lazy.

You have also failed to provide a reason as to why the rich being lazy (they aren't) gives you a right to their money.

Do you even know how taxes work?????

I wont get their money, the 'government' will you fool.

Which taxes are against the constitution anyways, and are just invisible contracts the IRS tricks you into signing so they can steal your money, but that's a different topic.

The "Federal Reserve" gets taxes and it supposidly get's 'pumped' back into the Nation.

So get off your know-it-all horse and quit being so nieve.


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