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SCM Draft 2 Help
Nov 11 2008, 6:23 am
By: Hugel  

Nov 11 2008, 6:23 am Hugel Post #1

I am having a problem with my map.

I am using notepad++ to write triggers and then bring them back into SCM Draft and compiling them there.
In my current build, I can not get the map to save. It will check the triggers just fine, but will not save.

I have a system in the map where enemy vHp can be anywhere from 4-12,000, in increments of mostly 5.
Each available hitpoint has a related visual (set hp %) component. Right now I have it set to 5% increments.

So this is a lot of triggers. What I can actually save is listed at 65,739 triggers and just under 1 million lines of code.
This, however, is not all of the triggers. When I add the others, it crashes and won't compile/save.

When all triggers are put together, there are:

1,334,596 lines of code
41,930,180 characters
66,000+ triggers (unknown, most likely more than 70,000)

Is there any sort of limit I'm reaching that isn't documented in the "map limits" wiki?
Maybe there is a trigger limit after all or is there a lines of code limit?




Nov 11 2008, 6:39 am Elvang Post #2

That is a lot of triggers... I've always assumed there was a trigger limit. There might not be, but its possible the trigger editor for SCM Draft can't handle that amount of input. I think the text trigger editor is authored by someone other than Suicidal Insanity, though I may be wrong. In the about section for it, one DarkWizard is listed with the copyright being from 2004.


Nov 11 2008, 1:55 pm Falkoner Post #3

There is honestly no trigger limit, at least not one you will reach, I think it's a bit odd that it hit that error so close to 65536 triggers, as that would definitely mess it up if ints were being used anywhere in the program for variables, that could be the problem. Try doing them in sections and compiling them in StarForge and see if it can save.


Nov 11 2008, 4:44 pm Ahli Post #4

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I'm able to compile, save and load maps with more than 120k triggers and more than 1.5 million lines.
But that works only with the latest version.
maybe you are not waiting long enough?

more information pls.
does an error appear?
does scmdraft crash? when? while saving? while compiling?

Nov 15 2008, 4:40 pm RISKED911 Post #5

wat would yoube doing with 65536 triggers anyway!? :crazy:


Nov 15 2008, 5:01 pm Elvang Post #6

The only thing I can think of is text detection, that alone would take quite a few triggers if you have a bunch of commands. Doesn't the map start to lag cycling through that many triggers though? The map size also has to be enormous :crazy: .


Nov 15 2008, 5:07 pm NudeRaider Post #7

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

There are some maps that are so complex that they use so many triggers - just because they offer so many possibilities. Examples are Astrogears or Diablo 1 (I think it's not done yet).

If all these triggers do is modify death counters then you won't manage to make a decent pc lag. What creates huge lag is if you work with units. E.g. move, create, set HP.
The amount of triggers is not so important as what you do.

Nov 15 2008, 8:30 pm Elvang Post #8

I've always wondered how exactly starcraft manages the triggers ingame. I have EUD conditions in triggers along with a switch, but the EUD condition is higher than the switch; shouldn't other players be desynced (non shared value) as soon as the conditions are checked, even if they don't return a TRUE value for all conditions?


Nov 15 2008, 11:19 pm Chubacca Post #9

ive been having the same problem in my maps as well, i have different random attacks from 1-15,000 and i have about 80k triggers, but wen i go to save i crash as well. Idk what was wrong at the time but i took out about 2000 lines and it saved fine for me. but every so often it happens for me, even wen i have maybe 1k triggers


Nov 16 2008, 10:29 pm Hugel Post #10

It seems the text trigger editor in SCM Draft 2 can only handle less than 1,000,000 lines of code. This may have been fixed with the most current version.
It simply can not compile more than that. I would say Starcraft itself could handle it, but we can't compile it.

The triggers that are taking up the most space in map are related to health, mana.
Health is represented by ore, mana by gas.
Your health can be anywhere between 10 and 5300 in increments of 10.
Your mana can be anywhere between 5 and 2020 in increments of 5.
There are triggers to set the limits on ore/gas.

Then, each unit in the game has 100 hps. This represents 100% hps.
At each possible hps of the unit, I have triggers to set the % of hps in increments of 5%.
There are 3 sets of these triggers. One for your hero, one for your pet, and one for the enemy units.
10 - 5300 in increments of 10 - Hero
220 - 3640 in increments of 7 - Pet
4 - 30,000 in various increments (around 700 possible choices) - Enemy
10,580 triggers for hero %
9,771 triggers for pet %
~14,000 triggers for enemy %

Other systems that eat up a lot of space:

The arena move system, uses a static grid.
The entire battle system, many stages to it, many possibilities, randomness build in throughout, and then copied over for both hero and enemy.

As far as MapStats:

File Size - 1.31 mb (I have a bunch of virtual sounds in the map, and I think they are adding size to the map. Shouldn't they not add size?)
Triggers - 20,088 (I have left out most of the hp/mana limit/% triggers for ease in compiling. I don't need these in until I progress further in the map and you level up anyway.)
Str Capacity - 21,771 (I will have to watch this one closely. I do have a bunch of comments that I could take out, but my space will disappear quickly.)

Then only thing I have left to finish before I release a demo version is I need to get some of the spells in place.
Up til now I've been focusing on just the melee part of the battle system.

Demo coming soon: Twilight Legacy RPG 2



Nov 17 2008, 2:24 am NudeRaider Post #11

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Hugel
File Size - 1.31 mb (I have a bunch of virtual sounds in the map, and I think they are adding size to the map. Shouldn't they not add size?)
When you add a sound you can click the checkmark "virtual sound". Maybe you forgot to check it?

Nov 17 2008, 4:24 am Falkoner Post #12

That's most likely it, it's easy to fix though, just delete them and add them back in, checking the checkbox, and since they will have the same string name, it won't cause any problems with triggers already using them.


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