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I need spell/character ideas for an AoS map
Oct 30 2008, 10:11 pm
By: Biophysicist  

Oct 30 2008, 10:11 pm Biophysicist Post #1

I'm working on an AoS map and want to have a lot of characters, each with four spells. I currently have about ten characters planned, but would like to double that if possible.

Some things that might be important:
1. There are two teams. Team 1 is Terran/Protoss, Team 2 is Zerg. Each team has their own character list.
2. The Terran/Protoss creeps (the units that charge the enemy base all the time) are Marines and Scouts. The Zerg creeps are Hydralisks and Mutalisks.
3. I am currently using the Dragoon, Corsair, Goliath, Science Vessel, Siege Tank, Mutalisk, Ultralisk, Hydralisk, Lurker, and Defiler as characters. The Dropship is used in one of the Goliath's spells.
4. Each spell should have four "upgrades", such as increased damage, lower cost/cooldown, etc.
5. Passive abilities are okay. I am using a few, actually. (One of the Mutalisk's abilities is to create a Scourge every few kills, for example.)

If anyone submits an idea that I end up using, they will be credited in the map when/if I finish it.

(I'm making this in Assistance because I don't have any screenshots yet, mostly because of being busy with homework and somehow breaking one of the core MPQ files, which SCMDraft did not like. It's fixed now tho.)


Oct 30 2008, 10:15 pm stickynote Post #2

Try translating a whole bunch of DotA spells onto starcraft, as in rename, triggering, etc...


Oct 30 2008, 10:51 pm Biophysicist Post #3

Problem is I don't have DotA (or Warcraft, for that matter) and don't know any of the spells. Only spells I remember from the few times I've played are Phantom Lancer's spells, and that Clockwerk Goblin can shoot a missile to any point on the map.


Oct 30 2008, 11:16 pm stickynote Post #4

Have fun: Linky.


Oct 31 2008, 12:30 am Pigy_G Post #5

How about a Zerg Queen. A spellcaster unit with no normal attack, Like a summoner almost. If you wanted it to also be able to attack you could have a cloaked zergling permanetly under it.

Spells as follows


Infects nearby players. If you have a mana system it could slow down and drain mana, Or temporairly provide vision.
If in infest mode increase effects.


Pull's enemy units towards you and create a sunken and spore colony beneath you, Stacked.
If In infest mode get an extra sunken/spore.


Continusley spawn broodlings, a massive amount. this will trap players and quickly drain their life away.
If in infest mode also spawn infested duran's.


Transform into a infested kerrigan with high damage and health.
You could also make another effect if the player recast's infest while already In Infest mode. Perhaps give the player 250 energy for three seconds, normal spawn broodlings could cost 250. An instant kill, Just make sure they have very little time to cast.

Hope you like the ideas.


Oct 31 2008, 12:43 am Biophysicist Post #6

I like that one! I'll probably end up using that, or something like it.

Btw, all three Raynor units (Jim Raynor (Marine), Jim Raynor (Vulture) and Jim Raynor (Hyperion)) are now being used.


Oct 31 2008, 12:50 am JaBoK Post #7

Well, some good effects are scarab shooting, spider mine creation, temporary invincible walls (psi emitters), bombs that blow up after a certain amount of time (chrysalis?) Arbiter recalls are nice, and using invisible wraiths can make an awesome laser effect (Create 9 wraiths at a 6/6 location, order them to the player's location, then after 1.5 seconds or so, order them to attack where they are, then remove them after a second or two. This makes a warpy effect from the invis, then a whole whack of lasers shoot out. Would work great with a wraith hero, could be like overload mode.)


Oct 31 2008, 12:58 am Pigy_G Post #8

Fenix. A warrior character, his strength is mostly in his own attacks and summoned allies.


Two zealots are summoned.


Fenix and any alli's surrounding him are made invincible for five seconds. Spell has a cooldown time of thirty seconds before it can be recasted.


Summon a powerful dragoon.


Fenix and all of his alli's regardless of their position are made invincible for 20 seconds.

Personally I find this character rather unintresting compared to the queen. But for players who are more simple minded and perfer the brute force, They might like him. You might want to put somthing about if he dies he can come back as a dragoon or somthing... I dunno if you like this one or not but you said you needed idea's.


Oct 31 2008, 1:22 am Biophysicist Post #9

I'll change "I fear not death" to a passive that gives him a chance to come back as a Dragoon when he's destroyed. (He respawns as a Zealot, though.) Otherwise, I like him as well.

And brute force characters are good too. If it's all spellcasters, then the map would probably become a oneshot frenzy that gets really boring, really fast.

If you have any other ideas, feel free to post them. And if you keep coming up with ideas like this, I might have to ask you to become my partner on this map!

@JaBoK: I know most of those, but the Wraith thing is cool. I'll probably use that somewhere, too.

@sticky: Thanks for the link.

(Btw, do you guys think I should post the characters I have planned out to give people something to compare too? Or will that just lead to people stealing my ideas...)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 31 2008, 1:50 am by TassadarZeratul. Reason: Modified the "I fear not death" ability.


Oct 31 2008, 2:12 am stickynote Post #10

Ward Mage
The unit would be a defiler if it isn't already used. Use darkswarm to place the wards. You must first select the type of ward, then cast darkswarm. All the wards have extremely high armor, but can be killed.

Healing Ward
An immobile medic is placed to heal the Ward Mage. The amount of time it stays is increased per level.

Poison Ward
An immobile unit(pick whatever you have that's available) with an irradiated flying unit over it is placed. Duration and number of irradiated units increases per level.

Lightning Ward
A probe that is slowed down(by creating and removing units above it) with a scout hero following it. It is a slow-moving attack ward. Duration and maximum number of wards that can be placed is increased per level.

Invincibility Ward
All allied units near the ward in a 10x10 location is invincible, except the ward. This ward has low life compared to the other wards. The duration is short, and there can only be one on the map at a time. The duration and effect range increases per level.

It doesn't hurt to post the other characters, that way we don't waste time creating heroes that are too similar to already created heroes. Besides, sharing your ideas can only help the community.


Oct 31 2008, 2:16 am Biophysicist Post #11

I was using the Defiler already, but I wasn't using his spells for anything. I'll change it to a Dark Archon.

I'll be posting a list of all the characters soon, btw.

EDIT: How would I create the Irradiation effect? And is Lightning Ward a reference to Tactics Arena Online?


Oct 31 2008, 2:54 am stickynote Post #12

To create the irradiation, you have a computer controlled science vessel somewhere off the playing area. Place the units that you want irradiated next to it. The units have to be organic though, or it won't work. Units that are unallied to the science vessel but allied to the to-be irradiated unit attack the science vessel to increase its chance of casting it.

And, for the lightning ward, no, it is not a reference. I haven't even heard of tactics arena online.


Oct 31 2008, 6:25 pm Pigy_G Post #13

Why not make the ward hero a corsair? Use distruption web instead of dark swarm, You could make the sair also have high armor and low fast attack.

Invincibility Ward
All allied units near the ward in a 10x10 location is invincible, except the ward. This ward has low life compared to the other wards. The duration is short, and there can only be one on the map at a time. The duration and effect range increases per level.

I Like this, but instead why not make it a permanent camp of invinciblity, make the wards have like 255+255 armor and take about 5 hits to kill. Keep the one at a time but make it so it doesnt die after a time, They have to kill it. If it turns out its too overpowered then make it die after a time, but try no timer at first.

I also just realized the zealot has no way to counter air, perhaps make it so when he cast's his first move, (Summon two zealots) he also gets a anti air unit for five seconds?


Oct 31 2008, 11:45 pm stickynote Post #14

I thought about that, but then I realized that you could have all the heroes on your team stay near the ward, and they could just camp there. No enemy hero would be able to get near with all the team's heroes next to the ward, blocking them from reaching it. No, the best thing to do would be to give it a duration.

A sort of a counter to the ward mage:
Fire Wurm
This is a ranged tank, allowing it to attack and kill the wards while taking hits from invincible units. Of course, the unit is a siege tank, or the hero, what ever is available. It has a lot of life and slightly above average armor. Damage is average.

A passive ability that spits out a spidermine every couple seconds. The mine dies after a couple seconds, if it doesn't explode. The time between each fireball decreases per level.

Tough Skin
A passive ability that increases its armor by 2 per level.

Rapid Regeneration
A passive ability that heals hp by a small amount of hp every time a kill is made by the hero. The amount of hp healed increases per level.

Torch that son of a bitch. Massive amounts of damage from a siege tank in siege mode. Have it owned by player 11, underneath a player 11 arbiter. Then move it near the hero, and give it to the player. Wait a little bit for it to fire, move it away, give ti back to player 11, and do it again. The number of shots fired increases per level.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2008, 12:00 am by stickynote.


Nov 1 2008, 12:32 am Pigy_G Post #15

No offense but that character has way to many passive spells, It rely's to much on luck for what happens when. I suggest changing one of the passives to a automanic.


Nov 1 2008, 5:34 pm stickynote Post #16

I thought that it would be easier to play for newer players, since more passive = less things to concentrate on.


Nov 1 2008, 6:02 pm Biophysicist Post #17

I already have a Siege Tank character, and I agree that Fire Wurm has too many passives. Also, I'm not using vHP, so Tough Skin and Rapid Regeneration would be kinda hard. Well, I could just create an SCV and let the player repair, but that looks weird...

The Zealot does have a way to counter air, when he dies he comes back as a Dragoon if the player has researched I Fear Not Death.

I actually have a few characters that could take out an unlimited duration Invulnerability Ward: my Tank character can use Siege Mode, Raynor can summon the Hyperion to blast it with Yamato Gun, the Goliath can use Nuclear Strike (Metal Gear reference, and it fits with the Goliath's role), the Corsair can cast Distruption Web to make the enemies move away from the Ward if they want to attack, and the Science Vessel character can Irradiate the ward if I use an organic unit.

And btw, this is actually set in the StarCraft universe.

Here is the current character list. Feel free to comment on the heroes if you want, or to suggest new ones.

Collapse Box

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2008, 11:01 pm by TassadarZeratul.

Nov 1 2008, 6:30 pm stickynote Post #18


The units is a Hunter Killer/Hydralisk. I forgot which one you already used. Its role is an assassin. It has low life and armor, but high damage. Burrow, increased movement speed, and increased attack range are researched.

Tainted Earth
A spot on the ground is marked. It is only visible to your team, and can only affect heroes of the opposing team. When an enemy hero walks over the spot, they are significantly slowed for a few seconds. The trap disappears after one use. The duration and the maximum number of traps that can be placed increases per level.

Crippling Blow
Melee ranged ability. Deals a little bit of damage, paralyzes for 2 seconds, and disables all their spells temporarily(after the paralyze). The damage and the duration of the spell disable increases per level.

All enemy units near you are given to a computer that has the units JYD for a couple seconds. The JYD location is the entire map. They cannot attack either. The JYD duration increases per level.

The insides of an enemy hero start to rot away. An irradiated scourge is constantly moved to that heroes position, slowing them down and damaging them. If the hero moves (detect that with a 1x1 pixel location that center on that hero if the hero isn't in the location) another irradiated scourge is moved over it until it stops moving. The duration and initial number of scourge increases per level. This ability stops the lurker from using spells though.


Nov 1 2008, 7:25 pm Biophysicist Post #19

Problem: Most of the Terran/Protoss team's heroes are mechanical, so Rot would be really bad. We should think of a new spell for him, or change him to a Dark Templar and put him on the T/P team.

Actually, Poison Ward would have the same problem. So both of those need changing...


Nov 1 2008, 8:05 pm Craftstar2 Post #20

Why don't you just make like 4 heroes with 10 spells each? That would be more fun.


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