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Meet the Line-up.
Aug 31 2009, 9:46 pm
By: Norm
Pages: 1 2 3 >

Aug 31 2009, 9:46 pm Norm Post #1

Heroes that Break the Typical Mold

Note: All my guys use a Gateway as spell-casting medium.

Serpent - Zerg Defiler

Lacking a normal attack, this guy is designed to be a 9-spell beast. It's basic attack can be whatever you want set up to a Swarm detection trigger. Cast swarm there, this happens etc. Swarm cost and spell effects are up to the mapmaker and can easily be changed to accommodate balance. Next, you have the normal 4 spells which can fit any theme that the mapmaker wishes. Finally, he will have burrow enabled, or you have to pay money to research it, I dunno whatever fits the game. Anyway, set up a trigger to detect when he's burrowed, and BAM set a switch or DC and he has 4 new spells. These can be more of support spells, or defensive, or ambush depending on the map's atmosphere and what could be useful.

I have this cool theme where he's an old flightless dragon and when he's unburrowed he is a powerhouse who uses Fire-based spells to represent his flame breath. When he is burrowed, he uses ancient curses and techniques to seriously cripple any opponent who falls into his trap. Also, his Dark Swarm technique is going to be called "Constrict" and what it does is stun enemy hero if you hit them with it, and also has 1 of three things it can do. 1/3 no effect on spawn, 1/3 kills your base spawn, 1/3 kills enemy spawn as an added effect.

Crimson Wolf - Devouring One

This hero is based on if your map has a night/day system which has been popular since AoS's existed. This guy is basically a half werewolf, half vampire, so he's awesome. Basically, during the day he will be slowed down by burrowed unit under him, he has a spell set during the day that is different than what it is at nighttime, giving him a total of 8 spells. At night time is when he truly shines, because he can burrow and using burrow detection, we can figure out when to give him a MP regeneration bonus, kind of like he's focusing the moon energy or something. You can have a theme where like his 4 day spells are werewolf themed, and his 4 night spells are vampire spells. Of course, at night he'd be able to run full speed (no burrowed unit) because the sun wouldn't be damaging him.

So, I got this whole Vampire/Werewolf thing figured out pretty good: First of all, at nighttime he is Vampire mode. His first move is pretty basic enchantment that makes you gain life with every kill you make. It's called "Red Feast" and it represents that you're consuming the blood of things you kill to increase your life. He also has attacks that revolve around bats (Zerg mutalisk). One spell I thought of is called "Dracula Mantle" and if you imagine it it's like you hide in a Cape for a quick second or two (Gain invincibility) and bats come out around you to attack things.

Creature of Mist - Zerg Hydralisk/Lurker

So, we have a hydralisk, who has the ability to change into lurker enabled. Lurker form has low HP, but it's spells are powerful like WHOA. Once he uses a spell in lurker form, he reverts back to hydra, as it is his natural form. Having 4 spells as hydra, and 4 spells as lurker opens up a lot of possibilities for how you want to lay this character out in terms of role. Optionally, you can enable a burrow detection effect for him as well while he is in hydra form. I was thinking maybe he could call forth broodlings or something "Mist puppets" we could call them and he'd spawn them at a set rate whenever he was burrow. That'd be pretty cool.

Ok, so I developed this guy a bit more and here's what I got: He has an ability that makes it so that when you burrow, you generate broodlings instead of gaining MP. If there are no enemies around, you generate 2 broodlings/MP tick - which means that you can generate crazy amounts if you have fast MP regen =) If there are enemies around though, you generate 2broodlings/MP tick at each of their hero locations. To add to this, all the spells while in Hydra mode revolve around these broodlings pretty much. One for example is called "Nightmare" which replaces each broodling you have with a stronger Zergling. Another spell I have is called "Mist Exchange" and what it does is take each broodling you own, and sacrifices it to add stun duration and MP drain to any nearby enemies. Imagine if you had some obscene amount of broodlings, it'd be a rape move.

Now there's also the lurker form which has an escape move called "Dissipate" which will move you back to base and leave a few computer-owned lurkers at your location to hit your attacker. I have this cool Idea for a 4th spell it's called "Wind of Horus" and what it does is give you a scourge that you can move around hunter killers spawn under it over time, and after the spell duration, you move to wherever the scourge was if it's walkable terrain. If not, you just chill where you were when u casted it. Good for damage + getaways.

The Alchemist - Terran Firebat

So I was thinking it would be cool if you put patches of material laying around the battlefield. Let's just say that I scatter them randomly and there is Stone, Wood and Steel - they can be any 3 substances you want, but the point is that this guy's first spells would be to Transmute any resource that is by him. After that, he gains 3 spells that are unique to that resource type. For example, I transmute Stone, and now my spells revolve around Stone themes. This gives you a good 9 spell hero, and players can make use of each spell set, but added strategy if the resource areas are guarded by other team maybe.

Things get a little more complicated when you find out that other heroes are competing for these resources as well. The Samurai wants them for his armor upgrades, Artificial Intelligence wants to convert them into fuel, Mind Machine wants to extract minerals from them... There could be a lot of fighting depending on what kind of team you're up against. So I have these 3 spell sets set up: "Wood" "Stone" and "Steel". It was surprisingly difficult to think up good spells effects for these, but players who use this hero have some cool things in store for them.

Mind & Machinery - SCV + Tank w/ Siege enabled

So I was thinking about how cool it would be if you actually had your little human guy and he drove a tank around. Normally, you would have a tank unsieged with 4 available spells to it, but if you go into siege mode your SCV guy comes out. Your tank turns turret style and shoots things while you can construct whatever buildings the mapmaker decides to put in uses for. You'd be able to construct some buildings if you wish. You'd get new commands while out of the tank such as "Evasive maneuvers" - helping you not die, "Construction" - in case your vehicle is destroyed, and maybe something sneaky like a flash grenade.

You would be able to enter/exit the tank using the Siege mode function. You'd have to be close to the tank in order to enter it though, so be ready for that. If your tank dies, that's not the end of the world, but you're weak as shit when you're only an SCV, so you'll probably want the tank.

Necromancer - Fenix Dragoon

This guy was going to be cool because whenever you kill an enemy, you will have a certain % chance to gain control of a skeleton which would be created. You would have the ability to build structures such as Zerg spire/Greater spire that would increase your mastery of skeletons, and you'd also be able to construct other things (Ultra Cave, Defiler Mound) and these are special abilities for your guy. You would have spells revolve around skeleton summons of course, such as creating one, calling them all too you etc. Of course there is more to it than that.

For example, you're able to get "Gravedancers" which are a summon you can send out to do your bidding. These guys can also earn you skeletons, and as an added ability you can combo the spell to use one I call "Lich Candle" which destroys the MP supply of anyone near one of your grave dancers. Finally, it wouldn't feel like a necromancer if he didn't have a Curse spell, so expect one of those =).

Illusionist - Tassadar

So this guy is pretty unique because he's all about playin around with people's heads. His first spell can be something that maybe manipulates people's movements or messes with their status. His second spell is where things get changed up though. He possesses an ultralisk, or another scary unit of the mapmaker's choice and while the Tassadar is in suspended animation (invincible, can't move or do spells), he goes around with the ultralisk - which can kill things pretty hardcore. Unfortunately the ultralisk only gets 2 spells, and one of them is to return back to the Illusionist, so if you're going for MP builds, maybe that wouldn't be so handy.

"Astroprojection" and it's combo technique "Static Field" is going to bring down the ownage pretty hard if used correctly. You also get a powerful final spell if you're more of a direct damage output kind of player... Of course you also get access to Psi Storm and Hallu's.

Artificial Intelligence - Goliath / Vulture

Unlike any other hero, this unit has unlimited spell capability as long as it has enough fuel. Fuel is used whenever you are not near your main base, or a fuel depot that you can build with a probe or something. Even more fuel is used when you use a Level 3 or 4 spell. However you also have a Level 1 spell which can utilize the resources placed for the Samurai and Alchemist characters and convert them to fuel. Finally your level 2 spell could be to switch forms. I was thinking having the 3&4 spells be something offensive that can destroy shit easily, but it'd be difficult to use them and also maintain fuel levels.

Another thing I thought of is that in order to make maintaining your fuel level a priority, when you die there is an added effect that you self-destruct and however much fuel you have determines the damage dealt to anyone near your deathplace. To switch things up this guy would be not only focused on vehicle upgrades, but also half of his spells could be with Ship upgrades instead, and the self destruct damage could be cloaked wraiths with like a +1 damage upgrade to go along with your spells and make it worthwhile to invest in those. Otherwise, you'd have your typical machinery spells to people who don't like to be multi-dimensional, but they're effectiveness would suffer because of this.

Oh, and of course some people are going to totally lose track of their fuel, so I'll have it so that if you run out, you have one emergency fuel supply/life that after you're stunned for a little bit, you can get 20-30 fuel and try to make it back to base to get more.

Samurai - Fenix Zealot

This guy has shield points that will be set to a certain amount depending on how much you level his armor. I was thinking about if this guy was in the same game as The Alchemist, they could compete over resources because Samurai could gain EXP toward his armor leveling up while he was near resources. You could start out with them always being at 2%, then increase by whatever means they level in addition to levels you get like a traditional character. To try to diversify things a little bit, I was thinking that there would be a switch the player could toggle that would alternate between two different sword styles that the player could use. Each style would have 4 unique spells, one could be suited for defensive and the other offensive maybe.

Okay, so we got these two Styles you can utilize. From Offensive, you have an ability which will allow you to dodge attacks while you change into Defensive Style. The Defensive Style is going to have Aura buffs that he can use on his team mates, so players will be happy to have the Samurai on their team. A short stun spell is used to change back into Offensive Mode, and then you'll have access to powerful attacks. I have a cool final spell in mind called "Black Dragon."

Ninja - Dark Templar

This guy works well in a Night/Day type setting as well. Here's my plan, since Ninjas are masters of technique and capable of some crazy stuff, I'd give this guy a combo style spell set. K here's the deal: First spell could be to summon up an observer. Ninjas are stealthy and good with information, so that's good. At day time, the OBS would be killable, but at night it's invincible. When you have obs, you can use lvl1 to instantly move to the observer's location. Then, using the combo system I'd make it so that if you used l1+l1, It would do something like destroy the observer, cause some kind of stun to enemies near it and create a new one at your ninja's location. After that, use the combo system to make 6 additional spells and BAM you got one sweet hero.

This guy is different than the other Heroes because he has access to 5/8 of his spells right away. When you gain enough levels to learn new abilities, you actually unlock the combo spells instead.

Rune Mage - Infested Kerrigan

Can use Cloak,Storm, and Ensnare. Spells 1 + 2 are damage spells that will happen near Kerrigan when you cast them. Spell 3 is where things start getting switched up. Spell 3 will give you a corsair that can cast web. Casting Web on an enemy uses a blinding spell, making the enemy unable to see and is the perfect set-up to bust out an attack that happens when you use spell3 while corsair is out. Spell 4 is similar, except Corsair is replaced by Science Vessel with Matrix, EMP, and Irridate enabled and if you use Spell4 again, a powerful spell happens at the sci vessel's location. This hero was designed around having a shit ton of spells, so there are: 3 Built in spells + 2 Gateway spells for the main hero. +Level3 spell and Web spell is 2 more + 3 spells from Sci Vessel and +Level 4 Spells. =11 Spells available without having a switched form or anything. Naturally, energy costs can be set to whatever helps balance things.

Psychopath - Jim Marine

Alright, this guy has a lot of potential, but I'll let you know what I got so far - a hero that revolves around blowing stuff up This guy comes with a dropship, but for starters it's empty and can only be used for transportation purposes. When you are not in the dropship, it's invincible - but it is extremely vulnerable if you go inside of it. As you gain new abilities, you can have your traditional 1-4 spells, but also your Dropship would gain abilities as you gained them as well. For example, you earn your level 2 spell, at this point in time, your dropship gets a unit inside of it that triggers it's spell #1. As you make your way up the ladder, your dropship ends up full with i'm thinking 2 units that take up 2 spaces and 1 big unit that would be your dropship's ultimate. To replenish the dropship's abilities though, you''d have to take yourself and it to the base where it would be refilled. Also, make sure stim is enabled because that could be like he's hopped up on stim drugs and that's why he's crazy about blowing shit up.

A cool passive ability that this guy has is that when he dies, he can take enemies with him. Nearby enemies have a 60% chance to suffer critical damage. In addition, any nearby allies have a 40% chance of the same thing happening to them, so try not to die when next to them, you might get your team messed up.

12 Heroes? It's time to make a game. I got my Terrain done (Thanks to Payne for his brush project) and I'm going to start trigger work here pretty soon. GIVE FEEDBACK. Do you like these heroes? Would you want to play as these guys?

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on Sep 4 2009, 9:30 pm by Norm.


Aug 31 2009, 9:56 pm Echo Post #2

Here are some of the heroes I put in my AoS style map.
Characters :
Choose one out of 8 different heroes
Desolator (Ghost ) : A nuclear specialist that is heavily armored with massive damage, but is extremely slow in both movement and skills.
Engineer (H. Marine) : A unit of many trades. Decent damage but low HP. Mostly a support unit until the creation of a mobile suit.
Saboteur (H. Firebat) : A chemical specialist with low HP but high damage and skills. Most effective building destroyer.
Cadre (H. Zealot) : A cyborg type unit which quickest and most efficient unit killer. Low HP but is heavily armored with quick skills.
Initiate (H. H Templar) : A light infantry that is ineffective in hand to hand combat but is a potential danger to all players. Decent HP with high damage.
Spectre (H. Ghost) : A light infantry which is the opposite of the Initiate. It is effective against infantries but not heavily armored vehicles. Low Hp and high damage.
Disciple (H. D Templar) : A stealth unit with psionic powers which is deadly if caught in the midst of, especially for armored units. Low HP, medium damage, extremely high skill level.
Marauder (H Templar) : A unit with no attacking capability on its own. It is a vehicle specialist and a bomb technician, a Hijacker for short.. Extremely low HP.
All the skills are in my thread


Aug 31 2009, 10:08 pm Norm Post #3

@Echo: Thanks for that >< Next time try reading the purpose of the thread as well.


Aug 31 2009, 10:14 pm Echo Post #4

Yes, but you edited the part out.


Aug 31 2009, 10:24 pm Jack Post #5

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Taking from Monster blood tattoo books:
Skold. Unclean One. Potives expert. Potives are like weapon potions. You fire your potive with dark swarm, and change current potive with the gateway or w/e. Some would be a scourge that appears over you and flies to the swarmed area.

However, you have a limited amount of potives. To get more, you have to get materials. You combine them by burrowing, which changes you into a probe. First you have to set up your mixing table, or pylon. Then each building mixes a different potive. If you don't have the correct materials, you can't make more.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 31 2009, 11:46 pm Neki Post #6

Quote from Echo
Here are some of the heroes I put in my AoS style map.
Characters :
Choose one out of 8 different heroes
Desolator (Ghost ) : A nuclear specialist that is heavily armored with massive damage, but is extremely slow in both movement and skills.
Engineer (H. Marine) : A unit of many trades. Decent damage but low HP. Mostly a support unit until the creation of a mobile suit.
Saboteur (H. Firebat) : A chemical specialist with low HP but high damage and skills. Most effective building destroyer.
Cadre (H. Zealot) : A cyborg type unit which quickest and most efficient unit killer. Low HP but is heavily armored with quick skills.
Initiate (H. H Templar) : A light infantry that is ineffective in hand to hand combat but is a potential danger to all players. Decent HP with high damage.
Spectre (H. Ghost) : A light infantry which is the opposite of the Initiate. It is effective against infantries but not heavily armored vehicles. Low Hp and high damage.
Disciple (H. D Templar) : A stealth unit with psionic powers which is deadly if caught in the midst of, especially for armored units. Low HP, medium damage, extremely high skill level.
Marauder (H Templar) : A unit with no attacking capability on its own. It is a vehicle specialist and a bomb technician, a Hijacker for short.. Extremely low HP.
All the skills are in my thread

Um...all your guys have low HP. Where is the guy with high HP? And if they all have low HP, they really don't have low HP, because in comparison to each other, it's the same. But besides that, it looks okay.

Norm's ideas look cool, I wish I could just finish an RPG though lol.


Sep 1 2009, 12:07 am Echo Post #7

How are you going to judge the HP when you don't even know the numbers? 2 of them have high HP, 1 has medium, the rest are mid-low with only some being actually low. And my engineer in my map has extremely high hp as soon as it summons a mobile suit.


Sep 1 2009, 12:16 am Norm Post #8

I'm tryin to think of 2-3 more heroes, but Damn I'm runnin out of cool things to do.


Sep 1 2009, 12:46 am killer_sss Post #9

Quote from Echo
How are you going to judge the HP when you don't even know the numbers? 2 of them have high HP, 1 has medium, the rest are mid-low with only some being actually low. And my engineer in my map has extremely high hp as soon as it summons a mobile suit.

well to be honest your comment on all but two of them was low hp. One you commented as medium and another you didn't even mention hp. I got the same impression. Regardless of what the numbers actually are if you see them as roughly the same and don't give us the actual numbers we can only see what you have said they are. Which means you have one guy that most likely has about double(or 1.5x) the hp of the others and the rest roughly the same hp.

as for neat heros maybe a hero that can have 2 forms. He starts out as duran and when he is killed becomes infested duran. Each one having a different spell set and each having somewhere in the respect of half the hp of every other hero since he has 2 lives.


Sep 1 2009, 12:50 am Moose Post #10

We live in a society.

How about a hero that isn't too good at fighting but really skilled at talking herself out of confrontations?

Sep 1 2009, 12:55 am Neki Post #11

So some sort of hero with a blink ability? Or a hero that spawns four arbiters and the hero could choose to follow one of them to make a quick getaway? Or maybe he could just use recall.


Sep 1 2009, 2:19 am JrOSTAD Post #12

Or you could have it like one of the DMs curses from TS, the one that makes them allies so they cant attack


Sep 1 2009, 4:40 am Fallen Post #13

You could try to utilize a Shuttle.
I'd personally go on the route of this:
H. Shuttle Lv 1-X
Spell 1: Creates 10 ghosts
Spell 2: Temporary invincibility
Spell 3: Homing Missile (tells a scourge to be created on the shuttle and to MOVE to the an enemy unit) (and does what you wwant it to do)
Spell 4: Creates a unit wall that collapses and then creates another set of units ( the idea is to trap the enemy, then encase the enemy then create another set of units to deal the damage)
When you reach Lv X another Hero unit is created and put into the shuttle. When this unit is in the shuttle the first four spells apply, when the unit is out, another set of spells apply.
I see why alot people dont like air, but honestly add another dimension... if anything that is is THE most frustrating thing about the majority of these games. Complicate the hell outta em :)


Sep 1 2009, 12:21 pm FlashBeer Post #14

I've had some hero ideas for a while now— I wanted to make my own TS a while back before TS 1.5 was out, but my map crashed everyone but myself, also I'm a bit busy now. Since I'll never get around to making a map like that, I might as well tell them all.

Some of these ideas may seems weird or complicated, but that's because, in-game it would be a lot more simple.

I had an idea for a vampire as well— infested kerrigan, double mana gain at night, half the normal amount at day.
Spells - bloodsuck: close range very short stun and steals a very small amount of mana (spam this spell to rapidly suck blood, while you attack them) Foes will have to force-run to get away from it (which should be possible with any unit to be fair)
Slumber - enter a 'coffin' and gain normal double mana and heal with a medic (off of arena) until you cast again or coffin is killed. (mainly a daytime spell)
Nightmare - (foe must be next to you) creates another clone of your foe in a 1x1 square where a bunch of zerglings unburrow beneath him (foe's screen is centered on it). If it dies, then his real self loses all mana with a short stun- if it lives, he only receives a short stun.
Fireball- cloaked gaurdian (no arb) attacks
Rain of Fire - a bunch of cloaked (no arbiter) muttalisks appear and attack.
Transformation - Turn into a muttalisk (small hp, high attack for hunting foes) Since you are powerful and airborne, you only slowly gain mana at night, and slowly lose mana at day. If the muttalisk dies, you "fall"— your infested kerrigan takes the muttalisk's place with 1% hp, you lose all mana, and you are shortly stunned. If you fall over water or such, you just die. mutating the muttalisk turns you back at no mana cost, casting transform again (while mutta) will also transform you back, but also refund your mana.
Nightwalker - See the night as if it were day
Nightfall - turn day to night, high cooldown
Summon werewolf - Ultralisk

AGENT - regular ghost (can cloak)
Casting a nuke will call down a computer owned tank (spy car) that can attack nearby units or even a base
Enter/Exit Vehicle - when near the spy car, or wraith, you enter it/ exit
Jamming Device - Fills your enemies map with pings to impair their surroundings
Set Explosive - Place spider mine
Activate Weapons - Vehicles use weapons (Stacked rines shoot while tank is immobile)
Grappling hook - Hook enemies with a scourage and it auto pulls them to you, or "fly" to the hook if no enemies hooked (useable in spy car, and can by used to climb cliffs)
System Hack - Spawns an invincible observer, if the observer touches a building it disables it and any buildings near it.
Infiltration - Disable enemy ally vision, set energy to 0% (so they have to reuse cloak again), then refill energy (use for cloak in the day) (wraith cannot cloak in daytime)
Spy Jet - Calls a wraith to your location, from the base
The Red Button - Spy car gains invincibility/ Wraith bombs things under it

(Shields when "activated", constantly refill, depending on hp lvl - 2-30%)
Charge – "charges" beam attacks (displays a "Power" meter [||||||] ) Charge slowly drains if not used.
Particle Beam – fires a beam of interceptors to an observer than you direct, that stuns and drains on impact of each interceptor
EMP - Takes all your current charge, and stuns foes nearby (more charged = more stun)
Plasma Beam - stacks dragoon in rapid succession to fire 5 shots (more charge = more goons)
Disentrigrator turret - a scout that keeps appearing above you in rapid succession for full-auto fire (constantly drains your mana) (You can cast multiple times for multiple turrets, but you also drain faster)
Shockwave - Scouts spawn in a large circle grid around you
Revert Energy - "deactivates" your shields, but you get faster mana gain
Gravity bomb - control an observer with several locations on it, the closer a foe is to the obs, the stronger the pull (recall for effect). If they are in the center, they drain mana. If they are in the center when the bomb explodes, they are stunned and perhaps damaged.
Invasion - Creates a Mothership that can warp in dragoons by building interceptors, Mothership constantly heals lesser goon shields and sets hero goon's shields higher
(If stunned or disabled, you lose all charge)

ICEMAN - Archon
(has a random chance of a scarab appearing over himself to inflict dmg to foes, or very shortly stunning nearby foes)
Fog - Rapidly Toggle invincibility for you and nearby teammates
Snowstorm - Slow down foes with hallu deaths over them
Icicles - Creates a mobile grid around enemies that makes Crystals around them to trap them and lastly injuring them with HDDS (direct scarab dmg)
Cold Touch - constantly creates HDDS scarabs around you to inflict anyone nearby with dmg.
Frost Bite - When frostbitten foes try to move, they will be injured by the HDDS and will lose mana. (if they run they will get hurt, if they still still, you will attack them... torture)
Weather Machine - (corsair) multiple d-webs to slow below enemies and injure them via scarab dmg
Iceman Cometh - Transforms into a stronger archon with same hp lvl, the shields start low and rapidly go up then rapidly go down (example 10-12-14...20-18-16...etc) so the shields are pulsating, his form is distinguished by hallucinated lurker deaths under him, and he has a higher chance to scarab dmg or stun.
Winter Blast - Creates cloaked, archons (If he is transformed, then use creates more of the lesser archons instead of hero archons)

SPARK - A faceless Dark Archon (with mealstrom)
(quick mana gain)
Bursting Flames - 5 Wraiths spawn in rapid succession to attack
Radiation - screen shakes, sometimes causing spasms, ally, stun, or a wraith shot
Fireshot - one strong wraith attacks (the wraith is coming out of mind control for swirling effects)
Power Scramble - Mixes up enemy spells
Inferno - 8(x5) weaker wraiths around the Dark Archon
Occular Burn - Blind enemies (unally vis with everyone)
Energy Conversion - You turn invincible and create another stacked attackable unit above you. After a time limit, the unit is evaluated for it's dmg, the more dmg it took, the more wraiths you spawn to attack back with.
Mirage - Creates a copy (a dark archon that you gave to the comp) That can use spells 1-3, and fires a barrage of lasers when it dies, that you move with an obs above it.

LEECHER - Firebat (concept spells)
Queen for ensnare
Depending on how much mana the enemy has, the enemy could be stunned longer
Turns enemy’s attacks against themselves (spell units or stun or draining spells, etc)
Steal allies mana
Enemies ally vision you
Dispense – Turn spawns into mana

CLERIC - Medic
Spawn a guard (kerrigan, 2 max)
Source of Life - spawns an invincible immobile medic owned by the allied computer
(Alternative) Blessing - Allies spawn an invincible medic near themselves for a few seconds.
Purification – kills nearby spawns w/ exp gain from them
Dispel - Disable heroes' spells for 15 seconds
Empower - All allies recieve 30 mana while nearby allies continually get mana for 15 seconds
Rebirth - Completely heal all nearby allies, drains all mana from all people healed.
Divine Protection – invinciblity for all nearby allies for 15 seconds (you are immobile or slow?)

SERGANT - Marine
Combat Knife – kill spawn, mana drain + paralyze
Reinforcements - makes a marine, 10 max
Fall in - Recall all soldiers to you
Constructor - makes an SCV
Recruit Sniper - 3 max
Helicopter - Spawn Dropship
Covert - All Marines become cloaked (same rines, same positions, just cloak)
Ambush - Ally/Unally your foes, no mana cost/ mana refund (for use with cloaking)
Chaingun - Removes your hero and replaces it with a stack of invincible hero rines.

ALCHEMIST - Tassadar
Arm/Disarm Knives - Become a zealot with less hp/ turn back
Plated Shield - Replaces yourself with a Reaver shield
Muddy Grounds - Turn the nearby floor to an area that slow foes (stays until you die or recast)
Iron Sword - Create a DT sword that turns all swords invincible and turn un-invincible after a few seconds. 8 max
Gun Turret - Moves an invincible floor trap to you for a while, has an obs or burrowed unit over it to represent it's hp.
Firebomb - Creates an infested terran with very high dmg
Wrath of God - Turns all swords into invincible Aldaris's for a few shots
Philosopher's Stone - mana refill every 3 seconds up till 21 seconds? followed by 10 seconds of no mana?

(Vulture is constantly slowed down via burrowed units)
Dismount Bike - Get off bike
Afterburner - burrowed units are lifted so you move faster again
Time Set - Set warp location
Quantum Leap - Warp you and nearby allies to set location (warm up effect) (great for rushing in to save allies, or coordinating an attack)
Time Distortion - slows down foes near you, the closer they are, the slower they are.
Time Flux - Weaker vultures spawn behind you when you move
Time Freeze - Stops allied and enemy heroes for 5-8 seconds, disabling spells for everyone
Overdrive - Run your bike an enemy. It explodes leaving you off your bike, and your enemy is stunned and severely drained.
(when off bike you are a weak ghost and you bike changes into an "autopilot bike" which is a weaker, less dmg vulture)
Mount Bike - Get on bike
Reform matrix - When you don't have a bike, it remakes a bike (a length warm up spell so you are vulnerable)
Time set and Quantum Leap are the same, but take place at your ghost instead.
Time Flux - spawn a few invincible ghost around you for a short while.

6th Sense - Ping enemy heroes' locations/ see cloaked units with a temporary observer
Ripper Form/Mutagenic Slash - Turn into ling form/Zerglings appear burrow behind you while you are moving (can run in front of enemies and make a small wall to attack them with)
Razor Claws - Makes stacked zerglings, more casts = more lings + longer duration
Human Form/Demon Arms - Turn into infested duran/ Stacks many ghosts to fire
Viral From/Infection - Turn into a Defiler that instantly kills nearby spawns/constantly Drains foes near you
Venom - Nearby enemies will be paralyzed frequently
Rage - Create a scourage the spawns zerglings on contact (kakaru death for claw effect)
Abomination - Create stacked zerglings, stacked hydras, stacked ghosts, burrowed zerglings, burrowed hydras, 1 weaker ultra in the center
L4b - Mammoth Form/Splitter Beast - Turn into an Ultralisk/Split into two weaker ultralisk, if one dies, the other changes back

Block – Shields are set to maximum for a short while before setting back to 0 (normally at 0)
Wind Strike - Kills nearby low class spawns (and an obs death for effect) and immobilizes foes temporarily
Shuriken Toss - Tosses Interceptors in different directions than kill spawns, drain, and stuns. Spell may be stacked for more shurikens and a longer distance.
5 Slashes - Turn into a stack of 5 Player DTs (in rapid succession one by one) for 1 attack each
Engage – Dash toward nearby enemies (takes longer to engage still enemies)
Divine Blade – Turn into a stronger DT for 1 Slash
Lightning Cutter – Kakaru deaths on nearby spawn to kill them for exp, and stun foes for however many slashes upon them. (like warrior l3)
Tempest Wing - Invisible scourage that places locations as it moves, that kill spawns, stuns, and drains foes, then you appear at the last location
Ultimate Strike – long warm up and pauses before surrounding a nearby enemy with 9 dts in rapid succession before 1 Divine Blade attacks.

CYBORG - goliath
(When transforming, the goliath retains the same hp %)
Weapon Pod - Deploy Science Vessel with a reaver under it with lvl hp(the science vessel stay above the reaver)(Building a scarab replaces with a less hp, no energy vessel that can move, casting again replants old vessel in new spot)
Offensive mode/Doom Cannon - Normal Goliath (takes a while to transform, pull hero off arena to evaluate hp to give to defensive mode)Instantly fire a sieged tank
Repair Droid - SCV that can only repair (takes more mana and longer to repair offensive mode)
Defensive mode/Heavy Armor - Hero Goliath/ Makes goliath slow and invincible, mana gain is slowed, if an observer on top dies, he loses mana and momentarily turns vincible.
Artillery - Weapon pod fires 3 weaker cannons in rapid succession
Laser Targeting - Invisible Scourage that moves slowly, if it collides with a hero, they are covered by constant explosions and are teleported really quickly off arena to be shot by tanks pre-aimed at them
Duo Uplink - Vessel "attaches" to your goliath, constantly making a weaker seige tank on both sides in an alternating fashion.
Hyper Cannon - Momentarily become invincible covered in explosions, 8 weak cannons fire, then again, then 8 powerful cannons fire, afterwards you are stunned.

EARTH SPIRIT - Overlord (wtf?)
(Gain 2x mana in day, half at night)Spore colonies turn into set leveled hp sunkens)
Furtile Grounds - Ovie drops creep underneath itself
Plantation - Drones to build
At Second level you get a spawning pool to make full hp sunken colonies or morph to Lair
Giving Tree - Mana Tree gives nearby allies 12 mana
Sleeping Spores - Causes foes near ovie to ally and become slow
At Third level you are able to make spires and get a Hive to make greater spires(previous attempts to make would auto-refund)
Forbidden Fruit - Distributes 12 of your minerals among your teammates (need Lair)
Reforestation - reheal all plant to full hp near ovie
At Fourth level you get a queen's nest to make a Tree of Life
Eternal Life - Heal allies constantly for 20 seconds at Tree of Life
The Harvest - Turns all spires into Gaurdians, all sunkens turn into muttalisks that constantly attack to the enemies' base
Spire to Greater Spire, returns it to a regular spire and shoots a fireball(valk death)(cloaked gaurdian)
Tree of Power gives additional minerals

SERPENT & SHADOW - Both Hydralisks (Yea, a Hero DUO!)
(Morph to Lurker = Shield) (Shadow always follows serpent and is intangible to objects[disabled sprite]) (If shadow dies, you lose mana) (Serpent is your main hero, if he dies, you lose a life or w/e consequences)
Dark Presence – Allows freedom of Shadow/Returns shadow
Unforseen – Cloaks your Shadow (unvision foes)
Constrictor - Shadow stuns very close enemies
Bloodshot - The shadow is removed from the arena(looks like it dies), and a bunch of stacked shadows appear at your serpent to shoot. The original shadow returns after the spell.
Sacrifice - Kills your shadow to re-heal you at normal hp lvl, or creates a new one if you don't have one.
Absorption - They both "fuse" and creates a lurker
Dark Depths - Lurkers appear around in a circle grid and attack toward the center

This guy is the most unique hero I ever perceived. The description of him may be a bit hard to understand. Problem is when I made this guy, the map crashed everyone that plays it, but myself.

(Uses a scarab "artifiact fragment" ball as a weapon- by ordering it to move to where he casts dark swarm. It has stacked firebats on the scarab, so basically the weapon looks like a flying scarab of fire-shooting death)
(An observer over the ball dictates it's hp, when killed, it warps back to you. upgrading your life, increases ob's hp)
Blaze - Puts a few stacked marines on the scarab for a few shots
Orb of Caligo(Mist) - Mist appears around your scarab. Hallucination deaths slows foes. You blink invincible while in the mist.
Aegis - Stops previous spells and makes you invincible and move really slow, drains mana fast. scarab moves around you in a square
Orb of Ignis(Flame) - adds 2 more firebats to your scarab. When you cast dark swarm, a bunch of stacked cloaked bats appear there and shoot at it.
Burning Aura - When you case dark swarm, it shoots flaming death until is wears off. (only 1 swarm when casting this spell) (scarab stays at you and can't cast any other spells)
Orb of Caedes(Blood) - Dark Swarm now causes victims to "bleed", losing mana. Stacked ghosts are added to the scarab (slight mana lose from scarab itself)
Deep Meditation - Creates an invisible scourage that freely guides your scarab for a while. (long range attacking but leaves yourself vulnerable)
The Artifact - Creates an observer with 5 hero bats under it for a lengthy limited time (removes hp observer over scarab ball)
Burrow = Return Scarab to yourself
All these spells (except Aegis) are combo-able, which owns everything in it's path.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 1 2009, 7:28 pm by FlashBeer.


Sep 1 2009, 12:41 pm Hug A Zergling Post #15

Quote from FlashBeer
(Vulture is constantly slowed down via burrowed units)
Dismount Bike - Get off bike
Afterburner - burrowed units are lifted so you move faster again
Time Set - Set warp location
Quantum Leap - Warp you and nearby allies to set location (warm up effect) (great for rushing in to save allies, or coordinating an attack)
Time Distortion - slows down foes near you, the closer they are, the slower they are.
Time Flux - Weaker vultures spawn behind you when you move
Time Freeze - Stops allied and enemy heroes for 5-8 seconds, disabling spells for everyone
Overdrive - Run your bike an enemy. It explodes leaving you off your bike, and your enemy is stunned and severely drained.
(when off bike you are a weak ghost and you bike changes into an "autopilot bike" which is a weaker, less dmg vulture)
Mount Bike - Get on bike
Reform matrix - When you don't have a bike, it remakes a bike (a length warm up spell so you are vulnerable)
Time set and Quantum Leap are the same, but take place at your ghost instead.
Time Flux - spawn a few invincible ghost around you for a short while.

You should have the Pokemon bicycle theme when you get back on the bike. But your spells are somewhat boring I find.


Sep 1 2009, 2:37 pm Norm Post #16

I added an 11th Hero, "Magician". Flashbeer you have great hero ideas, but most of them that I read don't really follow the idea of adding multiple dimensions and breaking away from the typical mold.

Also, the bicycle theme would be epic.


Sep 1 2009, 3:24 pm MadZombie Post #17

last time I'm going to say it. A reaver that shoots scarabs that when it dies shoots 6 more scarabs and those scarabs spawn lurkers as they move and when they die Carriers spawn and after a second after carrier creation the interceptors turn into Guardians.

Best Idea for a hero ever. His only spell on account of the rigged-ness he possesses.


Sep 1 2009, 3:31 pm TF- Post #18


Christ, those heroes in the OP are glorious, the "Operator - SCV + Tank w/ Siege enabled" has got to see some use at some point.


Sep 1 2009, 4:12 pm UnholyUrine Post #19

I like where you're going.

As long as it doesn't become a Fighting game..
It is hard enough with the basic "4 spell" routine to balance..... so you gotta be very good at this :P...

Ambitious indeed :D...


Sep 1 2009, 4:50 pm Norm Post #20

I'm working up something for a Hero called "Psychopath" who is going to revolve around explosives of all sorts. I'm also going to re-work Ninja cuz I thought of a better way to include the observer aspect. I'll edit first post in a little bit.

EDIT: Redid Ninja's description and added Psychopath to the list. Plz gimme props or suggestions if I were to include these into a map.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 1 2009, 6:54 pm by Norm.


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