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Move Location help
Mar 25 2009, 6:21 pm
By: Lt.Church  

Mar 25 2009, 6:21 pm Lt.Church Post #1

Is it possible to have two units of the same kind in one location, and being able to have a location focus on each one or will it always be furthest left? if its down to furthest left guess ill have to spawn them in an order so i can do so.

Edit: this will be all for 1 player :)


Mar 25 2009, 6:29 pm Devourer Post #2


I got one idea.
You got 2 locations, each smaller then the unit where the location will be centered on.

Lets say:
Location: 1 <- The Location in which the other 2 locations will be moved on units
Location: 2 <- 1 Location which will be centered on a unit in Location 1
Location: 3 <- 1 Location which will be centered on a unit in Location 1

Player 1 brings exactly 2 UNIT to Location 1
Give 1 UNIT at Location 1 from Player 1 to Player 2
Give 1 UNIT at Location 1 from Player 1 to Player 3
Move Location 2 on UNIT owned by Player 2
Move Location 3 on UNIT owned by Player 3
Set Switch 1
Give 1 UNIT at Location 1 from Player 2 to Player 1
Give 1 UNIT at Location 1 from Player 3 to Player 1

Switch 1 is set
Move Location 2 on UNIT owned by Player 1 at Location 2
Move Location 3 on UNIT owned by Player 1 at Location 3
Preserve Trigger

That does only work for GROUND UNITS because Air-Units can stack -> system would fail.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Mar 25 2009, 6:45 pm Lt.Church Post #3

O_o sorry, i need it for multiple air units,observers to be precise spawning strikes for an attack, guess ill spawn them in some weird order around the arena so itll work out. man starcraft has so many limits, it was either this or flood the arena with burrow units for spawning as the attack errupts/rains up/down with tons of energy blasts :lol:


Mar 25 2009, 7:28 pm payne Post #4


Go for a nice grid :D


Mar 25 2009, 8:09 pm Lt.Church Post #5

Quote from payne
Go for a nice grid :D
gridding in an arena map=massive amounts of unplacable units if both people use attacks with grids, or even attacks in the area of the other moves, and to grid the area of effect id need 1grid that like 38x39 or 2 half of that


Mar 25 2009, 8:55 pm Ahli Post #6

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Just use 2 locations (obsA & obsB) and always center them on an observer inside their location.

The observers shouldn't be able to fly out of their location during a trigger cycle. Make sure your locations are big enough, but only as small as needed.

Make sure that the 2 observers spawn inside their location (or center their location on them after creating).

If 2 observers are inside 1 location, the observers stacked. then u can only detect the most left. You need to fix that problem and move 1 observer out of the area (e.g. mobile grid) and center its location on it again (-> seperating the 2 observers).

Mar 26 2009, 3:01 am Lt.Church Post #7

ahli, i didnt completely get your drift but i assume you mean spawning the observers in their own locations which repeatedly move to them so they stay in it the whole time, which is actually pretty useful, but i'd have to make them go back to their original location after the attack to replace the location for another cast.


Mar 26 2009, 10:25 am NudeRaider Post #8

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Can you explain what you need to spawn where and why and what exactly you're doing with these units?
Why do you need the units to be in a certain place? Can't you just have a temporary location out of sight and create the units you need there as soon as a player calls for a strike?

Maybe if I understand your map better I might be able to think of something.

Mar 26 2009, 2:30 pm Lt.Church Post #9

Quote from NudeRaider
Can you explain what you need to spawn where and why and what exactly you're doing with these units?
Why do you need the units to be in a certain place? Can't you just have a temporary location out of sight and create the units you need there as soon as a player calls for a strike?

Maybe if I understand your map better I might be able to think of something.

already explained some of it in these quotes
Quote from Lt.Church
i need it for multiple air units,observers to be precise spawning strikes for an attack
Quote from Lt.Church
the attack errupts/rains up/down with tons of energy blasts

but ya, its an Arena map, this is the final of one of the characters, he stabs his sword into the ground/launches it into the sky causing a buncha thin energy blasts(using wraiths) rain down/erupt from the earth. my idea is to have 4-6 observers around the arena head around spreading out wraiths that'll junkyard around so itll be random in striking yet not random in spawning.


Mar 26 2009, 2:48 pm Pinky Post #10

Well depending on how long the spell takes to disappate you could try spreading out the spawn points (say each four corner) to minimize or if the spell is short enough elimante completly the possibility of the two air units coming under one location.

You could have burrowed lings of different player colours for the spawn points. When your guys spawn at the spawn points the spawn points then STAY on the spawned units using the move location trigger and after the spell disappates use triggers to centre them back on the burrowed lings, ready for another spell!


Mar 26 2009, 3:30 pm clarphimous Post #11

Quote from Lt.Church
Is it possible to have two units of the same kind in one location, and being able to have a location focus on each one or will it always be furthest left? if its down to furthest left guess ill have to spawn them in an order so i can do so.

Edit: this will be all for 1 player :)

What I did for my map was temporarily give 1 or more units to player 12 (neutral units) and then centered the location on the remaining unit(s). It should work if you give it to any other player... doesn't need to be player 12.

Although I guess I'd have to put in a disclaimer that people have been dropping from my map and that's one of the places I'll be looking for the source of the issue.


Mar 26 2009, 3:31 pm Lt.Church Post #12

Quote from Pinky
Well depending on how long the spell takes to disappate you could try spreading out the spawn points (say each four corner) to minimize or if the spell is short enough elimante completly the possibility of the two air units coming under one location.

You could have burrowed lings of different player colours for the spawn points. When your guys spawn at the spawn points the spawn points then STAY on the spawned units using the move location trigger and after the spell disappates use triggers to centre them back on the burrowed lings, ready for another spell!

ya, because that is possible in an arena map because i have so many players i can spare... also the move fires everywhere, not in any specific pattern, pure chaos unorderly. I think i know how im doing it thanks to ahli for the spawning and refocusing technique, i think thats what ill be using :P


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