I have another set of those questions that i have that are either impossible or really hard
1. I am trying to get rid of creep, ive been told lots of things that havent worked. I have tried modifying fg reqs and exe edits and ive had no luck. I have also been told that you cant kill init creep, but you can make it so when you build it doesnt create creep... how? Is there a palate or GRP for creep? Couldnt i make it all transparent?
2. This kind of goes with 1, my alternative to disabling creep is using unused protoss buildings. I made the buildings use the hatchery, hive, and lair graphics, and i gave them a morph into the next button, and i changed the unit ID for building morph to include protoss. When i click morph it doesnt show the morph graphic, but after a while it makes the morph complete sound, but it doesnt actually do anything. Is it posible to make non-zerg buildings morph?
3. I have one building for zerg, and there arent enough slots for upgrades. I want to have a build menu for the ups, and so i gave the hatchery a build menu and i changed the menu to have ups but when i click on the menu ingame it crashes... Is this posible to do? Or are the menues hard coded. If they are i can manage but it would be cool to have a seperate menu just for ups.
4. My next question is on straifing, i saw in FG an order that allows only intercepters to straif. I want to have scouts straif instead, i changed the requirment and i gave scout move&attack(intercepter) for attack unit in datedit. When i try to attack with the scout it dies. Is it even possible to do straifing?
5-7 I decided to try making the nuke a spell similar to yamito gun. I made custom spells in my old mod but if forgot how to. In this i would like having afew custom spells for both sides. I want to keep current yamito, ill change it to some missle barage or something, but i want to make afew of the other spells attack aswell. Should i mod unused spells like plauge and lockdown? What steps do i need to take to make the button apear on the unit and then getting it to attack with what i tell it to in datedit? I know i need spellcaster box checked but buttons still dont show up. (i have use tech reqs taken set for the unit)
5. This should be easy, can any unit call down nukes?
6. I am trying to get the marine to beable to call down nukes and have battle cruisers (but i could live with a building makeing the nuke). What i would rather have is a system where the marine has a special that attacks with nuke as a weapon and you dont have to build it and it wouldnt have to launch and land. Can i just have something like yamito gun only it does nuke damage and has the explosion? Is it posible to have this be like spider mines and the unit has a certain number of nukes? or do i have to use energy. IF none of this can be done, this next question need answering.
7. I enabled the exe edit for anybuilding to build nukes in datedit, so now can just anybuilding build? I want a battle cruiser to beable to build nukes, i gave it the button and the button only apears if building is checked, but it cant move and when the nuke finishes building (there is no build bar) it crashes. Is it possible for a unit to build nukes?
8. One of my spells, a high damage melee attack that i modded from plauge doesnt work. It runs the spell script, but doesnt do any damage and it doesnt attack useing the targeting check boxes (I only have mechanical checked and it can attack anything) i gave the unit plauge, and i copied the enteries from ultra attack to plauge, so it everything a normal melee attack has. Mechanical is the only targeting box checked. I remember there being something in datedit that you choose the targeting used, but i cant find it now.
10. im trying to make an addon beable to fly, i changed all the boxes in advanced tab to what they should be, i have a grp with enough frames, it has all the correct hearders and sections but right when the scv starts building it, it crashes, before it even shows construction graphics. (the construction in datedit terran medium.
Hope some of these questions can be answered, sorry for my noobness but i really apreciate the help
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 14 2009, 1:24 am by RoryFenrir.