Two teleports is cheaper than a meteor shower, not to mention Fulmen's recharge ability. I haven't played too much, but I haven't found a way to hit the Fulmen on the high temple with anything but a meteor.
Firewall. All Fulmen can attack with from there is smite while Ignis has two spells that can reach, one of which is rather cheap and leaves the area unusable for some time; it's not imbalanced in this way at all.
Didn't try that, will do next time. =)
I really do want to see this get finished.
I really do want to see this get finished.
Here here! and I want to see a party version with 4+ players.
with 4 players??? that'd be too much triggering XD.. He already needs to trigger the spells on two screens. Plus.. the terrain is awfully small XD, which was my chief complaint of this map..
Other than that...
I really want to see this get done... :C it will be awesome!!
I actually like it with just 2 players. It has a sort of personal feel to it, and two good players can dodge/block the other players spells. No, more than two players would take away from the map. Maybe he could release it with another element?
Maybe he could release it with another element?
I actually have half of the next element done, but I stopped working on it because I'm making an RPG with Kaias.
Also, as a side note, I intentionally made the map for only two players. Because you're only fighting one opponent, it's far easier to counter his attacks and use the terrain to your advantage. Having more players would just complicate things.
Maybe he could release it with another element?
I actually have half of the next element done, but I stopped working on it because I'm making an RPG with Kaias.
Also, as a side note, I intentionally made the map for only two players. Because you're only fighting one opponent, it's far easier to counter his attacks and use the terrain to your advantage. Having more players would just complicate things.
Yeah. It makes the gameplay better. The only way it would be more than two player is if you had a big enough area, but sadly Starcraft's limits won't let you. You could make the area 20x48 for each player, but the total unit amount on the map would be 1618. Although it might ruin the gameplay because the area is not all on the screen so I don't think it's worth it.
Maybe you can finish that element when you've made significant progress on the RPG?
Maybe you can finish that element when you've made significant progress on the RPG?
I'm sure I can work in some Elementa progress here and there...
Maybe you can finish that element when you've made significant progress on the RPG?
I'm sure I can work in some Elementa progress here and there...

Stop getting our hopes up
Never say this!

This is why Lethal hates posting his projects: he doesn't want to deceive people

Saying this will make him hesitate next time (I guess)
Why two arenas when you can have 1?
Why two arenas when you can have 1?

With one arena it's not possible to detect who cast Dark Swarm.
Regardless of the player who cast darkswarm, it is owned by player 12, so you wouldn't know who cast the darkswarm.
Why two arenas when you can have 1?

With one arena it's not possible to detect who cast Dark Swarm.
Regardless of the player who cast darkswarm, it is owned by player 12, so you wouldn't know who cast the darkswarm.
That is why he uses two screens, so he always knows who cast it. Player 1 fights a mirror image of Player 2 in the top screen, Player 2 plays a mirror image of Player 1 in the bottom screen; meaning all Dark swarms in the upper half are cast by Player 1 and all in the lower half are Player 2's.
Please leathal illu, if your even still on SEN or STARCRAFT FINISH ATLEAST ONE MORE SET OF SPELLS! Say the Lux?
Anyways, i just wanted to say that I love you so much and that you are the best and that this thread should never die and that also, i think you should stick with the starport selection system (even though you're done with the map but o well) PLEASE DON'T BE DONE. YOU ROCK
This, needs, to be, FINISHED!
This, needs, to be, FINISHED!

If he doesn't resume work on it, we can always send him an army of smilies yelling "SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!"