Sorry, about not posting for so long... but I have bad news for everyone...
I have decided to quit Starcraft for multiple reasons.
1. I prefer X Box 360 over Starcraft
2. I am joining the Canadian reserves for 2 months.
Sorry guys... I may come on every now and then just to visit, but I wont ever be on to play.
Twitch I have decided to give all my maps to you if you want them... or someone else can have them, I could really care less.
Anyways, Good Bye! :'(
wtf.... Dude that sucks a lot... You seem so careless about it to

Well i will miss you havok.
Well i get you like xbobx 360 a lot but.. doesn't mean you still can't play sc.. But your choice.
Canadian reserve.. you are only 15 >.<.. w/e.. See you around i guess.
Also.. You quitting Oo? Or Sc... Reason i ask is do i take you off list completely or place you in older members.
Just post me up in the Old Members list...
And as for the reserves, I am turning 16 in 11 days from now, and as soon as school ends I will meet the requirements to join them.
Also, I'm just getting bored of Starcraft and I don't feel the need to to continue playing...
Anyways, I will see you around Snipe, and the rest of Clan Oo
On another note, I met Rinney in person last night. He's a pretty cool guy, I play alot with him on X Box Live.
Wow I was just getting happy again and this....
Just fucking great well my day is ruined =[.
I hope you come back for starcraft 2 cause damn I had to much fun with you.
Theres nothing to quit, theres no commitment to starcraft. Tell us your going to be on is fine but when people treat it like a career it gets me steamed. Go on whenever you want even if its once a month.
Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Havok!!! You Cant GOOOOOOOO!! Get Your A$$ back here this instant!!!
Aka: SlimJim(U) / Complete / Complete(U) / 4Slim2Jim0 / SlimJim @ USEast
Sorry guys... Maybe if I'm lucky I can get on to Counter Strike for a bit...
Understandable. Well, we'll always be here when you're ready to visit or come back =)