Well, it took long thinking into doing this... but, if there is anyone interested, I am starting a futuristic Open Role Playing Game. I am looking for an assistant with making this map. I would like to have a more experienced map maker than I am. That way I can learn new things, and obtain greater strategies.
- Triggers
- Terrain
- Unit Settings
- And more... (to be honest that is all I can think of right now...

I haven't come up with a story line yet, but would I like to use only Terran, and Zerg, only in the game ("We" may use Protoss occasionally, but mainly for Robotics, or just some special effects). I want o have a storyline that has two Terran forces competing against each other, and these Heroes are caught in the middle of it. Soon after the "Aliens" (Zerg) will get involved.
Account: Oo.HavoK.oO
Realm: US East
Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Mar 31 2008, 4:21 pm by HavoK.
I am interested. However, I only have triggering and conceptual skills. I hope that would be enough.
Account: Oyen
Realm: US East
Messenger: Oyenno@live.com
I am interested. However, I only have triggering and conceptual skills. I hope that would be enough.
Account: Oyen
Realm: US East
Messenger: Oyenno@live.com
It sounds good enough for me!
I will be hanging around in channel Clan Oo.
I have skills in terrain. I can make it challenging terrain, and I can make very good triggers that can make it harder than usual. I am ze master of challenging terrain.
Account: Trooper(DE)
Server: US West/East, I'll go to which one you will be at.
I can mainly work on the weekends, that is my best time to work. But if you need any help, reply back on SC this saturday, 4/6/08 at like.. 7:00 PM central time (mountain), 6:00 PM pacific, or 9:00 PM eastern coast. Hope I will be able to help you. I like helping out with RPG's
If you need help with any triggering, or glitches, I'll be glad to help. I'm in Oo alot as Es-Tank
If you need help with any triggering, or glitches, I'll be glad to help. I'm in Oo alot as Es-Tank
Yeah, I have seen you hanging around in the channel a few times, I will ask you maybe next time I see you!

If anyone else is interested in helping Oyen and I on this map, please add the realm your in the channel you hang around in and an email! Thanks!
How dare you forget your long lost team mapping friend!I am pissed...ok joking but,you could have asked

I can help with triggers(yeah you know)
Basic extended terrain
I am the best glitch finder out there besides,kenoli and falkoner.
So yeah if that isn't enough information you need a tuxedo_templar

Name: Oo.Twitch.oO
Realm: USEast
I'm here for the lulz and the pie
And for conceptual Terrain adjustments.
Please be specific on what tileset you'll be using, what you plan to be in your map, etc...
(Thank you, come again!)
Since I haven't seen the map in its current stage as of yet, would you mind giving us some more details of what is already done and what needs to be finished. Also, I have a few questions:
-What are the available Heroes for the players to choose from?
-Do these Heroes have any special trigger-activated abilities?
-Will the heroes choose 1 of the fighting Terran sides? Or will they be allied/unallied to both?
-You stated that this is an
Open RPG. Does this mean that the Heroes will be able to do what they want and choose whether or not to be involved with the Terran factions, or does this mean that the Heroes must be involved with the Terran factions and follow a specific storyline, yet will be under no pressure to actually follow the storyline and can deviate any time they want?
-How much time do you want it to take for players to "win" the game? One hour? Two hours? More?
-How big will the map be? How many players can play?
Well, if you'd rather answer these questions in private, just pm me the answers. Or if you prefer, you could pm me the map so that I can see your current progress.
Feel free to ask me for help if you need it, my MSN is almost always on when I am, and it's in my profile. But I'm not going to help directly with the map.
Thanks for all the support, if I need any help from any one I'll ask! Thanks!
What tileset is this map going to be in? Have you already started making the map?
What tileset is this map going to be in? Have you already started making the map?
Yes, I have already started the Terrain, but I might restart it, and change it to Snow... Just cause it gives me more choice, but we can't do as much extended Terrain... Unless someone can post up some Extended Terrain for Snow.
hey if you are still looking for map assisstants, i am probably the best triggerer you will find. the last map i worked on, i programmed 3963 triggers in 5 days. as well as my speed, im also very accurate and constructive in my triggering abilities. i have some good ideas and concepts for RPGS, and my terrain skill is average. my weakness is storylines. well, hope the offer is still there.
I am great at all of those things, and if I don't know it, I can find it out quickly.
Thanks guys, but I think just Oyen and I are enough people... If I were to get more, then there wouldn't be much for me to do... I might come and ask for your assistance every now and then. I will let you know!
Hmm, I was thinking of doing the same thing.
Since I want to create a space pirate style game.
I lack organization of triggers, especially since I plan on making use of those D-matrix and stasis cell trigger thingies.
Hmm, I was thinking of doing the same thing. Since I want to create a space pirate style game. I lack organization of triggers, especially since I plan on making use of those D-matrix and stasis cell trigger thingies.
Well, maybe Oyen and I can squeeze you into this!