All-In: A recreation of the Finale map from "Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty" called "All-in." I consider it not completely faithful because the terrain and some features are different and changed. However the overall concept is the same.
EUDS: Yes (This means victory will still resort into a defeat screen and there is no saving. Downloading SCA may fix this issue) Custom Hotkeys are also disabled (even if it states it isn't).
2 Difficulties
Normal Mode: - Contains regular AI attacks (custom ai script) - Contains modifier - Start with 2000 minerals and 2000 gas
Brutal: - Contains regular AI attacks (custom ai script) - Contains modifier - Start with 1000 minerals and 1000 gas - Generated attacks waves are produced and increase as time goes.
Path Choice
Choose between two modifiers. 1) No Nydus Canals/Worms. 2) No Broodwar and Energy Units.
- Nydus Canals: These will spew out Zerg units constantly and spawn all over the map (16 possible locations). - Broodwar/Energy Units: AI will send Defilers, Lurkers, Queens, and Devourers at you. Beware especially of Dark Swarm and Plague
Custom Upgrades and Research
Spend up to 50000 "credits/minerals" on permanent upgrades to assist you. There are 15 different upgrades to purchase. Spend up to 3 research (gas) on specialized permanent upgrades. There are 9 different upgrades to research. Use a combination of all these upgrades with the limits to assist you (some are extremely strong!)
Kerrigan - Queen of Blades
Similar to WoL, Kerrigan appears and has multiple abilities and passives such as: - Detector - Ranged attack (bypasses Dark Swarm), can hit Air - Reduce ALL damage taken to 6. (Yes, a Yamato deals 6 damage to her) - Implosion which disables a mechanical unit for 2 seconds before instantly killing it (excluding SCV) - Razor Storm (explosive aura which deals high damage to enemies over 6 seconds. Damages structures too) Available on 3rd encounter (upgrades 5th) - Immunity to Artifact Nova - Escorted by 6 Hunter Killers
- This "stasis chamber" or Artifact must survive (has 500 shields) - Will full charge once reaching 100% power - Press the [Z] key to active the artifact's smaller charge instantly killing Zerg units nearby. For 30 seconds, units below 120 health will be set to 1 health instead when they enter the radius. This has a 3 minute 30 second cooldown and does NOT affect the charge rate of the artifact. Pressing [Z] at any time while off-cooldown will instantly fire the artifact (even when NOT selected).
- The Starcraft 2 Terran themes will play if you have music on. This is attached to the SFX volume so turn off the regular game music to listen to it. You can alternatively turn this off instead if you don't want it.
The Reckoning: The finale of "Heart of the Swarm" expansion. Objective: Destroy Mengsk's Palace and Raynor must survive. Difficulty: Nightmare. This is harder than the original version as it has added strong defense and Royal Guard elites.
Choose 6 different special evolutions out of 18 options including: - Zergling Evolution (Choose 1 of 3 options) - Hydralisk Evolution (Choose 1 of 3 options) - Air-Evolution (Choose 1 of 3 options) - Ultralisk Evolution (Choose 1 of 3 options) - Special Unit Evolution (Choose 1 of 3 options) - Base Evolution (Choose 1 of 3 options) Evolutions can be chosen from Protoss buildings to left of your base at any time. Beware, some evolutions will only work on newly created units.
- Raynor has a full functional base immediately - Custom AI attacks - Hyperion is active and will defend itself and repair itself - Jim Raynor and Swarm ally have same upgrades as you do (up to 3). Upgrade at evolution pit of spire will also upgrade your allies. - Special Evolutions WILL affect Zagara, Stukov, and Dehaka's units (excluding Ultralisk). - The Hyperion will attack (based on a Kerrigan Ability, see Kerrigan's spot for more detail) once the Odin is defeated. Once the Hyperion depletes its shields, it will instantly retreat, so don't worry about losing this way!
Mengsk's Royal Guards
- All Terran units are "elites" gaining slightly increased stats (this includes Raynor) - Mengsk has access to "Royal Guard Units" (color peach) which are significantly strong than other units
- Son of Korhal (Marine): Has Permanent Stimmed Attack Speed. 50% chance to block 25 damage every couple seconds - Outback Hunter (Vulture): Fires a spread shot that deals large AoE damage - Prometheus Company (Firebat): Occasionally blocks 50 damage. Deals true damage, always dealing full damage (ignores armor) - Black Hammer Tank (Non-Siege/Siege): Attacks significantly faster (Siege version has higher splash and attack speed but reduced damage) - Night Wolves: Has 50% chance to block 10 damage. Cannot attack air - Aegis Guard: Fires explosive missiles (only ground attack). High base armor, with moderate shields. Can cast Lockdown. - Emperor's Shadow: Permanently Cloaked. Ground-attacks deal NO damage, but apply Irradiate instead (can apply to structures but doesn't damage them). Air attacks apply Corrosive Acid (and deal damage). - Pride of Augustgrad: Fires Yamato's as its standard attack which also deals damage in a small AoE. - The Odin: Detector with rapid attacks and AoE damage. Can generate a shield of itself and deploy offensive spidermines. Cannot be rebuilt and immune to Spawn Broodling and Kerrigan's Domination
- Bunkers are replaced with special "Turrets" (also colored peach) which has significant shields and life has a rapid-anti ground attack. - Experimental Terran Fortress (Photon Cannon) fires slowly but deals moderate damage in a moderate AoE with high life and armor. - Mengsk will send large elite attacks not only at just Raynor but also at you!
Kerrigan - Queen of Blades and Other Bonus Stuff
Gain a Kerrigan. - When Kerrigan dies, she will revive at your primary Hive structure after 60 seconds. - Kerrigan gains XP whenever she or her swarm kill anything. Level ups fully heal her and increases her health, attack, and additional bonuses.
- Kinetic Blast (Deals 200 damage) - Maelstrom (Stun biological units in an area) - Razorstorm (Deals moderate damage in an area to enemies. Damages enemy structures, does not deal friendly fire) [Requires Level 2) - Domination (Take control of an enemy unit) [Requires Level 5] - F2 Army Attack (Orders all combat units to attack a location. Excludes casters, workers, lurkers, and overlords). If Hyperion (Jim Raynor) is active, he will also attack this location.
- New access with Infested Command Center - Infested Command Centers can now train SCVs, Infested Marines, and Infested Terrans. - Your SCVs can now construct Infested Command Centers. (These are still not resource gathering spots)
YouTube Showcase
All-In: (Disclaimer: This is an old-version. New version has significantly more research and customization. New version uses SC-time instead of real-life time which massively accelerates the rate of the game.
Additional Notes: - All-in "No nydus Canals" has a chance to cause of the AI Zergs to sometimes freeze (only the top right Zerg). Because of this, the most difficult mission combination would be Brutal with Nydus Worms (No Broodwar Units). It is unknown why the AI Zerg freezes - Description of Brutal where enemy units get upgrades faster is false (it is same rate regardless). - It is unlikely the maps will receive any more updates in the future.
Known Issues: (These shouldn't cause any significant gameplay issues) - Top-Right Zerg AI in "All-In" sometimes freezes when fighting against Broodwar units (No Nydus Canals). Attacking the AI will sometimes fix this. - On rare occasion, 'Kerrigan - Queen of Blades' will become stuck on enemy AI attacks that gather in "All-In". (This is just the Zerg AI randomly preparing an attack and just so happening to block Kerrigan. Kerrigan will sometimes force the units to attack but this doesn't always happens). - On very rare occasions, Nydus Worms will receive an "Unplacable" warning and not spawn in the proper location. It is unknown why this happens, but is it more likely to happen when there are more Nydus Worms on the map. - Infesting a Command Center with the Queen in "The Reckoning" may cause a crash at the victory screen - If an SCV is killed while building an Infested Command Center, a new one will NOT be able to continue finishing the Infested Comamnd Center. Canceling the Infested Command Center will also result in a drone appear. This is intentional as the structure is labeled as a Zerg building which enables it to be built on creep and Terran SCVs cannot continue building Zerg structures (however, they can apparently start building them). - Vision is NOT shared with allies in either missions. This is due to custom AI scripts for whatever reason breaking the triggers that enable and disable player vision to other players/computers. As such, the mission "The Reckoning" will instead have revealing spots that will grant vision of an area once an area has been cleared. - The construction on the Infested Command Center will be replaced with the "beating heart" animation temporarily while it is around 70% complete. This is due to certain limiting image-script issues. - Swarmlisk description contains a typo. It does not have reduced collision as this had caused a potential bug. - Building an Infested Command Center with Jim Raynor (If you force a player in multiplayer into the Raynor Slot) will crash the game (Note: The AI Jim Raynor won't build an infested command center).
Purpose Of this Map: - To have a Finale map available (My two favorite SC2 missions on SC1 which is my favorite RTS) - Learn how to use EUD editor for first time implemented into a map.
I hope you guys enjoy this map.
Post has been edited 10 time(s), last time on Aug 18 2024, 11:00 pm by TheHappy115.
This is an interesting concept, will definitely check out. Meanwhile since you here, I can't help but wonder, when Insurrection and Retribution Reversed are incoming? Or at least Enslavers and Dark Vengeance? Glad to see you sticking around!
Update: Two additional versions of the Map have been added: - All-In Cooperative (2 Player) - The Reckoning Cooperative (2 Player) Note: The original single player slot is now the "Player 2" slot.
Gameplay changes in these Cooperative maps are exclusive to the cooperative maps and are NOT changed in the single player version.
All-In Coop: Player 1 (slot 1) is color Blue and defends left side. Player 2 (slot 2) is color White and defends right side.
- Contains same things as All-In - EUD version - Player 2 will be doing the upgrades. Any upgrades they choose to get at the beginning also affects Player 1. Player 2 is REQUIRED for the game to be played. - Player 1 will be given some Protoss structures at the beginning so they can see some of the upgrades available but will NOT be able to do anything with it.
Warning: Both Players can activate the keystone with [Z]. However, there is a small chance it can cause a desync cause the player to drop. (It has happened only once in my playthrough tests).
- If there is lag, it is recommended to turn OFF the Starcraft 2 music in the final menu section. - Each player gets 10 mineral patches and 2 gas geysers. - Each player now only starts with 2 Wraiths and 1 Battlecruiser for air units (In solo, you get 3 BCs, 1 Vessel, and 5 Wraiths) - Some upgrades have had their cost adjusted (Ranged upgrades decreased, No-Splash and Turret upgrades increased). - Missile Turret durability bonus decreased from 175 Health to 75 Health and no longer provides an armor bonus for the Missile Turret.
The Reckoning Coop: - Player 1 will play as (Blue) Jim Raynor - Player 2 will play as (Purple) Kerrigan
CHANGES TO KERRIGAN: - Infested Terrans now detonate when killed. If they die before their attack goes off, they will STILL explode dealing AoE damage (this doesn't damage your own unit, but will damage your allies). - Infested Terrans that successfully hit a target have their attack deal double the damage. - Kerrigan's level up requirement is approximately reduced by 40%. This is the fact that Raynor is more competent and allies do NOT provide XP for Kerrigan.
JIM RAYNOR (Player 1): - Will NOT have control of Raynor. Once the Odin is beaten, Kerrigan STILL has control of Hyperion when it decides to attack. - Raynor CANNOT expand. - All of Raynor's Upgrades are dependent on Kerrigan's Upgrades
Kerrigan Upgrades to Raynors
- Melee Attacks -> Infantry Attack (Up to 3) - Ground Missile Attacks -> Mechanical Attack (Up to 3) - Carapace Armor -> Infantry AND Mechanical Armor (Up to 3) - Flyer Attack -> Air Attack (Up to 3) - Flyer Carapace Armor -> Air Armor (Up to 3) Note: Evolutions ONLY affect "Teal" ally. Upgrades ALSO affect teal ally.
- Raynor is provided with more resources and all of his units have 50% cost reduction.
Gameplay Changes: - Terran Siege Tanks have their damage reduced from 100 + [10 per upgrade] to 82 + [6 per upgrade] - Player 1 and Player 2 (Raynor and Kerrgan) have shared vision. For whatever reason, sharing vision triggers do NOT work due to some EUDs added and I am unsure how to fix it. However, starting vision sharing between players still works. Map revealers are STILL in place. - When 3 Enemy Command Centers are destroyed and Mengsks orders 5 Dropships to "destroy the Hive at any means," these Dropships now instead drop 4 Marines every 60 seconds and display a message that the Marines are dropped (Originally it was 4 Marines every 20 seconds). Notable Bug: Player 1 will get the "Defeat" condition while Player 2 will get the "Victory" condition when Mengsk Palace is destroyed.
These additional 2 cooperative missions can be found in the same google drive link. It is unlikely I will further update the maps as will probably move on to other projects.
The maps may look a little Janky for 2 player but it allows you now to share playing it with a friend!
Potential Projects: - Personal IRL projects (unrelated to SC, sorry!) - MonoBattles SC1 Custom Map (Based on SC2 version) - 3-Player Cooperative Macro Map vs AI (with Command Powers vs Random enemy race/AI) - Possibly RPG in distant future
I don't have any plans to reverse other campaigns.
UPDATE: 8/15/24 - Coop version of "All-In" has an audio fix. Now it will display "Nydus Worms" and their appearing sound for both Player 1 and Player 2 instead of just Player 2.
UPDATE: 8/23/24 - Coop version of "All-In" is now the correct EUD file instead of the regular scmdraft2 map without e3s file compiled with it.
Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Aug 24 2024, 12:02 am by TheHappy115.
Hi there, my friend and I are having some issues with the All-In COOP mission, when we load into the game, nothing seems to happen. We can't select the difficulty or the unique upgrades at the top of the map as the beacons are unlabeled, there's no unit to move onto said beacons, and the protoss structures are unpowered. The Nexus also only has the option to build a probe, but trying to build it does nothing.
We have tried redownloading the map to see if something just didn't port over correctly but we're not sure what to do at this point. I can say that the Reckoning did work completely fine however, and we had a blast doing that.
Hi there, my friend and I are having some issues with the All-In COOP mission, when we load into the game, nothing seems to happen. We can't select the difficulty or the unique upgrades at the top of the map as the beacons are unlabeled, there's no unit to move onto said beacons, and the protoss structures are unpowered. The Nexus also only has the option to build a probe, but trying to build it does nothing.
Thank you for this information. The problem should of been fixed now. I took a look and the file uploaded was the wrong one. It was a file of the unmodified version of the map "without" EUDs (as it didn't have EUD in the title) meaning its unplayable and unbeatable. EUD versions are what add the magic to make the "special" interacts.