Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Desert Strike Night 2024
Desert Strike Night 2024
Sep 20 2019, 7:33 pm
By: MidNighTime
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Jun 18 2022, 10:20 pm MidNighTime Post #41


Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 3 2024, 8:35 am by MidNighTime.


Jul 25 2022, 9:41 pm MidNighTime Post #42

Hello Everyone,

I'm happy to release v3.5 today. Please review the update notes below:

* Desert Strike Night 2022 (Update: v3.5)
- All demolished structures now grant 100% refunds with the limitation systems.
- All demolished structures totals are now shown on the leader board cycle.
- All demolished structures due to max limit don't count towards leader board.
- All units on the battlefield are more aggressive and focused on their targets.
- All features information and guidance are now more visually intuitive.
- Debuff "Convert" now only converts enemy units on team side of shakura obelisk.
- Debuff "Vanish" now only Kills enemy units on team side of shakura obelisk.
- Trophies are no longer shown on the leader board cycle and now more revised.
- Improved hyper trigger support for #x1.0 - #x2.9 games. (Game will be very fast)
- Increased the limit conditions for inactive players ban. (Warnings Added)
- Added meticulous neutral recycle for 1vs1, 2vs2, etc. (Removes unused things)
- New classification of "Super" units introduced which are stronger counterparts.

- Added "Cash Limitation System" which limits the maximum active cash balance.
~ The maximum active cash limitation is 21k with overflow auto sent to savings.
~ The overflow is considered $500 cash accumulated over the active limitation.
~ Players can withdraw cash overflow just like savings for anything and specials.
~ Cash overflow from massive refunds will also transfer automatically to savings.
~ Cash will seem stuck but, all your overflow cash is being transferred to savings.
~ Savings withdraw that exceed the active cash limitation is considered overflow.
~ This does not delete any active cash, overflow, savings, shared or refunded cash.

- Added "Special Limitation System" which limits consecutive special activation's.
~ Special activation are now three maximum consecutive down from unlimited.
~ Maximum consecutive refers to three specials at one time per each player.
~ This system works in close parallel with the cash limitation system.
~ Strategic specials with teammates has not been changed as intended.

- Added "Refunds Limitation System" which limits the maximum refunds possible.
~ The maximum ammount of refunds that are allowed by each player is set 50.
~ This limit includes and extends to structures outside of your own base.
~ Refunding structures can also impact your spawn so pick and choose wisely.
~ This system works in close parallel with the other limitation systems.
~ This excludes lift refunds generated from factory w/add-on and sunkens.

- Added "Shakura Obelisk System" which is a mysterious watcher of everything.
~ The obelisk is responsible for the "Shakura Storms" bonuses during the game.
~ The obelisk is located in the center of the battlefield as a known structure.
~ The obelisk has a mind of it's own and does thing's based on what "it" thinks.
~ The obelisk may sometimes message suggestions to specific players randomly.
~ The conditions responsible for the obelisk actions are unknown as intended.
~ The obelisk actions will not unbalance the game and is purely fair to all.
~ The obelisk will prompt a notification to all players if it does something.

* Unit Changes (All stat changes tested. The renaming is new player intuitive)
- The [Hero] text on units/structures replaced with intuitive information.
- Terran Marine now has all upgrades auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Terran Marauder name reverted back to Terran Firebat on unit and structure.
- Terran Warpig now renamed Super Marine on unit and structure.
- Terran Reaper now renamed Kerrigan on unit and structure. (Reference retained)
- Terran Banshee now renamed Kazansky on unit and structure.
- Terran Thor Tanks now renamed Super Tanks on unit and structure.
- Terran Super Tank [SiegeMode] hit points is now set 145. (was 60)
- Terran Super Tank [SiegeMode] armor is now set to 4. (was 0)
- Terran Firebat armor is now set to 4. (was 3)
- Terran Medivac now renamed Medivac on unit and structure.
- Protoss Zealot now has all upgrades auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Protoss Dragoon now has all upgrades auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Protoss Carrier now has full capacity auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Protoss Observer now has all upgrades auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Protoss Dragoon ground damage has now been reduced to 20. (was 22).
- Protoss Super Dragoon ground damage is now set to 25. (was 18)
- Protoss Stalker name reverted back to Protoss Dragoon on unit and structure.
- Protoss Immortal now renamed Super Templar on unit and structure.
- Protoss Void Ray now renamed Super Scout on unit and structure.
- Protoss Warp Prism unit hit points and shield is now set 125. (was 50)
- Zerg Overseer name reverted back to Zerg Overlord on structure.
- Zerg Overlord now has speed upgrades auto researched. (Not shown on structure)
- Zerg Zergling now has all upgrades auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Zerg Hydralisk now has all upgrades auto researched and indicated on the unit.
- Zerg Roach now renamed to Super Hydralisk on unit and structure.
- Zerg Broodlord name reverted back to Guardian on unit and structure.
- Zerg Corruptor name reverted back to Devourer on unit and structure.
- Zerg Ultralisk Anabolic Synthesis (speed) upgrade now cost 164 (was 328)
- Zerg Ultralisk Chitinous Planting (armor) upgrade now cost 171 (was 343)
- Zerg Ultralisk Cavern cost is now set to 400. (was 426)
- Zerg Nydus Worm unit hit points is now set 500. (was 444)
- Zerg Nydus Worm unit armor is now set to 5. (was 4)

* Bug Fixes (Shows "notable" things fixed from older versions as reference)
- Fixed bug where switch toggle collision generated massive bonus for all. (3.3)
- Fixed bug where the shakura storms didn't reward during cash delay. (3.3)
- Fixed bug where Silo Brutalisk can extend its stay longer than intended. (3.3) (Rare)
- Fixed bug where unclaimed savings could get thrown out by the bank lol.. (3.3)
- Fixed bug where Protoss Super Scout was not flying as quickly as Protoss Scout. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where reavers would freeze while having warp prism. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where tanks would gather and remain sieged at temple. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where many tanks would siege gather edge of battlefield. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where mass timings created many bugs including less aggro. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where unit spawning was causing many issues around temple. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where the "WARNING: Unit unplaceable!" can happen often. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where units would not use their skills very often. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where mass marines (by zerg) could suddenly spawn. (2.63) (Rare)
- Fixed bug where Terran Special sends interceptors revealing enemy base. (2.63) (Rare)
- Fixed bug where players can cross the flag boundary early game. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where gas alignment was making it hard to create more. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where terrain glitches exist in some player bases while building. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where Terran mass lifting factory w/add-on would spam refund text. (2.63)
- Fixed bug where making mass workers in base can manipulate map max. (2.63) (Exploit)
- Fixed bug where you could steal your teammates insta-spawn or use it. (2.63) (Exploit)
- Fixed bug where making mass overlords in base can manipulate map max. (2.63) (Exploit)
- Fixed bug where you can fully disable teammate from building anything. (2.63) (Exploit)

** Please note release bugs can happen with anything even with extensive testing **
** The official download link will be available here when everything considered ready **

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Jan 3 2024, 7:38 am by MidNighTime.


Jan 3 2024, 8:33 am MidNighTime Post #43

Hello Everyone,

Desert Strike 2024 is work in progress and will be released when ready. I'm excited to reveal that there's AI version work in progress as well but, still some time until release.

This year will most likely be the last time I release updates for the Desert Strike Night series. The Desert Strike Night series is coming close to fulfillment and amusement.

I love you all, remember whatever it is currently you find difficult to accomplish or settle with you still hold on to the most complex valuable thing and that's life.


Jan 17 2024, 3:29 pm lil-Inferno Post #44

Just here for the pie

You've put in a lot of love and hard work.

Jul 22 2024, 5:42 pm MidNighTime Post #45

Hello Everyone,

Progress Report: I'm hoping to release the map before mid August hence i stop tinkering and getting something out to all you lovely people. Time is not always reasonable but, i always try to appease the juggle.
Map Report: I've reached string cap and some annoyances which spawn other annoyances (You all know how that is) however thing's are working out (Insert guile theme) for now until (Insert mario death sfx).
Map Goal: I would ultimately like players to have many options at there disposal against challengers and experience fun, laughter and sometimes good old "Starcraft" taunting without crossing the line.
The Future: I've always been a busy lady multitasking beyond belief but, that's that. I do feel my interest withdrawing from "Starcraft" like many before me. I will most likely be playing Path of Exile 1/2.
@lil-Inferno: Thank you.

Take care.


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[02:10 am]
Ultraviolet -- :mad:
[03:40 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: NudeRaider False hope, unacceptable!
my bad, didn't check the validity, but there's definitely other options. Something I found quickly (not tested)
[03:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- l)ark_ssj9kevin
l)ark_ssj9kevin shouted: ClansAreForFriends
Gays are friendly!
[03:35 pm]
NudeRaider -- l)ark_ssj9kevin
l)ark_ssj9kevin shouted: ClansAreForFriends
[03:34 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: Hate it when that happens
preventable though
[2024-10-21. : 4:35 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- ClansAreForFriends
[2024-10-21. : 12:36 am]
Vrael -- think I can donate $15.00 to get CAFG cancelled?
[2024-10-20. : 10:33 pm]
ClansAreForGays -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: ClansAreForGays "ClansAreForGays has donated $14.00." Hefty price you paid
That's like 50$ in today's money
[2024-10-20. : 10:03 pm]
Ultraviolet -- ClansAreForGays
ClansAreForGays shouted: NudeRaider Never was. I donated $ to SEN to allow it.
"ClansAreForGays has donated $14.00." Hefty price you paid
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