Much more detailed list on what needs to be done.
QoL Changes: Phase 1
-Streamline intro. No need to choose. Blind pick the default mode (nobody seems to miss or remember when you can see what people picked). 30 second timer.
*I liked Zoans idea, of staggered picks if that could be implemented. Was a very good idea if you want to incorporate vision back in.
-Remove Mist. Buggy, unplayable, and unfun.
-So many wasted strings.
-Add custom .wav files for better player feedback/immersion and uniqueness to map. Like on kills, or capturing an outpost. Recapturing an outpost. Helps the immersion. Kotk RPG uses these to great effect despite the language barrier.
-Bring The tutorial back. Should be quick, streamlined, and easy.
-No more double or triple heroes on the same team. Just a single copy of the hero on the team. Especially with the prevalence of random just leads to terrible, un-fun un-balanced matches.
-Revert character upgrades back to minerals: Vulture speed, Vessel NRG, Companion upgrades, ling attack, ling speed, and make siege mode researchable for general. This was a huge blunder and unneeded.
-Maybe remove mirror matches? Most people seem to dislike them. To be fair, I could understand them with the original hero pool, but now we have plenty of heroes.
-Ready up timer after picking for hotkeying etc. Sometimes the picking phase takes a long time and discussion among team members.
-Final Spawn (5th Tier), Hydras (Archer Companions) are pretty lackluster as a final spawn. I propose changing them to goliaths (Golems) with some stat changes. Or maybe there is a way to boost 5th tier spawn while keeping hydras intact.
-Assim times/incomes are so wonky. I've built over 8 sometimes i still only get 1 cycle. Not sure what to make of this. My personal Observation is that the guy building them gets some type of handicap, not sure why (G3F).
**My personal idea: I think money should scale the more you invest in it. I always felt it was weird that money didn't scale especially because sometimes you need it late game. Maybe every 4 time you invest it increases, I figured: 35->40->50->75. As far as game balance goes, this could be good because some teams are much better map controllers than others (Assims and stuff). This could even the playing field for defensive team makeups to give them a chance. On top of this it should somewhat similar to mana, where, when you reach the end final tier, you get a big bonus. My theory: it should unlock a 1time buying of an extra life.
(Phase 2: Hero Changes)
Hero changes:
Consolidate him, no more classic. Just merge.
-L1:Maybe bring back mine cap?
-L2:Satellite Drone: 2 drones max, 75 Starting NRG, needs vessel upgrade I’d propose 75 minerals for vessel upgrade. No more SCV, never really fit the hero.
-L3:Sniper stays the same.
-L4:No Duration Extension, OP and Cheesy. Just make the mines invincible again.
-Make the Stuns affect ally pet spawns increasing the skill, should probably stun your allies to like in the old versions.
-Remove Berserker bomb. Bring back Nuke. 120mana for ghost 100mana for nuke. 1:30 Build time. Way more detection this time around.
-Make L2 infested Terrans again.
-Keep L4 with 4 Ultra Cap, This was a good change. However remove the takes 2 spawn destroying skills on them. Too powerful.
-Remove auto upgrades from upping spell level.
-Dark Swarm 120, Plague 100.
-Ling upgrades minerals again.
-He has a full heal @ L3, drop his HP to from 3800 to 3000-3200.
-Add a slight delay to L1, with visual effect, increasing skillcap. Everything else is fine.
-L2 Bug: Sometimes removes spawn and not neutralize them. Buggy code, i’ve only seen this in G3f so w/e.
-Remove Siege mode for L3. Instead give tank mode 15 base armor. Or compromise, make it researchable.
*You can choose between classic medic or new medic. Which seems superficial. Just stick with classic meaning:
-L1 perma spawns a medic that heals you and allies. No more global spawn. Or maybe double casting the spell can create global effect.
*This is a good hero and should be kept out of respect for IAGG. Though G3f Has many problems IAGG made a decent hero, and personally one of my favorites. He needs some tweaks for sure though.
-Make Siege Mode a natural ability, or researchable. Just seems to fit the hero.
-L1 Should be able to build bunkers filled with units: I’d say 2 Marines, 2 Firebats. 75 or 100 mana. IMO should scrap the mines, but the mines seem popular. Or maybe give him ability to make armored assims for 150. The bunkers would increase options and reinforce his role as a defensive hero and give him more to do.
-L2 is wonky, and inconsistent, while its a good spell. It needs more stability so its no costantly in the player's way when moving. This can be horrible when playing in tough situations.
-L3 needs a better spell, uninspiring, not that useful, just a hold over till his L4 which is actually pretty good and well liked.
-L4 Good spell, everyone likes, could be optimized a little.
*Good hero, and should remain. Pays homage to CAFG as he thought it up, and as respect should kept.
-L4: Good spell, but could be simplified or explained better. Meaning give it three definitve abilities to choose from. It has a huge list of abilities that are vague.
*Needs a rework bad. L2+L3 are terrible. Propose he and phantom (from TS 1.6) be merged.
-L1: Give him phantoms L1 when nobody is nearby, because mag L1 literally does nothing when no enemy is near him. This is terrible design, and terrible player feedback. But with an enemy nearby give him the swap ability, or make it a double cast.
-L2: Give him phantoms L2 and move on.
-L3: Give him phantoms L3 and move on.
-L4: Give him Arbitor pet, probably with a timer on him, maybe say like a minute or so. Has recall. Scrab stasis, not useful at all and toxic to gameplay. I propose you can upgrade the damage, I would say give it Low base damage but a high modifier.
-DM curses will dial through after transforms (super and chaos) which is silly. It was always u rushed to transform because she hard counters both anyway. This was their one way to avoid being stuck in a no
win situation. Essentially give super transforms 100% curse immunity again, for better counter play.
-L3: Same problem with Assassin's L2, sometimes removes the spawn, not neutralize it. Buggy code, only seen in G3f so w/e.
-There have been alot of calls to bring the archer camps back, without compromising his current state. Specifically spores and nydus. Could also be justified with Nuke coming back. Sunken Colonies were always poo/poo. Maybe gives two drones on double cast on L2?
-L4 could be much better. Think in Flashbeers TS version he gave him a clone that would mimic the spell he casts. I think this is a start. However, that clone should Feed Like All balls if killed. I think Casting L4 again while clone is active should teleport LM to him. Serves a double function. The clone could be a regular High templar. And the clone should be fairly weak durability wise, high risk high reward spell. And LM damage wise is high AF.
Terrain stuff:
-North team top base outpost spawn path has that horrendous canyon up there, been a complaint by many needs definite fixing up. Makes for awkward clashes and pathing spazzes.
-Top capture outpost cannons closest to north is gayed by that big temple doodad. Really needs to be cleaned up. Again, awkward spawn clashes and spazzes AI pathing.
-Mid capture outpost bottleneck northside is a tad too small making clogs of built spawn and trapping bigger heroes, just a little bit wider.
Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on May 15 2017, 5:30 pm by Broflamingo.