Hey guys, I was just wondering if it was a good thing to announce my new Tabletop-based RPG website!? it's known as the
Koprulu Sector and it is still a work in progress. I got it to function nicely and I am now in the middle of updating it's graphics still, so it's getting there. I am trying to find things like icons and other things that make it look more StarCraft Oriented, I think. working on it though, but it works, since it is technically online, I guess anybody can join now. I'll be on the site if you guys need me.
Any chance this supports mature stories? Raynor x Kerrigan bathing nude in the spawning pool, Zeratul x Artanis touching tips at the apex of the xel'naga temple on Shakuras? These are the stories we want to see come to life.
I don't really get what your forum is focused on. It is named after a SC-related thing and you want SC-related graphics, but it is geared toward tabletop RPGs? I'm not getting the connection.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
I'm sorry. Let me say it better... Think of it as theforce.net or more specifically, the jedi council forums. The boards there can play any RPG you want. Well, similar in the Koprulu sector, except that it is geared towards StarCraft and I won't argue about what RPG you play. Firstly though, let's go with StarCraft and see how it goes. I am sure anybody can write a good Roleplay for the old game, right?
Also no porn is allowed on the site. Just because there are no rules written for it at the moment doesn't mean it is a porn site, so stop it Pr0nogo!
Also, I thought about asking because I thought you guys would like to play some text-based roleplaying games on a new site like mine and I wouldn't mind a little help along the way too. I consider some of you guys friends and I thought the idea sounded nice.
What do you say?
... Also, probably a good idea that I change the banner too.
I have enough cringe in my life as it is, but thanks anyways.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
I motion we all move to the Koprulu sector until Moose is finished fixing SEN. That forum is so much more responsive...
I motion we all move to the Koprulu sector until Moose is finished fixing SEN. That forum is so much more responsive...
I would like that too, although I am still setting up a few touches to the site, like rules and a few other things, also settings like changing the forum e-mail address, since I really need a clean start from the one I chose...
DarkenedFantasies, just no...
You know what, I didn't want to antogonize but, if you guys are gonna write "mature" StarCraft Stories, GO TO FANFICTION.NET!