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Why i think 2012 is going to be good year.
May 3 2012, 11:11 pm
By: Tempz  

May 3 2012, 11:11 pm Tempz Post #1 Star Gazing Year

Basically there are a bunch of opportunities to watch the sky in 2012 some of which are already over but hey all these rare occurrences in the same year are awesome :D.


May 4 2012, 12:13 am RIVE Post #2

Just Here For The Pie

It has been good so far. I really enjoyed looking up at the sky a lot lately with friends and family.
"Double Planet" was an awesome week! It may as well of been Triple Planet because Mars was still in view even though it was on the other end of the sky.


May 6 2012, 8:42 am Rantent Post #3

Haha, it's funny that yesterday I thought the moon looked bigger, so I took a picture of it.
Turns out I was right.

I'm always right though.


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