In response to the thread title: no, the country is not too provincial, but it is provincial in the wrong way(It is provincial geographically, instead of ideologically.
I'm sorry for not wanting to be a sheep, and live under a new "Socialist America".
That's why, imo, it needs to stay how it is.
More centeralization = more power to the already over-powered Federal and State governments, and less freedoms for citizens.
We've already lost most of our freedoms with The Patriot Act, and the Military Commisions Act anyways...
Get it right kel, the country is turning fascist faster than it is turning socialist.
You want a real answer?
The U.S. can never be too provincial (unless your talking Articles of Confederation =D ). The easiest way to create sustainable society is through decentralization. Decentralization in any way possible will make it easier for people to live. Whether its industry, energy production, and certain policy, efficiency is amplified when decentralized. Centralization is only necessary for national decisions such as civil rights, wars, etc. Otherwise, the states are way better qualified to encourage their own businesses, their own individual freedoms, etc.
Get it right kel, the country is turning fascist faster than it is turning socialist.
Common Antisleep, use some logic: Centralized economy since the early 1900s because of the "Federal Reserve" (taking the gold and silver from the civilians hands and putting it into Federal hands... One form of Socialism/Communism)
Imo if anyone honestly thinks that the Federal Reserve is good, doesn't believe in Democracy. Because it takes the only wealth and worth you have in this country, and gives it to the Government, which is a form of either Communism or Socialism. I do know in Communism, the "government" owns everything, and everyone is equal, so wouldn't that mean that putting all of our own hard earned money (that some even found in California during the gold rush) and wealth into this new "Federal Reserve", destroys any
true say you have in this country because all your money and wealth belong to the new "Federal Reserve"?
And now our government is over-run with corrupt officials (its been proven time and time again) who got there using dirty tactics, and dirty money.
Food for thought.
P.S. Only the first part was directed to Antisleep, the rest was a rant too think about.
Get it right kel, the country is turning fascist faster than it is turning socialist.
Common Antisleep, use some logic: Centralized economy since the early 1900s because of the "Federal Reserve" (taking the gold and silver from the civilians hands and putting it into Federal hands... One form of Socialism/Communism)
Actually, that's more fascist. Socialism would redistribute the wealth evenly (or at least pretend to).
Imo if anyone honestly thinks that the Federal Reserve is good, doesn't believe in Democracy. Because it takes the only wealth and worth you have in this country, and gives it to the Government, which is a form of either Communism or Socialism. I do know in Communism, the "government" owns everything, and everyone is equal, so wouldn't that mean that putting all of our own hard earned money (that some even found in California during the gold rush) and wealth into this new "Federal Reserve", destroys any true say you have in this country because all your money and wealth belong to the new "Federal Reserve"?
Democracy = rule of the citizens. At what point has your government ever stopped being ultimately accountable to its citizens?
And now our government is over-run with corrupt officials (its been proven time and time again) who got there using dirty tactics, and dirty money.
Is that not the epitome of capitalism? Power through money.
We lost our economic liberty decades ago, I was speaking about the civil liberties being raped and burned right now.