Hello, I used to be a quite active member in the SEN and Maplantis Terraining community, and I am wondering how things have changed with Star Craft II. To me it looks like the only tool is the Blizzard Map Editor, which if it at all is like the first, it has limits in the environment you can create. I know it took time for Starforge and SCMDraft to develope, but those programs made terraining in StarCraft. I started terraining after the development of these programs so there was alot of cool stuff going on already. Through map contests and various artists, alot of new and cool blends were developed in a short time. I guess this is the community I remember, which I greatly enjoyed as it helped me find a niche while increasing skill. I hope Starcraft II, for SEN's sake, will someday offer the same possibilities for terrainers.
(I havent actually gotten to play StarCraft II yet)
I doubt that there will be tools like scmdraft as stuff like tiles don't appear to be possible. The terraining in sc2 is now based by textures (you can import custom textures as well) and cliff levels. Different but in my eyes better than sc1 mapping. Just like wc3 mapping.
Long time no see, welcome back
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How do you import custom textures? I've looked around but couldn't find anything...
It's in the data editor, in the tab Terrain if I remember correctly... look around in there, you should find it.
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I'm in the data tab, under terrain. I created a new object.
It has 2 settings that I have to fill in: 'Normal Map' and 'Texture'
All the other terrain objects have Assets\Textures\NAMEnormal.dds for 'normal map'
and Assets\Textures\NAME.dds for 'texture'
When I try to change it, it give me an archive browser that give me 2 folders 'assets' and 'editor data'
My file is not under either, and I don't see any way to find files outside the 2 folders it gives you.
http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8792/unbenannthr.pngGet there, it's the tab Texture Sets if I remember correctly (using german editor :S)
This way you can at least replace textures as far as I know, but as I am not having a texture I cannot check.
HINT: Import a texture first and I'm pretty sure you have to save the map after imported for the item to be listed.
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HINT: Import a texture first and I'm pretty sure you have to save the map after imported for the item to be listed.
Argh! How do you import the texture!? Is it with the Import button (F9)? If so, how do I use it; it doesn't seem to do anything.
Go to the import manager, rightclick on the big field, import file.
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OMG THANK YOU!It's taken me a week to figure that out... I was looking around for a button, or somewhere in the menu bar XD
Go to the import manager, rightclick on the big field, import file.
An important step is to save before leaving the 'Import' tab window. Most of the people forget about that and have many problems further on. ;o