Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: Looking for volunteer admin for an RP site
Looking for volunteer admin for an RP site
Jun 17 2010, 11:20 pm
By: Biophysicist  

Jun 17 2010, 11:20 pm Biophysicist Post #1

I need a decent or above RPer to help design and run an RP site. ("Design" means "set up forum rules and design the game world", not skinning or coding or anything.) Contact me here, via PM, or on MSN if you're interested.)


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[11:58 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- wb sen
[2024-9-30. : 6:06 pm]
NudeRaider -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: NudeRaider :O so that's why we get spambots about exercise equipment: they're just mineral farmers
of course, hired by me. Get on my level!
[2024-9-30. : 6:05 pm]
Zoan -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: just post more, plebs :ego:
:O so that's why we get spambots about exercise equipment: they're just mineral farmers
[2024-9-30. : 1:48 pm]
Vrael -- they made a movie about it and everything:
[2024-9-30. : 1:37 pm]
Oh_Man -- i dont know who this will guy is but he has been in captivity for far too long. free will!
[2024-9-30. : 8:41 am]
NudeRaider -- just post more, plebs :ego:
[2024-9-29. : 8:45 pm]
RIVE -- The top 1% of the top 1% are soulless, mod-entities who control more minerals than the bottom 99%
[2024-9-29. : 4:31 pm]
Vrael -- down with the mods! take their minerals!
[2024-9-29. : 4:31 pm]
Vrael -- if the top 1% just paid their fair share of minerals we all could just have minerals dammit
[2024-9-28. : 5:39 pm]
RIVE -- Minerals should be taxed
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