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[2015-7-01. : 5:47 pm]
Dem0n -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: Dem0n Why are the Portuguese going to war with my state?
Not sure
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
Azrael -- Everyone in Canada says "pop".
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: A beach in NJ is flooded with Portuguese Men o' War.
Why are the Portuguese going to war with my state?
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
Dem0n -- God I hate it when people say 'pop'
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
Azrael -- Like, pretty significantly.
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
Azrael -- Diet Pepsi wins every kind of blind taste test ever held, so I guess.
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
Dem0n -- You're missing out on some good ol' pop.
[2015-7-01. : 5:46 pm]
NudeRaider -- afri cola ftw
[2015-7-01. : 5:45 pm]
Zycorax -- Due to a lack of Jolly Cola on the market.
[2015-7-01. : 5:45 pm]
Zycorax -- I do!
[2015-7-01. : 5:45 pm]
Dem0n -- Who drinks pepsi :massimo:
[2015-7-01. : 5:45 pm]
Zycorax -- Why? :P
[2015-7-01. : 5:44 pm]
Zycorax -- lol
[2015-7-01. : 5:44 pm]
Dem0n -- Zyco you are just a bad person, man
[2015-7-01. : 5:44 pm]
*Zycorax finishes his Pepsi.*
[2015-7-01. : 5:44 pm]
NudeRaider -- PROST
[2015-7-01. : 5:44 pm]
Zycorax -- Skål!
[2015-7-01. : 5:44 pm]
NudeRaider -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: NudeRaider *high five*
for lack of a better one: :cheers:
[2015-7-01. : 5:43 pm]
Azrael -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: I've never had deep dish pizza ;_;
You've never had anything ;_;
[2015-7-01. : 5:43 pm]
Azrael -- Lol :P
[2015-7-01. : 5:43 pm]
Zycorax -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: It'll be like biting into a fluffy pillow.
Great, now you made me sleepy :(
[2015-7-01. : 5:43 pm]
Dem0n -- I've never had deep dish pizza ;_;
[2015-7-01. : 5:42 pm]
Azrael -- It'll be like biting into a fluffy pillow.
[2015-7-01. : 5:42 pm]
Azrael -- I got a deep dish pan, don't worry.
[2015-7-01. : 5:41 pm]
Dem0n -- Remember, the crust is one of the most important parts. Don't fuck it up.
[2015-7-01. : 5:41 pm]
Azrael -- Fuck it, I'm writing it on my grocery list.
[2015-7-01. : 5:41 pm]
Azrael -- I should really buy an eggplant and try to remake it.
[2015-7-01. : 5:40 pm]
Azrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Azrael sounds great
I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
[2015-7-01. : 5:40 pm]
Dem0n -- A beach in NJ is flooded with Portuguese Men o' War.
[2015-7-01. : 5:39 pm]
NudeRaider -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: It had eggplant and goat cheese and a bunch of other weird toppings that were fucking amazing.
sounds great
[2015-7-01. : 5:39 pm]
[2015-7-01. : 5:39 pm]
Azrael -- It had eggplant and goat cheese and a bunch of other weird toppings that were fucking amazing.
[2015-7-01. : 5:38 pm]
Azrael -- It was actually some of the best pizza I ever had. It was such a change in quality.
[2015-7-01. : 5:38 pm]
Azrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Azrael Finding good Pizza is hard. But EVERY town has it!
And once you find it, you never let it go xD I'll eat there again next time too :P
[2015-7-01. : 5:37 pm]
NudeRaider -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: Only ever found one place that served good pizza, and I tried pretty hard to find some.
Finding good Pizza is hard. But EVERY town has it!
[2015-7-01. : 5:37 pm]
Corbo -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: The crust is just way too thin.
So pizza's like pizza? :P
[2015-7-01. : 5:37 pm]
Azrael -- Any kind is better than none.
[2015-7-01. : 5:37 pm]
Azrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Azrael but I love it. The crunchy one.
*high five*
[2015-7-01. : 5:36 pm]
Azrael -- They swore they didn't add extra butter.
[2015-7-01. : 5:36 pm]
NudeRaider -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: Confirmed that Europeans hate peanut butter.
but I love it. The crunchy one.
[2015-7-01. : 5:36 pm]
Azrael -- Hey, I had some greasy pancakes! When someone who tried my pancakes tried to remake them. That's not how Americans make them though.
[2015-7-01. : 5:35 pm]
Zycorax -- I put sugar on my pancakes
[2015-7-01. : 5:35 pm]
NudeRaider -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: But seriously, I would actually choke on pancakes if I didn't use syrup. That shit is so dry; the syrup is the only thing that makes it slide down your throat.
I'm pretty sure you ARE thinking of crepes. Pancakes are greasy.
[2015-7-01. : 5:35 pm]
Azrael -- It's like you guys waged a war against breakfast.
[2015-7-01. : 5:35 pm]
Azrael -- How come Europe doesn't have Cinnamon Toast Crunch either?
[2015-7-01. : 5:32 pm]
Dem0n -- The US soccer teams are 2-0 vs Germany this year, the same score as the World Wars :awesome:
[2015-7-01. : 5:32 pm]
Azrael -- And man, some places I went to offered corn as a pizza topping. What is that?
[2015-7-01. : 5:31 pm]
Azrael -- oven*
[2015-7-01. : 5:31 pm]
Azrael -- It's like those $3 frozen pizzas you reheat in the over and which have the texture of cardboard.
[2015-7-01. : 5:30 pm]
Azrael -- The crust is just way too thin.
[2015-7-01. : 5:30 pm]
Azrael -- Only ever found one place that served good pizza, and I tried pretty hard to find some.
[2015-7-01. : 5:30 pm]
Dem0n -- I fucking hope Italian pizza is good
[2015-7-01. : 5:30 pm]
Dem0n -- Italian pizza looks good
[2015-7-01. : 5:30 pm]
Azrael -- So maybe that's why.
[2015-7-01. : 5:30 pm]
Azrael -- Pizza in Europe was a lot worse too.
[2015-7-01. : 5:29 pm]
Dem0n -- Zyco's the same guy who doesn't like pizza ;_;
[2015-7-01. : 5:29 pm]
Azrael -- Can't get that, lol.
[2015-7-01. : 5:29 pm]
Dem0n -- Chunky peanut butter or kill yourself.
[2015-7-01. : 5:29 pm]
Zycorax -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: Confirmed that Europeans hate peanut butter.
I've never tried it, but it sounds awful.
[2015-7-01. : 5:28 pm]
Azrael -- Confirmed that Europeans hate peanut butter.
[2015-7-01. : 5:28 pm]
Dem0n -- But fear not, there is some iffy grading that I will be sure to contest!
[2015-7-01. : 5:28 pm]
Azrael -- And it was some really cheap brand, but the only one they had, basically tucked away on the smallest more-remote shelf possible. In a super diverse high-end supermarket.
[2015-7-01. : 5:28 pm]
Dem0n -- Well that's how it is here normally, but there was a curve. Two more points and I would've gotten a 90% ;______;
[2015-7-01. : 5:27 pm]
NudeRaider -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: A 90% on my exam is an A, and I got an 88%, which is an A- :-(
:( my exams require point of 92% or greate to get an A / A-
[2015-7-01. : 5:27 pm]
Azrael -- Oh yeah, and what the fuck's with the lack of peanut butter? I had to go to like 12 stores in 3 different countries to find a jar of peanut butter.
[2015-7-01. : 5:23 pm]
Azrael -- And yeah, that's the idea; pancakes are objectively terrible without maple syrup, so they just never came to develop them.
[2015-7-01. : 5:23 pm]
Dem0n -- inb4 something with :teach:
[2015-7-01. : 5:23 pm]
Azrael -- You're the poster child for anti-vegetarian campaigns everywhere.
[2015-7-01. : 5:23 pm]
Dem0n -- But seriously, I would actually choke on pancakes if I didn't use syrup. That shit is so dry; the syrup is the only thing that makes it slide down your throat.
[2015-7-01. : 5:22 pm]
Dem0n -- 16 C|:^ )

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Members Online: Dem0n