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The Three kingdoms Mod
Jul 2 2008, 6:40 am
By: NirvanaJung  

Oct 8 2008, 6:11 pm Ryu Post #21

Nivana, I would love to support you on this project and perhaps even get a whole team on hand to help complete and shape this mod into something truley remarkable.
Give me a shout.

By the way I'm the leader of Clan Shu


(I'm not adverstising the clan, just trying to inspire and help passionate people)


Oct 9 2008, 3:32 pm bajadulce Post #22

Nirvanjung is now a professional golfer guys.. sorry to break the news to you. I actually saw him last week on an obscure episode of "Big Break IX China" . He was featured on the show for about 10 seconds. Ok maybe he's not atop the leaderboards every week, but his name is there. You just have to know his real name.. and I won't disclose that for privacy reasons. I saw he won $65,000 last month according to the Chinese PGA tour. ... so maybe in the off season we'll see him again or if his putter goes flat.

.. but ya.. basically BUMP! this mod is HOT.. please come back!


Oct 20 2008, 7:36 pm Hercanic Post #23

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Wow, very cool. Hope he continues to do well, enough so that he can spend off-season modding inbetween practice sessions! =oP

Is golf big in China?

Oct 23 2008, 10:39 pm NirvanaJung Post #24

My gracious~! All sorts of false rumors were flying around of here :lol:
ok i heard you guy's replies
first of all , i just took a respite from this work since i was so buzy and my life changed quite a few things
so i couldnt focused for long time i won't tell about detail whats going on...
anyways.. im quite ready to work to progress for this mod and it will begins soon
Hercanic : How are you doing on this, NirvanaJung?
it just fine
Ryu :I would love to support you on this project and perhaps even get a whole team
ok, you can join in my team, there is no restrictions on each fields of modding
even if someone has work for it already.... to speak honestly... cobo and FaRTy whos are crew of TK mod
actulay they not started and didnt worked at all in earnest, so far
however they still in the crew and they will starts when they ready to work hopefully ;)

you r a rumormonger... :lol: he knew that you joked to him ? lol dont spread rumor
im not golfer and i have been not entried on one any contries tour at all
and as you know, im a Korean so I will try on Korean Tour at first even if i will be a golfer :lol:

so maybe in the off season we'll see him again or if his putter goes flat.
.. but ya.. basically BUMP! this mod is HOT.. please come back!
yes im come back here since the golf season off in cyber golf league of Tiger woods Video game :lol:

Hercanic : Wow, very cool. Hope he continues to do well, enough so that he can spend off-season modding inbetween practice sessions! =oP Is golf big in China?

:lol: now you know hes joked to you and i dont know how golf is big in China exactly but i think golf is not popular in China then Korea

btw, Korean lady golfers wins many tours in LPGA of US

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 23 2008, 10:58 pm by NirvanaJung.


Oct 24 2008, 3:13 am Hercanic Post #25

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Lol, I see. Good times. =o)

Where in Korea are you at? Last December, I was in Busan for a few days.

Oct 24 2008, 8:50 am ETEFT(U) Post #26

Holy shi... to really do this out of just Modding is incredible. I can't believe you have devoted so much of your time. I commend you for your great contributions.


Oct 24 2008, 4:40 pm NirvanaJung Post #27

Where in Korea are you at?
I'm in Seoul
btw, What have you visited here for ?
Thanks i have devoted sometime of working
but i dont want do a monotony and a boring job in the working of this mod
so it takes quite long times to see wellmade


Oct 24 2008, 8:23 pm Devourer Post #28


nice work.... broken lings? should fix it ;)

today the links works... yesterday it didn't work....
again: nice work

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2008, 7:35 am by DeVouReR.

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Oct 25 2008, 11:40 pm Vi3t-X Post #29

Quote from NirvanaJung
My gracious~! All sorts of false rumors were flying around of here :lol:
ok i heard you guy's replies
first of all , i just took a respite from this work since i was so buzy and my life changed quite a few things
so i couldnt focused for long time i won't tell about detail whats going on...
anyways.. im quite ready to work to progress for this mod and it will begins soon
Hercanic : How are you doing on this, NirvanaJung?
it just fine
Ryu :I would love to support you on this project and perhaps even get a whole team
ok, you can join in my team, there is no restrictions on each fields of modding
even if someone has work for it already.... to speak honestly... cobo and FaRTy whos are crew of TK mod
actulay they not started and didnt worked at all in earnest, so far
however they still in the crew and they will starts when they ready to work hopefully ;)

you r a rumormonger... :lol: he knew that you joked to him ? lol dont spread rumor
im not golfer and i have been not entried on one any contries tour at all
and as you know, im a Korean so I will try on Korean Tour at first even if i will be a golfer :lol:

so maybe in the off season we'll see him again or if his putter goes flat.
.. but ya.. basically BUMP! this mod is HOT.. please come back!
yes im come back here since the golf season off in cyber golf league of Tiger woods Video game :lol:

Hercanic : Wow, very cool. Hope he continues to do well, enough so that he can spend off-season modding inbetween practice sessions! =oP Is golf big in China?

:lol: now you know hes joked to you and i dont know how golf is big in China exactly but i think golf is not popular in China then Korea

btw, Korean lady golfers wins many tours in LPGA of US

Doesn't the Jung point out that he's Korean?

Anyways, the mod so far is... "wow".


Oct 26 2008, 7:25 am bajadulce Post #30

My bad. Korea is definitely not China. I meant PG Asian Tour. Sorry KJ Choi. oops I didn't just reveal Nirvanajung's real name did I? It's good to see veteran modders still interested in SCraft! :cheers: There's still hope!



Oct 27 2008, 7:42 pm NirvanaJung Post #31

Sorry KJ Choi. oops I didn't just reveal Nirvanajung's real name did I?
you dicovered more and more ... but The blunt fact is that my name is Anthony :lol:
you know well what is my last name :lol: :lol:

oh.. btw, NJ Dungeon has recovered by host, i dont know why they recovered that site though site is works

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 27 2008, 7:56 pm by NirvanaJung.


Oct 28 2008, 12:25 am bajadulce Post #32

Wait are you the same Anthony that just whooped Sergio Garcia in the Ryder cup? ZOMG it really is you! I knew it!

.... so I noticed Nirvanajung's dungeon up a few days ago as well and figured you had something to do with it? A couple of those links to tools have been so helpful. thnx.


Nov 19 2008, 5:39 am modmaster50 Post #33

Hey, keep up the work on this :D . I was a big three kingdoms fan some time ago. Looking forward to playing this.


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[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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