Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas > Topic: Which of these do you prefer most on bnet?
Which of these do you prefer most on bnet?
Sep 16 2007, 4:17 pm
By: The Starport
Pages: < 1 2 3 45 >
Which of these types of bnet games do you prefer most?
Which of these types of bnet games do you prefer most?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Madnesses 4
Defenses 56
Attack and Defend (Helm's Deep, Heaven's Last Stand, etc.) 24
AoS/DotA-style (like the Dynasty Warriors games) 18
Lotr-style 12
Snipers 11
Cat and Mouse 15
Vanilla Melee 15
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Poll has 155 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Sep 17 2007, 7:35 am Rawk_Flare Post #21

I thought people actually liked bounds...

btw I've made ALOT of new style maps, such as "Eat Food and get fat"


Sep 17 2007, 12:26 pm Paravin. Post #22

Well I like RP's most, but attack & defense is a close second.


Sep 17 2007, 1:52 pm purple100 Post #23

I prefer players vs. comps RPG maps, but I can see that your selection is all player vs. player (with the exception of defense maps and variants of the other ones).


Sep 17 2007, 4:42 pm Zergblender Post #24

I like a well-made RPG, which are VERY RARE.
I don't know what to vote though.


Sep 18 2007, 4:45 am Fwop_ Post #25

I voted Lotr-style but I'm not sure if I mean Attack and Defend. I guess I should play more games to learn the differences between these kinds of things =P


Sep 18 2007, 5:43 am The Starport Post #26

LotR-style is kinda like attack and defend except players each have bases and maps are usually larger. They're also commonly based from Tolken's stories.


Sep 18 2007, 12:36 pm Falkoner Post #27

They are basically a strategic game where you start with a large base, and often you have spawn that building certain buildings helps to increase, then you just try to destroy the other bases main spawn-points to win.


Sep 18 2007, 3:27 pm Paravin. Post #28

Quote from Falkoner
They are basically a strategic game where you start with a large base, and often you have spawn that building certain buildings helps to increase, then you just try to destroy the other bases main spawn-points to win.

And use lame, overpowered hero units.


Sep 18 2007, 8:42 pm CookiesLikeWhoa Post #29

LotR Style and Defense personally.


Sep 18 2007, 8:47 pm Money Post #30

AoS/DotA-style (like the Dynasty Warriors games) is like Hero Wars?

What does it stand for?


Sep 18 2007, 10:47 pm The Starport Post #31

AoS/DotA = Aeon of Strife/Defense of the Ancients

The style usually goes as such: Two sides with two computer players automatically spawning and massing units to one another constantly. The humans pick sides, and play as individual hero characters for each. The players use their god-like heroes to tip the scales enough for one side to wipe out the other.


Sep 18 2007, 10:50 pm Falkoner Post #32

Oh, I love those!


Sep 19 2007, 12:15 am Fwop_ Post #33

I like well-made attack and defend maps then. Bases give me the willies.


Sep 19 2007, 8:34 pm Sarge Post #34



Sep 20 2007, 1:19 am UnholyUrine Post #35

Weird.. it says there're two pages but i can only see post #1 ...
Anyways.. I didn't vote because you didn't include two types of maps that's very important

1. Bounds .. - I don't like bounds.. but lez face it.. lots of ppl play them
2. Arena type maps .. there're a lot of arena type maps such as Random Unit Battle... Void Arena.. and Mario party that's being played and are all good.

Also.. wouldn't it be nice that you start off a completely new type of game? XD ... altho that'd be really hard.. I think you could accomplish it..
Annnd you're also missing Micro maps.. LOADS of koreans play those ;)

EDIT: I didn't see posts because I didn't vote.. I voted for Defense. .which is most preferred out of those categories.. but if you had Arena based .. that'd've won.


Sep 20 2007, 1:40 am MasterJohnny Post #36

I did not vote. You left out Arena maps

I am a Mathematician

Sep 20 2007, 2:38 am The Starport Post #37

Again, I made this a constrained vote on purpose. Those were the only map types relevant to what I was looking for an opinion for, hence the constraint.

I think I've about made my decision now, though. I'd go ahead and edit the poll to include the missing options if I could, but that'd only be for everyone else's sake at this point.


Sep 20 2007, 4:12 am l3lack-l3ahamut Post #38

out of those I like defenses, I am generally a lazy player and do not feel like working on uber strats for a attack and defend style altho I have mingled in the Lotr crowd back in the day.


Sep 20 2007, 5:06 am Kenoli Post #39

My choice was quickly narrowed to the following.

Attack and Defend
Cat and Mouse
Vanilla Melee

After that I picked Defense because I realized that I didn't actually feel like putting much thought into it.


Sep 20 2007, 11:07 am Gerrard2060 Post #40

I lyk defenses (duh, everyone lyks them) but I also like Cat&Mouse, because when the cat is near you, YOU FEEL THE ADRENALINE!
P.S.: I made only 1 map.


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