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StarCraft II Q&A Batch 44
Sep 13 2008, 6:57 am
By: KrayZee  

Sep 13 2008, 6:57 am KrayZee Post #1

Chat with Devs: Something I noticed during our recent shows at Games Convention in Leipzig and PAX in Seattle is that many new players trying out the game who played Zerg built several creep tumors, thinking they were either defenses or going to morph into defenses. This eventually lead into a conversation with Dustin about why Creep Tumors no longer morph into base defenses. For those who dont know, a Creep Tumor is a building which expands creep around it significantly. Building this building is an excellent way to cover additional ground with creep, allowing for many new strategies, including aggressive Spine Crawler pushes (the mobile Sunken Colony).

Dustin brought up two scenarios to why Creep Tumors no longer morph into other Zerg defenses:

1) You would be able to creep across the map by moving your creep-spawning base defenses.

2) It would be easier to accidentally end up with buildings off of creep because the creep-generator moved away.

Thus, since the development team definitely wanted to give Zerg mobile defenses, they decided to split the roles of the Creep Tumor and the other Zerg defenses. This also allows for the team to make these Creep Tumors burrowed and very cheap in the latest build.

As always, feel free to give the Devs and I a w00t if your enjoying these Q&As!

---StarCraft II Q&A Batch 44---

1) Is it possible for replays to contain more in depth player statistics such as average clicks per minute, number of hotkeys used, etc.. ? (

Replays will have much more info available in them that will include more detailed stat tracking, as well as other useful eSports related features.

2) Terrans currently appear to be at a disadvantage in terms of troop mobility, (as compared to 'Warp-in' and 'Nydus Worm') are there any plans to bring back the, 'drop-pod' or other new transport mechanic? (

Actually, the Terrans have many units and mechanics that empower them with more mobility than the original StarCraft. The Reaper and Viking is a good example of new units that extend the Terrans raiding capabilities. Furthermore, Medivac Dropships offer more incentive to build lots of Dropships, which translate to more mobility for their entire army. Salvage is also another mechanic that helps in terms of rebuilding and moving a Terran base to new locations. Lastly, the Terrans are still the only side that can pick up and move their whole entire base, as well as being able to load SCVs in their Command Center now, allowing for quicker fast expanding strategies.

3) With the new high ground mechanic in place, an army can't fight units that are on higher ground anymore until they get a spotter up the ledge. Both Zerg and Terran have the possibility to spot units on high ground with Overlords and floating buildings right from the start of the game, but the first Protoss unit to fly up there would be the Phase Prism. Could it be that Protoss players have a significant disadvantage on some maps because of this?(

In the latest builds of StarCraft II, the Protoss no longer need an Observatory to build Observers. Observers will be able to be built straight from the Robotics Facility, allowing earlier eyes on the battlefield.

We definitely saw that especially on certain maps, Terrans were able to block their choke point early, taking away much of the scouting portion of the game from Protoss, and are trying out this new solution for it. Additionally, we felt that Observers were too a crucial to the Protoss army to have them that far up the tech tree.

4) Will the Unit Portraits in SC2 be pre-rendered high quality video clips like in SC1 ?
willygundersen (

The unit portraits will be shown in much higher quality than the actual units on the screen, similar to the original StarCraft and Warcraft III. They will not be video clips, but will be animations rendered in game. There will be several examples of their unit portraits in the next BlizzCast, where we have Dustin and Sammy discussing the process of creating a unit.

5) We all know how important it is that tier 1 units be effective at later tiers, which has prompted different unit abilities like the Zealots Charge. But it seems that the Protoss have a leg up in that they have Charge while the Zerglings have only their traditional speed boost without any AI enhancements. Is anything being planned for the Zergling? (

Due to the new game engine, Zerglings have much better pathing in StarCraft II, meaning they move much more efficiently. Zerglings are able to both surround enemy units easier and are more easily selectable as well, being able to control more than 12 at a time. Furthermore, Zerglings are also slightly smaller than their original StarCraft counterparts, and able to be morphed into Banelings, which are extremely effective against Zealots. Lastly, Zealots have also had their shield hit points reduced by 10, as compared to the original StarCraft Zealots.

---End of Transmission---


Sep 13 2008, 4:10 pm Symmetry Post #2

Dungeon Master

SEN is slow for SC2 updates. Boo.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Sep 13 2008, 4:43 pm Echo Post #3

I don't think any of this matters. Every game that is released is unbalanced until like the 10th patch. Starcraft faced this problem, Warcraft faced this, Age of Empires faced this, Red Alert, and even MMORPGs. I guess we will have to wait for several patches after the game comes out, because after all it is the players who finds these problems from massive playing.


Sep 13 2008, 5:18 pm Demented Shaman Post #4

Quote from name:Debardus
SEN is slow for SC2 updates. Boo.
But I check SEN more often, so it's good that I can see SC2 news here. I don't really check the forum or sc2 site at all.


Sep 13 2008, 5:39 pm Symmetry Post #5

Dungeon Master

Quote from name:Mayor
Quote from name:Debardus
SEN is slow for SC2 updates. Boo.
But I check SEN more often, so it's good that I can see SC2 news here. I don't really check the forum or sc2 site at all.

I'm just saying it would've been nice to see it here a lot earlier.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Sep 13 2008, 6:51 pm PCFredZ Post #6 had this Q&A posted 9/5, the same day Karune had it up on the forum. We could just steal their news item every time a SC Q&A comes up, isn't that how news works on the internet?


Sep 21 2008, 2:24 am pneumatic Post #7

Does anybody know if the SC2 mapping utility will allow maps to read player keyboard input?


Sep 25 2008, 10:39 am KrayZee Post #8

Quote from name:razorsnail
Does anybody know if the SC2 mapping utility will allow maps to read player keyboard input?
If you are referring to detecting raw keystrokes, yes.


Sep 26 2008, 2:41 am Vi3t-X Post #9

It should support everything that War3 supports, and more. Maybe voice commands...


Oct 8 2008, 7:51 pm DaltonSerdynski Post #10

Bring voice will bring a hole new meaning of trash talk and cyber sex for starcraft as we know it.....


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