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My oppinion.
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Jul 9 2008, 6:26 am
By: TheOrdinary  

Jul 9 2008, 6:26 am TheOrdinary Post #1

Hi, I am not a very frequent poster obviously. Frankly i'm not much of a forum person, but I have a few suggestions to make to the mapping community.
Over the few weeks//months ive been noticing some things. People particularly mappers complaining about the SC community, and about how porn maps, naruto maps, and other worthless non-skill taking maps reign supreme above our, technical, and difficult to make maps. With all of our extended terrain madness and all of our technical bullshit. But then something hit me today, it isn't the community killing Its the mappers :).

So now that your thinking "WTF DOOD NOT ME" I want you to really think about something. What was the last map YOU made that got popular? Including extended terrain, or your technical disabling sprites, or anything. Probably most of you answered, "Ive never had a popular map". Which I will say, bummer. But who is to blame? The mapping community or SC community? Well I believe it is the mapping community. I recently dropped a 100% completed map called, Evermurder Arena, I dropped it last Wednesday and already its catching on. Ive seen at least 50 hosts of it a day, and a community is already starting to gather. Now obviously im not saying im a better mapper or im "1337" but this map, Evermurder not one of you could have made anything close to it. For the simple fact. MOST of you lack so much creativity it isn't even funny, k so it is a little. But with this being said let me point out. I do respect the skilled AND creative mappers.

(U)Bolt Head, rest in piece m'man.
MP(U) R.I.P.
Oo.VIC.oO R.I.P.

and of course there are MANY more, but those are a few off the top of my head. All of them have had a hit and do you know why? They are creative.

I would say 5/6 of you have never had a hit map, and map simply for enjoyment, OR technicality. Mappers focus to much today on the technical aspects and not enough on the FUN aspect.

So, i'm making a suggestion.

As mappers I believe we need to challenge ourselves, and make as many UNIQUE, and FUN, maps as we can to make the last few dying days of starcraft fun for everyone still stickin' around.

So if you make a fun map post it below and ill promote it or w/e.

and now my closing statement. If any of you are thinking i'm wrong, thats cool. Its about opinions BUT, can you really say that when you look at the maps on this site? They are all defenses and bounds with nothing new or special, a few good arenas that are to complex for the general public, and of course bad ass melee maps ;o. So there it is.

-Oo.Ordinary.oO@USEAST cya round. Flame me please. :flamer:


Jul 9 2008, 7:35 am ClansAreForGays Post #2

your oppinion isn't anything new, it's been said before again and again.

I've yet to see your map anywhere, except maybe under the game title DL ONLY!

Jul 9 2008, 7:37 am TheOrdinary Post #3

Well I wouldnt know it has been said. I try not to waste my time on a forum :\

You have yet to see my map anywhere? Open your eyes sir.

And, ive never seen one of your maps floating around, EVER. Not even DL only :(


Jul 9 2008, 7:37 am Demented Shaman Post #4

Quote from TheOrdinary
Hi, I am not a very frequent poster obviously. Frankly i'm not much of a forum person, but I have a few suggestions to make to the mapping community.
Over the few weeks//months ive been noticing some things. People particularly mappers complaining about the SC community, and about how porn maps, naruto maps, and other worthless non-skill taking maps reign supreme above our, technical, and difficult to make maps. With all of our extended terrain madness and all of our technical bullshit. But then something hit me today, it isn't the community killing Its the mappers :).

So now that your thinking "WTF DOOD NOT ME" I want you to really think about something. What was the last map YOU made that got popular? Including extended terrain, or your technical disabling sprites, or anything. Probably most of you answered, "Ive never had a popular map". Which I will say, bummer. But who is to blame? The mapping community or SC community? Well I believe it is the mapping community. I recently dropped a 100% completed map called, Evermurder Arena, I dropped it last Wednesday and already its catching on. Ive seen at least 50 hosts of it a day, and a community is already starting to gather. Now obviously im not saying im a better mapper or im "1337" but this map, Evermurder not one of you could have made anything close to it. For the simple fact. MOST of you lack so much creativity it isn't even funny, k so it is a little. But with this being said let me point out. I do respect the skilled AND creative mappers.

(U)Bolt Head, rest in piece m'man.
MP(U) R.I.P.
Oo.VIC.oO R.I.P.

and of course there are MANY more, but those are a few off the top of my head. All of them have had a hit and do you know why? They are creative.

I would say 5/6 of you have never had a hit map, and map simply for enjoyment, OR technicality. Mappers focus to much today on the technical aspects and not enough on the FUN aspect.

So, i'm making a suggestion.

As mappers I believe we need to challenge ourselves, and make as many UNIQUE, and FUN, maps as we can to make the last few dying days of starcraft fun for everyone still stickin' around.

So if you make a fun map post it below and ill promote it or w/e.

and now my closing statement. If any of you are thinking i'm wrong, thats cool. Its about opinions BUT, can you really say that when you look at the maps on this site? They are all defenses and bounds with nothing new or special, a few good arenas that are to complex for the general public, and of course bad ass melee maps ;o. So there it is.

-Oo.Ordinary.oO@USEAST cya round. Flame me please. :flamer:
Niu's name up there is an insult.

But yea, the problem with mapmakers is they don't finish a fucking map. Period. End of story.

Make even a decent map and it's not hard to get it popular.

not one of you could have made anything close to it.
Slightly cocky, but it's probably something I would also say. It's mostly true anyway because it applies to 99.99% of the people here. Of course, since I'm reading it it's wrong.

Overall, you're analysis is very true and is shared by a few people, but sadly the community still doesn't get it after several years.

Personally, I think it's not only that people aren't making "fun" or "creative" maps, it's that they aren't finishing maps at all. Period. But yes, they are also too concerned with the technical and fancy bullshit. All the things that other generic mapmakers would "admire" but the player couldn't care less about. The player doesn't care if you can perfectly triple overlap a unit name or some other bullshit.

So in reality, there aren't really any mappers here. The community is full of idiots who don't even play SC regularly anymore.

And all of the things you just started noticing over the past few weeks and months were noticed by a bunch of other people years ago :-_-:

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Jul 9 2008, 7:51 am by devilesk.


Jul 9 2008, 8:45 am TheOrdinary Post #5

Thanks devilesk, yeah and since people choose to do such time demanding technical things, it doesnt get done.

Why cant we all just make ACTUAL finish-able maps ;\ thats why, for the last few dying months of starcraft im going to pump out as many maps as I can that hopefully will appeal to the public.

And about the "nobody could" comment

I directed that twards the creativity part since most the characters in it are from my childhood, sorry bout the mis-understanding :)


Jul 9 2008, 1:51 pm KrayZee Post #6

Why is this topic in the StarCraft II forum? :bleh:


Jul 9 2008, 3:54 pm Centreri Post #7

Relatively ancient and inactive

Make a popular map? What a new idea! Why the hell did I never think of this before? Thanks for the help in understanding what I've been doing all this time. I thought I was supposed to make not popular maps :(. You, sir, have rocked my world.


Jul 9 2008, 4:31 pm Twitch Post #8

Ok so you are saying we should just 5-30 minute maps for the stupid kiddies?
Dude you have no idea what the true problems are with
They are about 3-4 big things.
1.The game is 10 years old!
2.Alot of people do not know how to port forward causing issues with hosting good maps.
3.Any maps that do get hosted are normally 30 minute maps(1day at most).This excludes the maps like Lurker Defense xyz,path defense,and Spawn Defense.
4.Whenever one of us hard working mappers try to make a map that even a noob could play,they always say one out of two things.1.This is to hard.2.This needs x or it is missing y.
Now it is good that you map is getting hosted hey your lucky.*claps*
I think one reason it might be getting hosted is because arena maps are starting to be the big thing on along with micro maps.
Truly though your post is also mis matched.
It is saying how we are being to crazy by going tech on out maps.
Yet you like Tuxlar and your map is kinda techy.Then later on you say we need to focus on fun and not tech?
I am confused there :unsure: .
Really what is your point make tech maps or fun 20 minute maps.If its fun 20 minute maps ill pass.


Jul 9 2008, 5:28 pm Demented Shaman Post #9

Quote from Twitch
Ok so you are saying we should just 5-30 minute maps for the stupid kiddies?
Dude you have no idea what the true problems are with
They are about 3-4 big things.
1.The game is 10 years old!
2.Alot of people do not know how to port forward causing issues with hosting good maps.
3.Any maps that do get hosted are normally 30 minute maps(1day at most).This excludes the maps like Lurker Defense xyz,path defense,and Spawn Defense.
4.Whenever one of us hard working mappers try to make a map that even a noob could play,they always say one out of two things.1.This is to hard.2.This needs x or it is missing y.
Now it is good that you map is getting hosted hey your lucky.*claps*
I think one reason it might be getting hosted is because arena maps are starting to be the big thing on along with micro maps.
Truly though your post is also mis matched.
It is saying how we are being to crazy by going tech on out maps.
Yet you like Tuxlar and your map is kinda techy.Then later on you say we need to focus on fun and not tech?
I am confused there :unsure: .
Really what is your point make tech maps or fun 20 minute maps.If its fun 20 minute maps ill pass.
This is why the community never learns. :-_-:


Jul 9 2008, 5:33 pm MadZombie Post #10

Quote from TheOrdinary
Hi, I am not a very frequent poster obviously. Frankly i'm not much of a forum person, but I have a few suggestions to make to the mapping community.
Over the few weeks//months ive been noticing some things. People particularly mappers complaining about the SC community, and about how porn maps, naruto maps, and other worthless non-skill taking maps reign supreme above our, technical, and difficult to make maps. With all of our extended terrain madness and all of our technical bullshit. But then something hit me today, it isn't the community killing Its the mappers :).

So now that your thinking "WTF DOOD NOT ME" I want you to really think about something. What was the last map YOU made that got popular? Including extended terrain, or your technical disabling sprites, or anything. Probably most of you answered, "Ive never had a popular map". Which I will say, bummer. But who is to blame? The mapping community or SC community? Well I believe it is the mapping community. I recently dropped a 100% completed map called, Evermurder Arena, I dropped it last Wednesday and already its catching on. Ive seen at least 50 hosts of it a day, and a community is already starting to gather. Now obviously im not saying im a better mapper or im "1337" but this map, Evermurder not one of you could have made anything close to it. For the simple fact. MOST of you lack so much creativity it isn't even funny, k so it is a little. But with this being said let me point out. I do respect the skilled AND creative mappers.

(U)Bolt Head, rest in piece m'man.
MP(U) R.I.P.
Oo.VIC.oO R.I.P.

and of course there are MANY more, but those are a few off the top of my head. All of them have had a hit and do you know why? They are creative.

I would say 5/6 of you have never had a hit map, and map simply for enjoyment, OR technicality. Mappers focus to much today on the technical aspects and not enough on the FUN aspect.

So, i'm making a suggestion.

As mappers I believe we need to challenge ourselves, and make as many UNIQUE, and FUN, maps as we can to make the last few dying days of starcraft fun for everyone still stickin' around.

So if you make a fun map post it below and ill promote it or w/e.

and now my closing statement. If any of you are thinking i'm wrong, thats cool. Its about opinions BUT, can you really say that when you look at the maps on this site? They are all defenses and bounds with nothing new or special, a few good arenas that are to complex for the general public, and of course bad ass melee maps ;o. So there it is.

-Oo.Ordinary.oO@USEAST cya round. Flame me please. :flamer:
Dont take it as a flame or personal but isnt your evermurder map like "some ofthose naruto maps"? i mean basicly their both budakai's/arena/w/e u call em right?


Jul 9 2008, 6:05 pm pneumatic Post #11

Quote from TheOrdinary
Thanks devilesk, yeah and since people choose to do such time demanding technical things, it doesnt get done.

Why cant we all just make ACTUAL finish-able maps ;\ thats why, for the last few dying months of starcraft im going to pump out as many maps as I can that hopefully will appeal to the public.

And about the "nobody could" comment

I directed that twards the creativity part since most the characters in it are from my childhood, sorry bout the mis-understanding :)

Sure, maybe we shouldn't complain about the bnet community.

But if we spent all our time making fun maps just so bnet people would keep playing Starcraft, we'd never have time to do the maps we really want and our souls would die.

Really, who cares? Just make the maps you want to make. I don't care if my maps become popular, I just care to succeed in doing what I set out to do.

If what you're setting out to do is make a popular map, GREAT. How about this: You make all the fun, popular maps, while we make maps that we enjoy making.

Quote from TheOrdinary
Well I wouldnt know it has been said. I try not to waste my time on a forum :\

Then why waste your time here?


Jul 9 2008, 6:31 pm BAGLES Post #12

Quote from TheOrdinary
Hi, I am not a very frequent poster obviously. Frankly i'm not much of a forum person, but I have a few suggestions to make to the mapping community.
Over the few weeks//months ive been noticing some things. People particularly mappers complaining about the SC community, and about how porn maps, naruto maps, and other worthless non-skill taking maps reign supreme above our, technical, and difficult to make maps. With all of our extended terrain madness and all of our technical bullshit. But then something hit me today, it isn't the community killing Its the mappers :).

So now that your thinking "WTF DOOD NOT ME" I want you to really think about something. What was the last map YOU made that got popular? Including extended terrain, or your technical disabling sprites, or anything. Probably most of you answered, "Ive never had a popular map". Which I will say, bummer. But who is to blame? The mapping community or SC community? Well I believe it is the mapping community. I recently dropped a 100% completed map called, Evermurder Arena, I dropped it last Wednesday and already its catching on. Ive seen at least 50 hosts of it a day, and a community is already starting to gather. Now obviously im not saying im a better mapper or im "1337" but this map, Evermurder not one of you could have made anything close to it. For the simple fact. MOST of you lack so much creativity it isn't even funny, k so it is a little. But with this being said let me point out. I do respect the skilled AND creative mappers.

(U)Bolt Head, rest in piece m'man.
MP(U) R.I.P.
Oo.VIC.oO R.I.P.

and of course there are MANY more, but those are a few off the top of my head. All of them have had a hit and do you know why? They are creative.

I would say 5/6 of you have never had a hit map, and map simply for enjoyment, OR technicality. Mappers focus to much today on the technical aspects and not enough on the FUN aspect.

So, i'm making a suggestion.

As mappers I believe we need to challenge ourselves, and make as many UNIQUE, and FUN, maps as we can to make the last few dying days of starcraft fun for everyone still stickin' around.

So if you make a fun map post it below and ill promote it or w/e.

and now my closing statement. If any of you are thinking i'm wrong, thats cool. Its about opinions BUT, can you really say that when you look at the maps on this site? They are all defenses and bounds with nothing new or special, a few good arenas that are to complex for the general public, and of course bad ass melee maps ;o. So there it is.

-Oo.Ordinary.oO@USEAST cya round. Flame me please. :flamer:

I can agree with this, I guess, but I really do enjoy some of the more technical maps, and alot of the maps do suck. It is the fault of the mapping community in the simple way that all of us are pretty lazy. Though, one thing bothered me "make FUN and UNIQUE maps"? Honestly, most of us do make FUN maps, almost all the maps I've played by people here are fun, most of the one's I made myself are fun, to me. Unique? That's to say that the popular maps on B.Net are unique? You're joking, right? They're all just ripoffs of each other, really, all the madnesses are the same, the defences you play 5 seconds and that's the whole game, and the arena maps just suck, period (With the exception of a few, I know I've played some good ones, but their names don't pop into my head, and they aren't popular. While the mapping community is partially to blame, the people who play the maps aren't completely innocent either. (Also, you sound like just about every Oo member I've met with the whole "lulz i no evrytin cuz im in a mapin clan" thing)

Also, I must ask, 'too advanced for the general public', you're reffering to the average B.Netter, right? Well, you see, I couldn't give two shits about what they think. Most of them can't type in proper english, and anything that is beyond the level of 'highlight units, kiol guyz' is too complex for them. Plus, they tend to cuss out each other out for no reason other than to think they're cool. Then there's the whole calling people who they've never met before IRL nerds.

Saying we don't have any creativity? Post your map pl0x, I'd like to see if you're just like every Oo member I know (With the exclusion of Oo.Zero.oO, and, also, Oo, I don't know all of you, but the ones that I do know are exactly like the generilzations I've been saying about your clan)

Quote from TheOrdinary
Well I wouldnt know it has been said. I try not to waste my time on a forum :\

You have yet to see my map anywhere? Open your eyes sir.

And, ive never seen one of your maps floating around, EVER. Not even DL only :(

Alright, you sound like about a bazillion of your clan mates, "lol my mapz r everywher" even if they aren't, even if we've never seen them ever before. Don't be a dolt and tell me a million people play it either, because if they did, I'd see it hosted and played often, I don't. Also, please don't act like your maps are superior, chances are they're just shit rip offs of every other map you've ever played ;/ (Note, I'm on B.Net practically every day BAGLES@USEast)


Jul 9 2008, 6:36 pm TheOrdinary Post #13

I have three posts, I truely am wasting my time huh? I laugh at how stupid your rebuttal is when your under pressure.

and about the tuxlar comment.

hes on there because even noobs enjoy how technical his maps are because he executes them with such perfection. :)

And about the naruto comment, I suppose my map is similar in casting that is all. But if just a casting system makes two maps brothers, Every defense is uncreative dating back to Matrix D, and Every bound is worthless dating back to CheeZes bounds, and every micro map is worthless dating back TMA Wired. Lawl just because a map has something similar you cannot tie it to a map that is 100% unrelevant to the original map you speak of. Nice try.


Jul 9 2008, 6:41 pm TheOrdinary Post #14

BAGLES@USEast)[/quote]Alright, you sound like about a bazillion of your clan mates, "lol my mapz r everywher" even if they aren't, even if we've never seen them ever before. Don't be a dolt and tell me a million people play it either, because if they did, I'd see it hosted and played often, I don't. Also, please don't act like your maps are superior, chances are they're just shit rip offs of every other map you've ever played ;/ (Note, I'm on B.Net practically every day BAGLES@USEast)[/quote]

You obviously didnt read what I said. I hate 2/3's of my clan mates and most of them are uncreative people. This post isnt speaking for my clan, its speaking for myself.

I do not know how to post maps.

and for that matter. You took alot of the things I said out of context, you obviously did read where I said "No im not saying I am a '1337' mapper and im a champion, I specifically said that I do not value myself as a better mapper then others.


Jul 9 2008, 6:51 pm BiOAtK Post #15

Congratulations, now that Devilesk agrees with you, you have failed.


Jul 9 2008, 7:03 pm MadZombie Post #16

Quote from TheOrdinary
I have three posts, I truely am wasting my time huh? I laugh at how stupid your rebuttal is when your under pressure.

and about the tuxlar comment.

hes on there because even noobs enjoy how technical his maps are because he executes them with such perfection. :)

And about the naruto comment, I suppose my map is similar in casting that is all. But if just a casting system makes two maps brothers, Every defense is uncreative dating back to Matrix D, and Every bound is worthless dating back to CheeZes bounds, and every micro map is worthless dating back TMA Wired. Lawl just because a map has something similar you cannot tie it to a map that is 100% unrelevant to the original map you speak of. Nice try.
Dont take it as a flame or personal


Jul 9 2008, 7:52 pm Rantent Post #17

I still blame


Jul 9 2008, 8:02 pm The Great Yam Post #18

I have to ask you one BIG question...


This topic is just you jerking off about your purported prowess and milling over observations that a two year old could've made.

Starcraft is almost 10 years old and the fact that we're still finding new things for it is really impressive to me. And even if we only finish a couple maps, so what? We're ENJOYING ourselves, which is the primary reason video GAMES exist.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 9 2008, 11:11 pm by Doodan. Reason: toned it down a little


Jul 9 2008, 8:02 pm Centreri Post #19

Relatively ancient and inactive

Rightfully so. Any community that hosts Strip Shakura and Sexy Pics maps is entirely responsible for its own lack of taste.


Jul 9 2008, 8:15 pm Twitch Post #20

Quote from Centreri
Rightfully so. Any community that hosts Strip Shakura and Sexy Pics maps is entirely responsible for its own lack of taste.
I found it surprising to start with that it was and is possible to make a strip map.


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