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Help with DatEdit
May 20 2008, 11:23 pm
By: HailFire  

May 20 2008, 11:23 pm HailFire Post #1

So, after a while of contemplation (and complete failure to get anywhere with mapping due to lack of inspiration), I decided to try my hand at modding.

So I downloaded Corbo's Modder's Tool Pack, opened the Newb's Guide to modding, and followed the tutorial to making the uber SCV, ran it, and rejoiced when it actually worked. In celebration, I extrapolated off of the knowledge I had gained and made super-strong laser-shooting goliaths, but that's beside the point.

So I went to the next lesson: Rocket Tanks. Opened DatEdit again (due to it being in the pack en lieu of Arsenal III), modified the stats, saved, and moved on to the Weapons tab.

DatEdit closed.

So I opened it up again, loaded the incomplete .dat file, and flipped to the Weapons tab again.

DatEdit closed.

So I opened it up again and went directly to the Weapons tab.

DatEdit closed.

In summary: LOL WUT?


May 20 2008, 11:26 pm FlyingHat Post #2

Try opening the actual directory the .dat files are in. If it still doesn't work, download DatEdit off static Maplantis.


May 20 2008, 11:34 pm HailFire Post #3


Static ML version works right.



May 20 2008, 11:47 pm Polaris Post #4

Glad it worked, its nice to get new modders these days :D

If anything cool is ever going on Skype me up under the name "blarghle"

May 21 2008, 12:25 am HailFire Post #5

Addendum: When (after I discovered that it worked right) I moved the DatEdit folder into the MTP folder, it stopped working again, even when I pulled it back out.

Solution: Nuke that file, re-download. Works fine. :0_o:


May 21 2008, 2:59 am Fyrinite Post #6

That's because DatEdit uses absolute paths for finding some of the files, not relative. Don't go moving the folder around unless you want that to happen.

Only fix is to reset the file paths via the options, but as I remember, there is on path that won't reset itself with the default button.


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