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[SOLVED]2 custom scores
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Sep 6 2007, 11:02 pm
By: Aoe325  

Sep 6 2007, 11:02 pm Aoe325 Post #1

Hi all, I guess this may sound stupid but how can I have 2 custom leaderboards? I tried using death counts but it didnt work quite well.. maybe I'm just doing it wrong :(

Thanks in advance for your answers! :D


Sep 6 2007, 11:07 pm Falkoner Post #2

Well, use a death count timer to time it, and everytime it hits 0 you change the leaderboard, as in you have 2 death counts, 1 times, and one keeps track of which leader board is up, 1 or 2, you can also use waits to replace the timer if you want to, but that could cause wait blocks, and a switch could be cleared or set instead of using a second death count, if you still can't get it to work, post the triggers you are currently using.


Sep 6 2007, 11:18 pm Aoe325 Post #3

Well the problem is that I cant add any value to the death count. It stays at 0

Here's the trigger I'm using :
Trigger("Player 1"){
Bring("Player 1", "Men", "Sacrifice - God", At least, 1);

Set Deaths("Player 1", "Unused type 2", Add, 1);
Kill Unit At Location("Player 1", "Men", 1, "Sacrifice - God");
Preserve Trigger();


Sep 6 2007, 11:25 pm Falkoner Post #4

Try a unit other than "Unused type 2"


Sep 6 2007, 11:26 pm Aoe325 Post #5

Tried with marines as well, doesnt work


Sep 6 2007, 11:36 pm Falkoner Post #6

Add this into the map and see if it works:

Trigger("Player 1"){
    Bring("Player 1", "Men", "Sacrifice - God", At least, 1);

    Set Deaths("Player 1", "Terran Marine", Add, 1);
    Kill Unit At Location("Player 1", "Men", 1, "Sacrifice - God");
    Preserve Trigger();


I know, it's the same trigger, but try it, if it still doesn't work, can you post the map?


Sep 6 2007, 11:51 pm Aoe325 Post #7

I'm quite sure I tried it already but still

also maybe this could be the problem? This is the trigger that shows the leaderboards :

Trigger("All players"){

Leader Board Kills("Sacrifices to god", "Unused type 2");
Leader Board Points("Sacrifices to Satan", Custom);
Preserve Trigger();



Sep 7 2007, 12:07 am Money Post #8

Quote from Aoe325

Trigger("All players"){

Leader Board Kills("Sacrifices to god", "Unused type 2");
Leader Board Points("Sacrifices to Satan", Custom);
Preserve Trigger();


Why are you using unused type 2?


Sep 7 2007, 12:08 am Aoe325 Post #9

Because it doesnt risk ever being killed, and it didnt work any much with a marine


Sep 7 2007, 12:08 am zerg Post #10

You're using "Unused Type 2" for your Death Count timer, right?

The Leader Board is not going to show kills of "Unused Type 2" because it's impossible for any player to kill "Unused Type 2". It looks like you put the wrong unit for the Leader Board kills action.

Try fixing that. If that doesn't work, then describe what's going wrong


Sep 7 2007, 12:14 am zerg Post #11

Oh I think I understand what you're trying to do:

Every time someone brings a unit to "Sacrifice", you increase their "Sacrifice" score. And you want to display a leader board for how many sacrifices they've made.

The reason your method is not working is because when you change a Death Count, no one is actually killing the unit, so the kill won't end up on any Leader Board.

What you could do instead is every time someone makes a god sacrifice, you create a flag for that player at a predetermined, isolated location. Then you use the Leader Board Control or Control at Location to show who has the most units at that location.

The problem with that is space restrictions, of course.


Sep 7 2007, 12:18 am AntiSleep Post #12

You need 2 death counters, 1 for each custom score. Whenever you switch leaderboard, use binary countoffs to transfer one of the death counters into the custom score. When you want to switch again, you need to dump custom score back into the death counter before dumping the other death counter into the custom score. Now you need to double the triggers that actaually add to each death counter, make them detect which score is being displayed, and add to custom score instead of the death counter if that score is currently being displayed.


Sep 7 2007, 12:19 am Money Post #13

Actually for the sacrifice count he can also use deaths.

EDIT: I guess you covered it better. I don't think you need the binary countoffs, you can do a leaderboard of deaths.


Sep 7 2007, 12:19 am qPirateKing Post #14

Unit deaths and the leaderboard death score do not effect each other. Adding deaths for a unit will not change that value. But, if you WANT to use leader board deaths, you can still do it.

Every time that you would add a death counter, instead create a unit owned by the player in an empty room with lurkers or something. The moment the unit spawns, it will be killed and your leader board will increase. Personally, I would use a different leader board category, but this could work for you.


Sep 7 2007, 12:20 am Aoe325 Post #15

I made a quick test map, try and see if you can manage to make the score go up when sending a marine to the purple area

Hits: 2 Size: 49.29kb


Sep 7 2007, 12:21 am Aoe325 Post #16

Quote from qPirateKing
Unit deaths and the leaderboard death score do not effect each other. Adding deaths for a unit will not change that value. But, if you WANT to use leader board deaths, you can still do it.

Every time that you would add a death counter, instead create a unit owned by the player in an empty room with lurkers or something. The moment the unit spawns, it will be killed and your leader board will increase. Personally, I would use a different leader board category, but this could work for you.

I'm open to any suggestion of another type of board! What I want is simply display the custom score, than a second one (no matter what it is)

edit : also this is a god's land map, so I'd like to have as few as possible units belonging to the creatures outside of the playing area, even if I can stand them

another edit : Also I cant assume player X will be the enemy of player Y at any time


Sep 7 2007, 12:26 am AntiSleep Post #17

Quote from AntiSleep
You need 2 death counters, 1 for each custom score. Whenever you switch leaderboard, use binary countoffs to transfer one of the death counters into the custom score. When you want to switch again, you need to dump custom score back into the death counter before dumping the other death counter into the custom score. Now you need to double the triggers that actaually add to each death counter, make them detect which score is being displayed, and add to custom score instead of the death counter if that score is currently being displayed.
Your leaderboard should always display custom score. Kills is the number of kills units owned by you have made(while owned by you).


Sep 7 2007, 12:27 am Aoe325 Post #18

Quote from AntiSleep
Quote from AntiSleep
You need 2 death counters, 1 for each custom score. Whenever you switch leaderboard, use binary countoffs to transfer one of the death counters into the custom score. When you want to switch again, you need to dump custom score back into the death counter before dumping the other death counter into the custom score. Now you need to double the triggers that actaually add to each death counter, make them detect which score is being displayed, and add to custom score instead of the death counter if that score is currently being displayed.
Your leaderboard should always display custom score. Kills is the number of kills units owned by you have made.

I'm already using a custom score, and I need a second one

edit : Sorry I just reread you and it makes sence, I guess I'll try this way

edit : but still remains the problem that I the death count must have a value in them. This is what I'm unable to do right now


Sep 7 2007, 12:27 am zerg Post #19

In addition to the custom score, you can create a unit every time a sacrifice is made and then use the Leader Board Control, or Leader Board Control At Location.

I wasn't aware that there was any Leader Board for Deaths.


Sep 7 2007, 12:28 am AntiSleep Post #20

Quote from Aoe325
Quote from AntiSleep
Quote from AntiSleep
You need 2 death counters, 1 for each custom score. Whenever you switch leaderboard, use binary countoffs to transfer one of the death counters into the custom score. When you want to switch again, you need to dump custom score back into the death counter before dumping the other death counter into the custom score. Now you need to double the triggers that actaually add to each death counter, make them detect which score is being displayed, and add to custom score instead of the death counter if that score is currently being displayed.
Your leaderboard should always display custom score. Kills is the number of kills units owned by you have made.

I'm already using a custom score, and I need a second one
You did not read my damn post, this is exactly what you want to do.


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