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[EUD Editor] How to allow skills be able to self-cast
Apr 12 2020, 1:01 am

Apr 12 2020, 1:01 am MMMOE Post #1

As title said, and as all of us noticed that in SC world, usually skills/spells are not be able to cast to caster itself.

For example, Terran Medic cannot heal herself, or Terran Science Vessel cannot cast Defensive Matrix to protect itself.

I am using EUD Editor v3, and would like to know if there is a way to allow specific skill/spell (e.g. Medic's Healing) be able to self-cast?

Thanks so much in advance! Enjoy your weekend :)


Apr 19 2020, 9:32 pm Sie_Sayoka Post #2

I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do this. There's three methods that may work but require a lot of workarounds. They require knowledge of CUNITs which can be found in the documentation thread.

The first method is to detect when the spell is targeted on itself. As this is normally impossible it will give an error message but that doesn't matter. Once you've detected the conditions you can force the order and target through CUNIT. I'm not sure if this one will actually work.

The second method is similar but once the conditions are set you create an invisible unit that will apply the spell then remove it after the spell is completed. If the spell costs energy you would need to remove it through CUNIT as well.

The final method is to not cast the spell at all and apply the spell effect directly through CUNIT. If the spell has an image overlay i.e. matrix or ensnare, you'll have to create sprites or a unit to follow the target unit. Overlays are under CPSRITE, the majority of which are unsupported. What you're effectively doing is faking the spell.


Apr 22 2020, 12:57 am MMMOE Post #3

[quote=name:Sie_Sayoka]I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do this. There's three methods that may work but require a lot of workarounds. They require knowledge of CUNITs which can be found in the documentation thread.

Thanks for your reply, just FYI, cast to caster himself will not show error in SC world, you can try in game, usually it allows to point to caster himself, and the selection circle blink once, then nothing happen lol.

But yeah, those all are good ideas, I guess 1st one is most intuitive one. I don't know CUNITs, will try to find some docs to have look.

Anyway, thanks! :D


Apr 22 2020, 6:42 am NudeRaider Post #4

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from MMMOE
I don't know CUNITs, will try to find some docs to have look.
Quote from Sie_Sayoka
They require knowledge of CUNITs which can be found in the documentation thread.
He referred to the stickied [EUD] Documentation Thread

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