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Is Paypal secure?
Feb 28 2008, 3:53 am
By: Test  

Feb 28 2008, 3:53 am Test Post #1

I plan on opening up a Paypal account sometime soon. Freelance programming caught my eye for some easy money. But before I just go and register an account I would like to know if it is really that secure? Does it really only just need my account name and password to give someone else money online??

Would it not just be super easy for someone to get someone else's money by just using a key logger on their computer to get their password? Then using their password to take their money. Is that even illegal? Knowing someone else's name and password isn't really illegal. Like come on, key loggers can just be hooked up between the keyboard and computer. Hidden quite well, and automatically send e-mails with the logs. Hell it's way safer than robbing a bank, and the risks are lower. Penalty? None? :dontgetit:

Maybe I'm missing something...


Feb 28 2008, 3:55 am DT_Battlekruser Post #2

Does it really only just need my account name and password to give someone else money online??

This is how most online banking works, too.

It is still fraud to steal someone else's password and use their money; by logging into and using a Paypal account you are affirming it is yours. Yes, it is easy to get away with, but if you're caught, it's a fairly serious crime.

As to key listeners, most people don't have enough money in an account to make it worthwhile to do something like that. Those that do also probably have the funds and the time to hunt you down.


Feb 28 2008, 4:00 am Test Post #3

Okay, thanks for clarifying.


Feb 28 2008, 5:08 am Forsaken Archer Post #4

Don't use computers other then yours ;o (though, you could get away with copy and pasting parts of the password in randomized order even against a decent keylogger)
Make sure you avoid paypal look-a-like emails

I'm sure you know this though... right? :)


Feb 28 2008, 5:17 am DT_Battlekruser Post #5

Make sure you avoid paypal look-a-like emails

It's so freaking obvious when the URL is like :P


Feb 28 2008, 5:17 am Test Post #6

Yeah, thanks. :|


Feb 28 2008, 5:45 am Rantent Post #7

I've found Paypal to be very convenient for transferring money into multiple projects, it manages accounts fairly well.

But yes, as long as your not stupid, Paypal is perfectly safe.


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