Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Unit Attack Speed
Unit Attack Speed
Apr 17 2014, 11:54 pm
By: Son-  

Apr 17 2014, 11:54 pm Son- Post #1

anyone know how the creator of spellsword got the wraiths to fire so quick?
or dose anyone know the exact number of deathcounters to use to time it correctly
ive been messing around trying to time it right for awhile and they seem so slow am i missing a trick
maybe giveing the unit to player 12 and then back to current player or is it faster if i use move unit instead of create and remove
currently useing patrol also
just wanted to see if i could get a quick answer before i spend hours testing thanks in advance


Apr 18 2014, 12:56 am death6373 Post #2

you could give p15 a scarab or a protoss interceptor to speed the game up 2x


Apr 18 2014, 1:18 am Son- Post #3

i dont think thats how it was done in spellsword


Apr 18 2014, 6:18 am Devourer Post #4


In Spellsword, - without knowing the map - maybe, there were actually 2 computer players for the Wraith's.
Teleporting a wraith with an instant order to patrol somewhere should fire an attack as fast as possible, but if you say that this is too slow, maybe he repeatedly spawns a wraith for player 7, then for player 8, best: cloaked which decloaks on attack (would probably have a great effect but that's a different story).

If you attach the Spellsword map/version I could take a look at how his system looks like, so I can create some test-maps.

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Apr 18 2014, 9:35 am Son- Post #5

its the one from the dldb its protected i tryed to go in and looked
i was thinking it had something to do with useing computer players
so your saying to create a wraith somewhere else for anouther computer player cloaked and then use move unit to location and give unit to player?
i tryed this...i move and give on the 1stDeath counter got the first wraith to fire when i remove the wraith on the 4th DC of a add 1 dc every cycle trigger
which looked pretty fast to me
but then when i do it agian the other wraiths dont is because im useing the same wraith i guess...


Apr 18 2014, 7:48 pm Son- Post #6

thanks devourer the cloak did speed it up i used 5 different wraiths and switching threw them all 5 shots fire off pretty fast can create on 1dc remove on 5dc create on 6 remove on11 and so on at the end set to 0 and all 5 are fireing thanks alot


Apr 18 2014, 8:48 pm Son- Post #7

this is the map im working on if your were curious if you want to see what i was talking about choose the marine "Operative" and use spell 1

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