Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas > Topic: New Naruto Map in progress
New Naruto Map in progress
Feb 4 2014, 11:24 am
By: Stranger  

Feb 4 2014, 11:24 am Stranger Post #1

Hi there everyone !

This thread is mostly for Naruto fans who enjoy playing Naruto SC1 UMS maps.

I like Naruto maps myself and as a mapmaker I started making my own Naruto map (to be honest, I've been thinking of it for quite some time and finally started on November 2013).

What's new and different in my map you ask ? Well, all Naruto maps are different, basicly. Also, I hope players will enjoy playing it once finished.

So, what's in this Naruto map ? Here's what it should look like :

- Naruto shippuuden fighting map including a large gamma of the current anime's jutsus and characters
- Up to 6 players
- 2 game modes : Battle (team battle with tag) and Tournament, with 2 variants each (Classic and Extreme), so you can customize your playing experience
- Interesting team building system (for Battle mode)
- 17 characters + 1 hidden character (all Akatsuki characters are avalaible except Zetsu) with their original skills and capacities
- Nearly 200 jutsus in total with their original names
- Advanced jutsus such as Izanagi or Izanami are avalaible

I mean, I wanted to make something different from jutsu = spawned unit that simply damages enemies and went all the way to make some matching effects. Like Kakashi's Kamui that deforms targeted space and sucks stuff in it, for example.

So far, the map is playable with about 60% of the gameplay completed and 30% of the characters completed as well.

The way it's made, the map requires tons of ressources out of the limited capacities of SC1.. But it should be optimized enough to play it the way you want.

At this rate, it should be fully finished by June 2014 but unofficial demo versions will go out on Bnet for testing once in a while.

If you are interested in helping out with ideas or any way you can, please go on !

Also, I'll reply to all questions you might want to ask about the map, characters, jutsus and so on.

My question is would you like to play a map like this ?

EDIT : An official thread of this map is now in the SC1 Map Production section :

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 17 2014, 8:54 am by Stranger.


Feb 5 2014, 4:43 am Zoan Post #2

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

Sounds cool! What's the team building mode? Also what do you mean "Deforms targeted space and sucks stuff into it?"

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Feb 5 2014, 9:56 am Stranger Post #3


Good to know you actually appreciate the idea :)

Usualy, what we see in Naruto maps is 2 teams (2 Forces) that are calculated as soon as people join the game. They can also switch slots (going from one team to another) but as soon as the game starts, teams are locked.

In the map I'm making, it doesn't matter when you join the game or which slot you got. Teams will be decided only when players pick their characters.

Basicly, the first guy to pick a character goes in Team 1, the second one will be sent in Team 2, then the 3rd one joins Team 1 etc.

We can say that "odd character choosers" (1-3-5) will all go in Team 1, and "even character choosers" will become Team 2. Well, it has its good side and less good side, I guess. But it adds some competition and you can still team up with your friends if you wait your turn to make a pick instead of doing it right away.

As for the deformed space thing.. I'm trying to reproduce jutsu effects the way they appear originally in the anime... with what SC1 offers to do it. So in Kakashi's case, he'll be able to target a place on the battlefield where a "Kamui" will appear made out of SC spell effects, animations or explosions. Naruto fans will be able to easily identify it as such whenever it appears.

Some more info about the map and the characters I'm planning to put in :

- Naruto
- Sasuke
- Neji
- Shikamaru
- Kakashi
- Gai (had to make a choice between Lee and Gai)
- Danzo
- Gaara => completed
- Itachi
- Kisame => completed
- Sasori => completed
- Deidara
- Tobi => completed
- Kakuzu
- Hidan
- Pain (with all 6 Pains) => completed
- Konan
- 1 hidden (I'll keep the surprise for now)

Of course, there will be ingame info about jutsus and stuff, but people will still have to know their character in order to use his/her full potential.

Also, using jutsus won't just damage opponents directly or teleport them to some hidden area (Tsukuyomi..). There are some tricky ones as well that may confuse or immobilize opponents in order to run away or take advantage, for example.

Jutsus may be sorted like this :

- Direct damage type
- Power-up type
- Support type
- Genjutsu type (each character has a "dispel genjutsu" spell to counter those)
- Special type

A 6th character should be finished in about a week. Which means 6 people will be able to try it out in a team battle :)


Feb 6 2014, 1:41 am UnholyUrine Post #4

The first thing that comes to mind is Dragonball Z Budokai, and Fight Club.
You should go give those maps a try and see why they were so popular once.

It'd be great if you detailed your map a bit, as I'm not sure what Naruto Shippuden is like, or am I sure that your map is like other Shippuden maps. Give us some screenshots or detail what each hero in your map does.

Handling 18 heroes in Total, each with About 10 spells? I'm not sure that is a great idea.
Other than that fact that you're extremely limited by SC1 to show, visually, the difference between 10 different spells, you're also limited by how you can show players that these are 18 different heroes, each with unique spells both visually and mechanically.
How will you have players control ten spells?
If you're planning to use "Move x to [Beacon that represents spell]", then no. That is a terrible way to go.
If you're using Unit Building (i.e. building a unit corresponds to a spell), then it's a lot better, but you'll need at least two different buildings, and that means two different hotkeys.
Biggest problem is how players are going to learn these heroes and all of these spells? Are they intuitive to SC1?

Anyway, please elaborate on your ideas. The above are just some concerns that I have, and I'd love to help you out if u need it.


Feb 6 2014, 9:43 am Stranger Post #5

Thanks a lot for your feedback :) You seem to have some great UMS player experience and your help is really appreciated !

You trully do have a point about the spell system. Still don't know what would be more suitable for this between moving to beacons to cast a spell or use buildings and train units inside. If I had to compare those as a player, it would be like this :

Good points in buildings system :

- Easy to hotkey (CTRL), no need to change screen when you need to cast a spell, faster and easier way to build units => cast spells, easy way to see spell cost (usualy gas), big spell capacity (easy to up to 12 spells and more)

Bad points (in my opinion) :

- Same buildings / units for all players (most often) => same spell cost for everyone, even though spells might be different, doesn't feel "unique"

Good points in Beacon system :

- Better visual on spells (in the blink of an eye, you can tell what your spells are and which ones are avalaible), you can also use colors on Beacons (useful to mark some spells as "unlocked" by changing color for example), fast transition between character and spell casting unit using hotkeys (but not as good as buildings)

Bad points :

- Could be messy for some people to change screen in order to send a unit to a specific Beacon, even if they use hotkeys, and spells are usualy slower to cast (spell casting unit has to move through a short distance), there is also less precision (a missclick or a wrong path taken by the spell caster might take you on the wrong spell)


Anyway, both things should work fine with that map so I guess I'll go for the one players like most. Actually, my test version works with beacons, but those can be turned to buildings later.

Never played DBZ maps or Fight Club btw (I recently finished reading Dragon Ball ^^) but I'll take a look!

Hmm, a screenshot right now wouldn't be of much use. You will be only able to see some classic stuff like the arena, tag boxes, spell interfaces and character selection area with the Starcraft units I picked for them. Some spell effects would be nice though, so I'll see if I manage to make some good screenshots of those.

Ok then, here's some more info about Heroes. I'll start with those that are already fully playable. But I don't know how well you know the the Naruto universe and how much should I detail but here goes. Heroes are quote inuitive to SC1 so far. Of course, you'll have to try out your character at least once to get used to his abilities and to the best way to use them.

All heroes will be absolutely unique and won't be played the same way, even tough some might use few spells that they have in common. Here are few examples (see next post!)


Feb 6 2014, 11:18 am Stranger Post #6

Each has very low costed spell projectiles such as shurikens and other, but here I'll focus on what makes them all really different...

1) Tobi => Terran Ghost

Tobi is a tricky and fun character to play, that's how I imagined him best. He uses the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan to unlock a large gamma of eye techniques and their different variants. Of course, he can use basic techniques such as the great fireball (interesting spell effects and animation for this one) and a piercing wood technique.

When his Sharingan is activated, he can use it to disapear and travel in his pocket plane, and then go out wherever he wants on the battlefield. This can be used to avoid heavy damage, to run away or to catch an opponent on the run. He can also send other people and units into that pocket plane (they need to travel inside and find their way out). This can be used to win some time but you can also rejoin the trapped opponent to fight him inside. As Tobi has total control over his pocket plane however, he can trigger it to cast some devastating spells on opponents that are traped inside. So the best thing to do once cought there is to go out quicly.

Tobi can also stay in the arena without disapearing and stop being material, which means attacks will past through him like in Naruto manga and anime (actually, attacks DO hit him but will do 0 damage to the unit... you, as Tobi, can't do anything either so it's a spell that you can activate and deactivate at will as long as you have gas. The damage that he should have taken is stocked however and if you keep attacking Tobi strong enough, it will break his time-spaced technique and he will be forced to get back to normal). There is no visible difference for the opponent between "normal Tobi" and "ethereal Tobi".

Sharingan also allows him to use the forbidden technique Izanagi (while activated, this spell costs gas over time but will cancel taken damage from the opponent and will also cancel death in the case Tobi dies). The more you have gas, the more you can cancel injuries. The opponent is unable to see if the spell is active or not... He will only see it when you execute it and cancel damage or death. The use of this spell costs an eye and since Tobi only have 2 eyes, this means Izanagi can be used twice at most. Moreover, the second use of Izanagi will permanently deactivate the use of Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan, which means you will only keep your basic techniques.

Next is a combined spell of sharingan + fireball which results in an improved fire spell. You can also use an illusionary spell (Genjutsu type) to immobilize opponents.

Finally, Tobi can activate the Mangekyo sharingan and use it to absorb enemy spells (needs a good timing but is still fairly easy to do ingame) which are stocked in his pocket plane. As long as his Mangekyo is activated, he can release all the spells traped inside to turn them against opponents all at once.

2) Pain => Zealot Hero (Fenix)

This is the "Tendo Pain" or Deva Path. As such, he has the power of gravity which allows you to push away enemy units and opponents (dealing damage) or to bring them all the way back to you at any time (dealing some damage as well). In short :

- Attractive power => drags enemy to Pain
- Almighty push => cancels ALL enemy spells in your range, knocks enemy back and deals moderate damage
- Planetary devastation => creates a gravity core of attraction that will become a small planet by dragging flying stuff to it and imprison the opponent inside for heavy damage (everything is made in the arena, units aren't sent to hidden locations or something.. so it's quote nice to watch)
- Ultimate almighty push => this is the same as the regular version but it's range is limitless (which means all the battlefield is hit by the spell) and causes heavy damage. If this one is used, Pain can no longer use any of his gravity spells for about 3 mins.

He can use black rods to immobilize opponents as well for a very short time.

He can also call in the other Pains in order to use their own skills and spells (the Summoning pain, the mechanical one, the one that absorbs spells and the one with the "human path"). You loose if the primary Pain is killed. However, if a secondary Pain is killed you can bring him back with the one that ressurects them.

Playing Pain is fun as well, and a bit easier than Tobi.

3) Gaara => High Templar

He doesn't have a proper attack and uses "sand" (=> zerglings) to attack or defend. He has several spells that create "sand" in different ways depending on what are you planning to do (around you, under the ground from the sky etc). Gaara can use handy spells and damaging spells as well (desert coffin to immobilize, desert burial that can be used in a combo with the previous one, sand armor to absorb damage, desert avalanche, quicksand pit that can be followed by underground crushing spell, the arms of Shukaku etc).

Not easy to talk much about him : the best way to find out about Gaara is seeing it by yourself :)

4) Kisame => Dark Templar Hero

He can use the Samehada sword to do extra damage in close combat and steal chakra (gas), as long as the enemy has some left of course. Stolen chakra is stocked in Samehada and Kisame can add it to his own at anytime. There is a maximum amount of chakra stock (gas) Samehada can hold.

His other spells are water damaging spells with different power and range. One of them is the great shark missle that absorbs enemy technique's power to add it to it's own. It's power is based on the enemy spells. If there are no enemy spells or just weak ones, it doesn't do much. But power and efficiency get boosted if more powerful enemy spells are out there. And at its maximum power level, this spell can be pretty devastating. He can also summon 5 sharks and create water clones.

Water clones will allow the use of the water prison... And finally, Kisame can go into his "0 taled beast" form where he fusions with his sword Samehada.

5) Sasori => SCV

This is the puppet master. As a human puppet himself, he has some hidden weapons (spells) like flamethrower, water cannon and can use his secret red technique (the performance of 100 puppets). He can use the puppet Hiruko to hide inside and unlock new spells (poisoned gas, puppet arm charged with needles..), as long as Hiruko doesn't get destroyed that is. If his 100 puppets are out, Sasori can easily hide among them (if using Hiruko) so the opponent might get confused and unable to say which one is Sasori.

Sasori can summon his 3rd Sandaime Kazekage puppet which unlocks 3 spells based on the Iron sand (as long as the puppet isn't destroyed, yet again).

And finally, he can take control over enemy summonings if he needs to.

All those 5 characters have been successfully finished and fully tested. Also, I used japanese names for spells and they are displayed for each player everytime (except for secret spells).

I hope you appreciated these details :) If you need some more precise stuff like spell list or the units / effects I used, just say.

Playing a demo on Bnet is possible too though there's nothing official about it for now.


Feb 7 2014, 1:37 am UnholyUrine Post #7

Thank you for sharing me your ideas :)

I'm going to comment on possible problems that I foresee, and if there's any workarounds, for the spells that you listed. But after all that, I have a spell system that I feel you should use that will be the best.
Hero Spells

The spell system you should use is the Dropship method.
I'm guessing you have seen this before. If not, you can view my map Alpha Marines for one way of doing it. A lot of RPG's have it as well.

Basically, You have different units uploaded onto a dropship off in the corner of a map. Let's say we have 8 units, each named spell 1, 2, 3... to 8.
When the player unloads a unit, say, Spell 1, that corresponds to activating spell 1.
This way, you can set Mana cost conditions, and not have all spells cost the same (i.e. using buildings).
You can change the mission objectives in game to display what each spell does after the player has picked the heroes.

The biggest advantage to this system is having everything set in one area.

It is a lot better than moving a unit to a beacon.


Feb 7 2014, 5:05 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #8

I think that the method of hotkeying a separate unit for each spell, that you would later be able to just select and right click anywhere to activate, should be considered as well. I believe I've seen it done in large multiplayer maps before. If you have room for 80 units in your map, I think it makes spellcasting much easier. Not like the dropship system hasn't worked before, but essentially giving the spells individual hotkeys, thus freeing the mouse, is a big improvement.

I just figured I'd mention this as well, since he mentioned the dropship method. Let me know if you need more information.


Feb 7 2014, 9:40 am Stranger Post #9

Thanks, I greatly appreciate your interest in the map as well as your suggestions :)

Btw, the spells we listed and detailed are already all done and working well. But I must say, some may be still improved a bit with better visual effects or mechanics. My answers are in the collapse "Hero Spells" bellow.

Hero Spells

Indeed, I've seen the dropship/shuttle/overlord thing which activates stuff by dropping units out of them. Not a bad idea, we'll have to see if people like it this way for this map and all it's spells ^^'

But I agree with Leeroy as well and think we should give it a try with the beacons. Besides, one of the best SC RPGs I've ever played worked with beacons and I loved that (Sorcery II RPG).

That's why I was planning to make different versions of the map (for tests) so we can try out beacons, buildings (but this might modify the spells because of their gas cost) and dropship. At least one of them should suit the map spells best. Testing is the key I guess.

Oh, another problem is the spell info. Mission objectives only can display 8 lines, so I guess "Display text message" is the only thing left. I was planning to make a downloadable file too, with extra information for players who show true interest in the map (easier to learn really fast).

By the way, theory is one thing but if you guys are interested in playing the map for real right away and see it yourselves (in its current progress), you are all welcome to try it out :D New ideas might come out this way and it will be easier to spot the things to fix / improve as well. I also want to know what exactly do you like or not.

Just say if it's ok with you ^^

P.S : Leeroy, you seem to have some nice maps there, I might try them out some time !

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Feb 7 2014, 10:49 am by Stranger.


Feb 7 2014, 7:45 pm Leeroy_Jenkins Post #10

You seem like you already have a good start with all the spells, and that is a very good workaround for the first spell. Like you said the spells may need improvement in the visual effects area, so I would recommend posting something to show people all the working spells you have so people here can give you some ideas! And thank you for the compliment! (I would recommend Middle of the Ocean 3, there's some cool spells in that one :P)


Feb 7 2014, 8:47 pm Zoan Post #11

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

I just read a bit more of your spell descriptions, and I've got a suggestion. I might have more later, but I'll need to think of them a bit more.
Anyway, for tobi's spell - moving a burrowed unit underneath him has, in my opinion, more cons than pros.
You would have to move the unit underneath him every step he takes, which would slow him down (annoyingly). Also, it would be weird for enemies to attack him, if they tried to click on him.
However, I just thought up a way to detect a hallu unit's death. have a ground unit (lets say a civ, in this case) constantly be moved to a location centered on the hallu (make sure the condition for the centering of the location doesn't make it so that it centers when he is not there, however). Also center a tiny 1x1 location on the hallu. if the civ is on the 1x1 location, then the hallu is dead. if not, the hallu is alive. at the end of the trig cycle, move the civ back to it's original separate spot on the map.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Feb 9 2014, 1:04 am UnholyUrine Post #12

Seems like you got plans for the mechanics of the spells already ^^

Get a working version done and upload it for playtesting ASAP.
It's best to fail fast than to work a ton on it and fail later. The quicker you fail, the quicker you can fix things and make a better map!

I'd like to test for you (if time permits).


Feb 9 2014, 3:34 pm Stranger Post #13

Leeroy, thank you too ! I prepared some few screens but where should I upload them ? Imageshack doesn't seem to work that well : /

Zoan : great idea !! I actually might try that out, I'm impressed you thought of something like that ! Very clever :)

UnholyUrine : No problem, I just finished a playable (and working) version with 5 characters done :) And I fully agree : if things need to be made in a different / better way, the sooner the better ^^

Thanks for all the help, this map might actually become something really good if you all care about it a bit :)

Where do I upload a demo version btw ? Maybe I should make a thread about it in Map production.

To be honest, I still wonder (or simply don't know yet) how will I make some spells I've been thinking of (for characters to come later). I'll tell you about it once you've seen the work done so far ^^

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 9 2014, 4:03 pm by Stranger.


Feb 9 2014, 4:21 pm UnholyUrine Post #14

You can attach it here.


Feb 9 2014, 8:08 pm Stranger Post #15

Got it :)

Ok, screens first.

On those screens, you should see Sasori's secret red technique as well as Pain's almighty push (normal and ultimate) and planetary devastation in few steps. Another Pain with summoning techniques is on those screens too.

Well, there's nothing special about it on just few screens though but here goes.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 11 2014, 8:04 am by Stranger.


Feb 9 2014, 8:21 pm Stranger Post #16

The remaining screens are attached to this post.

Next, I'll prepare human slots and stuff and upload the map file here.

Would you like to meet on Bnet and play it, btw ?

Oh, and at least 2 players are needed, otherwise spells will remain locked.

So far, playable characters are : Kisame, Pain, Tobi, Sasori, Gaara.

The next character I'll work on is Neji. Here's what I'm planning for him (if you have any tips or ideas..) :

1. Byakugan : This unlocks new spells (64 hits and 128 hits) and allows you to see enemy chakra (minerals = enemy's gas)
2. Jyuuken : A hyuuga style and support spell that adds "internal damage". I'll make appear a Scout-like unit which will follow Neji and add some damage over time.
3. Kaiten : This will increase temporary his defense (plasma shields) and deal damage to everything nearby (archons surround Neji for few secs)
4. Great Kaiten : Bigger version of the previous
5. Hakke Kushou : A compressed air projectile (arbiters ?)? Weaker version, longer range / version
6. Strong Hakke Kushou : same as above but stronger damage and shorter range
7. Dispel Genjutsu
8. Shuriken throw
9. 64 divine hits (requires Byakugan) : I was planning on using 2 Carriers that fly above Neji and strike 64 times. Also, an Interceptor above the enemy destroys 10 enemy chakra every time (max chakra capacity = 120).
10. 128 divine hits (requires Byakugan) : Same as above but with 4 Carriers for 128 strikes. In addition, enemy's chakra recovery is disabled for X seconds.

EDIT : I just added another screen which shows the character selection phase.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Feb 11 2014, 8:04 am by Stranger.


Feb 10 2014, 1:20 am UnholyUrine Post #17

Instead of attaching the pictures, upload them (preferably as Jpg) to imgur, and then just use the image code



Feb 10 2014, 12:04 pm Stranger Post #18

Ah, that's what I've been looking for, thanks :)


Hang in there for a demo version, should be uploaded in few hours.

If everything goes well, we might move to the Map production forum.


Feb 10 2014, 6:23 pm UnholyUrine Post #19

I distinctly remember a korean(?) map that is basically like that... except with extremely crazy visuals

The one that I can recall was one hero's abilities were all siege tanks.
And his ultimate is basically siege tanks at ALL edges of the rectangle arena, Plus a cross right in the middle, just made of siege tanks.... Visually appealing indeed.

One way you can sort of stylize your heroes is to use the same units for spells or same units for explosions.
Dragoon's a good choice for the water thing :)

Looking forward to the demo.


Feb 10 2014, 11:26 pm Stranger Post #20

Hey there ^^

I think I played the thing you are talking about, quite long ago.. Maybe a Naruto Jugoku Rumble map (or something like that). If it's the same map, the guy with the tanks was Gaara.

My unofficial demo version is finished.. You've been waiting haven't you ? ^^

Please consider this.. not even an alpha, it's just a draft rough demo version. But spells and Heroes so far are quite as I imagined them for this map.

If you need an extra player, I'll be happy to play this with you (espacially when you get used to the mechanics) :)

And here's some info about the map you are gonna test.
  • Players : 2-6 (only 5 characters though, so at the moment having 6 players is not possible until I'm done with the next one)
  • By default, the game starts in Battle mode (2 teams with tags) with the Classic option
  • There's an area with terran civilians where you can get useful Spell info (just move Civs to minerals) whenever you need it.. I'll explain all the spells here too though
  • Spell interfaces are made out of Beacons. At start I was planning to make a customized interface for each character but the location number needed made the whole thing impossible. So you might still see some "customized" interfaces, as well as new "common" interfaces. Whatever you get, you will have 1 basic spell interface and 1 advanced spell interface

    I suggest you to do something like CTRL+1 on Hero, CTRL+2 on Basic spell caster and CTRL+3 on advanced spell caster

Characters and Spells info

And here's the map !

Waiting for your feedback (along with questions, suggestions etc). Also, report for bugs if you find any even though I checked for those a lot already (you never know..).

EDIT : Fixed all bugs I knew of and reuploaded new map file !

EDIT 2 : Replaced map file (the old had computer slots instead of human slots)


Naruto Ultimate Tournament.scx
Hits: 4 Size: 289.12kb

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Feb 12 2014, 8:05 am by Stranger.


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