Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Custom Maps > Topic: [NEW] The Kings of The Hill
[NEW] The Kings of The Hill
Jan 24 2011, 10:33 pm
By: doite  

Jan 24 2011, 10:33 pm doite Post #1

Not to be misstaken with the other 10 "King of the hill maps"

A classic King of The Hill map with modifications:

Team based - 4 teams with 3 players in each Income based - Buy your units with minerals and receive income each 20 seconds in return Unit spawn - Each 20 seconds you receive your choosen units Over 30 types of units Shops - Upgrades&Abilities

Visit - For updates and bug reports:

Give it a try!
Published on Europe
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Video will be uploaded soon


Jan 24 2011, 10:59 pm Dem0n Post #2

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Please post your map's info here instead of linking us to another site. It can be considered as advertising, which is not allowed here.

And also, never link us to sc2mapster. Everyone here hates them. ;o

Jan 24 2011, 11:27 pm UnholyUrine Post #3

And also, never link us to sc2mapster. Everyone here hates them. ;o

Some screenies and self-contained links would do a world of good.

Also, more descriptions will be nice too.


Jan 24 2011, 11:52 pm payne Post #4


And also, never link us to sc2mapster. Everyone here hates them. ;o
*And* I can't access their website. :massimo:


Jan 25 2011, 1:32 am doite Post #5

How can u hate
JackRCDF has posted alot on and has offered me, on sc2mapster, to host another of my maps in NA. He has ABIIIIIG logo under all his messages with "STAREDIT.. something something" which can be considered adversiting.
Im simply posting where i currently upload my maps / projects / libraries.

I use this site aswell, though.. not in any offensiv way, but why i choose mapster is becouse theres alot of VERY high expertise there. This does not mean i do not learn things here and most important follow the discussions.
Its just a website. Both fills the same purpose, though this one has more.. whats it called.. its more friendship wise. More community =)


Jan 25 2011, 1:56 am Jack Post #6

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

I don't know if anyone here hates mapster itself. I personally dislike Sixen, but the community at mapster is pretty cool. Don't worry about hosting your map at mapster, although it'd be nice for payne if you uploaded it somewhere else as well, cos he got banned from mapster. Then again, he deserved it :P

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jan 25 2011, 1:59 am Dem0n Post #7

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from doite
I use this site aswell, though.. not in any offensiv way, but why i choose mapster is becouse theres alot of VERY high expertise there. This does not mean i do not learn things here and most important follow the discussions.
Its just a website. Both fills the same purpose, though this one has more.. whats it called.. its more friendship wise. More community =)
Now that's very true. ;o

Jan 25 2011, 2:07 am payne Post #8


Quote from Jack
Don't worry about hosting your map at mapster, although it'd be nice for payne if you uploaded it somewhere else as well, cos he got banned from mapster. Then again, he deserved it :P
Such a lie. :massimo:
Or at least, maybe the initial "normal" ban which was only preventing me from posting was, but completely removing my access to the website because Sixen didn't want me to contact his productive members is seriously lame.


Jan 25 2011, 2:32 am doite Post #9

haha! i didnt even know you could do that! very funny!
Just have to say this! i saw this 10 seconds ago on... a page.. anyway! Time Crises for sc2! This will be awesome! If you ever have played it understand the potetial of a 2player co-op FPS shooting game with that kind of camera setting! Basicly a duck and cover game, but ill get straight on it if i get the allowence. I dont want to be stealing anyone elses idea if hes not ok with it, but i think hes on NA anyway.

Im so up for thisssss!!!!

PS: This is Time Crises if you havent seen it before


Jan 25 2011, 6:39 am UnholyUrine Post #10

That's cool and all but aren't you showcasing your map? :wtfage:

Please post some screenies :\... Sell your map to me..

As for the Sc2Mapster thing
I personally also hate Sixen, but I'm fine with everything else.
He pissed me off because of his pretentiousness and his unacceptable advertising here, with no apologies.

I also dislike the fact that there aren't enough criticsm there in Sc2mapster.
Everything's being hyper with videos and stuff. Rarely anything solid ever comes out, but every map's treated as tho they're fucking free drugs for depressed teenagers...

It just lacks the air of... sophistication... personally.
Really, lines must be set and bars must be raised!

I still visit it tho, since it has become the primary sc2 databse.
But it doesn't really work unless i'm trying to uncover hidden gems, since the popularity system is utterly shit.
RAWR Rage!!


Jan 25 2011, 9:24 am doite Post #11

mm nice, lets leave this "hate/dislike/(similar) sc2mapster now aswell.
I dont even know why it was brought up, i like both of the sites and dont judge anyone. I do not have anything against sixen and i do not have anything against anyone here.

With that said: Jupp, as i said, ill upload video asap of my map! Have somewhat lack of time due to my master in economics, but its coming =)

Have a nice day!


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