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Free Speech..
Dec 1 2007, 10:21 pm
By: ToA  

Dec 7 2007, 9:06 pm Esponeo Post #21

Acts like this or the Patriot act or anything else have been passed numerous times in American history. The moment that someone uses them in an unconstitutional manner, the case reaches the Supreme Court and the act is repealed. America is not going to radically change over night, ya fuckin' retards. You sound like fanatics preaching that the world is coming to an end.


Dec 8 2007, 1:48 am frazz Post #22

frazz, must you ask even the oblivious that kellimus will not answer your blatant vague question- neither you will get the answer you wanted? I am not even sure if you carefully analyze your opponent's post- or where your opponent's point is at. He's saying The Patriot Act and The Military Commissions Act matters because it is in place, where as if that little "clause" mattered, it would've put those two acts out of commission.
If that is indeed what he meant (which I thought originally, but it's such a poor point I thought he meant something else) then I do have a rebuttal:

The Patriot Act (I don't know about the Military Commission Act, sorry) has been accused of violating the right to privacy (that whole point is debatable). This topic is about free speech.

Right to privacy != right to free speech

Furthermore, "that clause" applies only to that Act. To say that the clause in Bill A will be ignored because Bill B does not follow the guidelines of "that clause" in Bill A is completely illogical.
If an identical clause in Bill B were ignored, one could argue that things will be the same in Bill A, but that is not the case.


Dec 8 2007, 8:56 am BeDazed Post #23

If that is indeed what he meant (which I thought originally, but it's such a poor point I thought he meant something else) then I do have a rebuttal:
Well Mr. Suspicious! Words are meant to transfer meanings. If thats the only meaning you can find, you go with it. Theres no need to try to understand your opponent, as long as you have his point in his words.


Dec 8 2007, 7:12 pm frazz Post #24

was it not you who said that I don't even try to understand? Well, that's what I was doing.

However, your lack of a rebuttal admits your defeat.

Edit: I'll just assume that Kellimus was trying to make such an idiotic point, unless he actually posts.

Edit: Looks like I win!!! :D

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 11 2007, 12:16 am by frazz.


Dec 12 2007, 5:35 am Kellimus Post #25

Quote from Frazz
was it not you who said that I don't even try to understand? Well, that's what I was doing.

However, your lack of a rebuttal admits your defeat.

Edit: I'll just assume that Kellimus was trying to make such an idiotic point, unless he actually posts.

Edit: Looks like I win!!! :D
This post was edited 2 times, last by frazz on Yesterday, 5:16 pm.

So let me get this straight.

Because I have a life, and hardly have time to post on this redundant public forum, you win? Where are your valid arguments to refute my claims?

Sorry, but you haven't won.

BeDazed put it into the most simplest of forms that anyone could conceive, and you still think you won.. Honestly, that's pretty sad.

Sorry, but your trolling isn't going to work. You can go ahead and ignore my very valid point and just continue to show the forum how inane you truly are if you wish. Go ahead and claim (like you have many times before) that I'm publicly defaming you, you're only doing it to yourself honestly.

So yes Frazz GG at trying to Troll me, and GG at showing us how inane you are.

Oh, here is some "public defamation" for you:

Quote from Frazz
Edit: I'll just assume that Kellimus was trying to make such an idiotic point, unless he actually posts

Great Ad Hominem Abusive! I couldn't have done it any better myself! You truly are a master at Logical Fallacies, I applaud you!

Good enough "public defamation" for you Frazz?

Don't post here again until you can provide a decent, plausible, and logical argument in retort to my point. Logical-Fallacies aren't good enough.



Dec 12 2007, 3:20 pm frazz Post #26

Alright, I guess you haven't given up. However, you still have yet to give a rebuttal.

Please tell me, what is it that you meant by that post in question? I'm afraid my meager comprehension must be too low to grasp such vague arguments. Go ahead.


Dec 12 2007, 8:09 pm Kellimus Post #27

Quote from Frazz
Alright, I guess you haven't given up. However, you still have yet to give a rebuttal. Please tell me, what is it that you meant by that post in question? I'm afraid my meager comprehension must be too low to grasp such vague arguments. Go ahead.
Alright, I guess you haven't given up. However, you still have yet to give a rebuttal.

Please tell me, what is it that you meant by that post in question? I'm afraid my meager comprehension must be too low to grasp such vague arguments. Go ahead.

Are you really that inane?

Read the below quote:

frazz, must you ask even the oblivious that kellimus will not answer your blatant vague question- neither you will get the answer you wanted? I am not even sure if you carefully analyze your opponent's post- or where your opponent's point is at. He's saying The Patriot Act and The Military Commissions Act matters because it is in place, where as if that little "clause" mattered, it would've put those two acts out of commission.

EDIT:: There voila. You have your point. It is however for you to decide if that is true or is bullshit. Won't delve much further into this than that.

I don't need to tell you my point, BeDazed already did... But judging by your continuous lack of the conscious ability to see points, I feel like you're doing this to try to rile me into flaming you, which is a very pathetic Troll tactic.

Leave now. You've proven to everyone time and time again that you have no ability to debate, so stay away.



Dec 13 2007, 1:07 am frazz Post #28

Oh, ok then. If you had read my posts in the first place, you would have realized I had already addressed that.
Quote from frazz in reply to BeDazed's post quoted by Kellimus above
If that is indeed what he meant (which I thought originally, but it's such a poor point I thought he meant something else) then I do have a rebuttal:

The Patriot Act (I don't know about the Military Commission Act, sorry) has been accused of violating the right to privacy (that whole point is debatable). This topic is about free speech.

Right to privacy != right to free speech
To add onto that...
Your point would only be valid if a similar clause existed in the patriot act that was blatantly ignored.

Since you basically admitted that that IS what you meant, this rebuttal should suffice.

I don't need to tell you my point, BeDazed already did... But judging by your continuous lack of the conscious ability to see points, I feel like you're doing this to try to rile me into flaming you, which is a very pathetic Troll tactic.
I honestly thought it would be better to let you explain than to assume BeDazed hit it head on (even though he did, but I could not have known). It is not my desire that you flame me or, for that matter, call me a troll. If you could try to maintain some general kindness and respect in your rebuttals, as I (usually) try to do, it would be very much appreciated. [/no sarcasm or smarmy this time]


Dec 13 2007, 2:38 am Dapperdan Post #29

Kellimus, I would much appreciate it if you would stop this manner of posting you so like to enact. Frazz has truly made some fair points, and you have ignored them in order to continue the personal disputes you guys have over varying topics.

Quote from Bedazed
Well Mr. Suspicious! Words are meant to transfer meanings. If thats the only meaning you can find, you go with it. Theres no need to try to understand your opponent, as long as you have his point in his words.

I completely disagree. I wish every single topic didn't immediately turn into a "who wins" contest. That is not what this should be about. Try to learn some rhetoric. It's about persuading, not winning. I wouldn't bother writing "gg" at the end of every post, for it doesn't make your arguement any stronger. Regardless-- argue, discuss, whatever you like, but try not to bastardize the topic in the process, please.

Also, Kellimus, here's a fallacy that puts you a bit at fault here. For, frazz has asked you to go by it (without realizing it, I'm sure), and yet you have refused to in order to instead tell him he's a troll. If you really do have a life, as so you often claim as an excuse for not keeping up with topics, you could have gotten to the point with a lot less time spent by simply stating what you are assuming, or what your premises are, instead of telling frazz he's an idiot (ad hominem, omg) for not knowing it.

Altera pars

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 13 2007, 2:47 am by Dapperdan.


Dec 13 2007, 4:55 am Kellimus Post #30

Also, Kellimus, here's a fallacy that puts you a bit at fault here. For, frazz has asked you to go by it (without realizing it, I'm sure), and yet you have refused to in order to instead tell him he's a troll. If you really do have a life, as so you often claim as an excuse for not keeping up with topics, you could have gotten to the point with a lot less time spent by simply stating what you are assuming, or what your premises are, instead of telling frazz he's an idiot (ad hominem, omg) for not knowing it.

Altera pars

Because of his constant inability to form stable arguments, I must reply in the only way I see that he could possibly understand. Why should I have to repeat something that has already been stated by another person earlier within the thread? That's redundant, and I dislike redundancy.

If he still cannot honestly see my point, then he shouldn't even be here.

And is it wrong to be long winded within replies? I didn't think there was a rule against taking your time...


Dec 13 2007, 5:50 am frazz Post #31

Thank you Dapperdan.

Kellimus, I recognized your point and formed a rebuttal. If you still care to debate, perhaps you could reply to my last post?


Dec 13 2007, 6:11 am Dapperdan Post #32

Quote from Kellimus
And is it wrong to be long winded within replies? I didn't think there was a rule against taking your time...

I was simply saying it would be have been easier and faster to just make your point more clear instead of telling frazz he should understand it as it is.


Dec 13 2007, 7:03 am BeDazed Post #33

If you ask me, the fault is at both of them. To me, the points are crystal clear.
The Fault of Kellimus
For, frazz has asked you to go by it (without realizing it, I'm sure), and yet you have refused to in order to instead tell him he's a troll. If you really do have a life, as so you often claim as an excuse for not keeping up with topics, you could have gotten to the point with a lot less time spent by simply stating what you are assuming, or what your premises are, instead of telling frazz he's an idiot (ad hominem, omg) for not knowing it.

Altera pars

The Fault of Frazz
The biggest fault for frazz is that he relys on the opponent's explanation (overthinking much?) to respond. His rebuttals are fine, but questions in my opinion shouldn't be so direct. Makes us think you're just being an idiot, also sometimes repeating an argument to a completely different statement.


Dec 13 2007, 12:23 pm Dapperdan Post #34

Quote from Kellimus
If you can't see how that little "clause" doesn't matter, then you shouldn't even be in here Frazz.
If that little clause "mattered", we would no longer have The Patriot Act and The Military Commissions Act.
But we still have them, correct?
Good Game.
Quote from frazz
It seems like your argument against me is always "If you can't see ______ then you're obviously too stupid to be not an idiot. Leave. GG."
So please explain to me how that doesn't matter, oh wise one. Otherwise I will assume you have no explanation.

Up to here, all frazz did wrong was not understand something. It happens. It's not that bad to ask your opponent to state their premises flat out if you think he should be required to in the particular discussion. Then, this happens.
Quote from Bedazed
He's saying The Patriot Act and The Military Commissions Act matters because it is in place, where as if that little "clause" mattered, it would've put those two acts out of commission.
Quote from frazz
If that is indeed what he meant (which I thought originally, but it's such a poor point I thought he meant something else) then I do have a rebuttal:

Here was his only real flaw, and it was a little inconsequential dig to Kellimus that he should have left out of it. Otherwise, he then goes on to give a good rebuttal. Kellimus still hasn't responded to it. He has just flamed frazz.

The Patriot Act (I don't know about the Military Commission Act, sorry) has been accused of violating the right to privacy (that whole point is debatable). This topic is about free speech.

Right to privacy != right to free speech

Furthermore, "that clause" applies only to that Act. To say that the clause in Bill A will be ignored because Bill B does not follow the guidelines of "that clause" in Bill A is completely illogical.
If an identical clause in Bill B were ignored, one could argue that things will be the same in Bill A, but that is not the case.

I think until this point is rebuttaled, it is a really fair point. Kellimus seems to have ignored it on purpose, because he cannot rebuttal it.

Quote from frazz
Edit: I'll just assume that Kellimus was trying to make such an idiotic point, unless he actually posts.

Edit: Looks like I win!!!

Another unnecessary pleasantry from frazz. I just don't see these few things as much of a big deal, though. And it is a pretty common thing that Kellimus would say to frazz in different words, all the time, in fact. Yet, somehow when Kellimus does it, it's not trolling, only when frazz does. According to Kellimus that is.

Quote from Bedazed
If you ask me, the fault is at both of them. To me, the points are crystal clear.

Well, every single other post from Kellimus in the topic from my last frazz quote on just turned into worse trolling and flaming. He is at fault via altera pars, ad hominem, and I'm sure some others that I see no reason to mention. They're both at fault, but Kellimus far worse so. Also, Bedazed, why haven't you responded to frazz's point either?


Dec 13 2007, 2:54 pm BeDazed Post #35

Quote from BeDazed
EDIT:: There voila. You have your point. It is however for you to decide if that is true or is bullshit. Won't delve much further into this than that.
Is it obligatory?


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