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StarCraft II Patch 1.1.1
Sep 28 2010, 7:36 pm
By: DevliN  

Sep 28 2010, 7:36 pm DevliN Post #1


Blizzard released a new patch today:

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.1.1

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Ultralisk cleave range was being unintentionally extended by larger targets.
  • Fixed an issue where the Phoenix's Graviton Beam was automatically canceled if you used it just after the Phoenix reached 50 energy.
  • Fixed an issue where queuing Return Cargo on a worker would cause it to ignore the built-in delay after it finished gathering.
  • Fixed an issue where players watching older replays or saved games would experience stuttering.
  • Fixed an issue where some Mac users were unable to join games properly.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 28 2010, 7:54 pm CecilSunkure Post #2

Awe, no more sockfolding :(


Sep 28 2010, 8:03 pm ShredderIV Post #3

Quote from CecilSunkure
Awe, no more sockfolding :(
That's actually kinda funny since I speculated that they might take it out when i was watching your stream.


Sep 28 2010, 10:02 pm Wing Zero Post #4

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Honestly, I was expecting more... When are they going to fix the popularity system and add the freaking chat channels already!!! QQ

Sep 28 2010, 10:21 pm OlimarandLouie Post #5

Quote from ShredderIV
Quote from CecilSunkure
Awe, no more sockfolding :(
That's actually kinda funny since I speculated that they might take it out when i was watching your stream.
What is this sockfolding?


Sep 28 2010, 11:00 pm Undead-Fox Post #6

It's the 'return cargo' worker bit that's patched up there. It allows slightly faster mineral gathering for a bit of early game microing.


Sep 28 2010, 11:10 pm DevliN Post #7


Quote from Wing Zero
Honestly, I was expecting more... When are they going to fix the popularity system and add the freaking chat channels already!!! QQ
I read that chat channels will be out in 1.2, so hopefully that'll only be a few weeks away.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 28 2010, 11:20 pm Echo Post #8

Did they fix the bunker thing yet? The one that allows you to almost instantly get to places if you have them lined up.


Sep 28 2010, 11:24 pm Neki Post #9

Quote from Echo
Did they fix the bunker thing yet? The one that allows you to almost instantly get to places if you have them lined up.
Not very viable in the 1v1 melee meta-game, which is what Blizzard is aiming to fix right now. As is, ultralisks have been nerfed hard, their splash is kinda pitiful now. Zerg really didn't need any more nerfs, they needed buffs, this is ridiculous.


Sep 28 2010, 11:34 pm Fisty Post #10

Yeah I have a hard time understanding the logic behind nerfing Zerg when they're already significantly more boring and underpowered than the other races.

...Nerfing the ultralisk takes the most fun and creative unit in the zerg arsenal, and making it boring.


Sep 29 2010, 12:23 am ClansAreForGays Post #11

Really pissed about the ultralisk nerf. I guess I can't complain though since zerg has been placing so well with it, oh wait...

Sep 29 2010, 12:32 am Neki Post #12

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Really pissed about the ultralisk nerf. I guess I can't complain though since zerg has been placing so well with it, oh wait... :awesome: The link is self explanatory to the supposed balance of the game.

Tournament wins by race:

- 51
- 22
- 4

Tournament winners by race:

- 22
- 12
- 2


Sep 29 2010, 1:14 am NudeRaider Post #13

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

If I read your stats correctly, Ultimo, then all claims about Zerg being weak are false.
2 people got 4 wins with Zerg. That is 2 wins per person with Zerg.
12 people got 22 wins with Protoss. That is also ~2 wins per person playing Toss.
22 people got 51 wins with Terran. That is almost 2.5 wins per person playing Terran.

So if anything this statistic shows that Terran is slightly better than the other 2 races and that nobody likes playing Zerg.

Sep 29 2010, 1:21 am Wing Zero Post #14

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I think its showing how many zerg players actually won a tournament, not the amount of entries

Sep 29 2010, 1:29 am Neki Post #15

One of the Zerg players has 3 wins, the other one has one win. It's not that nobody likes playing Zerg, it's that nobody wins with Zerg. You need to outskill your opponent so much in order to play Zerg, and that's why you only see 2 Zerg players who have won tournaments. You can't just take averages and say that Zerg is no longer underpowered, you need to look at who actually wins. Morrow(T) has 12 wins, HuK(P) has 7 wins, Sjow(T) has 6 wins, KawaiiRice(T) and Strelok(T) has 4 wins, and one of the best Zerg players, Dimaga has only three wins, and Idra, another decent player, has zero. The reason why you see Zerg output so low is because of a vicious cycle of Zerg never winning, so less people are inclined to stay as Zerg, so less Zerg show up at tournaments, and then even less Zerg win.

To add more statistics:
Terrans were minority among registered in TL Open (28.3%)
In RO16 terrans were majority (50%)
I don't think there can be bigger and more solid proof that at least in NA/Europe terran is imba. And since Morrow was claiming in this very thread that he plays for the sake of challenge and not winning, the only way for him to redeem himself and not be labeled as hypocrite is to switch to some other race (zerg, preferably)~
Some more statistical evidence, so in the NA/Europe region, terran is grossly underpopulated yet still manages to be the most represented in the RO of 16?


Sep 29 2010, 3:52 am JaBoK Post #16

I'm not a big fan of stats to show balance, but at some point the numbers get a bit ridiculous. When you look at GSL, it's really been a Terrans' game, despite the fact that a few excellent P and Z players are toughing it out, and I don't just mean by numbers. P and Z players are losing vs T after they have advantages, in shorts amount of time (when was the last time anything other than proxy or 6pool ended XvT in under 8 minutes?) and it kinda sucks to watch it because some of these games just get so one-sided.

Also, there's a phenomenon discovered in the field of competitive fencing that invalidates most of these "Zerg are underpowered because nobody plays them" arguments. In fencing, there is a much, much higher representation of lefties in the top divisions than there are in the world, in fencing in general, etc (in fencing in general, it's about equivalent to the world). So in an effort to question why this is happening, it was found that lefties don't appear to be in any way 'better' than righties at the sport, but it's just that it's impossible to get consistent practice against a variety high-tier left-handed fencers because there are so few of them. That means that when they go to compete, the number of lefties and righties starts to approach equivalence.

Basically, in a case where representation of one style is limited and where there is no inherent imbalance, that style tends to fare better. This might not apply directly to SC2, but in theory, we should be seeing numbers closer to 33/33/33 in high tiers no matter what the total representation is (it should start approaching that when you take decreasing sample sizes). That's actually the opposite of what's happening, where T is becoming increasingly represented as you take smaller and more elite samples. Not direct evidence of imbalance, but something to consider when you do demographic-based arguments.


Sep 29 2010, 4:48 am payne Post #17


I guess we're all still waiting for this:


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