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I am an Eco-terrorist.
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Nov 13 2007, 4:24 am
By: yenku
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Nov 26 2007, 3:33 pm frazz Post #61

Quote from Felagund, whoa, what kind of name is that?
The most dangerous weapon anyone can wield is self righteousness.
Wow. That's nice.


Nov 26 2007, 10:07 pm Sael Post #62

Christ. I'm not a self titled philosopher. You don't have to quote me.


Nov 26 2007, 10:31 pm JordanN Post #63

An illegal terrorist organization? Sweet mother of golly your like PETA. You disapprove of many things you think is wrong but when it comes to your back story you deny it. Well, I hope the next food you eat doesnt come from a commercial place because well they do all that sort of stuff.
Tell me what you think of our group and our goals.
Disband and read a book.


Nov 27 2007, 12:11 am yenku Post #64

Quote from Felagund
They pretended as if they had no clue and weaseled their way out of probably a big fine. They can't put it back up.
Their actions being illegal does not change the fact that your actions were still illegal, including but not limited to: trespassing, reckless endangerment (most likely), and mere possession of those explosives. The most dangerous weapon anyone can wield is self righteousness.
Again. Illegal means nothing to me on this subject, except I have to take extra care in what I do.
Self-Righteousness? What a keen point you made on me. How am I to respond?
I can claim I am not, but then I seem foolish and I have nothing to prove otherwise.
I can ignore it, but then I lose credibility.
I can accept what you call me, but argue that I am striving to determine how to draw the line on what is basically right and wrong and that I will not force my beliefs on anyone who is undeserving. This probably best represents my actual response.
Also, keep in mind that any politician or any human in power has some degree of self-righteousness. I hope I have not given you the idea that I am very self-righteous. There is an arabic proverb that says, "He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him." I do not believe myself to be in the first camp. I know that I am a reasonable person, modesty aside, and that I am a rather intelligent person. I will not back down.

I want to make this clear, but I doubt many will either believe me or see this: Me and my buddy are being VERY careful, and VERY deliberate. We will not claim to be right over others on issues that can claim REASONABLE support for the opposing side. Our ideal goals will be to initiate more Rationality in more subjects, not just global warming and the environment. This just happens to be where we start.

Quote from JordanN
Disband and read a book.
I'm currently reading 2 novels and one large history, aside from school work. Reading is great, I think it's how I got mad enough to motivate myself to change something.

Honestly, if you think our group is bad for reasons other than it being "illegal" then I may have done a poor job of explaining it.


Nov 27 2007, 12:56 am frazz Post #65

Edit: Quote bug, fixed in the next post.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 27 2007, 1:02 am by frazz.


Nov 27 2007, 12:57 am frazz Post #66

Quote from Felagund
You don't have to quote me.
Well, it was just too great to not put in my signature (being that it's empty anyway). I can remove the quote tags, but then it would make it look like I said it.
Quote from yenku
Quote from JordanN
Disband and read a book.
I'm currently reading 2 novels and one large history, aside from school work.
You're half way there.

Honestly, if you think our group is bad for reasons other than it being "illegal" then I may have done a poor job of explaining it.
No, you've done perfectly, we just think it's stupid, among other things.


Nov 27 2007, 10:04 pm Dapperdan Post #67

we just think it's stupid, among other things.

Speak for yourself.

Honestly, if you think our group is bad for reasons other than it being "illegal" then I may have done a poor job of explaining it.

No, Jordann is just a numbskull.


Nov 27 2007, 10:18 pm JordanN Post #68

Quote from Dapperdan

Honestly, if you think our group is bad for reasons other than it being "illegal" then I may have done a poor job of explaining it.

No, Jordann is just a numbskull.

Hey guys, guess what. I'm starting my own illegal organization! But my group is against Mankind. Why? Because humans are destroying the planet and isn't that true? Wars,deforestation,extinction of animals. In fact Humans are by far the evilest animals the earth has ever seen. So in order to end this we will be launching home made bombs and terrorizing humans wherever they are. In the washroom, at school heck even the hospital. I'll need to recruit more members because right now there are 6.6 billion humans on earth so it will take along time. Also the name of my group is "The Exhumins".

Yea Dapperdan, your my new role model.


Nov 28 2007, 1:34 am frazz Post #69

I'll join.


Nov 28 2007, 6:42 pm Kellimus Post #70

Quote from jordaN
Hey guys, guess what. I'm starting my own illegal organization! But my group is against Mankind. Why? Because humans are destroying the planet and isn't that true? Wars,deforestation,extinction of animals. In fact Humans are by far the evilest animals the earth has ever seen. So in order to end this we will be launching home made bombs and terrorizing humans wherever they are. In the washroom, at school heck even the hospital. I'll need to recruit more members because right now there are 6.6 billion humans on earth so it will take along time. Also the name of my group is "The Exhumins".

Yea Dapperdan, your my new role model.

No offence to you or Frazz, but I don't think your guys' mentalities are capable of understanding the logic behind Yenku's decision...

Hell, I'm having a hard time doing it, but I can see why he'd do it.

Sooooooooooo.......... Good one yenku :)


Nov 28 2007, 7:50 pm Dapperdan Post #71

No offence to you or Frazz, but I don't think your guys' mentalities are capable of understanding the logic behind Yenku's decision...

I think frazz could, if he doesn't already. :shifty:


Nov 29 2007, 12:53 am yenku Post #72

Quote from JordanN
Hey guys, guess what. I'm starting my own illegal organization! But my group is against Mankind. Why? Because humans are destroying the planet and isn't that true? Wars,deforestation,extinction of animals. In fact Humans are by far the evilest animals the earth has ever seen. So in order to end this we will be launching home made bombs and terrorizing humans wherever they are. In the washroom, at school heck even the hospital. I'll need to recruit more members because right now there are 6.6 billion humans on earth so it will take along time. Also the name of my group is "The Exhumins".
Is this meant to mock me? Because if it is, I feel like you missed important things I said about the group. Or just ignored it.

Frazz, I would appreciate it if you took a less offensive stance in your responses.

Thank you Kellimus, and Dapperdan for understanding that I'm not out to create an American Taliban.


Nov 29 2007, 6:53 am frazz Post #73

No offence to you or Frazz, but I don't think your guys' mentalities are capable of understanding the logic behind Yenku's decision...
Seriously Kellimus, what's your problem? It's "frazz." =þ


Nov 29 2007, 1:10 pm JordanN Post #74

Quote from yenku
Quote from JordanN
Hey guys, guess what. I'm starting my own illegal organization! But my group is against Mankind. Why? Because humans are destroying the planet and isn't that true? Wars,deforestation,extinction of animals. In fact Humans are by far the evilest animals the earth has ever seen. So in order to end this we will be launching home made bombs and terrorizing humans wherever they are. In the washroom, at school heck even the hospital. I'll need to recruit more members because right now there are 6.6 billion humans on earth so it will take along time. Also the name of my group is "The Exhumins".
Is this meant to mock me? Because if it is, I feel like you missed important things I said about the group. Or just ignored it.

Nope I saw it and I think the whole idea is really dumb.


Nov 29 2007, 4:52 pm frazz Post #75



Nov 29 2007, 6:55 pm Kellimus Post #76

Quote from Frazz
Seriously Kellimus, what's your problem? It's "frazz." =þ

My problem? Its a problem to use proper spelling and grammar?

Damn... No wonder America sucks.


Quote from JordaN
Nope I saw it and I think the whole idea is really dumb.

Care to provide an intelligent reason for your claim?

Maybe when you hit the age of 18 and move out from mommy and daddy's wing you'll understand how the real world works and actually support an ideal like Yenku's.

But until then, please refrain from posting in here unless you're going to provide reason and logic behind your rather mundane response, thank you :)


Nov 30 2007, 12:30 am yenku Post #77

Quote from JordanN
Nope I saw it and I think the whole idea is really dumb.
...So you weren't mocking me? Yet you insult me by calling the idea dumb. That is a very ignorant statement. It is hardly "dumb", unless you believe a hope for change and an active approach is "dumb".

By the way, look up VHEMT:
It may be what you want to join.


Nov 30 2007, 12:54 am JordanN Post #78

Quote from Kellimus
Maybe when you hit the age of 18 and move out from mommy and daddy's wing you'll understand how the real world works and actually support an ideal like Yenku's.

BEST IDEA, EVER. Except I had that planned since I was 6 so sorry please try not again. :><:

Now back to you, Yenku.
...So you weren't mocking me? Yet you insult me by calling the idea dumb. That is a very ignorant statement. It is hardly "dumb", unless you believe a hope for change and an active approach is "dumb".
First of all, why take matters into your own hands. Couldnt you think of a more intelligent reasoning to this?
My partner and I have recruited another member for this specific mission. We blew up the damn dam.
Awsome, violating something that isnt yours makes a winner is you. But, does that make you any better then the people who built the dam? Of course not.

We are preparing ourselves to live off the land, through making shelter, gathering food, etc.
What your trying to say is you will make an axe,provide electricity,heat, catching food (guessing your american) in the city, build a computer, make a stable shelter strong enough to survive a hurricane, get fresh water from mud and wear no clothes for the rest of your life without consulting man and human related convience? Well you better not or your hypocrites.
We are training to be rebels, whether attacking a corrupt power structure politically or stealthily.
I doubt you'll get passed the electric fence.

We are both maintain levels of physical and mental fitness. For without being healthy and constantly updated, we, humans, become lazy and ignorant.
Where are you going to get books from to remain mentally fit? And what about the excersise equipment? From grass? Oh woops I forgot you guys will be smoking weed instead of that.

Our goal is to ready ourselves for the change our planet will undoubtedly experience
So if the earth experiences air toxicity you will survive by covering your noses with crap? If its global warming you can swim and stay that way for all of eternity or untill you get tired? If robots take over you can defeat them with sticks?

Keep in mind when replying: I am one hundred percent serious about this.
Well since you said it yourself I guess you wont be needing SEN anymore.

So exactly, your whole group or organization is a steaming, whole heartly filled, pile of crap.
In fact, your group reminds me of PETA. They blow up testing labs claiming its "bad" yet there chairman or high representitive is diabetic and she uses Insulin but guess what? That comes from animals which was first synthesized in animal labs.
Who knows we might you see your organization on that show.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Nov 30 2007, 1:10 am by JordanN.


Nov 30 2007, 10:46 pm Dapperdan Post #79

Thank you Jordann, for showing us your ignorance. I truly hope no one bothers replying to that.

Quote from JordanN
I doubt you'll get passed the electric fence.

Says everything you need to know.


Dec 1 2007, 1:30 pm JordanN Post #80

Quote from Dapperdan
Thank you Jordann, for showing us your ignorance. I truly hope no one bothers replying to that.

Quote from JordanN
I doubt you'll get passed the electric fence.

Says everything you need to know.

Hey Dapperdan, I have challenge for your ignorant self. Go to the nearest armed facility and try to climb the electric fence with the your own hands. No assistance or tools. Just your regular human self that god gave you. If you come out alive, I'll give you a million dollars. What this? You can't do it? Awesome.


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
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Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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