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Secrets of Starcraft
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Oct 28 2009, 5:41 pm
By: Marooned  

Oct 28 2009, 5:41 pm Marooned Post #1

This stuff is known by veterans and hence is not secret to them. Basically some material not found on Liquipedia.

ºMutalisk stacking with an overlord.
ºDrones getting full health back after building a geyser.
ºUsing burrowed zerglings for map control. Sometimes called "Infolings".
ºScourge cloning (Maximizing damage by sending one scourge against one target and your other scourge against another. You can do more damage in 2 scourges against 2 mutas if you do this since you can do more damage than the damage you lose from finishing off an enemy unit if you were to send both of your scourges to kill it entirely.)
ºHaving overlords in strategical spots.
ºYou can put irritated units in overlords to stop the spell.
ºYou can burrow a zergling at a fast expansion spot to prevent it in most cases. Most of the time they will just take a worse postition that maximizes gas economy.
ºParasiting enemy detectors to gain their detector ability.
ºPlacing overlords on top of lurkers so when Terran scans he won't see more of one of the lurkers.
ºQueens + Lurkers using ensnare against Marines & Medics not only slow down the marine micro spread but also their rate of fire significantly.
ºBurrowing zerglings in an enemy base when surrounded, for map control, or to attack later. Works best for fun or against a weak opponent.
ºZergling runbys are possible, even when dying. If you realize you will likely die, you can runby your enemy to kill his nexus, workers, or something else.
ºUsing your lurker to attack the pylon powering cannons while not being hit by the cannons.
ºUsing Sauron Zerg strategy to out macro your opponent by expanding rapidly accross the map. You will have more minerals and gas while pumping lots of low tier zerglings and hydralisks.
ºYour Mutalisks can "tank" "sponge" "aborb" damage and cause your attack to suceed better if you lead with them sometimes in an attack. Example: Keeps your zerglings alive longer.
ºDefiler's can use plague against terran tanks since they are likely to be massed together. This forces the terran to do costly repairs in a close game. Also, you can attack after the health point goes to the lowest.
ºIn Devourers vs. Corsairs, you must hit every corsair with one hit first before focus firing to micro properly. (Instead of focus firing.)
Knowing the problems that Zerg hydralisks have with "overkill shots". They tend to all fire at the same mines while another mine kills the lot of them.
ºYou can use lurkers to clear out a minefield. However, this usually is way less efficient than using mutalisks or hydralisks since it takes much more time to position exactly where it is safe, even though you can one shot the mine with your lurker.
ºYou can use two lurkers to kill a cloaked ghost that is nuking yourself or an ally. The splash damage from the spine line will kill the ghost while attacking yourself.
ºYou can use mutalisks to clear out minefields. They are in-fact the best Zerg unit to do so.
º1 scourge can kill 1 observer! This means observer sniping with scourges in ZvP is very viable and useful.
ºKnowing that it is standard to use bunkers against zerg but not Terran or Protoss.
ºGood Zerg players might keep a couple scourges to counter drops.
ºHydralisk Dens should be started when the lair is about half done when going lurkers first thing.
ºKnowing how extractors and spawning pools coordinate in certain build orders. If you don't know how to use gas in early game Zerg player than your are a noob Zerg player. No exceptions.

ºSometimes you will see that a player will put a couple of scvs on hold position on a ramp with a barracks floating above them. It is hard for zealots and zerglings to get past them. Called Float Hiding. Your enemy is not capable of selecting te workers to attack them, and therefor can not pass. Also, you can hide spider mines or add-ons like this. i.e.= nuke silo
ºTerran walling. Barracks should always be below supply depots no matter where you wall.
ºAttack move attack move chase ability can be used to chase down enemy units without giving up ground after stopping for each attack. Vultures and wraiths can do more damage and kill more enemies if used in this way. A wraith can follow another wraith accross the entire map if this is done properly.
ºSpider mines can be used as a detector.
ºYou can place spider mines near an enemy's mineral line to try to kill some of their workers along with enemy units when they come to chase your vultures.
ºStimming your marines and then placing them in your bunker makes them fire with a much better rate of fire and higher damage.
ºYou can ebay cover turrets, bunkers, or both at the same time to protect yourself from cloaked unit drops.
ºIrritating high templars to kill them.
º7 Marines and 1 Medic drops are standard when doing a bio drop. If you make more than one medic it is more wasteful than just making one medic.
ºKnowing marine range helps a lot against dragoons if you have bunkers. Marine stim should still be made first so you are able to chase down those dragoons.
ºGetting marine range upgrade so you can shoot a bunker full of marines without the upgrade with your own bunker.
ºOnce in a very long time you may be able to make an add-on to scatter an enemy unit or units. This may make a difference if you are engaging or trying to retreat from a unit.
ºHallucinating a Terran enemy's siege tanks so his own mines kill him.
ºYou can make a supply depot to do a cheeze types of maps like Heartbreak Bridge. After your proxy barracks rine rush doesn't work against a fast expansion you can retreat and then build a supply depot on HBR.
ºVultures offensive use of spider mines. Lay mines behind and around dragoons so they can not escape them. Snipe appealing units like ones that don't have range during times of non-combat.
º+1 attack for siege tanks allows them to kill enemy non-upgraded siege tanks in one less hit.
ºVessels can irritate themselves and go over drones to kill them. They can d-matrix themselves also. Referred to as an Eraser Trick.
ºTerran bio is vulnerable to protoss tech mid game because of the amount of area of effect units he has. Therefore, it is standard not to go marines & medics against protoss.
ºYou can d-matrix a ghost so it is more likely to be able to nuke, especially since vessel already comes d-matrix.
ºYou can use ally an opponent an then unally him when he goes over your mines. Called "allied mines". Used so your opponent will send more units over the mines than if he were to have spotted them.
ºYou can kill many more zerglings with micro when you have 1 firebat and 1 medic. The firebat heals while he retreats after each attack.
ºYou can make a 6 min nuke if you know what you are doing. Mainly for hilarious fun.
ºYou can make a parallel line of barracks to extend the bottleneck on the map Hunters so when facing a Protoss player his dragoons can't come in with high amounts of numbers.
ºYou can float barrack(s) into an enemies base and build units to surprise him. Mainly used for fun.
ºMarines can beat more marines if you position them in a line with hold position perpendicular to where the enemy marines are coming. The enemy marines will be moving instead of firing while you are firing.
º3 zerglings are enough to kill 1 zealot, however 6 zerglings are not enough to kill 2 zealots because not all zerglings attack at once. This effect is even worse with larger amounts of units being done such as 10 zealots vs 30 zerglings. The effect is worse when large amounts of units are being used in the fighting than just small amounts being used.
ºA goliath can beat a battle cruiser if it has range upgrade upgraded and enough room to micro away and re-attack repeatedly a Battle Cruiser. This applies to much larger numbers of units as well.
ºVultures can 1 shot kill hydralisks with mines. 1 mine can kill a huge amount of hydralisks if they are clumped.
ºKnowing wraiths do terrible damage to ground units and that ground units are a hard counter against wraiths.
ºFirebats, with can take one more hit than marines from a sunken, are a good choice to make when attempting to sunken break.
ºA DT can get a lot more kills when fighting terran if it kills a couple marines and runs away before Terran scans. This is all dependent of what your are able to determine of the Terrans skill level. The ºDT will be a little bit more out of the way than if you waited till after he scanned. Terran may be hotkey'd to scan if he saw your templar archives so at a high level you are more likely to benefit from this.
ºKnowing that bunkers at your bottleneck will allow you to use less scans against lurkers. Since you don't lose units in the process and dont have to micro while you attack.
ºWhen you perform the eraser trick with two science vessels you can also matrix them as well.
ºIf you are fighting a zerg as terran and have a dropship, don't drop till he harasses your main with the mutalisks if he went mutalisks. You can do much more damage like this especially on maps with large distances between yourself and your enemy.
ºA very rare cimcumstance when a bunker could be actually helpful against a Protoss player is when that protoss player is storming you often. A bunker at the mineral line would have marines in it that would otherwise die without it.
ºWhen dropping 7 marines & 1 medic against a zerg kill drones first and then spire, den, defiler mound, or pool depending on what type and time of game it is. Killing a spire at a high level of competition can make it difficult for the zerg since he won't be able to make scourges for use against vessels with mass irritate.


Oct 28 2009, 5:41 pm Marooned Post #2

ºPopping a reaver or similar unit into and out of a shuttle to diffuse mines.
ºYou can place a Zerg overlord above a Protoss enemy's ramp to prevent their zealots to get the correct positioning.
ºUsing a dark templar to pull mines and harm the enemy.
ºUsing zealots in conjunction with dragoons to absorb damage in all matchups.
ºLanding a terran building to draw fire from a reaver or other unit.
ºUsing arbiters to stasis terran metal (tanks) and then attacking them.
ºReaver pushes without getting shuttles works occasionally on small maps like Blood bath.
ºPylon walls can be used to keep vultures and spider mines out of your base. Most of the time this consists of making 2 or 3 pylons.
ºUsing Swarms on Protoss to null the splash damage an enemy archon can deal. Also, it will lower the attack to four.
ºStorm drop raids against enemy workers.
ºA mass of zealots running past a sunken wall into zerg's main to kill base and/or hatch.
ºYou can use spider mines to block the units that would come from a recall. Usually resulting in mass ownage.
ºGood players know archons are not for sunken breaking, but for support against zerglings and mutalisks. Archons are used to fight off mass zerglings and mutalisks.
º3 zealots microed against a noob, compared with the normal four rushing in, can be used to kill a sunken colony if the player does not micro. You would pull back the zealot when its health runs low.
ºDTs and HTs are used to raid enemies via transports much more than archons or dark archons because they can do more damage.
ºYou can pull carriers so you can rebuild the interceptors while the interceptors take the damage. If you lose the carriers you lose this option.
ºKnowing that if your opponent has a lot of firebats you should make a defensive building like cannons above your ramp to counter them. The ranged cannons are even more effective on top of a ramp than if there were no ramp at all.
ºEMP can be used before you nuke to maximize, and potentially, kill protoss buildings since it makes so much of a difference.
ºDTs can be used to secure an expo safely or to keep an ally alive while he is rebuilding.
ºDragoons can beat a numerically superior group such as a few marines, a few vultures, a couple tanks, and a few SCVs if the dragoons shoot at the weakest units the marines, or the units that are hitting the dragoons first.
ºOne dragoon can hypothetically kill a huge amount of marines since it has superior health, range, and damage dealt.
ºZealots can beat more zealots if the weak zealots are micro'd away from the fight and placed back in immediatedly while your enemy is attacking the stronger zealots.
ºKnowing scouts are horribly expensive.
ºA DT wall can be made to block units from passing with your makeshift "invisible wall". This can be used on small bottlenecks also like on ramps.
ºKnowing psi is much more better than hallucination because it costs half the energy and has more potential to do more damage.
ºKnowing that dark archons cost way too much, moreso than ultralisks, and that there are very few instances when you need them. Only circumstantial instances, such as stacked mutalisks and when a zerg goes ultralisks, which don't happen every game obviously. This is why it is not standard to make them.
ºYou can make a pylon "proxy" to narrow your bottleneck. This can be especially helpful against zerglings when you are fighting them with your zealots with this makeshift wall.
ºCarriers should harass the whole game and from the time they begin to come into play. They are not cost effective to have unless this is done.
ºKnowing shuttles, with their speed upgrade, are the fastest units in the game.
ºKnowing Protoss shield upgrade gives protoss cannons more strength.
ºShuttles can attack multiple places at once which is opposite to what arbiters are capable of.
ºKnowing shuttles don't cost gas compared to dropships.
ºKnowing shuttle speed allows you to escape scourges that are chasing you.
ºKnowing many shuttles have a lot more mobility than recall. Arbiter recall or shuttles are never better than each other at any point in a game.
ºKnowing archons are nearly twice as effective against Zergs when +1 shield is upgraded, since the damage zerglings deal is reduced to about half, and that having twice the life span increases the amount of damage you can do with splash damage against zergling masses. It makes a big difference.

ºBuilding something like an engineering bay, pylon, or supply depot to block an enemy's expansion.
ºUsing spells as detectors.
ºUsing an enemy's mine to hurt them. Do this by dragging it.
ºStarting a building and then canceling it to trick an enemy.
ºYou can make hidden tech to surprise, or if Zerg you can make a hatchery with a building like spire in a corner of the map. Hidden tech is harder for Zerg to accomplish.
ºVulture rushing past sunkens or vulture run-bys or any type of run by. A good skill for Zerg players to know is how many zerglings they need to have to fight and win against cannons. Also, a good skill to know is how many zerglings you would need to be able to run past static defense like cannons and still be able to do damage.
ºBurrowing drones to avoid attacks from enemy drops.
ºHave a reaver shoot a scarab at a zealot while dropping both of them in a drop. The strong zealot turns into a suicide bomber. This works well when the shuttle or reaver are at low health levels. Or even after the shuttle is lost!
ºYou can make a prison pylon or similar building to trap enemy units between their production building, terrain barrier and pylon. Works best at corners or where terrain barriers are. If the Terran player is intelligent he will lift the building :).
ºYou can make a manner pylon or similar building to trap enemy workers between their mineral line and a pylon.
ºYou can do fake drops to confuse an opponent. Perhaps this could make him stay more turtled up or remove his units from an area you can exploit. You may make him lose money by retreating his workers.
ºYou can place supply depots or similar buildings to where they make you mine minerals and gas more efficiently. However, you will want to test to make sure it doesn't make anything worse. Also, they can protect against reavers better.
ºOften times a high level Terran player will position a supply depot below his command center so the worker comes out in a better position.
ºVeterans rally point there workers to go near the mineral line to save time where the workers would be idle when they come out of the building.
ºUsing workers to help partially block and reduce a recall.
ºUsing an air transport to pick up and protect workers from an enemy's dropped units.
ºUsing a unit, such as one wraith, as a deterrant to enemy drops. This only works when playing at low skill levels but does infact work against noobs.
ºBuilding or landing a building to block a Terran's add-on, such as a machine shop. It will slow it down a bit which may make a difference especially if he has to lift and make it elsewhere.
ºSniping a unit. Example: Vulture sniping HT, Wraith flying above dragoons to snipe a reaver-full shuttle.
ºUsing a unit like a dragoon to hit a unit like a marine without getting hit themself. Dragoon has more range so it retreats after each shot.
ºUsing a unit like a dragoon to hit a unit like a zealot without getting hit themself. Dragoon retreats and fires while zealot has no range and can't deal hits unless they surround the dragoon.
ºYou can dodge an enemy's spell, such as storm, if you can anticipate where he will likely cast it.
ºIf you are retreating, and you expect your decent adversary to try to cut off those units, you can dodge your adversary by using reverse psychology and going the opposite than expected direction.
ºDTs, Vultures, and Zerglings are exceptional units to be used for map control.
ºProbes can attack move and recharge to kill health point superior scvs. Especially common when scouting with one in the early game.
ºWeak units like hydralisks having to spread against splash damage from units like tanks. If the hydralisks stay clumped they are decimated.
ºKnowing hotkeys for micro and unit production are extremely important.
ºKnowing there are all types of units that deal splash damage that can be used against cloaked enemy units. Example: corsairs attacking each other to kill cloaked wraiths or even an archon and zealot against a lurker.
ºYou should know around exactly how many units are needed to kill defensive building(s) or run past defensive building(s). Such as 6 zerglings vs. 1 cannon to kill it. If you have 5 they won't kill the cannon.
ºKnowing that only players with the soundest macro mechanics benefit from maps with baby'd expansions. Baby'd expansions in general contribute to negative gaming since you are more inclined to turtle.
ºKnowing you supposedly have a %70 percent chance of hitting units above you on higher terrain. However, almost always this is in fact around %50.
ºYou can drop units with a transport on a clump of sieged siege tanks to make them shoot and deal damage to each other. If you use zealots this is called "zealot bombs".
ºYou can make 4 gateways surround one pylon if you place them correctly in a circle. Looks neat but is mainly for fun.
ºYou should place defensive buildings where you maximize the defense you get from them. Examples: At bottlenecks or near mineral lines. Example: If you place your cannon in the wrong space than enemy vultures may decimate your workers.
ºYou can make a pylon or similar building to jump over a wall, or lay a mine to jump over a wall.
ºIf an ally crosses a bunker's line of fire to kill lone marines and begins to be hit, you can take a few shots at the bunker while it is firing at your ally. One of those small things you learn from playing a lot.
ºIf you are going to lose a few units anyways, like a few rines, kill some of your enemy's workers instead of fighting and losing those units against a sizable foe you are not likely to do much damage, if any, against.
ºUnits with range, such as hydralisks or marines, if micro'd properly, can kill units like ultralisks or archons a lot easier than other units that don't have range.
ºThere are a small amount of hard counters in SC. Vultures are hard counters to marines, meaning marines have little chance of winning against vultures. (Vultures can snipe marines and then move away with their superior range, speed and mines.)
ºUnits like zealots or hydralisks can be used to take damage from siege tanks while an HT or Defiler uses plague or psi storm to deal a high amount of damage to the tanks.
ºIn 4v4 & Team Play, The winning team is usually the one who controls the center early, and goes 2v1 against one player, while the third blocks any counter. The fourth player usually is teching and is perhaps a Terran.
ºIn 4v4 & Team Play, If you need to decide on whether to help a teammate or counter a vulnerable enemy, decide this by determining if you can save you ally in time. If your ally being attacked is likely to have significant damage by the time your troops arrive, then counter.
ºIn 4v4 & Team Play, For every defensive building you make you lose initiative on offense. For every unit you make, it's a plus to your initiative and a plus to your central control.
ºYou can use buildings like pylons or supply depots to wall and keep out enemy vultures. This will stop them from doing worse damage to your workers and laying mines inside your base where they can kill units coming out of production buildings. If you can arrange your base as to making the pylons when you need them, you will not waste money making this wall. However, big units won't be able to pass.
ºKnowing that it is twice as difficult to expand in 2v2 games than in 1v1 games. Even more difficult to do so in 3v3 and 4v4. You have the possibility of having to deal with twice, three, or even four times the amount of units.
ºKnowing you do make defensive buildings in the late game despite the fact upgrades don't make them stronger.
ºGood players scout continously the entire game. You can set workers on patrol if you group them with fighting units, make them both patrol, and then make the fighting unit change to go back to where you want it to be.
ºUsing a transport to pick up a unit before an enemy projectile hits it and redoing this many times to defeat numerically superior enemy numbers. A famous example of this is when the progamer Boxer used a dropship and two siege tanks to beat three dragoons with this method.
ºIn team games it may be worth it to forego defensive buildings and sacrifice an ally in a 4v4 if it means you can still have a lot of production buildings producing units that give you more of an initiative in the long run than defensive buildings.
ºYou can steal an enemy's geyser to try to get earlier tech than him. Even though Zergs can do this the cheapest with 50 minerals less, it is very foolhardy to do so. It is slightly less foolhardy to be Terran and do this since. In both scenarios you lose mining time that you would gain from being Protoss. The Terran SCV is vulnerable to die when building. Protoss players can warp-in the building and get the most mining time in after doing this so that is the best race to perform this with.
ºKnowing that making too much tech is a waste of money. An example of this is upgrading siege tanks and stim pack early in the game. Wasting too much money on upgrades for a marine and tank army is more wasteful than just massing one type of unit with an upgrade. Another example of waste is having a den and spire at the earliest stage of a game. There are periods of time when you should make the transition to den after making mutalisks from having a spire, however having both very early wastes the money from having the extra building and any upgrades you make in addition to it.
ºUnits with a high amount of health points are much better to counter a Protoss enemy's reaver harass. If you retreat a unit like a tank that is being fired upon there are often times when the scarab will only do half damage from only being able to hit you with splash damage. If you had a unit with a low amount of hit points it would die. Often times the reaver scarab doesn't hit, so that is why you should run away after being fired upon.
ºIf you place certain units on patrol while telling them to move somehwere, they will retreat after being attacked by a unit they can't fight. Valkyries, dropships, queens, overlords, scourges, devourers, guardians, shuttles, corsairs, and similar units will do this. If you simply tell them to move somewhere they will continue to take the hits till they reach the point and then retreat.


Oct 28 2009, 6:31 pm Marooned Post #3

Lobby Knowledge

Detector units are always air units in SC because they are more mobile than ground detectors. Ground detectors are a lot easier to kill than air detectors. If a race has ground detector units it could negatively effect the game. Think of a ground unit detector getting hit by a siege tank splash hit, collosous splash hit, vulture spider mine, or a lurker splash hit. Also, if they weren't invisible, they would be even easier to kill. Since an air unit detector is much superior to a ground unit detector, there is no reason for Blizzard to have the ground unit detector unless it is a building. There are not trample units in SC because they are very overpowered and can quickly do a lot of damage against units it runs over. An example of this is the tank in Dune 2.
You benefit a lot more from spamming certain units that other units. The dragoon from SC1 and Sorceress from WC3 are examples. This cause less unit variation.
Zerg allies tend to die much more often than non-Zergs in team games. Zerg has a lot of team complement units. Enemies will have to be aware of zerglings that can runby them, the havoc lurkers can cause on a Terran's bio, the realistic possibility of having to change from bio to mech to defense against lurkers, the possibility of having to make bunkers to defense against lurkers, the possibility of having to get marine range to counter lurkers, having to get photon cannons to counter lurkers, having to get turrets or cannons to counter mutalisks, and the possibility that the zerg did not tech at all and you wasted money on the stuff mentioned before. Zergs can be eliminated much more easily than other players. A Terran player can float away, and a Terran or Protoss player can make buildings anywhere on a map to stay alive. However, a Zerg player has to build on creep. This often means has to build on a 50 mineral geyser nearby. For the above reasons, and the fact that most people prefer to kill Zergs before other races, means that Zergs are often eliminated quickest in team games. Zergs have a wide arsenal that other players have to beware of. Zerg are the weakest at defense in the early game. This contributes to why they are often killed the earliest in team games when compared to other races. Terrans can use scvs on ramps infront of marines to fend off waves of enemy zerglings. Also, Terrans can wall to fend off waves of zealots. Protoss zealots can stay on the bottleneck of a ramp to fend off waves of zerglings. It allows them to survive longer by engaging the mass of zerglings at smaller quanities. Zerglings are weaker than zealots. Bunkers work well against enemies who go fast lurkers. At later stages of the game, when you are more likely to have siege tanks, siege tanks may be more useful than bunkers in countering lurkers or lurker drops. Bunkers allow your marines to stay alive longer by limiting the amount of skirmishes you fight in, which in turn causes you to use less scanner sweeps. Terran players can repair their bunkers, which contributes to why they are the strongest defensively. After you have built an engineering bay, turrets are the cheapest detector building at 75 minerals. Psi cannons, unlike sunken colonies or bunkers, act as a detector.
The races in Starcraft have different tech tree paths that can be seen by experienced players. On the way to getting their unique mobile air detector, the science vessel, terrans have to build a starport as a tech requirement. Unlike Protoss, who can't make a stargate before making an observer, Terran players can opt to get a wraith to discourage enemy drops before they get a detector. Protoss players can do a strategy called "The Stove". The first step is to build a scout to hopefully make your enemy overreact. The second step is to expand and use your DT's to do so. The third step is to get an early arbiter and hope all of your hard counters help you fight. This is a very fun strategy that does not work often.
Units that have the potential to be game enders or game winners are normally more expensive than other units.
Zerg and Protoss are the best races from early to mid game. Terran is the worst race in the early to mid game, and is the best race from mid to late game. Terran has difficulty helping allies in the early game because marines are slow, weak, and usually behind walls.
I am going to discuss team complements and how using zerg imbalance in team games can be a strategy. I am going to call units that significantly effect team games "Team Complements". Team Complements effect 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 games. The more players, the more Team Complements effect the game. The Zerg race has the most examples of Team Complements. Team Complements are units that a race possess which requires each of your enemies to be prepared to counter them incase they have to fight the Team Complement. Zerglings can keep a Terran or Protoss player locked up in their base by theirsuperior map control gained from having zerglings. Lurkers can cause an enemy Terran player to tech mech. In order for Terrans to fight lurkers well, when the Terran player does not have many tanks, hewill likely need a bunker or two. In addition to this, the Terran player might need to get the marine range upgrade researched so he can have the same range as lurkers. Also, a Protoss player that is fighting lurkers might require a photon cannon or two. Lurkers can be healed by medics. Mutalisks will cause each player of the enemy team to get anti air so it can counter the one player's air units. Another, worse example, of a team complement is the medic. Medics can heal Zerg hydralisks, lurkers, zealots, and many more units.

This section talks about island strategies. In Starcraft, island maps have not made it to the professional scene and ladders because Starcraft is too imbalanced to play these in fair games.

ºZ is the worst on Island Maps
Zerg players get screwed on island maps because their unit/tech combos are too expensive. A lair costs 150/150, drop upgrade costs 200/200, speed upgrade costs 150/100, then you need fully upgraded hydralisks which is 100/100 and 150/150. Additionally, Zerg cannot expand on island maps as fast as other races because they have to research the necessary upgrades. Zerg has a macro disadvantage because of this. Finally, Zerg cannot tech to more than one thing because they don't have enough gas too. Also, Zerg players can very easily lose their overlords on island maps by corsairs and wraiths. After a certain period of time their map control is limited until overlord speed. Most of the Zerg units are highly gas expensive. Mutalisks are the most effective when used in conjunction with zerglings. However, since the game is on an island you cannot use zerglings obviously. Corsairs steam roll mutalisks on islands. Vulture spider mines and high templar psi storms can prevent or annihilate Zerg doom drops. Even though Zergs have the most mobile air units, have scourges, free transports, and abundant transports, Zerg still do the worst on island maps. Even though Zergs can transport larger armies more easily, they do not have a significant advantage on island maps. If a Zerg decides to get mutalisks, it forces him to go out of his way. Having drop and speed researched on his overlord is already needed for expansions. Here are some examples of gas intensive Zerg units: 100/50 for a Hydralisk Den, 200/150 for Spire, 150/100 for queen, 25/75 for scourges, 100/100 for mutas, 50/150 for defilers, etc.

ºT>P on Island Maps
Terrans can make turrents on their small islands which can make Protoss drops really difficult to accomplish. Terrans have faster and more effective drops. Terrans can fly buildings for map control. Terran can fast expand after 14 scvs while Protoss has to wait for a shuttle. This gives Terrans a huge advantage in the early game which Protoss players may not be able to catch up to. Terran build orders are normally barracks, factory+/-addon, starport+/- addon, +/- armory. However, Protoss will have to go out of a linear tech tree to get counters. Protoss have to make the two buildings for reavers, a templars archive for hts or dts, and observers for mines or wraiths. Terrans benefit from having less room, while Protoss needs open room for attacks and drops. Turrents, wraiths, and goliaths make it extremely easy for them to defend against drops especially with goliath range. Also, Protoss players will need their 200/200 speed upgrade for shuttles a lot of times. Dropships are faster than shuttles which is a big advantage. Dropships can fit better units than shuttles. An example is 4 goliaths vs. 2 dragoons. Another example is 4 goliaths > 4 zealots. Another example is 4 vultures > 4 zealots. Siege tanks can make Protoss player’s life even more miserable when they have to counter them. Goliaths have better range than dragoons have against air. Their rate of fire and attack makes them better. Protoss players have to waste alot of much needed gas in the early game stages of an island map. Terran players can prevent drops by using their turrents which are half the cost of cannons. Any good drop spots could quickly be exploited by a Terran player by a Protoss player's base. The first ten minutes are a killer for a Protoss player. If there are good positions for it, a Terran player can nuke without risking much in the late game. Protoss players map control from observers is limited by turrents and Terran players scanning to kill the spotted cloaked units. In comparison, Terran players can use scans and buildings to scout much easier. A Terran player can make one wraith as fast as they can to stop any Protoss shuttle drops with attack and move micro. Creating a stargate would cause the Protoss player to go out of his way. Also, battle cruisers ability to yamato and science vessels ability to EMP Shockwave can argubably cause Terran air to be better than Protoss air.

ºP>T on Semi-Island Maps and Big Islands
Protoss players benefit the most from large spaces on the islands. Protoss players normally have to play for the late game on island maps because it takes them longer to tech. If Protoss can tech arbiters they will "own" with recalls and stasis. Also, stasis will have a large effect on the late game. Late game mind control can prevent drops from occurring. Protoss players can send their scouts before their shuttles before dropping. This is so the scouts act as meat shields and tank the damage. Testie had a 104-0 winning streak on Neo Forbidden Zone in WCG. Protoss players can send their observers around the map for better map control. Protoss gateways cost significantly less than factories when you combine the costs of minerals and gas. This contributes to a Protoss advantage in PvT on semi-islands.

ºT< P on Semi-Island Maps
On semi-island maps, like Neo Forbidden Zone, Terran has difficulty holding a second expansion. In most Semi-Island Maps, where the only islands are mains, third expansions are generally far away from the first expansion. Terran has trouble defending three bases from carriers, especially when they are far away from each other. Also, Terran is at a disadvantage because he has to defend so many locations from drops. Terrans do not have a mobile anti air unit. Terran players have to put goliaths in dropships for mobility. On maps where the fighting is done on the ground, Terrans are forced to get tanks and goliaths incase Protoss gets carriers or drops, instead of tanks and vultures. Tanks and Vultures are a far better combo than Tanks and Goliaths when battling ground troops.

ºRandom > Protoss on Island Maps
Protoss has no map control until they can tech to their map control observers. Most of the time, they have to tech to a corsair first thing.

Why does same race vs different races makes the same race team inferior? An example is a TZ team vs a PP team. "Early on PP will seek to rush with Zealots, but once vultures enter the fray these effectively become obsolete. To counter the vultures PP needs Dragoons, but Zerglings are a pretty good counter to goons, so PP still can’t move out. Later on TZ will have Ling/Muta and Tank/Vult, and the Protoss counters to this are wildly different. Corsairs and Archons are great againt Mutas but royally suck against Terran mech armies, leaving PP stuck either trying to each counter their separate thing or trying to overwhelm TZ with sheer mass. The point here is that unit combos will keep the TZ team in control throughout the entire game and enable them to get easy map control and double whoever they wish of the Protosses. In all matchups these unit combos and counters should be carefully considered before a path is chosen. "

The below talks about Same Race vs. Same Race Teamplay.

º4p v 4z on Hunters

4 Protoss players are better than 4 Zerg players on Hunters because the high amount of mineral patches allows Protoss to get a lot of Zealots quickly. Zergs are at risk when they attempt to get a lot of drones, expand, tech, or not have a lot of Zerglings. If one of your Zerg team makes too many sunkens to stop enemy zealots, then an ally is likely to die. The high amount of zealots Zergs have to deal with make it very difficult for the Zerg to expand. The large amount of zealots Protoss will have as a team means Protoss can usually take the middle. Perhaps Protoss will even make Photon Cannons in the middle, and Zergs will be forced to tech. If the Zergs succeed in killing an enemy Protoss player by a zergling team rush, then the Zergs have to deal with that players probes. Surprisingly, the 3 Protoss players are still an adequate foe against 4 Zergs. If Zerg's make an early pool build, some Protoss players may be forced to make cannons or they will die. Protoss high tech late game makes Zerg extremely weak. Standard tech is templars and corsairs and possibly reavers. Assuming no one is microing, we know 3 Zerglings > 1 Zealot. However, 12 Zealots > 36 Zerlings, because not all Zerglings can attack simultaneously.

º4p v 4t on Hunters
If the four Terran players go mech they will get run over. One or two may be able to pull off mech. Starting bio is the safest. You can make the transition into siege tanks to combat high templars later in the game. If you don't want to go siege tanks, you can also go EMP through science vessels to combat psi storm. Vultures aren't effective against good protoss players in 4p v 4t because the four enemies' mass dragoons can steam roll the mines. Perhaps vultures' mines could divide the protoss players from helping each other until they make observers. Bunkers and rage are a good choice to combat dragoons and dragoons with upgraded range. Dropships with marines or vultues and shuttles can perform good harassment. Constant drops can kill the protoss players economy. For the early game, you should get a bunker as soon as possible. The protoss players can go +1 speedlot so it could be a hard fight against experienced protoss players. Terran players should try to eliminate a couple Zergs before late game when defilers' swarm can come into use and cause Zerg to become strong. At least a two rax build for each Terran player is recommend lest they be team rushed. If there are mass zealots you can tech to firebats. The siege tanks can completely null the possibility of expanding for four of the eight positions on Hunters. If you allow the protoss player to get off storms you force will be wiped out extremly quickly. Reavers often excel very well vs Terran marines. Anything greater than two gateways is dangerous and probably foolish. Protoss players can go after one Terran player or cannon at least one into their base with proxy cannon(s). If protoss doesn't win early game they should die easily in the late game against Terran.

º4t vs 4z
The Terran players will have to all get turrets because of Zerg's team complement units the mutalisk. There is a possibility that 1, 2 ,3 or all Zergs would go mutalisk. (Even though it would be dumb if they did not have diversity.) Enemy zerg players will likely have some that muta harass and others that hold the middle with lurkers. If zergs are unintelligent by makins a lot of zerglings, you can tech to firebats. Marines and medic rushes, especially team M&M rushes, before lair tech kicks in is "absolutely imbalanced". Zerg staying very heavy on zerglings, with perhaps one Zerg dedicated to nothing but speed zerglings, is a good choice in 4v4. Perhaps he could force some Terran(s) to bunker up. This will allow the Zerg's to tech easier than without having the one player dedicated to making nothing but speed zerglings in the early to mid stage of game.

Each of these same race match-ups recommend at least one player does a higher than average tech build.

Things come down to positions in the long run. Terrans can tank half of the starting locations. Zergs can rush half the starting locations quicker and easier than the rest of the map. Protoss players are quite strong in those same 11, 12, 5, and 6 starting locations as well. Terran players can tank or contest nearly all expos. If the T's get 11 & 12 and 6 & 7, four v four just got a lot harder.


Oct 28 2009, 6:47 pm Marooned Post #4

The below section talks about the viabillity of island expansions and transport harassing.
The cost of getting Zerg tech (Overlord Upgrades and Lair) for dropping a non-Zerg enemy is the equivalent of a couple lurkers and an expansion hatchery. The top players can easily foresee, prevent, and cause the other player to waste that money in a close game. The buildings and research necessary to drop harass are costly. However, expanding in team games is much harder to accomplish so drops are more viable to use. Taking islands in team games in combination with dropship harass can make it economical and senseful to do so. Island expansions are not often scouted for in low levels of gameplay which can make them beneficial to have. At high levels island expos aren't taken first because they are more difficult to defend compared to regular expos. You would have to transport workers, load, and reload them which takes a lot of time.
Dropships are very effective game changers moreso than overlords since they require expensive upgrades and shuttles since the units that can fit into a dropship are so much better than what can fit into a shuttle. Terran drops are extremely effective and should be used often. Zerg's abundance of a mass of overlords allows them to perform the biggest drops, doom drops, in the game of the three races. These are called "doom drops".

The below talks about the earliest upgrades.
Generally +1 attack is so often better than +1 armor because all things else equal +1 armor will only allow one more hit before death. However, +1 attack, with things like stim pack, will allow more than the one hit of attack before the one extra hit before death. However, it is better to get +1 armor for marines when fighting against dragoons because the dragoons have such a high amount of hit points. +1 Armor allows them to survive one extra hit against dragoons.
As far as Terran upgrades are concerned, attack upgrades are almost always better than armor upgrades. This is because you can kill enemy units faster reducing the damage that you take from them. An example is a group of +1 Marines vs +0 Zerglings. The marines are able to get some of the zerglings out of the way faster than normal by reducing the damage taken by them. +1 Marines kill zerglings with one less shot. +1 attack is stronger in marines vs. zealots than +1 armor. It takes marines a long amount of time to kill zealots. The zealots may regenerate a substantial amount of their shields in this time period. +1 armor will only allow you to do one extra hit with your marine for six damage. However, +1 attack will add up with the more hits your marines have done. Another example of an upgrade relationship is getting a +1 attack upgrade at an armory. Your siege tanks would then be able to kill enemy siege tanks in two hits instead of three hits in a TvT matchup. The majority of Terran units are ranged, so attack upgrades are more important to get. One of the reasons you should not get +1 armor against Zerg is the fact that Zergs almost always get +1 attack upgrade. Therefore, your armor upgrade for your marines would be become null. When fighting lurkers you should get +1 attack first. You don't get +1 armor because the marines won't be healed 100% by the time you move out.
As far as Zerg upgrades are concerned, in Zerg versus Terran, whether or not you have the +1 missile attack is unimportant, even if the Terran has +1 armor. Lurkers already kill marines in 2 hits, and Terran players rarely get +1 Armor upgrade to survive an additional hit. Zerglings should get +1 armor earlier than +1 attack when fighting marines. The +1 armor will allow them to take an extra hit to get close to the marines so they can do damage. Also, zergs benefit from +1 armor if there drones are being harassed by dark templars. The drones could then take two hits instead of one from the dark templar. This also means that the minimap would ping since it is hit twice.
As a Terran in TvZ, you can choose between getting +1 Armour or +1 Attack Upgrades first. +1 Armour will allow you to survive an additional hit by a sunken colony. Also, it will help you to survive three hits instead of two hits from a lurker. +1 Attack is better at defending against mutalisks. +1 upgrade for marines allows you to kill zerglings with one less shot. If you are confident on your own strong micro, then +1 Attack is most of the time the better option. Another example of an upgrade relationship is getting a +1 attack upgrade at an armory. Your siege tanks would then be able to kill enemy siege tanks in two hits instead of three hits in a TvT matchup. If you are Protoss and get air attack upgrades, the effect of the upgrade is multiplied +1 multiplied by each interceptor you have built. This makes the air attack upgrade far superior than the air armor upgrades.
Protoss players have the weakest observers in the game. Observers can die from one scourge and three shots from a turret. This is problematic at low skill levels of play.

Fighting reavers
When fighting reavers, faster units take less damage. There is a delay between the time the scarab explodes and does damage. Faster units take less damage because they are further away from the area of effect from splash damage. Vultures are very good at fighting reavers because they can survive reaver shots.


Oct 28 2009, 6:59 pm ClansAreForGays Post #5

Stimming your marines and then placing them in your bunker makes them fire with a much better rate of fire and higher damage.

Oct 28 2009, 9:36 pm Neki Post #6

Higher rate = more damage? Also, this is kind of spammy, you couldn't have showed us an article or attached some word document or not used 2+ posts? Some of this stuff really isn't "secret" though.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 28 2009, 9:52 pm by Ultimo.


Oct 28 2009, 9:58 pm MadZombie Post #7

Reading just the zerg section leads me to believe that a UMS player would know half or more of these "secrets"
ºOnce in a very long time you may be able to make an add-on to scatter an enemy unit or units. This may make a difference if you are engaging or trying to retreat from a unit.
wat. I don't understand this.
ºVessels can irritate* themselves and go over drones to kill them. They can d-matrix themselves also. Referred to as an Eraser Trick.
Some of these aren't 100%, at least they you put them can sometimes be slightly misleading. For some you make it sound like it can't be done with other units or their is only way to achieve certain effects/tricks.

* :sly:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 28 2009, 10:06 pm by MadZombie.


Oct 29 2009, 1:36 am DevliN Post #8


Oh how my pseudo-OCD wants to reorganize and clean this up. I agree, it should not have taken 4 posts, especially when some of these are misleading or just wrong.

For example...
ºUsing burrowed zerglings for map control. Sometimes called "Infolings".
How is this some sort of secret, and why is it just Zerglings? Any burrowed unit can do this.

ºScourge cloning (Maximizing damage by sending one scourge against one target and your other scourge against another. You can do more damage in 2 scourges against 2 mutas if you do this since you can do more damage than the damage you lose from finishing off an enemy unit if you were to send both of your scourges to kill it entirely.)
Isn't this common sense? Scourges commit suicide with splash damage, so one dying will kill others around it (like Infested Terrans).

ºHaving overlords in strategical spots.
Again, common sense.

It's like this is a beginners guide to StarCraft, but poorly worded and completely disheveled. Oh and the repeated misspelling of the Science Vessel's ability "Irradiate," irritates me. Haha, that was funny.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 29 2009, 4:38 pm Heinermann Post #9

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

What a joke.
These are secrets?


That's what I see in all this garbage.
They're not secrets. Someone rename this topic to "Common Sense and Strategy". Also please merge the quadruple?(I lost count) posts and make it not look like a wall of useless(oh wait...) text.

Let me give you some examples of the proper definitions.

SECRET: Baking instructions on making a pie in one of the Single Player campaigns. Clicking a critter many times in SIngle Player causes it to explode. Cheat Codes.
STRATEGY: Place your Overlords all around the map to spy on your opponent. Build a pylon in your opponent's mineral line to slow down his economy.
TRICK: Construct an addon to push units off of the construction site. Include a slow or unmovable unit in an air assault group to stack them as they move.
GLITCH: Kill a Lurker right after it attacks and the damage dealt will be modified anywhere from 2x to 6x (uncertain, but its attack damage is modified). Hold the position of a medic underneath a landing building and it will not be pushed off like other units.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 29 2009, 4:49 pm by Heinermann.

Oct 29 2009, 4:40 pm DevliN Post #10


I already reported it to be organized and I don't think anyone wants to do it. I also realized there aren't any Mods in General StarCraft, so perhaps that's why.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 29 2009, 5:03 pm Devourer Post #11


Quote from name:Ultimo
... Some of this stuff really isn't "secret" though.

Seriously, most of them are known to almost everyone, also some of your "secrets" get known to everyone who played SCBW for, lets say, three days.

Some other facts:
-> Unsorted
-> on Staredit aren't many (well, is there even one?) beginner
-> I use a bunker at a cliff to prevent zealots from getting into my base and killing SCVs (beginning of game)

Also, I'm pretty sure you can place 5 gateways at one pylon.
I doubt that marines deal higher damage when they are stimmed and in a bunker, although I didn't tested yet

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Oct 29 2009, 5:11 pm Heinermann Post #12

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

They don't. They deal fixed damage. (Base + Bonus * Upgrades)
They have more range in a bunker (due to its size), and that's it.
They can be stimmed and enter the bunker while stimmed, but this is a given tactic on the official Blizzard website.

Oct 29 2009, 5:18 pm Neki Post #13

I think he means that a higher rate of fire leads to more shots fired, meaning more damage. But that is a given though.


Oct 30 2009, 12:24 am Falkoner Post #14

I think the only thing new I saw in here was that drones heal if you build an extractor and then cancel it, other than that this is all pretty simple.


Oct 30 2009, 1:03 am Vi3t-X Post #15

ºKnowing shuttles, with their speed upgrade, are the fastest units in the game.

And more. :D


Oct 30 2009, 2:35 am ClansAreForGays Post #16

Quote from Vi3t-X
ºKnowing shuttles, with their speed upgrade, are the fastest units in the game.

And more. :D
They also aren't faster than wraiths/mutalisks/scout(upgraded)

blitz players know this

Oct 30 2009, 2:46 am Jack Post #17

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

I wish I had enough time to write crud like this.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 30 2009, 3:05 am DevliN Post #18


I have a feeling most (if not all) of it is copy/pasted from somewhere else. Otherwise, I don't think he'd have the bad bullets before each point.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 30 2009, 3:07 am Phobos Post #19

Are you sure about that?

This guy reminds me of Ix.

this is signature

Oct 30 2009, 3:14 am Jack Post #20

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

He IS Ix, isn't he?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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[02:20 pm]
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[02:20 pm]
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[2024-6-05. : 7:04 pm]
Ultraviolet -- NudeRaider Am I the only sick fuck who heard shadow play and started thinking what weird sex stuff it might be? :P
[2024-6-05. : 7:01 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: lol my shadowplay seems to think starcraft is diablo 4 now; i wonder if this is coz i had diablo 4 open the toher day
terrible game
[2024-6-05. : 12:47 pm]
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