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Sep 16 2009, 11:26 am
By: Forsaken Archer
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Oct 10 2009, 5:58 pm Decency Post #361

Spectre is supposedly a far better carry than anything in the game right now, and they buffed his first skill from DotA because it works reliably now.

I'm sort of interested to see how this plays out.


Oct 10 2009, 7:54 pm Bar Refaeli Post #362

god i love sand wraith's ability to walk through cliffs and trees. it is so satisfying to have escaped someone using that ability and then tping away while you are still in the middle of a mass clump of trees.

valkyrie is insane fun to play cause of her stun. im starting to play a lot with her.

sand wraith doesnt seem that op at all i think, his ult is fun cept i play on low graphics so its hard to tell which one of the illusions is me when there is a big team fight with spells going everywhere


Oct 10 2009, 8:21 pm ShredderIV Post #363

Sand wraith is good in team fights if you build him with a lotta hp due to his aura, but otherwise is just a really powerful solo ganker, since he can illusion, tele to someone in a solo lane, do extra damage, adn then chase them down well... Otherwise, i don't really like him much.


Oct 10 2009, 8:31 pm Neki Post #364

He's probably one of the more powerful carries, as FaZ said. Dagger gives him pathwalking, one of his abilities gives him good damage when no other hero is around and dispersion basically reflects damage in a small radius. Combined with Mirage, which allows him to move around the map flawlessly, ganking and escaping, he's powerful. Mock + Nullfire just makes his images so much more potent.


Oct 10 2009, 9:19 pm Phobos Post #365

Are you sure about that?

I love Soulstealer. Though, I have some problems building him, I guess. Maybe someone can help me out here?
3 Talismans of Exile (I find this skills to be more useful early game, so I play him as a caster and it works great at farming and ganking)
Assassin's Shroud (ult)
Shrunken Head/Shieldbreaker (if I choose one first I build the other one later but none is left out)


this is signature

Oct 11 2009, 12:53 am Kow Post #366

It depends on if you're the carry, AA. If you are, chances are that SH'll be better, but if someone's already carrying, sheildbreaker will increase your dps and your teams dps. It's all situational really. If you find you're getting nuked down, get SH, if you need more dps, get SB.


Oct 11 2009, 1:20 am Decency Post #367


How to play SoulStealer. =p


Oct 11 2009, 4:01 am Bar Refaeli Post #368

played another game as wraith. i find him really difficult to farm in the begining. i got mock of brilliance late game then i started farmin like crazy and got wingbow not that late after. i had a scout on my team who was killing left and right. he ended level 23 when the rest of us were level 17


Oct 11 2009, 5:25 am ShredderIV Post #369

AA, i would go to wingbow after that just for his attack dps, which get him really far late game. Also, with the new behemoth's heart rework, that might be a good item on him for the +10% damage on everything thing.


Oct 11 2009, 5:47 am Decency Post #370

Most suggestions I've seen say Nullfire-->Manta Style after/before MoB. This gives you more ganking mid game which is what you want, and more carry endgame with 7 images... 8*40=240 magic damage per second with MoB/Manta? That's ridiculous.


Oct 11 2009, 6:11 am Neki Post #371

I really don't like the nerf they did to Panda. He's not really that fun to play anymore. His flick is good, but he just feels so underpowered early game. Especially with flurry, that is crap now. It's super slow, plus one charge per level. I wish it was the same speed before, now it's just too sucky.


Oct 11 2009, 6:52 am ShredderIV Post #372

i just discovered how amazing pharoah is with staff of the master, 20 sec cd... I just played a game, went 7-6-13 with him, which isnt really that good, but it was msotly the maximum stun ownage he has late game with staff of the master that let our team win.


Oct 11 2009, 2:42 pm ForTheSwarm Post #373

N`Hydrolisk sucks cocks. He keeps abandoning us.

Assuming they are all equally farmed, which is the best hard carry? Chronos, Dark Lady, or Sand Wraith?

Just had an epic game with a pro torturer. He initiated every teamfight, portal keying in and using all his spells. That usually got the enemy team down to 1/3 hp. Then the rest of us mopped up.


Oct 11 2009, 3:31 pm Phobos Post #374

Are you sure about that?

I would say Chronos. Leap slows shit and his ulti grants him free attacks. Iono.

this is signature

Oct 11 2009, 4:07 pm Bar Refaeli Post #375

what is manta?


Oct 11 2009, 6:30 pm Decency Post #376

Sorry, Manta Style = Geometer's Bane.

Allows you to make two images of yourself, along with some solid stat boosting. The guide I read was outdated though, it said get a Nullfire then turn it into a Geometer's Bane, which is what you did a few patches ago before the new DotA items were added. A Sash is still a very good item though for Agility heroes, it's probably worth getting for him.

I'd say if it gets to very late game and the carries are all equally farmed, Chronos probably has the advantage. But it's a lot harder to farm him, and he's a lot more useless midgame and a much worse ganker. His Ultimate is also a lot harder to use effectively, because it freezes your teammates too, if you cast it poorly. I've yet to see Chronos picked in a competitive game, and I'm not sure how significant the Dark Lady nerf is going to be... and Sand Wraith seems to be OP as hell if babysat well, so I'll definitely go with him for now.


Oct 11 2009, 9:20 pm Sand Wraith Post #377


We need main-Heroes list. If you play with other SEN players, you are not allowed to go beyond your mains unless you have at least 3 excellent screenies of new Hero, who can then be added to the player's mains list.

I want everybody to give me their mains/Heroes, from best to worst. I've also included some players and Heroes whom I have confidence in.

Jan. 4, 2010:
This is no longer necessary.


Main Heroes Listing

Post has been edited 29 time(s), last time on Jan 4 2010, 12:06 pm by New-.Hydrolisk.

Oct 11 2009, 9:59 pm Bar Refaeli Post #378

Reflection: Puppet Master, Andromeda

I'm ok with others though. I think its kinda stupid that you have to play with your mains, cause its also good to have hero synergy and ability combos. (but I promise I won't play for lulz with you boring guys (hydro and devilesk))

I'll get some screen shots of scores for those two, but I'm still trying out heroes to find my best, and with all these new versions coming out, my bests switch around.

On another note, played my first two complete games with other SENers. First game went well I was puppet, hydro has the stats by his main hero) and we pwned from the start.

and i won't even go into second game. another scapegoat the scout game :P


Oct 11 2009, 10:04 pm Neki Post #379

I just get mad when you guys pick hero for the "lulz" and then we lose. You guys can do that when we're not around. I don't think we really need a system that Hydro is implying, but just please be smart when we're playing. :P


Oct 11 2009, 10:05 pm Kow Post #380

Lol. I haven't played war beast in forever. He's a good arach counter.

This is my Sand Wraith build:

I start out with iron sheild (duck bootsx2 + 250sheild) and a single minor totem (all I can afford left)

Once out in the lane (usually legion bot), I farm a 350trinket of resto. If the enemy's heavy magic, I go ahead and buy another one now to build into shaman's headdress.

Boots next. Steamboots is my preference. You go as fast as EMarchers all the time and you get a boost to your agi that you can put on str if need be. I usually keep on str until I start ganking.

Come lvl 6, if I had the lane free of harassment, I usually have my boots and a trink of resto or two. If it''s a bad farm, trink and maybe regular marchers. Here, my ults up and I'm ready to gank. I keep farming until I notice 2v1 in a lane or a fleeing low hp hero. When the time's good, ult, let the illusion get a couple hits in and then tp to it and melee a bit more. Usually they dont realize that you've tp'd, esp if they weren't attacking it. As soon as they start fleeing, cast your sand dart on them and just auto attack until hopefully dead. Lather, rinse repeat. Every the ult's up, a kill should be made. More if possible.

Usually finish my shaman's headdress next which grants a large amount of survivability. If the other team's heavy melee, I usually go vanguard instead. Did they add disassemble-able iron sheilds yet? If so, cool, if not, oh well, it's only 250.

Next is rift shards. They're cheap and easy. Whenever I have an extra 1k lying around I just upgrade it. 3 upgrades (or was it 4?) and you've got a top tier item on the scale of wingbow. Not much else is needed unless you're really raking in the cash, in which I suggest getting assasin's shroud. Damage and survivability.

I've been messing with 250shield and 350trinket as a start and it's alright, but you lose 6 agi (last hitting power and aspd) for regen right away. I usually just get it once I'm in lane since I can't get a courier to start with. I usually do later though 'cause neki shares his robs with me :P

Edit: essentially, I just build him like I would NH since their roles are the same: ganker. Sure, SW carries nicely but that's not where he shines. His slow is one of the best in game and even lets you track invisible units. I got a kill in invis puppet master once 'cause I sand darted him before he went invisible, so the sand just followed him around. :D


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