Jun 8 2009, 7:09 pm
By: Decency  

Jun 8 2009, 7:09 pm Decency Post #1

Team Liquid has completed a project that is almost two years in the making, a StarCraft Strategy Wiki. Debuting with over 400 articles, the size and depth of Liquipedia will only increase as time goes on.

What is most important is that as it is a wiki, users are free to create articles. As long as the content is well written and follows basic guidelines, it will be accepted. This means that all melee map making guides on this site can be transferred to Liquipedia, where they can evolve and be critiqued by the best StarCraft players in the non-Korean community.

I think it would be a huge improvement over any forums if those of you who routinely critique melee maps could compile that information into the wiki for future mapmakers to use. On top of that, you would likely have no problem making a subsection for top foreigner maps and getting them exposure in the foreign melee scene. I highly recommend jumping on board, I definitely see Liquipedia taking off as the biggest StarCraft and StarCraft 2 resource for years to come.

Thanks guys. =)


Jun 8 2009, 7:20 pm Vi3t-X Post #2

The end of all melee StarCraft discussion maybe. :P
You have a typo in your title.


Jun 8 2009, 9:05 pm Decency Post #3

After the melee section is solid, I don't doubt that there will be pages for UMS strategy that spring up.


Jun 9 2009, 3:48 am ClansAreForGays Post #4

Fail for forgetting to post a link.

Jun 9 2009, 7:42 am BeDazed Post #5

The end of all melee StarCraft discussion maybe. :P
You have a typo in your title.
Not exactly, as there will always be new maps.


Jun 9 2009, 10:02 pm Chef Post #6

Guys, please stick to what you know for sure. Fixing typos in liquidpedia is a great service, and articles on UMS and MOD making will be more than appreciated contributions as well. Just please, unless you really know what you're talking about don't spew a lot of crap about melee on liquidpedia. I don't want to hear about what a great combination firebats and wraiths are against protoss.

Have fun, and be kind ^^ This is a community project that's been worked on for a really long time, and we want it to cover a wide variety of topics. Stick to what you know for editing/contributing, and be cautious otherwise.


Jun 10 2009, 7:37 am Decency Post #7

Definitely, it's been a big learning tool for me but I'm trying to do my part by fixing grammar and inconsistencies. That's something (presumably) that anyone can do.


Jun 10 2009, 3:17 pm ClansAreForGays Post #8

Quote from Chef
Guys, please stick to what you know for sure. Fixing typos in liquidpedia is a great service, and articles on UMS and MOD making will be more than appreciated contributions as well. Just please, unless you really know what you're talking about don't spew a lot of crap about melee on liquidpedia. I don't want to hear about what a great combination firebats and wraiths are against protoss.

Have fun, and be kind ^^ This is a community project that's been worked on for a really long time, and we want it to cover a wide variety of topics. Stick to what you know for editing/contributing, and be cautious otherwise.
You're a team liquid staffer?

Jun 10 2009, 5:10 pm Vi3t-X Post #9

Quote from name:FaZ-
After the melee section is solid, I don't doubt that there will be pages for UMS strategy that spring up.
UMS strategy? There are far too many maps to document, while in melee, there are only so few.


Jun 10 2009, 5:40 pm BeDazed Post #10

UMS strategy? There are far too many maps to document, while in melee, there are only so few.
UMS strategy? Such a thing existed?


Jun 10 2009, 8:40 pm Vi3t-X Post #11

I suppose it's map dependant, isn't it?


Jun 10 2009, 8:49 pm Decency Post #12

It doesn't need to be exhaustive to be helpful. There's only a dozen or so types of maps, to be honest. Some may have unique tweaks, but still follow a formula.

There's over 150 melee maps that have been used in ProLeagues, but strategies from some also work well on others.


Jun 11 2009, 3:45 am BeDazed Post #13

Theres a big difference between Proleague and Starleague. And 'unique' tweaks change gameplay radically enough, which Proleague does not accept while Starleague does. Proleague has to stay in a formula, perfection of skills while Starleague emphasizes on perfection of strategy (and perfection of skills).


Jun 12 2009, 5:05 am Decency Post #14

Uh, just no. The majority of the map pool overlaps, and the more "unique" and unformulaic maps recently have been in Proleague, such as Battle Royal and Outsider.


Jun 12 2009, 7:44 am BeDazed Post #15

Well maybe the trend changed a bit, but all the past ones followed that certain formula- and in the past, not alot of maps overlapped each other the same season. I don't know about the recent, since I haven't been so into it lately.


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