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Top Hyped Game Coming Out?
Mar 4 2009, 8:03 am
By: lSHaDoW-FoXl  

Mar 4 2009, 8:03 am lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #1

Ahh yes! The magic of advertising! How it'll always suck us in! It seems if a game series is fucked up, then automatically by the trailers, that is if they are good enough, then our faith will be rekindled. A good example are those sly bastards behind Sega, who seemingly cannot make a good game, but will spawn a trailer that's practically an incarnation of god.

So, what games coming out has your intrigue dear readers? I my self would've said Killzone 2, except it's already out. And sadly Star Wars Battlefront 3 may have been canceled. I must admit though, Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires has me intrigued. Yes, I know what a lot of you are thinking. Dynasty Warriors is an overdone, repetitive, and cliched series. The idea has been basically done to death. The action is mindlessly pushing buttons to beat the shit out of anyone that's an enemy, and you basically are every officers bitch, I'm quite sure we've all grown more then familiar with this quote - "HELP ME! I'm getting my ass kicked by Lu Bu/Sun Ce/Liu Bei/Ma Chao/Bunnies!" Or something close to that at least.

However, I just can't get enough of the damn series! God, I love history! I love unlocking awesome weapons! I love going through ancient battles! And with the failure of the Sixth game, I have hopes that DW6 Empires will redeem it! They'll bring back Jiang Wei (I hope) they'll stop making Xu Zhu so stupid! (Honestly, historically he wasn't that dumb.) and they'll give Zhang He his fucking claws back! (Honestly, they exaggerate too much on Zhang He as well, but why the fuck give him a spear if he talks about poise, grace, and even elegance??)

Now, to make this post shorter, I'm intrigued about DW6: Empires because instead of just going through famous battles, I get to rewrite history! And even when that gets boring, I can have the opportunity to create a character (It's rumored you can make up to 100 characters, and from what I saw the customization was a step forward!)

Now seeing that I've been going on and on about how awesome DW6: Empires will hopefully become (I'm not an optimist, I'm just desperate that they won't fuck up my chance to conquer China.) What games has fellow Sen members hyped up?

tl;dr : I'm looking forward to DW6: Empires. What games are you looking forward to?

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 4 2009, 1:23 pm by isolatedpurity. Reason: tl;dr


Mar 4 2009, 11:18 am InsolubleFluff Post #2

I only own PSP 1000, however I plan to get a 3000 red. Supposedly little big planet will be on PSP this year, so I look forward to that.


Mar 4 2009, 12:07 pm Lt.Church Post #3

GTA:Chinatown wars, because its like the first 2(technically 3) GTA's(1,2,london) which i had uber fun with it was awesome...

Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor... because shin megami tensei games are insanely weird and fun :lol:... ya im sorta lacking a current gen console so all i got to look forward to is the ds =/


Mar 4 2009, 12:25 pm Zycorax Post #4

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

I'd say Starcraft 2. :P

Mar 4 2009, 1:28 pm Forsaken Archer Post #5

How far ahead do we go? Because I've already read about Bioshock 3 and Mass Effect 3 (and if you need the hint, Bioshock 2/Mass Effect 2 isn't near being released yet).
Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Prototype, FFXIII, Two Worlds: The Temptation.
Also, tons of other games I'm at least interested in trying out.

Shadowfox, from now on, every superfluous long ass post you make needs a tl;dr or it'll be deleted.


Mar 4 2009, 4:10 pm Fisty Post #6

Quote from name:isolatedpurity
How far ahead do we go? Because I've already read about Bioshock 3 and Mass Effect 3 (and if you need the hint, Bioshock 2/Mass Effect 2 isn't near being released yet).
Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Prototype, FFXIII, Two Worlds: The Temptation.
Also, tons of other games I'm at least interested in trying out.

Shadowfox, from now on, every superfluous long ass post you make needs a tl;dr or it'll be deleted.
Don't forget starting his posts out with 'Ahhh yes' :P


Mar 4 2009, 8:47 pm ClansAreForGays Post #7

Quote from Zycorax
I'd say Starcraft 2. :P

Mar 4 2009, 10:53 pm BlackWolf99 Post #8

im looking torward for resident evil 5 and bioshock 2.. i loved the first bioshock and the resident evil 4


Mar 4 2009, 11:25 pm Fisty Post #9

Quote from BlackWolf99
im looking torward for resident evil 5 and bioshock 2.. i loved the first bioshock and the resident evil 4
Although those games are so overstuffed with hype it spills out the top, did you even read the topic?
Yeah I read the topic, then I navigated away from it and came back then misread the title as another rate this topic about overhyped games.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 5 2009, 2:33 am by Deathman101.


Mar 4 2009, 11:30 pm chuiu Post #10

Did you?

Starcraft 2, Half-Life 2: Ep3 (turning into Duke Nukem Forever), Wipeout, God of War 3, and some more new franchises I'm getting kinda sick of crappy sequels to great games.


Mar 4 2009, 11:40 pm Centreri Post #11

Relatively ancient and inactive

Starcraft II, Diablo III. Maybe another Civilization, though I never played one yet :P. My list of games played is disastrously tiny.

What's tl;dr?


Mar 5 2009, 12:16 am chuiu Post #12

Too long; didn't read.


Mar 5 2009, 12:45 am Excalibur Post #13

The sword and the faith

Quote from chuiu
Half-Life 2: Ep3 (turning into Duke Nukem Forever),
What's going on with it Chu? I was a bit worried after seeing how long its been.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Mar 5 2009, 12:47 am chuiu Post #14

Valve are paying too much damn attention to TF2 and L4D. I don't think we'll see ep3 till 2010 but I'm hoping this year. :/


Mar 5 2009, 1:50 am Hitok1r1 Post #15

Madworld is a Wii exclusive that I want :O It comes out on the 10th or 11th, I believe.


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